S Carolina cop ambushed, shot multiple times; Thanks Democrats.

Naw, you're wrong.

There are crappy cops, for sure and we should don everything we can to root them out and put them on the unemployment line. But there are also cops who believe in what they're doing, who actually do want to "serve and protect".

At least, I hope there are.

Admittedly, its sometimes hard to see them.

You morons think "serve and protect" means hugging and acting like Andy Griffith. That world is long gone. But pussy cowards like you and the C-FAG idiots wouldnt know that.

You left wingers started this cop hate bullshit. Now that the lunatics are killing cops...you all are trying to walk it back and act like you never did it.

Go drive into a tree. Our country doesnt need your kind any longer.

No, bucs, that world is not long gone.

I live in that world so I know.

You're just looking for reasons for your hate and yet still, not one word from you about that poor cop.

Gotta thank the OP for generously giving credit where it is so well deserved.

They're trying to walk it back. But its too late. That ship sailed.

The left owns this cop hatred bullshit. They stirred up this lie and pushed it. Now..cops are dying and they're half celebrating and half trying to wash their hands of it.

Their kind are dangerous to our nation. The time for civility with them is over.

And there you have it:

Your excuse for being exactly what we're talking about: Feral.

Naw, you're wrong.

There are crappy cops, for sure and we should don everything we can to root them out and put them on the unemployment line. But there are also cops who believe in what they're doing, who actually do want to "serve and protect".

At least, I hope there are.

Admittedly, its sometimes hard to see them.
I know good cops. I have some in my family. They tell me the good ones are few and far between.

I've heard the same thing - that the good cops hate the racist SS scum and wish their departments would get rid of them.

All I know is that its wrong to paint all Blacks with the same racist brush and its just as wrong to paint all cops as brutal racists.

OTOH, I do agree with posting the stories of bad cops. There's no other way to root them out and expose the horrendous damage they are doing to our society.
Thats why I said I dont condemn all cops. Just the dirty feral ones.

For sure, there are "feral" cops who are just bad as the Blacks who kill cops.

At the risk of sounding way too sugary, just as good people come in all colors, so do bad.

I wish we could judge each other as we are instead of the color of our skin or the way we vote.

Sorry dickhead. Trying to sound responsible and reasonable now...its too late. You left wing faggots own this shit. You stirred it up. And now the silent majority is PISSED about this violence against our officers.
Are you trying to see if you can get liberals upset at YOU? Is this another story about YOU? The image is of YOU dancing around the cop as he lays bleeding to death. You have used every recent incident of cops being injured or killed as some kind of feather in YOUR cap.

You are not a cop. You are not their brother.

If any of your "conservative" pals had any integrity, they'd take a minute to put you in your place.
Sad thing is for every cop killed you can point to an incident where the feral bastards have abused their authority, killed, maimed, or generally disrespected the people they are supposed to be protecting.

But ... its the slime that makes the news. Like bucs, they make the most noise. They're the ones we see and hear about.

I'm just plain ole ordinary middle aged, white bread (with some Native American thrown in for spice) so if I get pulled over by a cop, I'm treated with respect and the assumption of innocence.

If I were Black and some asshole like bucs pulled me over, I agree there would be very real reason for stark raving terror.

But, you've still got to find a way, a place in your heart, to give the good guys the benefit of the doubt.
Being Black my reality is different. I see cops as dangerous animals to be avoided until they are proven to be safe.

Yeah.....while you sit there at your computer, all cops are a danger to you. Please......stop trying to shock people with your tough talk.

I get that your reality is different.......when you are actually faced with a less than scrupulous cop. But right here and now....we are discussing human beings who are unknown to you. You are referring to people who you do not know as animals and deserving of being attacked. That's just fucking stupid.

My son is a cop. He isn't an animal. I don't appreciate reading shit like you have written here. If you and Bucs had your way, there'd be an escalation of violence. That's fucked up.


If your son was a cop...you wouldnt have posted the cop hate shit you've posted.

But if he IS...and you do it anyway...then he deserves a FAR better parent than you.

What cop hate shit? Find one word I've ever said about cops that isn't positive. Asshole.

We've gone over this ten times already. You have a shitty memory or you are dense like a log.
Naw, you're wrong.

There are crappy cops, for sure and we should don everything we can to root them out and put them on the unemployment line. But there are also cops who believe in what they're doing, who actually do want to "serve and protect".

At least, I hope there are.

Admittedly, its sometimes hard to see them.
I know good cops. I have some in my family. They tell me the good ones are few and far between.

I've heard the same thing - that the good cops hate the racist SS scum and wish their departments would get rid of them.

All I know is that its wrong to paint all Blacks with the same racist brush and its just as wrong to paint all cops as brutal racists.

OTOH, I do agree with posting the stories of bad cops. There's no other way to root them out and expose the horrendous damage they are doing to our society.
Thats why I said I dont condemn all cops. Just the dirty feral ones.

For sure, there are "feral" cops who are just bad as the Blacks who kill cops.

At the risk of sounding way too sugary, just as good people come in all colors, so do bad.

I wish we could judge each other as we are instead of the color of our skin or the way we vote.

Sorry dickhead. Trying to sound responsible and reasonable now...its too late. You left wing faggots own this shit. You stirred it up. And now the silent majority is PISSED about this violence against our officers.

You are stirring.

Naw, you're wrong.

There are crappy cops, for sure and we should don everything we can to root them out and put them on the unemployment line. But there are also cops who believe in what they're doing, who actually do want to "serve and protect".

At least, I hope there are.

Admittedly, its sometimes hard to see them.
I know good cops. I have some in my family. They tell me the good ones are few and far between.

I've heard the same thing - that the good cops hate the racist SS scum and wish their departments would get rid of them.

All I know is that its wrong to paint all Blacks with the same racist brush and its just as wrong to paint all cops as brutal racists.

OTOH, I do agree with posting the stories of bad cops. There's no other way to root them out and expose the horrendous damage they are doing to our society.
Thats why I said I dont condemn all cops. Just the dirty feral ones.

For sure, there are "feral" cops who are just bad as the Blacks who kill cops.

At the risk of sounding way too sugary, just as good people come in all colors, so do bad.

I wish we could judge each other as we are instead of the color of our skin or the way we vote.
I think the point is that cops are not supposed to be criminals with legal authority to kill you. 1 bad cop is worse than one hundred criminals due to that very fact.

Naw, you're wrong.

There are crappy cops, for sure and we should don everything we can to root them out and put them on the unemployment line. But there are also cops who believe in what they're doing, who actually do want to "serve and protect".

At least, I hope there are.

Admittedly, its sometimes hard to see them.

You morons think "serve and protect" means hugging and acting like Andy Griffith. That world is long gone. But pussy cowards like you and the C-FAG idiots wouldnt know that.

You left wingers started this cop hate bullshit. Now that the lunatics are killing cops...you all are trying to walk it back and act like you never did it.

Go drive into a tree. Our country doesnt need your kind any longer.
No dummy. The dirty cops started this. People are shooting cops because they would rather die than be abused or killed without a fight. "You show respect you get respect". Thats what all the good cops I know say.

No, I don't agree that cops started it. They're a product of their environment just as Blacks are.

I do believe whites started it - way back when they first decided human beings could and should be bought and sold.

And yes, I know that other races did the same. However, that's not a good excuse for what whites did.
Of course the cops started it. No one was shooting cops until the Panthers said "fuck this" and started protecting their communities.

Naw, you're wrong.

There are crappy cops, for sure and we should don everything we can to root them out and put them on the unemployment line. But there are also cops who believe in what they're doing, who actually do want to "serve and protect".

At least, I hope there are.

Admittedly, its sometimes hard to see them.

You morons think "serve and protect" means hugging and acting like Andy Griffith. That world is long gone. But pussy cowards like you and the C-FAG idiots wouldnt know that.

You left wingers started this cop hate bullshit. Now that the lunatics are killing cops...you all are trying to walk it back and act like you never did it.

Go drive into a tree. Our country doesnt need your kind any longer.

No, bucs, that world is not long gone.

I live in that world so I know.

You're just looking for reasons for your hate and yet still, not one word from you about that poor cop.

Gotta thank the OP for generously giving credit where it is so well deserved.

They're trying to walk it back. But its too late. That ship sailed.

The left owns this cop hatred bullshit. They stirred up this lie and pushed it. Now..cops are dying and they're half celebrating and half trying to wash their hands of it.

Their kind are dangerous to our nation. The time for civility with them is over.

And there you have it:

Your excuse for being exactly what we're talking about: Feral.

Hahahaha!!! You have no clue about the world around you. You live in a bubble of relative comfort and safety....provided by the military and police.

That conversation is so absurd its not even worth having. The average person is absolutely clueless about the real world surrounding them. You included. You have no clue the number of dangerous people....or the severity of how dangerous they COULD be....all around your cities. But...cops keep them in check here. Military does it overseas.

All so you can sit in your bubble claiming you know the real world. Its like a 13 year old saying he knows what life is all about.
Berkeley County deputy who was shot is in critical condition - Post and Courier

Another hero down. Cop was in front of a gas station chatting with a citizen. Masked gunman ambusbed him...shot multiple times in back. Then carjacked someone and fled.

All you liberals can celebrate. Another one down. This is on all of you.

Are you trying to see if you can get liberals upset at YOU? Is this another story about YOU? The image is of YOU dancing around the cop as he lays bleeding to death. You have used every recent incident of cops being injured or killed as some kind of feather in YOUR cap.

You are not a cop. You are not their brother.

If any of your "conservative" pals had any integrity, they'd take a minute to put you in your place.
Sad thing is for every cop killed you can point to an incident where the feral bastards have abused their authority, killed, maimed, or generally disrespected the people they are supposed to be protecting.

But ... its the slime that makes the news. Like bucs, they make the most noise. They're the ones we see and hear about.

I'm just plain ole ordinary middle aged, white bread (with some Native American thrown in for spice) so if I get pulled over by a cop, I'm treated with respect and the assumption of innocence.

If I were Black and some asshole like bucs pulled me over, I agree there would be very real reason for stark raving terror.

But, you've still got to find a way, a place in your heart, to give the good guys the benefit of the doubt.
Being Black my reality is different. I see cops as dangerous animals to be avoided until they are proven to be safe.

Yeah.....while you sit there at your computer, all cops are a danger to you. Please......stop trying to shock people with your tough talk.

I get that your reality is different.......when you are actually faced with a less than scrupulous cop. But right here and now....we are discussing human beings who are unknown to you. You are referring to people who you do not know as animals and deserving of being attacked. That's just fucking stupid.

My son is a cop. He isn't an animal. I don't appreciate reading shit like you have written here. If you and Bucs had your way, there'd be an escalation of violence. That's fucked up.

This is what we get.

Your son being judged by his uniform, or at least the perception of that.

As long as we keep judging each other by the way we look, this will go on, escalate, more deaths, more heartache.

I don't blame you a bit for feeling protective and angry and fearful for him. His reality is different as well.

You know what I can never get past - That every single day, he puts his life on the line. He has no way of knowing what crazy fool he will pull over for a minor traffic infraction and end up dead for. None of us can truly appreciate what that must be like for all law enforcement. And we never really give them credit for all the good they dog.

I hope your son is safe and that he comes home, every night, to his family and peace and lives to do it again tomorrow.

Naw, you're wrong.

There are crappy cops, for sure and we should don everything we can to root them out and put them on the unemployment line. But there are also cops who believe in what they're doing, who actually do want to "serve and protect".

At least, I hope there are.

Admittedly, its sometimes hard to see them.

You morons think "serve and protect" means hugging and acting like Andy Griffith. That world is long gone. But pussy cowards like you and the C-FAG idiots wouldnt know that.

You left wingers started this cop hate bullshit. Now that the lunatics are killing cops...you all are trying to walk it back and act like you never did it.

Go drive into a tree. Our country doesnt need your kind any longer.

No, bucs, that world is not long gone.

I live in that world so I know.

You're just looking for reasons for your hate and yet still, not one word from you about that poor cop.

Gotta thank the OP for generously giving credit where it is so well deserved.

They're trying to walk it back. But its too late. That ship sailed.

The left owns this cop hatred bullshit. They stirred up this lie and pushed it. Now..cops are dying and they're half celebrating and half trying to wash their hands of it.

Their kind are dangerous to our nation. The time for civility with them is over.

And there you have it:

Your excuse for being exactly what we're talking about: Feral.

Hahahaha!!! You have no clue about the world around you. You live in a bubble of relative comfort and safety....provided by the military and police.

That conversation is so absurd its not even worth having. The average person is absolutely clueless about the real world surrounding them. You included. You have no clue the number of dangerous people....or the severity of how dangerous they COULD be....all around your cities. But...cops keep them in check here. Military does it overseas.

All so you can sit in your bubble claiming you know the real world. Its like a 13 year old saying he knows what life is all about.
This is the feral animal thinking I was pointing out. Everyone deemed "dangerous" is kept "in check". Guess who they think are the dangerous people?
I took this pic at an antique shop.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are you trying to see if you can get liberals upset at YOU? Is this another story about YOU? The image is of YOU dancing around the cop as he lays bleeding to death. You have used every recent incident of cops being injured or killed as some kind of feather in YOUR cap.

You are not a cop. You are not their brother.

If any of your "conservative" pals had any integrity, they'd take a minute to put you in your place.
Sad thing is for every cop killed you can point to an incident where the feral bastards have abused their authority, killed, maimed, or generally disrespected the people they are supposed to be protecting.

But ... its the slime that makes the news. Like bucs, they make the most noise. They're the ones we see and hear about.

I'm just plain ole ordinary middle aged, white bread (with some Native American thrown in for spice) so if I get pulled over by a cop, I'm treated with respect and the assumption of innocence.

If I were Black and some asshole like bucs pulled me over, I agree there would be very real reason for stark raving terror.

But, you've still got to find a way, a place in your heart, to give the good guys the benefit of the doubt.
Being Black my reality is different. I see cops as dangerous animals to be avoided until they are proven to be safe.

Yeah.....while you sit there at your computer, all cops are a danger to you. Please......stop trying to shock people with your tough talk.

I get that your reality is different.......when you are actually faced with a less than scrupulous cop. But right here and now....we are discussing human beings who are unknown to you. You are referring to people who you do not know as animals and deserving of being attacked. That's just fucking stupid.

My son is a cop. He isn't an animal. I don't appreciate reading shit like you have written here. If you and Bucs had your way, there'd be an escalation of violence. That's fucked up.

This is what we get.

Your son being judged by his uniform, or at least the perception of that.

As long as we keep judging each other by the way we look, this will go on, escalate, more deaths, more heartache.

I don't blame you a bit for feeling protective and angry and fearful for him. His reality is different as well.

You know what I can never get past - That every single day, he puts his life on the line. He has no way of knowing what crazy fool he will pull over for a minor traffic infraction and end up dead for. None of us can truly appreciate what that must be like for all law enforcement. And we never really give them credit for all the good they dog.

I hope your son is safe and that he comes home, every night, to his family and peace and lives to do it again tomorrow.

You're a sorry piece of shit you know that?

You partook in the cop smearing over the last year. Obama your savior led it.

Now...blood is spilling and you're trying to walk it back.

Too late. Karma will set it right.
Berkeley County deputy who was shot is in critical condition - Post and Courier

Another hero down. Cop was in front of a gas station chatting with a citizen. Masked gunman ambusbed him...shot multiple times in back. Then carjacked someone and fled.

All you liberals can celebrate. Another one down. This is on all of you.

Are you trying to see if you can get liberals upset at YOU? Is this another story about YOU? The image is of YOU dancing around the cop as he lays bleeding to death. You have used every recent incident of cops being injured or killed as some kind of feather in YOUR cap.

You are not a cop. You are not their brother.

If any of your "conservative" pals had any integrity, they'd take a minute to put you in your place.
Sad thing is for every cop killed you can point to an incident where the feral bastards have abused their authority, killed, maimed, or generally disrespected the people they are supposed to be protecting.
You're making up lies now. Probably based on your own experience growing up in the hood.
Why would I lie about growing up in the hood? I wear that with a badge of honor. I was one of the lucky ones that made it inspite of that.
Sad thing is for every cop killed you can point to an incident where the feral bastards have abused their authority, killed, maimed, or generally disrespected the people they are supposed to be protecting.

But ... its the slime that makes the news. Like bucs, they make the most noise. They're the ones we see and hear about.

I'm just plain ole ordinary middle aged, white bread (with some Native American thrown in for spice) so if I get pulled over by a cop, I'm treated with respect and the assumption of innocence.

If I were Black and some asshole like bucs pulled me over, I agree there would be very real reason for stark raving terror.

But, you've still got to find a way, a place in your heart, to give the good guys the benefit of the doubt.
Being Black my reality is different. I see cops as dangerous animals to be avoided until they are proven to be safe.

Yeah.....while you sit there at your computer, all cops are a danger to you. Please......stop trying to shock people with your tough talk.

I get that your reality is different.......when you are actually faced with a less than scrupulous cop. But right here and now....we are discussing human beings who are unknown to you. You are referring to people who you do not know as animals and deserving of being attacked. That's just fucking stupid.

My son is a cop. He isn't an animal. I don't appreciate reading shit like you have written here. If you and Bucs had your way, there'd be an escalation of violence. That's fucked up.

This is what we get.

Your son being judged by his uniform, or at least the perception of that.

As long as we keep judging each other by the way we look, this will go on, escalate, more deaths, more heartache.

I don't blame you a bit for feeling protective and angry and fearful for him. His reality is different as well.

You know what I can never get past - That every single day, he puts his life on the line. He has no way of knowing what crazy fool he will pull over for a minor traffic infraction and end up dead for. None of us can truly appreciate what that must be like for all law enforcement. And we never really give them credit for all the good they dog.

I hope your son is safe and that he comes home, every night, to his family and peace and lives to do it again tomorrow.

You're a sorry piece of shit you know that?

You partook in the cop smearing over the last year. Obama your savior led it.

Now...blood is spilling and you're trying to walk it back.

Too late. Karma will set it right.
So karma is why this cop got shot? Thats what I thought too.

Naw, you're wrong.

There are crappy cops, for sure and we should don everything we can to root them out and put them on the unemployment line. But there are also cops who believe in what they're doing, who actually do want to "serve and protect".

At least, I hope there are.

Admittedly, its sometimes hard to see them.

You morons think "serve and protect" means hugging and acting like Andy Griffith. That world is long gone. But pussy cowards like you and the C-FAG idiots wouldnt know that.

You left wingers started this cop hate bullshit. Now that the lunatics are killing cops...you all are trying to walk it back and act like you never did it.

Go drive into a tree. Our country doesnt need your kind any longer.

No, bucs, that world is not long gone.

I live in that world so I know.

You're just looking for reasons for your hate and yet still, not one word from you about that poor cop.

Gotta thank the OP for generously giving credit where it is so well deserved.

They're trying to walk it back. But its too late. That ship sailed.

The left owns this cop hatred bullshit. They stirred up this lie and pushed it. Now..cops are dying and they're half celebrating and half trying to wash their hands of it.

Their kind are dangerous to our nation. The time for civility with them is over.

And there you have it:

Your excuse for being exactly what we're talking about: Feral.

Hahahaha!!! You have no clue about the world around you. You live in a bubble of relative comfort and safety....provided by the military and police.

That conversation is so absurd its not even worth having. The average person is absolutely clueless about the real world surrounding them. You included. You have no clue the number of dangerous people....or the severity of how dangerous they COULD be....all around your cities. But...cops keep them in check here. Military does it overseas.

All so you can sit in your bubble claiming you know the real world. Its like a 13 year old saying he knows what life is all about.

A conversation not worth having?

So what? You just pistol whip people instead?

All you do here is brainlessly blame Dems and Blacks and women and Hispanic and everyone who isn't you.

And bucs, you have NO idea of what I know about the dangers of the real world. Absolutely none.
Sad thing is for every cop killed you can point to an incident where the feral bastards have abused their authority, killed, maimed, or generally disrespected the people they are supposed to be protecting.

But ... its the slime that makes the news. Like bucs, they make the most noise. They're the ones we see and hear about.

I'm just plain ole ordinary middle aged, white bread (with some Native American thrown in for spice) so if I get pulled over by a cop, I'm treated with respect and the assumption of innocence.

If I were Black and some asshole like bucs pulled me over, I agree there would be very real reason for stark raving terror.

But, you've still got to find a way, a place in your heart, to give the good guys the benefit of the doubt.
Being Black my reality is different. I see cops as dangerous animals to be avoided until they are proven to be safe.

Yeah.....while you sit there at your computer, all cops are a danger to you. Please......stop trying to shock people with your tough talk.

I get that your reality is different.......when you are actually faced with a less than scrupulous cop. But right here and now....we are discussing human beings who are unknown to you. You are referring to people who you do not know as animals and deserving of being attacked. That's just fucking stupid.

My son is a cop. He isn't an animal. I don't appreciate reading shit like you have written here. If you and Bucs had your way, there'd be an escalation of violence. That's fucked up.

This is what we get.

Your son being judged by his uniform, or at least the perception of that.

As long as we keep judging each other by the way we look, this will go on, escalate, more deaths, more heartache.

I don't blame you a bit for feeling protective and angry and fearful for him. His reality is different as well.

You know what I can never get past - That every single day, he puts his life on the line. He has no way of knowing what crazy fool he will pull over for a minor traffic infraction and end up dead for. None of us can truly appreciate what that must be like for all law enforcement. And we never really give them credit for all the good they dog.

I hope your son is safe and that he comes home, every night, to his family and peace and lives to do it again tomorrow.

You're a sorry piece of shit you know that?

You partook in the cop smearing over the last year. Obama your savior led it.

Now...blood is spilling and you're trying to walk it back.

Too late. Karma will set it right.

What do you mean......karma will set it right? How about some details?
But ... its the slime that makes the news. Like bucs, they make the most noise. They're the ones we see and hear about.

I'm just plain ole ordinary middle aged, white bread (with some Native American thrown in for spice) so if I get pulled over by a cop, I'm treated with respect and the assumption of innocence.

If I were Black and some asshole like bucs pulled me over, I agree there would be very real reason for stark raving terror.

But, you've still got to find a way, a place in your heart, to give the good guys the benefit of the doubt.
Being Black my reality is different. I see cops as dangerous animals to be avoided until they are proven to be safe.

Yeah.....while you sit there at your computer, all cops are a danger to you. Please......stop trying to shock people with your tough talk.

I get that your reality is different.......when you are actually faced with a less than scrupulous cop. But right here and now....we are discussing human beings who are unknown to you. You are referring to people who you do not know as animals and deserving of being attacked. That's just fucking stupid.

My son is a cop. He isn't an animal. I don't appreciate reading shit like you have written here. If you and Bucs had your way, there'd be an escalation of violence. That's fucked up.

This is what we get.

Your son being judged by his uniform, or at least the perception of that.

As long as we keep judging each other by the way we look, this will go on, escalate, more deaths, more heartache.

I don't blame you a bit for feeling protective and angry and fearful for him. His reality is different as well.

You know what I can never get past - That every single day, he puts his life on the line. He has no way of knowing what crazy fool he will pull over for a minor traffic infraction and end up dead for. None of us can truly appreciate what that must be like for all law enforcement. And we never really give them credit for all the good they dog.

I hope your son is safe and that he comes home, every night, to his family and peace and lives to do it again tomorrow.

You're a sorry piece of shit you know that?

You partook in the cop smearing over the last year. Obama your savior led it.

Now...blood is spilling and you're trying to walk it back.

Too late. Karma will set it right.

What do you mean......karma will set it right? How about some details?

Easy. Karma is real. People like you reap what you sow in time.
Being Black my reality is different. I see cops as dangerous animals to be avoided until they are proven to be safe.

Yeah.....while you sit there at your computer, all cops are a danger to you. Please......stop trying to shock people with your tough talk.

I get that your reality is different.......when you are actually faced with a less than scrupulous cop. But right here and now....we are discussing human beings who are unknown to you. You are referring to people who you do not know as animals and deserving of being attacked. That's just fucking stupid.

My son is a cop. He isn't an animal. I don't appreciate reading shit like you have written here. If you and Bucs had your way, there'd be an escalation of violence. That's fucked up.

This is what we get.

Your son being judged by his uniform, or at least the perception of that.

As long as we keep judging each other by the way we look, this will go on, escalate, more deaths, more heartache.

I don't blame you a bit for feeling protective and angry and fearful for him. His reality is different as well.

You know what I can never get past - That every single day, he puts his life on the line. He has no way of knowing what crazy fool he will pull over for a minor traffic infraction and end up dead for. None of us can truly appreciate what that must be like for all law enforcement. And we never really give them credit for all the good they dog.

I hope your son is safe and that he comes home, every night, to his family and peace and lives to do it again tomorrow.

You're a sorry piece of shit you know that?

You partook in the cop smearing over the last year. Obama your savior led it.

Now...blood is spilling and you're trying to walk it back.

Too late. Karma will set it right.

What do you mean......karma will set it right? How about some details?

Easy. Karma is real. People like you reap what you sow in time.
Did the cop reap what he sowed?
Being Black my reality is different. I see cops as dangerous animals to be avoided until they are proven to be safe.

Yeah.....while you sit there at your computer, all cops are a danger to you. Please......stop trying to shock people with your tough talk.

I get that your reality is different.......when you are actually faced with a less than scrupulous cop. But right here and now....we are discussing human beings who are unknown to you. You are referring to people who you do not know as animals and deserving of being attacked. That's just fucking stupid.

My son is a cop. He isn't an animal. I don't appreciate reading shit like you have written here. If you and Bucs had your way, there'd be an escalation of violence. That's fucked up.

This is what we get.

Your son being judged by his uniform, or at least the perception of that.

As long as we keep judging each other by the way we look, this will go on, escalate, more deaths, more heartache.

I don't blame you a bit for feeling protective and angry and fearful for him. His reality is different as well.

You know what I can never get past - That every single day, he puts his life on the line. He has no way of knowing what crazy fool he will pull over for a minor traffic infraction and end up dead for. None of us can truly appreciate what that must be like for all law enforcement. And we never really give them credit for all the good they dog.

I hope your son is safe and that he comes home, every night, to his family and peace and lives to do it again tomorrow.

You're a sorry piece of shit you know that?

You partook in the cop smearing over the last year. Obama your savior led it.

Now...blood is spilling and you're trying to walk it back.

Too late. Karma will set it right.

What do you mean......karma will set it right? How about some details?

Easy. Karma is real. People like you reap what you sow in time.

I'm looking for some specifics, dummy. It sounds like you are saying that cops are going to start killing liberals or something. Is that close?
Yeah.....while you sit there at your computer, all cops are a danger to you. Please......stop trying to shock people with your tough talk.

I get that your reality is different.......when you are actually faced with a less than scrupulous cop. But right here and now....we are discussing human beings who are unknown to you. You are referring to people who you do not know as animals and deserving of being attacked. That's just fucking stupid.

My son is a cop. He isn't an animal. I don't appreciate reading shit like you have written here. If you and Bucs had your way, there'd be an escalation of violence. That's fucked up.

This is what we get.

Your son being judged by his uniform, or at least the perception of that.

As long as we keep judging each other by the way we look, this will go on, escalate, more deaths, more heartache.

I don't blame you a bit for feeling protective and angry and fearful for him. His reality is different as well.

You know what I can never get past - That every single day, he puts his life on the line. He has no way of knowing what crazy fool he will pull over for a minor traffic infraction and end up dead for. None of us can truly appreciate what that must be like for all law enforcement. And we never really give them credit for all the good they dog.

I hope your son is safe and that he comes home, every night, to his family and peace and lives to do it again tomorrow.

You're a sorry piece of shit you know that?

You partook in the cop smearing over the last year. Obama your savior led it.

Now...blood is spilling and you're trying to walk it back.

Too late. Karma will set it right.

What do you mean......karma will set it right? How about some details?

Easy. Karma is real. People like you reap what you sow in time.
Did the cop reap what he sowed?

There's no way to know if he was a good cop or not but no one deserves to be gunned down like that.

Not a Black civilian and not a cop.

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