Sabotage: Democrats: Why a Vote for Trump is a Vote for Hillary..

I'm a Trump supporter and I:

  • Got that way by getting mad at protestors at Trump's rallies.

  • Got that way because I found out Obama doesn't like Trump.

  • Got that way because I just trust Donald Trump no matter what.

  • I'm not a Trump supporter but I think it's funny that people are.

  • I'm not a Trump supporter but I'm alarmed that people are.

  • Other

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The choice is Trump (will lose against Hillary), Cruz (will lose against Hillary) or Kasich (will win against Hillary).

Choose accordingly.
To talk about who will lose the November election in April is ludicrous. Hillary may be in prison. She has had it very easy up to now. She also hasn't had anybody challenge her on the damage to national security she's done. Trump will fry her on that. Forget the silly polls you see now. This is like the first 2 minutes of a football game. Don't go betting any money on Hillary.

Or Trump could be in prison.

Or Cruz may have flown to Cuba to become the new President of Cuba.

Sure anything is possible.

The fun right now is watching the GOP devour itself.

Best Primary Ever.
Right, once he lost, he whined, that's what I said.

As for the delegate claim, I've asked how anyone knows that video was a delegate. Who took him out? How did they do that? What was the rule? How did they even know he was a Trump supporter? His story was they didn't let him in, he didn't even vote? How does he know it was over Trump? For all we know, he was arrested for being a pedophile. I've seen no analysis or specific information. All I saw was a guy who made a claim and was pissed off.

So far when I've asked any of you Trumpettes who repeated his claim, all I got to those questions was crickets. So, you're up next, shoot ...
Who gives a damn about some one particular guy ? Forget that. Let's not get away from the core issue here. Either we have a tiny group of selfish power grabbers running "our" presidential elections, or WE are running them by the VOTING PROCESS. Simple as that.
Right, once he lost, he whined, that's what I said.

As for the delegate claim, I've asked how anyone knows that video was a delegate. Who took him out? How did they do that? What was the rule? How did they even know he was a Trump supporter? His story was they didn't let him in, he didn't even vote? How does he know it was over Trump? For all we know, he was arrested for being a pedophile. I've seen no analysis or specific information. All I saw was a guy who made a claim and was pissed off.

So far when I've asked any of you Trumpettes who repeated his claim, all I got to those questions was crickets. So, you're up next, shoot ...
Who gives a damn about some one particular guy ? Forget that. Let's not get away from the core issue here. Either we have a tiny group of selfish power grabbers running "our" presidential elections, or WE are running them by the VOTING PROCESS. Simple as that.

My question was how we know what actually happened. All you said is it doesn't matter, let's just assume it did. Pass
But Trump can't beat Hillary. I myself would vote for Hillary over Trump. Hundreds of thousands of conservatives would just stay home before they stomached putting a borderline personality in the Whitehouse. There's would be a "stay at home Hillary vote" by default...the lesser of two evils.

Kasich is like superman. He could save the day if the Canadian issue with Cruz knocked him out now. The longer they wait on this, the worse it will be for the chaos nearing June for the GOP. I suspect Carl Rove behind the decision to still cling onto the idea of one of their puppets somehow...somehow...somehow! getting the nod. Anything but Kasich.

How many elections will the GOP lose to Mr. Rove's expert opinions..?
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. First of all, Hillary may be in prison by the time November rolls around, and secondly, she's got so much closet-skeleton baggage, she couldn't be elected dogcatcher. Anybody could beat her. What in the world ever gave you the idea that "Trump can't beat Hillary" ?
What a crazy thing to say. Is this some more of that nutjob liberal yammering we hear on MSNBC ? Yuk.

PS - when you call Hillary the "lesser of two evils" over Trump, that shows you have NO IDEA what you're talking about. NONE.
LOL......since last summer I have said very clearly I hope that the GOP nominates Trump.

Because that would ensure the election of a Democrat for President.

Trump doesn't scare me- he would be a horrible President but he is the most liberal of the GOP candidates, and no conservative at all. Cruz rather scares me, because he is such an ideologue but he is going nowhere.

Kasich would be viable opponent to Clinton- but the GOP are not going with rational or viable this year.
Trump is liberal ? You obviously have no clue.
1. Trump supports mass deportation of illegal aliens.
2. He supports documenting all American Muslims.
3. He support banning Muslim immigration.
4. He supporting rebuilding the military back up/
5. He supports militarization of police departments.
6. He supports abolishing gun-free zones.
7. He supports nationwide CCW.
8. He proposes the lowest taxes in 85 years (lower than the 1988 Reagan cut)
9. He is pro-life.
10. He support defunding Planned Parenthood.
11. He supports the extermination of ISIS.
12. He supports protectionist tariffs on imports (a Conservative position,not a liberal one)
13. He supports reform of the VA.
14. He supports eliminating govt waste & fraud.
15. He opposes business overregualtion.
16. He supports assault weapons & American owning whatever guns they wish.
17. He is a life-long member of the NRA.
18. He opposes Sanctuary Cities and birthright citizenship.
19. He supports the Keystone Pipeline.
20. He opposes Obama's cap & trade policy.
There's plenty more, but my fingers are starting to hurt.

PS - Trump will slaughter any Democrat dumb enough to run against him.
Or Trump could be in prison.

Or Cruz may have flown to Cuba to become the new President of Cuba.

Sure anything is possible.

The fun right now is watching the GOP devour itself.

Best Primary Ever.
Why/How would Trump be in prison ?
Hillary is the one who has permanently damaged national security by opening up top secret SAPs to the whole world ( a treasonous offense), not Trump.

And yes, I am enjoying seeing the GP disintegrate, and after this election they, and all their pitiful RINOs will get jobs bagging groceries.
LOL......since last summer I have said very clearly I hope that the GOP nominates Trump.

Because that would ensure the election of a Democrat for President.

Trump doesn't scare me- he would be a horrible President but he is the most liberal of the GOP candidates, and no conservative at all. Cruz rather scares me, because he is such an ideologue but he is going nowhere.

Kasich would be viable opponent to Clinton- but the GOP are not going with rational or viable this year.
Trump is liberal ? You obviously have no clue.
1. Trump supports mass deportation of illegal aliens.
2. He supports documenting all American Muslims.
3. He support banning Muslim immigration.
4. He supporting rebuilding the military back up/
5. He supports militarization of police departments.
6. He supports abolishing gun-free zones.
7. He supports nationwide CCW.
8. He proposes the lowest taxes in 85 years (lower than the 1988 Reagan cut)
9. He is pro-life.
10. He support defunding Planned Parenthood.
11. He supports the extermination of ISIS.
12. He supports protectionist tariffs on imports (a Conservative position,not a liberal one)
13. He supports reform of the VA.
14. He supports eliminating govt waste & fraud.
15. He opposes business overregualtion.
16. He supports assault weapons & American owning whatever guns they wish.
17. He is a life-long member of the NRA.
18. He opposes Sanctuary Cities and birthright citizenship.
19. He supports the Keystone Pipeline.
20. He opposes Obama's cap & trade policy.
There's plenty more, but my fingers are starting to hurt.

PS - Trump will slaughter any Democrat dumb enough to run against him.


He does say all of those things.

And you people believe it.
Or Trump could be in prison.

Or Cruz may have flown to Cuba to become the new President of Cuba.

Sure anything is possible.

The fun right now is watching the GOP devour itself.

Best Primary Ever.
Why/How would Trump be in prison ?
Hillary is the one who has permanently damaged national security by opening up top secret SAPs to the whole world ( a treasonous offense), not Trump.

And yes, I am enjoying seeing the GP disintegrate, and after this election they, and all their pitiful RINOs will get jobs bagging groceries.

Oh Trump could be in prison for fraud or child endangerment or foreign corrupt practices act violations or illegal arms sales or molesting maids.

I am just enjoying throwing out wild claims like you are.
My question was how we know what actually happened. All you said is it doesn't matter, let's just assume it did. Pass
Your question is a minor deflection from one of the most important issues in American history. Determination of candidates for the US presidency.
Oh Trump could be in prison for fraud or child endangerment or foreign corrupt practices act violations or illegal arms sales or molesting maids.

I am just enjoying throwing out wild claims like you are.
I'm not throwing out any wild anything, and YOU KNOW it. Who is being investigated by the FBI ? Trump or Hillary ? So you don't take it seriously. OK. Well, you can AFFORD to not take it seriously. You're not the one going up against the FBI.

He does say all of those things.

And you people believe it.
No one who claims Trump is lying has produced one shred of evidence to base that on. You think you have some ? If so, let's hear it. And if Trump was a liberal, then he could have run for the Democratic nomination (like Bernie), couldn't he ? But he didn't.
For years conservatives have railed against the corruptocracy that billionaires have created through buying Congress critters and presidents.

Now "conservatives" are clinging to a cult of personality that tells them fantastic stories about walls and greatness, while completely ignoring the fact he has bragged about being one of the billionaires that created the system we detest.
No one who claims Trump is lying has produced one shred of evidence to base that on. You think you have some ? If so, let's hear it. And if Trump was a liberal, then he could have run for the Democratic nomination (like Bernie), couldn't he ? But he didn't.

If not for the popular disgust with the democrook party I have no doubt he would have. He has been on both sides of every issue. If he is nominated the democrooks win.


A vote for Trump is a vote for Trump.
He won't win. So a vote for Trump is actually a vote for Hillary. The only functional thing a Trump run for presidency will accomplish is the defeat of the GOP and the near complete destruction of their brand.

"The Art of the Deal" says the Clinton/Reid donator Trump. Mission accomplished... Wonder how much Soros offered him to do it?
He won't win. So a vote for Trump is actually a vote for Hillary. The only functional thing a Trump run for presidency will accomplish is the defeat of the GOP and the near complete destruction of their brand.

"The Art of the Deal" says the Clinton/Reid donator Trump. Mission accomplished... Wonder how much Soros offered him to do it?

You are a lying schill.
For years conservatives have railed against the corruptocracy that billionaires have created through buying Congress critters and presidents.

Now "conservatives" are clinging to a cult of personality that tells them fantastic stories about walls and greatness, while completely ignoring the fact he has bragged about being one of the billionaires that created the system we detest.
That's a good argument for intellectual readers. How would you frame it up for Trumpsters so they too can understand it?

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