Sad day for Bidens America- Report Shows People Experiencing Homelessness Reaches a Record Level

Awwww, the waterboi has made a run.

Playing on victimhood and sycophancy.
LOL...I have no idea what any of that means! I assume it's an attempt at an insult? Hard to take offense to a word salad though...just saying...
I've lived here for 48 years and not once ever saw a homeless person, ever.

This year I've seen maybe a dozen. The past 2 years I've seen roadside beggers and they never existed around here either.

The policy that you`re having a problem with is called Capitalism. Our inflation was and is caused by greed.

No, our inflation is accelerated by greed, but it isn't the cause.

Inflation is inevitable because that's how money works. If you create money eventually the need for it grows requiring more money, the more you have of something the less it's worth. If we backed our money by gold and silver then we wouldn't have the inflation we do right now. Kennedy tried to do that before we was shot. Now our money is backed by nothing and every time 1 dollar is printed it lowers the value of everyother dollar by a fraction of a fraction of a fraction. That big Mac meal doubled in price over 5 years ago, but it didn't get more expensive, the value of the dollar is worth less so it takes more dollars to buy it, that's hyper inflation.

That's why every so often the system crashes under it's own weight and is reset with a new currency. Every hundred years or so it happens. We used gold and silver, then individual states had their own currency, then we went to a federal dollar backed by gold, then we stopped backing it with gold, now it's crashing and crypto will be the next currency.

When we reset our currency it will be in a digital dollar and we will all be in a world of hurt and our country will change even more in the following years, but not for the better.

Your idea of capitalism is bad only means the opposite is good. But the opposite means no one owns any money really except the people in charge.
I've lived here for 48 years and not once ever saw a homeless person, ever.

This year I've seen maybe a dozen. The past 2 years I've seen roadside beggers and they never existed around here either.

No, our inflation is accelerated by greed, but it isn't the cause.

Inflation is inevitable because that's how money works. If you create money eventually the need for it grows requiring more money, the more you have of something the less it's worth. If we backed our money by gold and silver then we wouldn't have the inflation we do right now. Kennedy tried to do that before we was shot. Now our money is backed by nothing and every time 1 dollar is printed it lowers the value of everyother dollar by a fraction of a fraction of a fraction. That big Mac meal doubled in price over 5 years ago, but it didn't get more expensive, the value of the dollar is worth less so it takes more dollars to buy it, that's hyper inflation.

That's why every so often the system crashes under it's own weight and is reset with a new currency. Every hundred years or so it happens. We used gold and silver, then individual states had their own currency, then we went to a federal dollar backed by gold, then we stopped backing it with gold, now it's crashing and crypto will be the next currency.

When we reset our currency it will be in a digital dollar and we will all be in a world of hurt and our country will change even more in the following years, but not for the better.

Your idea of capitalism is bad only means the opposite is good. But the opposite means no one owns any money really except the people in charge.
Is it your belief that capitalism can't create this...

Wow anybody with a tenth of a brain can look at SKID ROW in LA and see hundreds of thousands of homeless.
From now to the Election, we will see the INVERSION OF TRUTH unlike anything Orwell could fathom.
Jobs ?? Yes, Biden DOORDASHING
Homelessness ??? they are not talking about the millions living in their van / car.
More people are homeless now than at any time in US history.

I am firmly convinced there are many more than 600k homeless in the US. I've been traipsing around Hollywood, you can't turn in any direction without seeing a dozen homeless. When you get in the train there's a dozen in there too. When you go to the 7/11 there's three of them outside begging for change.

My guess is well over a million.
LOL. We've invested well over a TRILLION into the Department of Education and our public education system has NEVER been WORSE.

Republicans have spent the last 40 years undermining and destroying the US public education system so they could get rid of it and make parents pay for their children's education, thus ensuring that poor children will never have an opportunity to work their way out of poverty, ensuring a permanent underclass of cheap labour.

If you have a good education system, people will want to keep it so it behoves the Republicans to make sure that education is well and truly destroyed so people will want to get rid of it.

The attacks on teachers, school boards, and libraries we've seen in Florida, Texas and elsewhere are part of a radical right wing movement to end public education.

Republicans have spent the last 40 years undermining and destroying the US public education system so they could get rid of it and make parents pay for their children's education, thus ensuring that poor children will never have an opportunity to work their way out of poverty, ensuring a permanent underclass of cheap labour.

If you have a good education system, people will want to keep it so it behoves the Republicans to make sure that education is well and truly destroyed so people will want to get rid of it.

The attacks on teachers, school boards, and libraries we've seen in Florida, Texas and elsewhere are part of a radical right wing movement to end public education.

Republicans have spent the last 40 years undermining and destroying the US public education system
explain what happened in California? 5 to bottom 10......and no you cant blame republicans for that....
So when are we going to start calling Biden, 'homewrecker'. It's like every time Democrats decide to help a certain group, they make it worse. MAGA
Republicans have spent the last 40 years undermining and destroying the US public education system
explain what happened in California? 5 to bottom 10......and no you cant blame republicans for that....
You have no idea what you are talking about. HERE IN DETROIT, EACH YOOF GETS 25,000$ per year , yet about 60% graduate and thats only because OF SOCIAL PROMOTIONS. So your bs about poor students does not make any sense since they are not trainable. Most poor kids should be sent to Vocational training when leaving grade school.

We can now abandon the public education Brick and Mortar schools. Give each student a laptop and the web and tell them when the exams will be. We should also let the STATES CONFER BACHELOR DEGREES; take state exams and pass for free.
You have no idea what you are talking about. HERE IN DETROIT, EACH YOOF GETS 25,000$ per year , yet about 60% graduate and thats only because OF SOCIAL PROMOTIONS. So your bs about poor students does not make any sense since they are not trainable. Most poor kids should be sent to Vocational training when leaving grade school.

We can now abandon the public education Brick and Mortar schools. Give each student a laptop and the web and tell them when the exams will be. We should also let the STATES CONFER BACHELOR DEGREES; take state exams and pass for free.
yea i know what i am talking about i lived there during that were did i mention poor students?.....stick to what you know about Detroit....
none of that takes away from the fact that a hell of a lot of people are not doing as good as biden says they are......
those homeless masses have been living under the overpasses for decades. thanks biden!.

we fixed at least the va to have programs for homeless veterans. can't make 'em use the programs.

it is public property. can't make 'em move.

drug programs, alcohol rehab psychiatrists and asylums , all cost money

what do you want to do with them?
You see, folks? This retired government asshole sits in his nursing home bed unaffected by the economic destruction that his government masters have wrought on the American people. He couldn't possibly care less.
Nope. At 70 years old I`m still an active downhill skier who lives on a fixed income. What kind of economic destruction did you do to yourself? People do stupid shit with their money all the time so don`t feel too bad. You`re not the only one in your trailer park that struggles, if that makes you feel any better.
I`ll be here tomorrow if the Pa. Turnpike is clear for driving. Come up the mountain tomorrow and I'll give you a free ski lesson! :)
Republicans have spent the last 40 years undermining and destroying the US public education system
explain what happened in California? 5 to bottom 10......and no you cant blame republicans for that....
Dragonbreath won't have a coherent answer.

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