Sabotage: Democrats: Why a Vote for Trump is a Vote for Hillary..

I'm a Trump supporter and I:

  • Got that way by getting mad at protestors at Trump's rallies.

  • Got that way because I found out Obama doesn't like Trump.

  • Got that way because I just trust Donald Trump no matter what.

  • I'm not a Trump supporter but I think it's funny that people are.

  • I'm not a Trump supporter but I'm alarmed that people are.

  • Other

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Written July 2015:

Thanks, Donald: How Trump Could Help The Democrats Win
As a political scientist... Here is what I see as the step-by-step best case scenario for putting a Democrat in the White House next year, with a little help from Donald Trump....Thanks to Trump, the Democratic candidate—Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders—wins the White House....After the campaign is over, Trump purchases a remote island off the coast of Greece. He retires from his business empire to write a dystopian book about the future of America, although he offers to open a Trump hotel and casino "to provide jobs to the Greek people so they won't come to America as their economy collapses." Thanks, Donald: How Trump Could Help The Democrats Win

In fact, those who follow Trump may actually be duped and being worked by the very puppeteers holding Hillary Clinton's strings.

Gosh being blindly-loyal without looking at underlying motives can make a person feel so stupid and gullible.

In fact, I'll bet you roughly half of the "Trump is good, vote for Trump!" threads on USMB are authored by those very keenly into never seeing Trump win but instead Hillary or Bernie Sanders...

...Another puzzle piece.. Whenever Obama or Bernie supporters show up at Trump rallies to protest (often being paid by the far-left money from LGBT and other sources), it causes more and more of you Trumpsters who are actual conservatives to "rise up and support Trump more!!" in protest of your own.

You're being played like a fine-tuned fiddle. Ugh! And probably by women and gays who are really running the show over there on the left. How embarassing!! If you can, follow the link in the article posted at the top of the page here and read what a political expert said going on a year ago about what is actually unfolding today.

And every time Obama or Bernie or Hillary speaks out against Trump ten more of you get your rose-colored blinders and a woodie on for Donald Trump.

Enjoy Hillary Clinton as your next president..

AMAZING! 60,000 Democrats Voted in Virginia Republican Primary
....over 60,000 Democrats voted in the Virginia Republican primary.
60,000!.....20,000 Democrats switched parties to vote in the Massachusetts primary. AMAZING! 60,000 Democrats Voted in Virginia Republican Primary - The Gateway Pundit

Annnnd... *drum roll*....Trump won Massachusetts....Trump won Virginia... "Amazing!" (or planned)....and with all those delegates the democrats are helping Trump get, what a nightmare the GOP convention will be!! Why, I bet it will SPLIT UP THE PARTY and SPLIT UP THE VOTE...which will mean that...

...hey...wait a minute....Hillary will win then, wont' she?.... :eusa_think: :evil:

Is that why Trump has given all that money to democrat candidates in the past? Could it really be true that he's playing us as a crowd for his real friends?..

Trump has "given more money to Democratic candidates than Republican candidates."...citing big contributions from Trump to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Ferguson also pointed to contributions from Trump to Hillary Clinton and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Donald Trump's campaign contributions to Democrats and Republicans

You want to talk about a traitor in the republican party selling out your conservative values? There you go. You just let a fox in your hen house..

And straight from the horse's mouth from post #s 9-10 below:

LOL......Of course Democrats are cheering Trump on and watching the GOP self destruct....Yes- we have been saying from the beginning that Trump running for President benefited Clinton.....But it isn't the Democratic Parties fault that the GOP does not want to nominate a qualified candidate this year- this is all on the GOP.

Best primary EVER

Thank you for your honesty Syriusly. We battle constantly, you being far left and me being moderate conservative.

there is nothing moderate about your views.
Too late. You didn't read the OP did you? Queers are running the show and playing Trumpsters like chumps so ultimately Hillary will win . Ultimately the LGBT cult knows that if Kasich seals the deal in the general election, their progress will be hampered. Once elected, Kasich's catholic faith will kick in. Not something either extreme in either party is relishing..
forever Sillywet :tinfoil:
Too late. You didn't read the OP did you? Queers are running the show and playing Trumpsters like chumps so ultimately Hillary will win . Ultimately the LGBT cult knows that if Kasich seals the deal in the general election, their progress will be hampered. Once elected, Kasich's catholic faith will kick in. Not something either extreme in either party is relishing..

Kasich is the grown up on the GOP ticket- no way the GOP will nominate him

John Kasich on nomination race: 'It's a bizarre process' -
"You know what, let's try to understand each other a little bit,"

Kasich said, saying even though he believes in "traditional marriage," he and his wife happily attended a gay wedding they were invited to.
He said just because he objects to gay marriage, it doesn't need to be legislated. He said some politicians are just looking for "attention" with these bills.

He said some politicians are just looking for "attention" with these bills

Is Kasich wrong? I think he is spot on!

yes, he is
Too late. You didn't read the OP did you? Queers are running the show and playing Trumpsters like chumps so ultimately Hillary will win . Ultimately the LGBT cult knows that if Kasich seals the deal in the general election, their progress will be hampered. Once elected, Kasich's catholic faith will kick in. Not something either extreme in either party is relishing..

Kasich is the grown up on the GOP ticket- no way the GOP will nominate him

John Kasich on nomination race: 'It's a bizarre process' -
"You know what, let's try to understand each other a little bit,"

Kasich said, saying even though he believes in "traditional marriage," he and his wife happily attended a gay wedding they were invited to.
He said just because he objects to gay marriage, it doesn't need to be legislated. He said some politicians are just looking for "attention" with these bills.

He said some politicians are just looking for "attention" with these bills

Is Kasich wrong? I think he is spot on!

Oh I think Kasich is acting like a grown up.

He personally is against gay marriage- but in such a moderate way that he attended one that he was invited to- and thinks there is no need for legislation against it.

Neither Kasich or Trump are any big opponents of gay marriage- Cruz is the only GOP candidate who cares- but Silhouette is convinced he is a devious Canadian trying to ursurp the Presidency- which is the only reason she is not supporting the only solidly anti-gay candidate still in the primary.

A vote for Cruz is a vote for Hillary as well...
Which is why Kasich is the man for the job. Kasich may not be screaming against gay marriage but his Pope is. And remember, he has said ultimately his default is the Catholic faith. I don't know too many Catholics who openly defy the Pope..
I think what's important to remember is that all those protestors on the outside of Trump's rallies are his real supporters and the chumps on the inside are the ones he is expertly taking to the cleaners.

Remember, Trump is the King of "The Art of the Deal"...
Which is why Kasich is the man for the job. Kasich may not be screaming against gay marriage but his Pope is. And remember, he has said ultimately his default is the Catholic faith. I don't know too many Catholics who openly defy the Pope..

59% of American Catholics support gay marriage. You don't know many Catholics, period.
Several of the anti-Trump protesters admitted they answered an ad on Craigslist and were getting paid to protest Trump....This free speech-busting goon squad operation is directed by supporters of Hillary Clinton. It is paid for mostly by George Soros and and pushed by David Brock at Media Matters for America.... ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTERS Admit Answering Craigslist Ad and Getting Paid to Protest Trump - The Gateway Pundit

Craiglist is so public. I wonder why the left would "accidentally let it slip that protesters are being paid from the left" on such a public venue. Unless they WANTED Trumpsters or people on the fence on the right who were undecided to believe a vote for Trump was a vote against left looney protesters..

Perfect way to recruit more Trump voters. Very clever. Clever enough in fact that people who vote for Trump would never see it that way...
59% of American Catholics support gay marriage. You don't know many Catholics, period.

I grew up surrounded by Catholics, a sea of Catholics. I know one thing about them: they defer to the Pope. Have you heard what the Pope has been saying lately about "gay marriage"? Might want to check up on that.
59% of American Catholics support gay marriage. You don't know many Catholics, period.

I grew up surrounded by Catholics, a sea of Catholics. I know one thing about them: they defer to the Pope. Have you heard what the Pope has been saying lately about "gay marriage"? Might want to check up on that.

You mean the Pope is opposed to gay marriage? Shocking. Be that as it may, 59% of American Catholics support gay marriage. Might want to check upon that. lol
You mean the Pope is opposed to gay marriage? Shocking. Be that as it may, 59% of American Catholics support gay marriage. Might want to check upon that. lol

When push comes to shove, I suspect behind the privacy of the voting the 90% of people who actually believe a child having both a mother and father is important, Hispanic Catholics and other Catholics will be voting their faith..
You mean the Pope is opposed to gay marriage? Shocking. Be that as it may, 59% of American Catholics support gay marriage. Might want to check upon that. lol

When push comes to shove, I suspect behind the privacy of the voting the 90% of people who actually believe a child having both a mother and father is important, Hispanic Catholics and other Catholics will be voting their faith..

Imagine that! You'll believe anything confirms your bias.
Written July 2015:

Thanks, Donald: How Trump Could Help The Democrats Win
As a political scientist... Here is what I see as the step-by-step best case scenario for putting a Democrat in the White House next year, with a little help from Donald Trump....Thanks to Trump, the Democratic candidate—Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders—wins the White House....After the campaign is over, Trump purchases a remote island off the coast of Greece. He retires from his business empire to write a dystopian book about the future of America, although he offers to open a Trump hotel and casino "to provide jobs to the Greek people so they won't come to America as their economy collapses." Thanks, Donald: How Trump Could Help The Democrats Win

In fact, those who follow Trump may actually be duped and being worked by the very puppeteers holding Hillary Clinton's strings.

Gosh being blindly-loyal without looking at underlying motives can make a person feel so stupid and gullible.

In fact, I'll bet you roughly half of the "Trump is good, vote for Trump!" threads on USMB are authored by those very keenly into never seeing Trump win but instead Hillary or Bernie Sanders...

...Another puzzle piece.. Whenever Obama or Bernie supporters show up at Trump rallies to protest (often being paid by the far-left money from LGBT and other sources), it causes more and more of you Trumpsters who are actual conservatives to "rise up and support Trump more!!" in protest of your own.

You're being played like a fine-tuned fiddle. Ugh! And probably by women and gays who are really running the show over there on the left. How embarassing!! If you can, follow the link in the article posted at the top of the page here and read what a political expert said going on a year ago about what is actually unfolding today.

And every time Obama or Bernie or Hillary speaks out against Trump ten more of you get your rose-colored blinders and a woodie on for Donald Trump.

Enjoy Hillary Clinton as your next president..

AMAZING! 60,000 Democrats Voted in Virginia Republican Primary
....over 60,000 Democrats voted in the Virginia Republican primary.
60,000!.....20,000 Democrats switched parties to vote in the Massachusetts primary. AMAZING! 60,000 Democrats Voted in Virginia Republican Primary - The Gateway Pundit

Annnnd... *drum roll*....Trump won Massachusetts....Trump won Virginia... "Amazing!" (or planned)....and with all those delegates the democrats are helping Trump get, what a nightmare the GOP convention will be!! Why, I bet it will SPLIT UP THE PARTY and SPLIT UP THE VOTE...which will mean that...

...hey...wait a minute....Hillary will win then, wont' she?.... :eusa_think: :evil:

Is that why Trump has given all that money to democrat candidates in the past? Could it really be true that he's playing us as a crowd for his real friends?..

Trump has "given more money to Democratic candidates than Republican candidates."...citing big contributions from Trump to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Ferguson also pointed to contributions from Trump to Hillary Clinton and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Donald Trump's campaign contributions to Democrats and Republicans

You want to talk about a traitor in the republican party selling out your conservative values? There you go. You just let a fox in your hen house..

And straight from the horse's mouth from post #s 9-10 below:

LOL......Of course Democrats are cheering Trump on and watching the GOP self destruct....Yes- we have been saying from the beginning that Trump running for President benefited Clinton.....But it isn't the Democratic Parties fault that the GOP does not want to nominate a qualified candidate this year- this is all on the GOP.

Best primary EVER

Thank you for your honesty Syriusly. We battle constantly, you being far left and me being moderate conservative.
Let's hope the compromise of earmarks and back room deals are dead forever...
The idiots are the ones who call Trump and his supporters that name. I've never seen anybody more stupid in politics, than the Trump-bashers.

Well there's the Trump supporters and there are the Democrats, they're pretty stupid

Speaking about stupid, what about Trump not whining about Colorado until after he lost? That was pretty stupid
Trump is a humongous wooden horse with wheels, and a bunch of democrats are hiding inside.
Actually the democrats constructed it and are pushing into the general election with Hillary hiding inside.
Well there's the Trump supporters and there are the Democrats, they're pretty stupid

Speaking about stupid, what about Trump not whining about Colorado until after he lost? That was pretty stupid
No it wasn't, In fact it is yet another good aspect of his campaign. As he does so often, he has pointed out yet another wrong that needs to be righted, which the clueless GOP establishment idiots continue to push (which has now destroyed them and their party.

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