SABOTAGE: Historic Delay In Trump Confirmations...

When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremism.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push
Democrats are the party of no.
Its gonna get worse
Democrats stand for nothing except power and money.

FLASHBACK: In 2013 Sen. Schumer Said President 'Deserves His Choices' For Cabinet
Was that assuming the selections were qualified?
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.
What poll are you quoting? Rasmussen?? Thats called cherry picking
lol No, when you dismiss polls that don't support your opinions, that's called cherry picking.
When you have 1 poll out of many that support Trump and all the others don't, it tell you something
There are no other polls of likely voters recently, so Rasmussen is every poll of likely voters.
How do you get likely voters 2 years before the next election?
How do you get likely voters two weeks before an election? Same way.
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Wow.....after 8 years of Republicans doing everything that they could do to 'sabotage' President Obama's appointments- including refusing to even consider his Supreme Court nomination- you snowflakes are just demonstrating your hypocrisy.
And historically, potuses don't shoot out tweets designed to piss various people and institutions off. And instead call senators to lobby for votes.
Democrats engaging in as much obstruction as they can, and the American voter will remember it in 2018.

You don't know anything about what real Americans want.
Stop wasting bandwidth with ridiculous comments like that.

Right after you stop pretending you have any clue what Americans think.
I guess we'll find out what us "real Americans" think next election. You obstructionists just got a taste of it in November. You obviously didn't learn from that ass kicking.

A taste of what? Millions more Americans voted for Clinton than Trump. So let's not pretend like most Americans agree with your idiotic mindset.

Like I said, you have no clue what most Americans think.
A taste of defeat. You are the minority party in all categories now.
306 electoral votes to Hillary's 232. Real Americans elected Trump.
52 Republican Senate seats to your 48. Real Americans elected Republicans.
241 Republican House seats to your 194. Real Americans elected Republicans.
33 Republican seats to your 15. Real Americans elected Republicans.
But you stick to your popular vote talking points if it gives you comfort (as Hillary roams around in the woods drunk). :lol:
Its a FACT, bro
You're on the political losing side...I know you aren't used to it but take a look at the numbers. The dems have lost the house, the senate, and 37 state houses and governorship's. the only part of the country that is still blue is tiny little slivers of each coast. It's only a matter of time before they lose that too. People don't like their behavior, they are hurting themselves beyond repair. They had better wake up and start working with Trump to defend and make America great again.
Merrick Garland is really starting to giggle at your post
It's one of those unspoken senate discretionary rules to not approve judges in the final year of a presidential term. I don't think you would be complaining about it if conditions were reversed so why do you allow yourself to be so hypocritical?

And by 'unspoken'- you mean that the GOP made up a new rule just for President Obama.
Its a FACT, bro
You're on the political losing side...I know you aren't used to it but take a look at the numbers. The dems have lost the house, the senate, and 37 state houses and governorship's. the only part of the country that is still blue is tiny little slivers of each coast. It's only a matter of time before they lose that too. People don't like their behavior, they are hurting themselves beyond repair. They had better wake up and start working with Trump to defend and make America great again.
That must be why Trump lost the election by 3 million votes and the democratic party pick up seats in both houses of congress
There comes a time when you have to break from the extremists in your Party. You have to do what's right for the country. The Democrats have gone too far. They're not just hurting Trump anymore. They're hurting the country. He won the Election. It's vital he get his Cabinet in place. The Democrats need to put the hate aside, and think about the country.
Its a FACT, bro
You're on the political losing side...I know you aren't used to it but take a look at the numbers. The dems have lost the house, the senate, and 37 state houses and governorship's. the only part of the country that is still blue is tiny little slivers of each coast. It's only a matter of time before they lose that too. People don't like their behavior, they are hurting themselves beyond repair. They had better wake up and start working with Trump to defend and make America great again.
That must be why Trump lost the election by 3 million votes and the democratic party pick up seats in both houses of congress
That must be why Trump now lives in the White House and Republicans have a majority in both houses of Congress.
There comes a time when you have to break from the extremists in your Party. You have to do what's right for the country. The Democrats have gone too far. They're not just hurting Trump anymore. They're hurting the country. He won the Election. It's vital he get his Cabinet in place. The Democrats need to put the hate aside, and think about the country.
If they do, it'll be a first.
That must be why Trump lost the election by 3 million votes and the democratic party pick up seats in both houses of congress
#1 He didn't lose the election, if he did then he is trespassing in the White House and #2 the democrats lost seats in both houses. How do you think they took charge of the senate? You are out of your league kid. Make stuff up and we all can see it and prove you made it up.
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremism.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push
You hate our Constitutional concept of checks and balances?

I love it!

The left destroys the concept of free speech and the rule of law, floods the airwaves with false accusations and fake news, and then has the temerity to suggest, falsely, that the obstruction by the Democrat party should be conceived as "checks and balances". The ignorance is palpable.
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremism.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push

Were you this upset when Republicans refused to even vote on Obama's SCJ selection?
Republicans gave you assholes a chance to nominate anyone you wanted if Hillary won, and Hillary lost.
Is this Democrat hate for Donald Trump good for the country? His Cabinet should be in place soon. It's very important. I don't mind legitimate opposition, but this stuff has gotten out of control. It just seems wrong.

Once again, were you this upset about Merrick Garland not even getting the courtesy of a vote for 8+ months?

Hypocrisy in 3, 2, 1.......

Cabinet picks and judicial nominations are completely different branches of government.

There is no comparison
Democrats would do these very same things no matter which republican was elected. They thought obama ushered in permanent democrat rule.

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