SABOTAGE: Historic Delay In Trump Confirmations...

When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Wow.....after 8 years of Republicans doing everything that they could do to 'sabotage' President Obama's appointments- including refusing to even consider his Supreme Court nomination- you snowflakes are just demonstrating your hypocrisy.
The difference is that obama was picking anti-Americans to be appointed to the posts, Donald Trump is trying to fill those positions with Americans.
Just look at the DOJ and how it backed the viral negros over the police with obama. Its clear that the democrats want this country to fail.
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Wow.....after 8 years of Republicans doing everything that they could do to 'sabotage' President Obama's appointments- including refusing to even consider his Supreme Court nomination- you snowflakes are just demonstrating your hypocrisy.

This Democrat obstruction is historic. They've set new lows in decency.

Considering the context and the source that might be the funniest post in the history of USMB.
Where did all the grownup Politicians go? Who benefits from turning our Congress into the Jerry Springer Show? What a mess.
Save us your drama Snowflakes

It has only been two and a half weeks

Republicans delayed Garland for ten months
I guess some do feel they'll benefit from mass civil unrest and chaos. But who are they? Who'll benefit the most from it? I don't think average American Citizens will benefit from it in the end.
Is this Democrat hate for Donald Trump good for the country? His Cabinet should be in place soon. It's very important. I don't mind legitimate opposition, but this stuff has gotten out of control. It just seems wrong.

Once again, were you this upset about Merrick Garland not even getting the courtesy of a vote for 8+ months?

Hypocrisy in 3, 2, 1.......

Cabinet picks and judicial nominations are completely different branches of government.

There is no comparison

Right, Supreme Court Justices are way more important.

Supreme court justices are way important. They are lifetime appointments. It's only natural for the Senate to not just approve of anyone nominated and also to allow the people a say in who should be appointed.

Cabinet positions are at most 4-8 years. It's also quite natural for them to be gone through faster because they are part of the executive branch that ensures laws are executed. There is no need to defer to the people in these positions because they are positions filled naturally right after an election so the people have already spoken.

If you cannot tell the difference between these, you need to study basic government 101
His Cabinet should be in place soon. It's what's best for the country. Elizabeth Warren trying to filibuster by reading Coretta Scott King writings, is such over-the-top drama queen Bullshite.

Warren and other Democrats have made a mockery of the system. Maybe voters will hold them accountable at the Ballot Box. I guess we'll see.
Let's review:

  • John Adams nominated the famous Chief Justice John Marshall on January 20, 1801 -- months *after* he lost the election to Jefferson.
  • John Quincy Adams nominated John Crittenden on December 17, 1828, after he lost the election to Jackson. He was confirmed.
  • Martin Van Buren nominated Peter Daniel on February 26, 1841, after losing to WHHarrison. Confirmed weeks before WHH sworn in.
  • John Tyler nominated Samuel Nelson February 1845, a month before he left office, won Senate confirmation (by the opposition party)
  • Rutherford B. Hayes (GOP) LOST the 1880 election to James Garfield. On December 15, 1880 William Woods was nominated & confirmed a week later with a Dem. Senate.
  • Benjamin Harrison nominated George Shiras Jr. to the Supreme Court in an election year, on July 19, 1892. Confirmed a week later.
  • William Howard Taft nominated Mahlon Pitney to the Supreme Court in an election year, on February 19, 1912. Confirmed the next month.
  • Woodrow Wilson nominated John Clarke to the Supreme Court in an election year, on July 14, 1916. He was confirmed ten days later.
  • Woodrow Wilson also nominated Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court earlier that same election year, on Jan. 28, 1916. Confirmed in June.
  • Herbert Hoover nominated Benjamin Cardozo to the Supreme Court in an election year, on Feb. 15, 1932. He was confirmed nine days later.
  • FDR nominated Frank Murphy to the Supreme Court in an election year, on January 4, 1940, and he was confirmed just two weeks later.
  • Reagan nominated Anthony Kennedy on 11/30/87, within a year of the 1988 presidential election, and he was confirmed on 2/3/88*

Some of these presidents nominated justices even after they lost the election. Unlike Obama with nearly a full year left. They were *true* lame ducks.

And their party controlled the senate. And if you actually compare similar circumstances outgoing presidents did not get their nominees when opposition party had the senate. And more importantly, why would they?

What politician who thinks the current leader sucks is going to let him make a lifetime appointment when they don't have to? Why let them make permanent changes when you think they make terrible decisions?

Does anyone honestly believe that if bush had another nominee in 08 the democrats would have let him make a nomination with Obama coming in and Dem control of the senate? Please. It's stupid to pretend otherwise.
Let's review:

  • John Adams nominated the famous Chief Justice John Marshall on January 20, 1801 -- months *after* he lost the election to Jefferson.
  • John Quincy Adams nominated John Crittenden on December 17, 1828, after he lost the election to Jackson. He was confirmed.
  • Martin Van Buren nominated Peter Daniel on February 26, 1841, after losing to WHHarrison. Confirmed weeks before WHH sworn in.
  • John Tyler nominated Samuel Nelson February 1845, a month before he left office, won Senate confirmation (by the opposition party)
  • Rutherford B. Hayes (GOP) LOST the 1880 election to James Garfield. On December 15, 1880 William Woods was nominated & confirmed a week later with a Dem. Senate.
  • Benjamin Harrison nominated George Shiras Jr. to the Supreme Court in an election year, on July 19, 1892. Confirmed a week later.
  • William Howard Taft nominated Mahlon Pitney to the Supreme Court in an election year, on February 19, 1912. Confirmed the next month.
  • Woodrow Wilson nominated John Clarke to the Supreme Court in an election year, on July 14, 1916. He was confirmed ten days later.
  • Woodrow Wilson also nominated Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court earlier that same election year, on Jan. 28, 1916. Confirmed in June.
  • Herbert Hoover nominated Benjamin Cardozo to the Supreme Court in an election year, on Feb. 15, 1932. He was confirmed nine days later.
  • FDR nominated Frank Murphy to the Supreme Court in an election year, on January 4, 1940, and he was confirmed just two weeks later.
  • Reagan nominated Anthony Kennedy on 11/30/87, within a year of the 1988 presidential election, and he was confirmed on 2/3/88*

Some of these presidents nominated justices even after they lost the election. Unlike Obama with nearly a full year left. They were *true* lame ducks.

And their party controlled the senate. And if you actually compare similar circumstances outgoing presidents did not get their nominees when opposition party had the senate. And more importantly, why would they?

What politician who thinks the current leader sucks is going to let him make a lifetime appointment when they don't have to? Why let them make permanent changes when you think they make terrible decisions?

Does anyone honestly believe that if bush had another nominee in 08 the democrats would have let him make a nomination with Obama coming in and Dem control of the senate? Please. It's stupid to pretend otherwise.

Lame Duck Presidents don't get their SC Nominees through. That's just how that goes. It's not unprecedented.

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