SABOTAGE: Historic Delay In Trump Confirmations...

Slowest pace of confirmation since George Washington's presidency. Imagine taking on the job of POTUS when the Senate slow walks confirming your cabinet leaders, that makes an already very challenging job damn near impossible, it hurts the American people. The Senate is a dysfunctional collection of self centered assholes.
Can we see the law setting a time limit of these kinds of things?

200 plus years of data doesn't convince you there's a problem? Here have an eye roll :rolleyes:
they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics

.....and you "concluded" that bit of factoid after visiting your toilet?

These cabinet nominee did not even complete their vetting processes...Why? Well, because they have a lot to hide....basically Trump nominated many of the lobbyists he once stated would not be allowed in congress.....Well, sure, now they'll have cabinets to wreck.
they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics

.....and you "concluded" that bit of factoid after visiting your toilet?

These cabinet nominee did not even complete their vetting processes...Why? Well, because they have a lot to hide....basically Trump nominated many of the lobbyists he once stated would not be allowed in congress.....Well, sure, now they'll have cabinets to wreck.

You ain't seen nuttin' yet ... when the Dept of Energy is gutted, the Department of Education eradicated, and the EPA brought back under control, then you'll see the full fire and capability of the US economy.
they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics

.....and you "concluded" that bit of factoid after visiting your toilet?

These cabinet nominee did not even complete their vetting processes...Why? Well, because they have a lot to hide....basically Trump nominated many of the lobbyists he once stated would not be allowed in congress.....Well, sure, now they'll have cabinets to wreck.

Shit this stupid is not worth a response. I hope when the Russian communist and terrorist destroy a city using the nuclear material that obamass, and shitbitch sold them it is a large democrat filled city, then they can say IT WAS TRUMPS FAULT, HE LET THEM IN!!!! While we find ways to let them blow up more of those who love them so much they want to die.
You ain't seen nuttin' yet ... when the Dept of Energy is gutted, the Department of Education eradicated, and the EPA brought back under control, then you'll see the full fire and capability of the US economy.

Well, here's hoping that one of the first dumping of toxic waste by the coal industry targets your house's water supply......then you'd be screaming like a 7 year old kid.
they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics

.....and you "concluded" that bit of factoid after visiting your toilet?

These cabinet nominee did not even complete their vetting processes...Why? Well, because they have a lot to hide....basically Trump nominated many of the lobbyists he once stated would not be allowed in congress.....Well, sure, now they'll have cabinets to wreck.

Shit this stupid is not worth a response. I hope when the Russian communist and terrorist destroy a city using the nuclear material that obamass, and shitbitch sold them it is a large democrat filled city, then they can say IT WAS TRUMPS FAULT, HE LET THEM IN!!!! While we find ways to let them blow up more of those who love them so much they want to die.

Fear not, the Russian nukes would not be first targeting your trailer park.
You ain't seen nuttin' yet ... when the Dept of Energy is gutted, the Department of Education eradicated, and the EPA brought back under control, then you'll see the full fire and capability of the US economy.

Well, here's hoping that one of the first dumping of toxic waste by the coal industry targets your house's water supply......then you'd be screaming like a 7 year old kid.

LOL ---- your absurdity is extremely funny. Sad, in a way, that you truly don't understand the damage you have done.

But, you libs are good for one thing .... comic relief.
You ain't seen nuttin' yet ... when the Dept of Energy is gutted, the Department of Education eradicated, and the EPA brought back under control, then you'll see the full fire and capability of the US economy.

Well, here's hoping that one of the first dumping of toxic waste by the coal industry targets your house's water supply......then you'd be screaming like a 7 year old kid.

Go clean up the raw human sewage you Dem's spill into rivers and lakes from your cesspool inner cities then you can talk shit.
Too many of our Politicians are acting like entitled little babies. Do we have any Politicians left, who are adults? It's no wonder we're stuck in miserable Permanent War and massive Debt. Our Politicians are selfish Elitist assholes.
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When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Wow.....after 8 years of Republicans doing everything that they could do to 'sabotage' President Obama's appointments- including refusing to even consider his Supreme Court nomination- you snowflakes are just demonstrating your hypocrisy.
Obama's supreme court nominee was a progressive whack job, rotten to the core...
they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics

.....and you "concluded" that bit of factoid after visiting your toilet?

These cabinet nominee did not even complete their vetting processes...Why? Well, because they have a lot to hide....basically Trump nominated many of the lobbyists he once stated would not be allowed in congress.....Well, sure, now they'll have cabinets to wreck.
There you go again, trying to use words like lobbyist you don't understand.
Is this Democrat hate for Donald Trump good for the country? His Cabinet should be in place soon. It's very important. I don't mind legitimate opposition, but this stuff has gotten out of control. It just seems wrong.

Once again, were you this upset about Merrick Garland not even getting the courtesy of a vote for 8+ months?

Hypocrisy in 3, 2, 1.......

Cabinet picks and judicial nominations are completely different branches of government.

There is no comparison

Right, Supreme Court Justices are way more important.
Let's review:

  • John Adams nominated the famous Chief Justice John Marshall on January 20, 1801 -- months *after* he lost the election to Jefferson.
  • John Quincy Adams nominated John Crittenden on December 17, 1828, after he lost the election to Jackson. He was confirmed.
  • Martin Van Buren nominated Peter Daniel on February 26, 1841, after losing to WHHarrison. Confirmed weeks before WHH sworn in.
  • John Tyler nominated Samuel Nelson February 1845, a month before he left office, won Senate confirmation (by the opposition party)
  • Rutherford B. Hayes (GOP) LOST the 1880 election to James Garfield. On December 15, 1880 William Woods was nominated & confirmed a week later with a Dem. Senate.
  • Benjamin Harrison nominated George Shiras Jr. to the Supreme Court in an election year, on July 19, 1892. Confirmed a week later.
  • William Howard Taft nominated Mahlon Pitney to the Supreme Court in an election year, on February 19, 1912. Confirmed the next month.
  • Woodrow Wilson nominated John Clarke to the Supreme Court in an election year, on July 14, 1916. He was confirmed ten days later.
  • Woodrow Wilson also nominated Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court earlier that same election year, on Jan. 28, 1916. Confirmed in June.
  • Herbert Hoover nominated Benjamin Cardozo to the Supreme Court in an election year, on Feb. 15, 1932. He was confirmed nine days later.
  • FDR nominated Frank Murphy to the Supreme Court in an election year, on January 4, 1940, and he was confirmed just two weeks later.
  • Reagan nominated Anthony Kennedy on 11/30/87, within a year of the 1988 presidential election, and he was confirmed on 2/3/88*

Some of these presidents nominated justices even after they lost the election. Unlike Obama with nearly a full year left. They were *true* lame ducks.

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