Sad day for Bidens America- Report Shows People Experiencing Homelessness Reaches a Record Level

geezus fucking trump guy sure must have fucked some of your heads up....
I'm just discussing the time period where oil was selling for 'around $0'.
Did that recently happen?
Why did oil go to near $0?

Was it a tump policy, if so, please define the policy?
Was it a response to COVID?
I'm just discussing the time period where oil was selling for 'around $0'.
Did that recently happen?
Why did oil go to near $0?

Was it a tump policy, if so, please define the policy?
Was it a response to COVID?

is it free in Saudi Arabia or other ME Oil countries? For the elite that can afford a car.
I'm just discussing the time period where oil was selling for 'around $0'.
Did that recently happen?
Why did oil go to near $0?

Was it a tump policy, if so, please define the policy?
Was it a response to COVID?
i dont give a shit about fucking donald trump......i was talking about biden....and you because you apparently think the world revolves around trump,cant get the fucker out of your head.....fuck trump.....
That’s by far of course the most important issue in America. The cost of living iow the general welfare of the American people.

Inflation is the number one concern for Americans, we’re not interested in race division, or foreign wars. Race division , constantly talking about race, talking about foreign wars that’s what the elites ie the powerful politicians and lobbyist want.

Look at what the politicians are doing…bombarding us with nonsense about race relations, and “give our money to foreign countries” for wars that have no effect on America.

This is what counts right now. Look at all of the men, women and children living on the streets in this country. We call this America? this is a disgrace,

Report Shows People Experiencing Homelessness Reaches a Record Level​

^This is what BLM, radical feminism, anti Christianity and anti-Americanism Gets us its Poverty, depression , drug use and homelessness.

Here’s what counts get the price of homes down, get the cost of living down, get the grocery prices down and costs down… give us good jobs in this country. We need Americans working together, especially the middle-class working together and rejecting BLM race division, rejecting the Neo cons sending our money away to countries to fight their wars that have no effect on America.

Inflation has slowed and unemployment is down due to Biden policies.
The average person buys shit they don`t need and don`t have the cash to pay for it. If bidenomics is painful why is Trump trying to take credit for it?
I hate to break this to you, August but even the Biden Administration is running from the expression Bidenomics! They're not using it anymore because they know it just pisses off people who have been hurt by his economic policies!

If you compare the Trump economy before Covid to the Biden economy after Covid...Joe comes out looking like the worst President since Carter when it comes to economic policies.
I heard a hell of a lot of this defeatist talk during the 1970s-1990s, nothing came from it and it's annoying to hear grown men whine like little girls instead of being men.
Well, again, as suggested to a previous is regrettable if your own personal economy doesn't look prosperous because.....well, because the rest of the U.S. is doing just fine.

Why are prices up? Well, because people have money. Why are restaurants full? People have money to spend. Why are corporations reporting record profits.....because people are buying the stuff they make and sell. Why are 'Now Hiring' signs everywhere.....because those corporations have long lead times, full order files.

Homelessness is up not because of gas prices....but due to strong residential real estate prices. And Joe Biden, Don Trump, any other politician ain't gonna get people to back off their selling price if their home sells in the first weekend of listing it.
Ok one can’t say “everyone else is doing fine” Inflation is a problem for 70% of Americans according to USA Today. And homelessness is at a record high in this country.

Ok on its face what you’re saying doesn’t make sense. You don’t understand that every year there are new people looking to buy homes. Buy a home for the first time but now with interest rates around 7% and record prices for homes… they’re priced out of the market. So either you don’t understand it or simply don’t care about it. Under Trump the average cost of a home was considerably less and the interest rates were around 2.5%.

Your perhaps not reading posts in this thread, I have had success with investing in the stock market. But this is something that most Americans don’t have access access to ie stock options.

Something like 50% of Americans don’t have access to $1000 for an emergency.
That’s by far of course the most important issue in America. The cost of living iow the general welfare of the American people.

Inflation is the number one concern for Americans, we’re not interested in race division, or foreign wars. Race division , constantly talking about race, talking about foreign wars that’s what the elites ie the powerful politicians and lobbyist want.

Look at what the politicians are doing…bombarding us with nonsense about race relations, and “give our money to foreign countries” for wars that have no effect on America.

This is what counts right now. Look at all of the men, women and children living on the streets in this country. We call this America? this is a disgrace,

Report Shows People Experiencing Homelessness Reaches a Record Level​

^This is what BLM, radical feminism, anti Christianity and anti-Americanism Gets us its Poverty, depression , drug use and homelessness.

Here’s what counts get the price of homes down, get the cost of living down, get the grocery prices down and costs down… give us good jobs in this country. We need Americans working together, especially the middle-class working together and rejecting BLM race division, rejecting the Neo cons sending our money away to countries to fight their wars that have no effect on America.

Sorry but your talking points aren't related to the problem of homelessness....
It is a "liberal " issue but not for these reasons.
Instead it's for four other reasons.

High inflation, especially in real estate prices have shrunk existing wages that have not kept pace with inflation. Meaning that people live in risky situations where they are one paycheck away from being homeless.

Sexual perversion lifestyles:
Look, doesn't matter if it's legal or encouraged...people feel "icky" being around LGBTQ. Also the community is absolutely full of mental health patients that cause severe economic hardships on others in the community. Everything from restraining orders to domestic assault charges and beyond.

Recreational drugs:
Many Recreational drugs have been essentially legalized under liberal administrations....everything from Marijuana to heroin. This has not emptied the prisons but instead has emptied low skilled jobs and multi family housing....because people can't work and get stoned.

"Defund the Police"
Between lower pay, less ongoing training and counseling, and outright licensed disrespect for police many have left the civil service jobs. A complete lack of applicants for a career in law enforcement also been realized. This has caused Mob rule and lawlessness in marketplaces...empty shopping centers causes even more urban blight. People refuse to shop where they don't feel safe.
I heard a hell of a lot of this defeatist talk during the 1970s-1990s, nothing came from it and it's annoying to hear grown men whine like little girls instead of being men.
Ok even in those days there was no radical BLM feminist populism among the left that we have today. So they are critical differences today compared to the 70s and 90s. It’s going to be more difficult to recover the American economy today due to radical left-wing policies.

Patriots want to see a strong country with affordable housing and cost-of-living prices. Affordable cost-of-living is due to having a strong robust economy which we don’t have today.

Patriots do Not want a weak country ran by BLM and feminist policies that tell young boys to go into girls bathrooms.
It is regrettable that your economic situation is painful.
More so, I suppose, because the rest of the U.S. is doing just fine.
My economic situation is comfortable. I'm retired and I was careful with my money over the years. I'm one of the lucky ones. I'm not trying to survive on a fixed income that doesn't cover my monthly bills. For large numbers of Americans however that isn't the case. They're not doing "fine"! They're struggling.
Sorry but your talking points aren't related to the problem of homelessness....
It is a "liberal " issue but not for these reasons.
Instead it's for four other reasons.

High inflation, especially in real estate prices have shrunk existing wages that have not kept pace with inflation. Meaning that people live in risky situations where they are one paycheck away from being homeless.

Sexual perversion lifestyles:
Look, doesn't matter if it's legal or encouraged...people feel "icky" being around LGBTQ. Also the community is absolutely full of mental health patients that cause severe economic hardships on others in the community. Everything from restraining orders to domestic assault charges and beyond.

Recreational drugs:
Many Recreational drugs have been essentially legalized under liberal administrations....everything from Marijuana to heroin. This has not emptied the prisons but instead has emptied low skilled jobs and multi family housing....because people can't work and get stoned.

"Defund the Police"
Between lower pay, less ongoing training and counseling, and outright licensed disrespect for police many have left the civil service jobs. A complete lack of applicants for a career in law enforcement also been realized. This has caused Mob rule and lawlessness in marketplaces...empty shopping centers causes even more urban blight. People refuse to shop where they don't feel safe.
Wow, I bet the police now feel like teachers under years of attacks by conservatives fuckups.

Dude, do you have mental issues or just hold ignorant opinions?
Ok even in those days there was no radical BLM feminist populism among the left that we have today. So they are critical differences today compared to the 70s and 90s. It’s going to be more difficult to recover the American economy today due to radical left-wing policies.

Patriots want to see a strong country with affordable housing and cost-of-living prices. Affordable cost-of-living is due to having a strong robust economy which we don’t have today.

Patriots do Not want a weak country ran by BLM and feminist policies that tell young boys to go into girls bathrooms.
Just stop with the patriot talk old man. You clearly don’t understand what being one is.

Hint, it’s not being an rightwing authoritarian.
Because 40% still believe an election was stolen from their Orange Jesus.
That doesn't explain his plummeting poll numbers among Independents, Hispanics, Blacks and the young, August! Biden is in trouble because large parts of his base have been hurt by his fiscal policies and his border policies.
I know, If trump hadn't mishandled the COVID response, biden wouldn't have to clean up the mess trump created.

COVID happened under trump.
Don't deflect.
All decisions made in 2020 fall on the trump administration.
More people died of Covid under Biden than died of it under Trump. How pray tell did Joe Biden "clean up" anything?
That doesn't explain his plummeting poll numbers among Independents, Hispanics, Blacks and the young, August! Biden is in trouble because large parts of his base have been hurt by his fiscal policies and his border policies.
Awww, polls.

Dude, the polls are skewed……LMAO fuckup

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