Sabotage: Democrats: Why a Vote for Trump is a Vote for Hillary..

I'm a Trump supporter and I:

  • Got that way by getting mad at protestors at Trump's rallies.

  • Got that way because I found out Obama doesn't like Trump.

  • Got that way because I just trust Donald Trump no matter what.

  • I'm not a Trump supporter but I think it's funny that people are.

  • I'm not a Trump supporter but I'm alarmed that people are.

  • Other

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Well there's the Trump supporters and there are the Democrats, they're pretty stupid

Speaking about stupid, what about Trump not whining about Colorado until after he lost? That was pretty stupid
No it wasn't, In fact it is yet another good aspect of his campaign. As he does so often, he has pointed out yet another wrong that needs to be righted, which the clueless GOP establishment idiots continue to push (which has now destroyed them and their party.

Funny how it wasn't a wrong ... until he lost ...
Funny how it wasn't a wrong ... until he lost ...
Nothing "funny".It's has been a wrong for decades, but most people weren't aware of it. To reform it now is simply better late than never. If/whenever Trump becomes president, it'll be reformed all right.
Why would democrats tip their hand and advise the GOP not to support Trump? Because they are trying to be nice or because it's a damn Alinsky lie and they are scared to death of him? Why would left wingers repeat the lie? Because they are trying to be nice or because they don't want a republican with balls to campaign against a loser like Hillary and reveal how unstable and corrupt she is?
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Why would democrats tip their hand and advise the GOP not to support Trump? Because they are trying to be nice or because it's a damn Alinsky lie and they are scared to death of him?
They ARE scared to death of him. That's why all those leftist loonies have been protesting at his rallies.
Oh I think Kasich is acting like a grown up.

He personally is against gay marriage- but in such a moderate way that he attended one that he was invited to- and thinks there is no need for legislation against it.

Neither Kasich or Trump are any big opponents of gay marriage- Cruz is the only GOP candidate who cares- but Silhouette is convinced he is a devious Canadian trying to ursurp the Presidency- which is the only reason she is not supporting the only solidly anti-gay candidate still in the primary.
Cruz is not anti-gay. He is the MOST PRO-GAY candidate of the 3 Republicans. You guys need to do more research before posting.

Cruz Attends Reception Hosted By Gays Sponsoring Same Sex Marrige
I think what's important to remember is that all those protestors on the outside of Trump's rallies are his real supporters and the chumps on the inside are the ones he is expertly taking to the cleaners.

Remember, Trump is the King of "The Art of the Deal"...
He's not taking them to the cleaners. He is seeking to liberate them from Obama and Kerry, and Hillary and all the anti-American working class Democrats who ARE talking them to the cleaners.
Craiglist is so public. I wonder why the left would "accidentally let it slip that protesters are being paid from the left" on such a public venue. Unless they WANTED Trumpsters or people on the fence on the right who were undecided to believe a vote for Trump was a vote against left looney protesters..

Perfect way to recruit more Trump voters. Very clever. Clever enough in fact that people who vote for Trump would never see it that way...
You're thinking too much.
Too late. You didn't read the OP did you? Queers are running the show and playing Trumpsters like chumps so ultimately Hillary will win . Ultimately the LGBT cult knows that if Kasich seals the deal in the general election, their progress will be hampered. Once elected, Kasich's catholic faith will kick in. Not something either extreme in either party is relishing..
Kasich has as much chance to become president of the US, as your local stray cat. And the cat is probably more useful. He gives you free pest control. That's what Trump will do also. Control pests (Democrats and GOP insiders) :biggrin:
Oh it wasn't particularly difficult for me to say the same thing I have been saying since last summer.

I just didn't expect Trump to get so much support- he has exceeded my expectations as a spoiler.
He isn't the "spoiler". Kasich and Cruz are. Both should drop out of the race now, so we can get on with defeating the Democrat menace.
Funny how it wasn't a wrong ... until he lost ...
Nothing "funny".It's has been a wrong for decades, but most people weren't aware of it. To reform it now is simply better late than never. If/whenever Trump becomes president, it'll be reformed all right.

And yet all that time, the whining, sniveling bitch Trump was good with it until he lost. What part of my post did you not understand?
And yet all that time, the whining, sniveling bitch Trump was good with it until he lost. What part of my post did you not understand?
He was "good with It' delegates stated being taken away from him (that rightfully should have) Ar e you playing dumb ?
The choice is Trump (will lose against Hillary), Cruz (will lose against Hillary) or Kasich (will win against Hillary).

Choose accordingly.
To talk about who will lose the November election in April is ludicrous. Hillary may be in prison. She has had it very easy up to now. She also hasn't had anybody challenge her on the damage to national security she's done. Trump will fry her on that. Forget the silly polls you see now. This is like the first 2 minutes of a football game. Don't go betting any money on Hillary.
And yet all that time, the whining, sniveling bitch Trump was good with it until he lost. What part of my post did you not understand?
He was "good with It' delegates stated being taken away from him (that rightfully should have) Ar e you playing dumb ?

Right, once he lost, he whined, that's what I said.

As for the delegate claim, I've asked how anyone knows that video was a delegate. Who took him out? How did they do that? What was the rule? How did they even know he was a Trump supporter? His story was they didn't let him in, he didn't even vote? How does he know it was over Trump? For all we know, he was arrested for being a pedophile. I've seen no analysis or specific information. All I saw was a guy who made a claim and was pissed off.

So far when I've asked any of you Trumpettes who repeated his claim, all I got to those questions was crickets. So, you're up next, shoot ...
Oh it wasn't particularly difficult for me to say the same thing I have been saying since last summer.

I just didn't expect Trump to get so much support- he has exceeded my expectations as a spoiler.
He isn't the "spoiler". Kasich and Cruz are. Both should drop out of the race now, so we can get on with defeating the Democrat menace.
But Trump can't beat Hillary. I myself would vote for Hillary over Trump. Hundreds of thousands of conservatives would just stay home before they stomached putting a borderline personality in the Whitehouse. There's would be a "stay at home Hillary vote" by default...the lesser of two evils.

Kasich is like superman. He could save the day if the Canadian issue with Cruz knocked him out now. The longer they wait on this, the worse it will be for the chaos nearing June for the GOP. I suspect Carl Rove behind the decision to still cling onto the idea of one of their puppets somehow...somehow...somehow! getting the nod. Anything but Kasich.

How many elections will the GOP lose to Mr. Rove's expert opinions..?
59% of American Catholics support gay marriage. You don't know many Catholics, period.

I grew up surrounded by Catholics, a sea of Catholics. I know one thing about them: they defer to the Pope. Have you heard what the Pope has been saying lately about "gay marriage"? Might want to check up on that.

You mean the Pope is opposed to gay marriage? Shocking. Be that as it may, 59% of American Catholics support gay marriage. Might want to check upon that. lol

Silhouette prefers to listen to what the voices in her head whisper to her, rather than read the facts.
Why would democrats tip their hand and advise the GOP not to support Trump? Because they are trying to be nice or because it's a damn Alinsky lie and they are scared to death of him? Why would left wingers repeat the lie? Because they are trying to be nice or because they don't want a republican with balls to campaign against a loser like Hillary and reveal how unstable and corrupt she is?

LOL......since last summer I have said very clearly I hope that the GOP nominates Trump.

Because that would ensure the election of a Democrat for President.

Trump doesn't scare me- he would be a horrible President but he is the most liberal of the GOP candidates, and no conservative at all. Cruz rather scares me, because he is such an ideologue but he is going nowhere.

Kasich would be viable opponent to Clinton- but the GOP are not going with rational or viable this year.

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