sad news from Mosul Iraq for US right-wingers: ISIS fighters fleeing

Devastating news for Republicans. Nothing could be worse for them leading up to the election than Obama's victories in foreign policy. It destroys the phoney narrative they are trying to put out.

And thank god these right-wing whackos in Iraq are being defeated.

You idiots are lost in your delusions. Obama was the one that ALLOWED isis to run wild in Iraq. He should at least try to clean up his mess before he leaves.

Nah Bush let them loose. Democrats are always having clean up the mess left by Republicans, just look at The Bush Great Recession. We are still recovering from that Republican cluster f$%k.

So it's taking some time, wars generally do, to defeat these losers but they are losing. And how apropos that you don't applaud them losing, you just find a way to attack Americans instead. Weird huh?
ISIS did not exist prior to Obama entering office. ISIS took root when Obama fled Iraq like the liberal coward he is

ISIS was born in Abu Ghraib, the gift that keeps on giving.

Only the most brain damaged kind of sucker falls for that horseshit.
. And Iraqi troops that took Mosul were trained by Australia and New Zealand.

Not very informed are ya? No Iraq troops have taken Mosul as of today. The daesh terrorist scum that are reported to have fled have run because Mosul has been surrounded by Iraqi forces as part of the U.S. and Iraqi plan.

Australia and New Zealand's training mission is a small part of the overall training,

You just can't admit that Obama has got the defense assistance of Iraq quite right, can you?

PARIS — American commanders are considering whether to establish a presence at Iraqi military outposts and bases north of Baghdad ahead of a looming fight against Islamic State militants in Mosul, defense officials said Friday.

Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the country’s top military officer, said discussions between American and Iraqi commanders and officials had begun on how American forces would “integrate” with Iraqi military units to take back Mosul.

“It’s fair to say that we will have positions up in the north that will facilitate supporting Iraqi security forces,” General Dunford told reporters traveling with him in Paris.

One of the crucial questions to be answered, General Dunford said, is just how closely American trainers and advisers will work with the Iraqi military and with the Kurdish pesh merga fighters as they try to take back Mosul from the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

American forces established a training hub at Al Taqqadum, an Iraqi base near the town of Habbaniya in eastern Anbar Province, to aid in the successful retaking of the city of Ramadi last month.

Iraqi and American military leaders must decide whether the American trainers and advisers will embed with Iraqi forces at the operational headquarters, farther from the fight, or with the brigades, closer to the fighting.

After the success in Ramadi, General Dunford said, the question is “how can we be more integrated in Mosul?”

The Mosul operation is probably months away. The United States is first trying to isolate Islamic State forces in Mosul from supply lines from their stronghold of Raqqa, in neighboring Syria. American military planners also want to cut off Raqqa from the rest of the Islamic State’s territory in Syria.
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Devastating news for Republicans. Nothing could be worse for them leading up to the election than Obama's victories in foreign policy. It destroys the phoney narrative they are trying to put out.

And thank god these right-wing whackos in Iraq are being defeated.

You idiots are lost in your delusions. Obama was the one that ALLOWED isis to run wild in Iraq. He should at least try to clean up his mess before he leaves.

Nah Bush let them loose. Democrats are always having clean up the mess left by Republicans, just look at The Bush Great Recession. We are still recovering from that Republican cluster f$%k.

So it's taking some time, wars generally do, to defeat these losers but they are losing. And how apropos that you don't applaud them losing, you just find a way to attack Americans instead. Weird huh?

Are you drunk ?

Democrats can't wipe their own asses.

Hillary is a prime example.

Hers to lose and it appears she's about lost it.
tinydancer 13594133
Obama allowed ISIS to take Mosul to begin with.

That is such a rotten lie. You certainly were thrilled when ISIS took over Mosul. There was absolutely no U.S. obligation or opportunity to prevent daesh capture Mosul. That is an empty and mindless charge.
tinydancer 13594133
Obama allowed ISIS to take Mosul to begin with.

That is such a rotten lie. You certainly were thrilled when ISIS took over Mosul. There was absolutely no U.S. obligation or opportunity to prevent daesh capture Mosul. That is an empty and mindless charge.

To state that I was thrilled at anything those bastards ISIS has done is a charge that is beyond the pale.
tinydancer 13594871
To state that I was thrilled at anything those bastards ISIS has done is a charge that is beyond the pale.

You have to be thrilled politically since you have repeated the appalling claim that Obama 'allowed' daesh to capture Mosul in the first place. So thrilled you can't control yourself when you see an opportunity to falsely smear Obama.

Obama has zero authority over the Iraqi government and/or Iraqi military. There was no way the U.S. could have stopped what ISIS did in 2014.

Iraq has since requested specific assistance and Obama has provided it correctly and on his terms. No foreign nation gets to dictate how And when US troops are deployed. Not Maliki and certainly not you.

Why didn't your country stop ISIS from capturing Mosul?
Devastating news for Republicans. Nothing could be worse for them leading up to the election than Obama's victories in foreign policy. It destroys the phoney narrative they are trying to put out.

And thank god these right-wing whackos in Iraq are being defeated.

You idiots are lost in your delusions. Obama was the one that ALLOWED isis to run wild in Iraq. He should at least try to clean up his mess before he leaves.

Actually Bush caused that, but you can believe what you want.
Two years later they may or may not leave despite Obama's best efforts to let them dig in like ticks.

If they don't leave they will be dead. What Obama policy are you citing that indicates that Obama made any effort to let daesh dig into Iraq like ticks?

It appears we have a right wing myth being pushed as truth going right here.
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I see that the Article quoted in the O. P. was written by "The Iraq News"

Does Bagdad Bob still run that operation?

Bagdad Bob, for you very young was the official spokesman of the Iraq News back during the Second Irag War...he got on T.V in the heart of Badgdad and said the the American advance had been stopped cold outside of Bagdad, with many American casualities...and they were getting ready to "roasts their stomachs in hell" etc.

And Americans Tanks were rolling by behind him...unopposed....talking up positions all over Bagdad.

So, I for one will wait around for something more reliable before I plan a vacation in Mosul for my family..
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Sad news for the Right Wing? Nope just more proof everything the Democrats do is rooted in thier Liberal Ideology, the people in Iraq suffer as Democrats declare ISIS's retreat, a victory over Republicans in the USA!

Foriegn Policy is a partisan domestic issue for Democrats.
Daesh terrorist scum took over Mosul in June 2014. Republicans were elated. Just in time for the mid-term elections.

At least in Iraq, the Republican thrill with ISIS is collapsing.

. ( Nineveh – A local source in Nineveh Province revealed on Tuesday, that ISIS withdrew the majority of its fighters from the left coast in Mosul, while pointed out that more than 400 ISIS members fled to unknown destinations.

The source said in a press statement obtained by, “This evening, ISIS withdrew the majority of its members from the left coast in Mosul,” pointing out that, “ISIS used to deploy its fighters in the majority of axes, but these troops disappeared before sunset.”

The source added, “More than 400 ISIS members escaped from the organization’s headquarters to unknown destinations,” indicating that, “ISIS is collapsing, and its fighters are escaping due to the lack of financial resources.”

ISIS withdraws its fighters from left coast in Mosul - Iraqi News

It took Bush four years and 160,000 U.S combat troops on the ground to drive al Qaeda out of Iraq.

It's beginning to look like Obama will force uDaesh out of Iraq in two years with no U.S. 'Combat' troops on the ground.

Will Republicans congratulate Obama for once again doing better than Bush regarding the anti-terrorist wars in Iraq?
"A local source in Nineveh Province revealed ....."

We'll file that with Obama saying ISIS is on the run over two years ago.

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