SABOTAGE: Historic Delay In Trump Confirmations...

Democrats engaging in as much obstruction as they can, and the American voter will remember it in 2018.

You don't know anything about what real Americans want.
Stop wasting bandwidth with ridiculous comments like that.

Right after you stop pretending you have any clue what Americans think.
I guess we'll find out what us "real Americans" think next election. You obstructionists just got a taste of it in November. You obviously didn't learn from that ass kicking.
Is this Democrat hate for Donald Trump good for the country? His Cabinet should be in place soon. It's very important. I don't mind legitimate opposition, but this stuff has gotten out of control. It just seems wrong.
Was the republican hate for Barack Obama good for the country?

They didn't behave like this. This stuff has gotten to be absurd. Trump's Cabinet should be in place soon. This historic delay is wrong.
republicans attempted to stop anything and everything of Obamas. Don't pretend you didn't know

I don't deny that. But they didn't behave like Democrats are behaving right now. Their never-ending hissy fit is unprecedented. I think they're hurting the country.
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Wow.....after 8 years of Republicans doing everything that they could do to 'sabotage' President Obama's appointments- including refusing to even consider his Supreme Court nomination- you snowflakes are just demonstrating your hypocrisy.

This Democrat obstruction is historic. They've set new lows in decency.
Merrick Garland is laughing at you.
From the unemployment line?
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push
The Democratic Party is fragmented, but polls show most Democrats want their representatives in Congress to be as annoying as possible to Republicans, so in terms of party politics, this is a smart move, but these delays are so outrageous, they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics, it is a stupid move.

And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Is this Democrat hate for Donald Trump good for the country? His Cabinet should be in place soon. It's very important. I don't mind legitimate opposition, but this stuff has gotten out of control. It just seems wrong.
Was the republican hate for Barack Obama good for the country?

They didn't behave like this. This stuff has gotten to be absurd. Trump's Cabinet should be in place soon. This historic delay is wrong.
republicans attempted to stop anything and everything of Obamas. Don't pretend you didn't know

I don't deny that. But they didn't behave like Democrats are behaving right now. Their never-ending hissy fit is unprecedented. I think they're hurting the country.
Just a little pay back as well as a whole number of unqualified candidates
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push
The Democratic Party is fragmented, but polls show most Democrats want their representatives in Congress to be as annoying as possible to Republicans, so in terms of party politics, this is a smart move, but these delays are so outrageous, they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics, it is a stupid move.

And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Wow.....after 8 years of Republicans doing everything that they could do to 'sabotage' President Obama's appointments- including refusing to even consider his Supreme Court nomination- you snowflakes are just demonstrating your hypocrisy.

This Democrat obstruction is historic. They've set new lows in decency.
Merrick Garland is laughing at you.
From the unemployment line?
There's that RW hypocrisy we've come to expect. :clap:
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push
The Democratic Party is fragmented, but polls show most Democrats want their representatives in Congress to be as annoying as possible to Republicans, so in terms of party politics, this is a smart move, but these delays are so outrageous, they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics, it is a stupid move.

And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.
What poll are you quoting? Rasmussen?? Thats called cherry picking
Democrats engaging in as much obstruction as they can, and the American voter will remember it in 2018.

You don't know anything about what real Americans want.
Stop wasting bandwidth with ridiculous comments like that.

Right after you stop pretending you have any clue what Americans think.
I guess we'll find out what us "real Americans" think next election. You obstructionists just got a taste of it in November. You obviously didn't learn from that ass kicking.

A taste of what? Millions more Americans voted for Clinton than Trump. So let's not pretend like most Americans agree with your idiotic mindset.

Like I said, you have no clue what most Americans think.
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push
The Democratic Party is fragmented, but polls show most Democrats want their representatives in Congress to be as annoying as possible to Republicans, so in terms of party politics, this is a smart move, but these delays are so outrageous, they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics, it is a stupid move.

And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.

When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push
The Democratic Party is fragmented, but polls show most Democrats want their representatives in Congress to be as annoying as possible to Republicans, so in terms of party politics, this is a smart move, but these delays are so outrageous, they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics, it is a stupid move.

And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.

No, they haven't. Don't bother showing me some Red State poll.
Ok, but in national polls, among likely voters the President's job approval ratings are 53% to 47%, a plus 6% and his favorable/unfavorable rating is 52%/48%, a plus 4%.
The Democratic Party is fragmented, but polls show most Democrats want their representatives in Congress to be as annoying as possible to Republicans, so in terms of party politics, this is a smart move, but these delays are so outrageous, they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics, it is a stupid move.

And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.

Most likely its Rasmussen, he won't quote the other 6 or 7 polls which show trump at historic lows
And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.

Most likely its Rasmussen, he won't quote the other 6 or 7 polls which show trump at historic lows

Of course it is. We all know he won't post it though. These turnips are all the same.
When i say 'sabotage', i don't mean the Democrats are only sabotaging Donald Trump. Their actions are sabotaging the country. Democrats really should reconsider their 'Party before Country' extremist stance.

Even as he signs executive orders at a furious pace and plans 'yuge' changes across the federal government, President Trump is dealing with a major disadvantage: His team is not in place.

Not only has the Senate confirmed just a handful of Trump's Cabinet nominees nearly three weeks into his presidency, but hundreds of other positions remain unappointed.

But one thing is clear: this year's Cabinet confirmation process is one of the slowest in history.

As of Wednesday, Trump was still waiting on confirmation for 10 of his 15 Cabinet nominees. By this time in 2001, then-President George W. Bush had his entire Cabinet confirmed. Then-President Barack Obama was just three short of a full Cabinet on Feb. 8, 2009...

Trump facing historic delays in confirmation push
The Democratic Party is fragmented, but polls show most Democrats want their representatives in Congress to be as annoying as possible to Republicans, so in terms of party politics, this is a smart move, but these delays are so outrageous, they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics, it is a stupid move.

And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.

No, they haven't. Don't bother showing me some Red State poll.
Ok, but in national polls, among likely voters the President's job approval ratings are 53% to 47%, a plus 6% and his favorable/unfavorable rating is 52%/48%, a plus 4%.
We don't need a Rasmussen poll which is totally opposite of every other polling organization
Was the republican hate for Barack Obama good for the country?
What hate? didn't all you libs repeat over and over again Obama's 57% approval rating? Doesn't sound like republican hate to me. Not like what we are witnessing today with the snowflakes. The libs truly hate, and the truth is the dems and libs have hated us long before Trump decided to run for office. You know it and we know it.
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.

Most likely its Rasmussen, he won't quote the other 6 or 7 polls which show trump at historic lows

Of course it is. We all know he won't post it though. These turnips are all the same.
trump entered office with the lowest approval numbers of any recently elected President, and things have not gotten any better. I see today he opened his mouth at the President of France. Will we have any allies left?
The Democratic Party is fragmented, but polls show most Democrats want their representatives in Congress to be as annoying as possible to Republicans, so in terms of party politics, this is a smart move, but these delays are so outrageous, they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics, it is a stupid move.

And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.
What poll are you quoting? Rasmussen?? Thats called cherry picking
lol No, when you dismiss polls that don't support your opinions, that's called cherry picking.
And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.
What poll are you quoting? Rasmussen?? Thats called cherry picking
lol No, when you dismiss polls that don't support your opinions, that's called cherry picking.

So the poll you're referencing is?
Was the republican hate for Barack Obama good for the country?
What hate? didn't all you libs repeat over and over again Obama's 57% approval rating? Doesn't sound like republican hate to me. Not like what we are witnessing today with the snowflakes. The libs truly hate, and the truth is the dems and libs have hated us long before Trump decided to run for office. You know it and we know it.
Break out that 57% and you will see it comes mostly from Democrats and independents. Never republicans
The Democratic Party is fragmented, but polls show most Democrats want their representatives in Congress to be as annoying as possible to Republicans, so in terms of party politics, this is a smart move, but these delays are so outrageous, they are also strengthening support for the President among likely voters, so in terms of national politics, it is a stupid move.

And by strengthening support you mean declining poll numbers?
Among likely voters, his poll numbers have been improving.
Not really, they are still in the toilet
Not true, among likely voters the President's job approval rating is 53% to 47%, a plus 6%. Similarly, the President's favorable/unfavorable ratings are 52%/48%, a plus 4% when just a few weeks ago they were both negative.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump: Favorable/Unfavorable

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