SABOTAGE: Historic Delay In Trump Confirmations...

And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.
What poll are you quoting? Rasmussen?? Thats called cherry picking
lol No, when you dismiss polls that don't support your opinions, that's called cherry picking.
When you have 1 poll out of many that support Trump and all the others don't, it tell you something
Merrick Garland is really starting to giggle at your post
It's one of those unspoken senate discretionary rules to not approve judges in the final year of a presidential term. I don't think you would be complaining about it if conditions were reversed so why do you allow yourself to be so hypocritical?
The Democratic Party is fragmented, but polls show most Democrats want their representatives in Congress to be as annoying as possible to Republicans, so in terms of party politics, this is a smart move, but these delays are so outrageous, they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics, it is a stupid move.

And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.

No, they haven't. Don't bother showing me some Red State poll.
Ok, but in national polls, among likely voters the President's job approval ratings are 53% to 47%, a plus 6% and his favorable/unfavorable rating is 52%/48%, a plus 4%.
We don't need a Rasmussen poll which is totally opposite of every other polling organization
It is the only one on RCP that polls likely voters, so it makes no sense to compare it those that only poll all people or even registered voters.
Merrick Garland is really starting to giggle at your post
It's one of those unspoken senate discretionary rules to not approve judges in the final year of a presidential term. I don't think you would be complaining about it if conditions were reversed so why do you allow yourself to be so hypocritical?
Its NEVER happened before and many of Obamas appointments go back far longer than one year. Now you can stop the BS
Give ONE example of Republicans trying to work with Obama, just one.
They begged Obama to allow them to have some say in Obama care and he told them to pound sand. You can't work with the unworkable. You can't get along with the disagreeable.
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.
What poll are you quoting? Rasmussen?? Thats called cherry picking
lol No, when you dismiss polls that don't support your opinions, that's called cherry picking.
When you have 1 poll out of many that support Trump and all the others don't, it tell you something
There are no other polls of likely voters recently, so Rasmussen is every poll of likely voters.
Give ONE example of Republicans trying to work with Obama, just one.
They begged Obama to allow them to have some say in Obama care and he told them to pound sand. You can't work with the unworkable. You can't get along with the disagreeable.
That never happened, its just more right wing spew. From day one, Republicans said they would not work with Obama
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.
What poll are you quoting? Rasmussen?? Thats called cherry picking
lol No, when you dismiss polls that don't support your opinions, that's called cherry picking.
When you have 1 poll out of many that support Trump and all the others don't, it tell you something
There are no other polls of likely voters recently, so Rasmussen is every poll of likely voters.
How do you get likely voters 2 years before the next election?
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremism.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push
Democrats are the party of no.
Its NEVER happened before and many of Obamas appointments go back far longer than one year. Now you can stop the BS
It's never happened before with a supreme court nominee but it has happened many time with the lower courts. And it was a democrat that suggested the "rule" in the first place. So go talk the the democrats.
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremism.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push
Democrats are the party of no.
Its gonna get worse
Its NEVER happened before and many of Obamas appointments go back far longer than one year. Now you can stop the BS
It's never happened before with a supreme court nominee but it has happened many time with the lower courts. And it was a democrat that suggested the "rule" in the first place. So go talk the the democrats.
There is no such rule, or maybe you can find it for us???
That never happened, its just more right wing spew. From day one, Republicans said they would not work with Obama're just wrong. Read the scoreboard and see just how wrong you are.
Not at all, if 90% of democratic voters approve of Obama and 70 % of republicans disapprove. you got it
You are arguing pointless shit....hope it makes you feel better. Listen, you can not compare the insanity we are seeing today with anything the republicans did after Obama was elected. You people are foaming at the mouth. Your party is going insane. Lady Ga ga gets blasted for not taking a dig at Trump, dems skip votes and meetings, protesters rioting in the streets a man at Berkeley is still in intensive care because he was beaten by a liberal thug. You are trying to compare apples to cow shit.
Not at all, if 90% of democratic voters approve of Obama and 70 % of republicans disapprove. you got it
You are arguing pointless shit....hope it makes you feel better. Listen, you can not compare the insanity we are seeing today with anything the republicans did after Obama was elected. You people are foaming at the mouth. Your party is going insane. Lady Ga ga gets blasted for not taking a dig at Trump, dems skip votes and meetings, protesters rioting in the streets a man at Berkeley is still in intensive care because he was beaten by a liberal thug. You are trying to compare apples to cow shit.
Get used to it- Trump brought it on himself with his big mouth and constant lying
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremism.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push
Democrats are the party of no.
Its gonna get worse
Democrats stand for nothing except power and money.

FLASHBACK: In 2013 Sen. Schumer Said President 'Deserves His Choices' For Cabinet

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