S**t Is Gettin' Real

While everyone is sitting at home, the Federal Reserve is going to have a pretend economy.

"While you were out, we printed a few trillion dollars. You're welcome!"
In walks stupid.

But I'm not sure there's a danger in the fed temporarily bucking up any specific market by buying index avged funds. But at some point, they have to be left to find their own price. Right now, no one knows how long social distancing will shut down service businesses and where it will have to be imposed. Right now, no one knows what will happen in Europe. So, investors have to make decisions on emotions and speculate without solid facts.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!

Give it a few minutes, I'm sure you'll figure out how to spin it into Trump is bad.
Well that just goes without saying. Everyone knows Drumpfs a fuck up.
Trump has to play by the rules of the central bank. And the rules are there for the political class to hang themselves. For decade after decade after decade we have spent much more then we should. Just the interest on the national debt today is about 500 billion dollars a year I believe. Imagine if the prime rate is where it should be, in double digits. The interest debt payment alone would be massively more then the whole federal budget is today. Ideally there should be just a bit more currency in circulation then the whole GNP. We have not seen that for many many years. That is why we are not told that amount above the yearly national product of our country anymore. Trump knows more about the federal reserve then many political lifers. He is a businessman. The federal reserve has destroyed politicians when they tightened at certain times in history. Especially when they are elected promising the goodies like many have done for a very long time.

The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!

Give it a few minutes, I'm sure you'll figure out how to spin it into Trump is bad.
Well that just goes without saying. Everyone knows Drumpfs a fuck up.
Trump has to play by the rules of the central bank. And the rules are there for the political class to hang themselves. For decade after decade after decade we have spent much more then we should. Just the interest on the national debt today is about 500 billion dollars a year I believe. Imagine if the prime rate is where it should be, in double digits. The interest debt payment alone would be massively more then the whole federal budget is today. Ideally there should be just a bit more currency in circulation then the whole GNP. We have not seen that for many many years. That is why we are not told that amount above the yearly national product of our country anymore. Trump knows more about the federal reserve then many political lifers. He is a businessman. The federal reserve has destroyed politicians when they tightened at certain times in history. Especially when they are elected promising the goodies like many have done for a very long time.


The Federal Reserve on Monday announced a fresh round of stimulus designed to calm markets and buffer the hit to the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. Among other steps, the Fed said it would buy exchange-traded funds that track the corporate bond market, a first for the U.S. central bank.

“This will provide much-needed liquidity to the bond market and to ETFs,” said Todd Rosenbluth, head of ETF and mutual fund research at CFRA.

I don't know. This does not smell good at all.

The Fed has just become a day trader!

Give it a few minutes, I'm sure you'll figure out how to spin it into Trump is bad.
Well that just goes without saying. Everyone knows Drumpfs a fuck up.
Trump has to play by the rules of the central bank. And the rules are there for the political class to hang themselves. For decade after decade after decade we have spent much more then we should. Just the interest on the national debt today is about 500 billion dollars a year I believe. Imagine if the prime rate is where it should be, in double digits. The interest debt payment alone would be massively more then the whole federal budget is today. Ideally there should be just a bit more currency in circulation then the whole GNP. We have not seen that for many many years. That is why we are not told that amount above the yearly national product of our country anymore. Trump knows more about the federal reserve then many political lifers. He is a businessman. The federal reserve has destroyed politicians when they tightened at certain times in history. Especially when they are elected promising the goodies like many have done for a very long time.
Heres the point though. If I need someone to run my business then I hire a proven and successful businessman. If I need someone to be a leader of a country I would never hire a person like Drumpf.
The Federal Reserve is buying ETFs at bargain basement prices. When the economy gets going again, they will sell them for a YUGE profit. Profit which will be turned over to the US Treasury.

And they are now deciding just how far underground that basement is.
The Federal Reserve is buying ETFs at bargain basement prices. When the economy gets going again, they will sell them for a YUGE profit. Profit which will be turned over to the US Treasury.

You know the fed is not the U.S. government, right? It's a group of private entities. So, they are just going to turn it over, right?

The Federal Reserve is buying ETFs at bargain basement prices. When the economy gets going again, they will sell them for a YUGE profit. Profit which will be turned over to the US Treasury.

You know the fed is not the U.S. government, right? It's a group of private entities. So, they are just going to turn it over, right?

What? I'm not sure I'd call the fed reserve banks and bd of governors "private individuals," because they are part of the Fed Reserve System. But more importantly, do you realize that what the Feds been up to is buying bonds through the banking system and its ability to increase funds in the banks. And in QE it then sold the bonds and turned the profit over to the treasury.

More recently it just bought US debt so we didn't have to raise rates to find "real" buyers.
While everyone is sitting at home, the Federal Reserve is going to have a pretend economy.

that i get, albeit the specifics are a tad fuzzy to me...

You know the fed is not the U.S. government, right? It's a group of private entities. So, they are just going to turn it over, right?

that i also get Boots , although it took quite a long time for me to realize it

The Markets have been propped up from Bush 2 on. The bubble i going to burst and it will not be good. Don't even tart with the partisan trah, they have ALL done this to us.
The Federal Reserve is buying ETFs at bargain basement prices. When the economy gets going again, they will sell them for a YUGE profit. Profit which will be turned over to the US Treasury.

You know the fed is not the U.S. government, right? It's a group of private entities. So, they are just going to turn it over, right?

You are telling me that you don't know the Fed turns over all its profits, minus operating expenses, to the US Treasury?

They are required. By law. And you don't know this?

You are telling me that you don't know the Fed turns over all its profits to the US Treasury?

They are. By law. And you don't know this?

How would you EVER know that they did? When is the last time The Fed was audited?



I'll wait for your response.


In addition, the Reserve Banks are subject to annual examination by the Board. The Board's financial statements and the combined financial statements for the Reserve Banks are published in the Board's Annual Report.
You are telling me that you don't know the Fed turns over all its profits to the US Treasury?

They are. By law. And you don't know this?

How would you EVER know that they did? When is the last time The Fed was audited?



I'll wait for your response.


appears to me, you have the fed and trump all confused-

is the fat sob STILL under audit ?




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