Sabotage: Democrats: Why a Vote for Trump is a Vote for Hillary..

I'm a Trump supporter and I:

  • Got that way by getting mad at protestors at Trump's rallies.

  • Got that way because I found out Obama doesn't like Trump.

  • Got that way because I just trust Donald Trump no matter what.

  • I'm not a Trump supporter but I think it's funny that people are.

  • I'm not a Trump supporter but I'm alarmed that people are.

  • Other

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For years conservatives have railed against the corruptocracy that billionaires have created through buying Congress critters and presidents.

Now "conservatives" are clinging to a cult of personality that tells them fantastic stories about walls and greatness, while completely ignoring the fact he has bragged about being one of the billionaires that created the system we detest.
That's a good argument for intellectual readers. How would you frame it up for Trumpsters so they too can understand it?

I don't believe Trumpsters are idiots, at least not like the meat puppet faggot's zealots. Those mindless parasites are a malignancy. Trumpsters are at least patriotic and want the country to prosper. They just don't seem to want to believe their guy won't solve the most important problem, which is the size and scope of the federal behemoth. Dump is just as much as statist as Herbert Hoover was.

Perhaps it just needs time to sink in.

I don't believe Trumpsters are idiots, at least not like the meat puppet faggot's zealots. Those mindless parasites are a malignancy. Trumpsters are at least patriotic and want the country to prosper. They just don't seem to want to believe their guy won't solve the most important problem, which is the size and scope of the federal behemoth. Dump is just as much as statist as Herbert Hoover was....Perhaps it just needs time to sink in.

Look, anyone who can watch Trump for what over 6 months now?.. rant on and on in vague generalizations about making the country "great again", and see his seething, his tantrums, his childishness and his boorishness, his evasion when cornered on key issues.. and still think he's the bomb for challenged... I think they have the US election and its magnitude confused with American Idol. Maybe that's it? Maybe they can't tell TV or other media from reality anymore.

The Russians, Iranians and Chinese can though...

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