Sadiq Khan calls for Donald Trump's state visit to be CANCELLED

It's sad and very telling that London residents have chosen this guy to be there leader. The UK is lost.

You can't cure stupid and those that voted for that POS are sure stupid.

You're quite correct. Those who voted for Trump are stupid. He has no human decency and is bound and bent on completely destroying your nation.

Home of the brave? Cowering in fear with your guns and your paranoia.

Ordinary Brits attack terrorists wearing what looked like bombs, with bottles and chairs until police got there and shot the terrorists. And the people there, who have been through all of this before with the Catholics in Northern Ireland, said "Fuck you", and went to the Ariana Grande concert, where a bunch of mostly American young and female pop stars held a festival based on telling the terrorists to "Fuck you", while people of all faiths, including both Christians and Muslims celebrated love, diversity and those who were killed.

This is what freedom and bravery look like.

Trump is no longer welcome in Britain. No one wants him there.

Do you people need a house to fall on you before you recognize that the guy is no better than Putin. And not nearly as smart?
Trump should cancel.

Scrap Trump's state visit urges Sadiq Khan | Daily Mail Online

  • Sadiq Khan has urged ministers to axe President Donald Trump's state visit
  • President Trump received a rebuke from Theresa May over his jibe at Mr Khan
  • President brushed aside the slapdown, branding Mr Khan 'pathetic' on Twitter

Sadiq Khan....the man who once said that moderate muslims are "Uncle Toms?" You mean that Sadiq Khan?
Want to put that into the context it was said. Your interp is just . . . your interp.
It would be so wonderful if we had Muslim mayors all over America. Right Jakey?
Are you still up drinking? You got to stop that, gipper. Why would you want Muslim mayors all over America?

What's missing in this conversation is how Trumpbots are now demonizing the duly elected Mayor of London during a time of crisis in his City, based on Donald Trump's vicious tweets in the wake of two terrorist attacks in two weeks.

What is wrong with your President? His behaviour in the days following these attacks is beyond shameful. There is no defence for it.

And yet here are Americans, duly echoing Trump's twitter attack like good little Nazi's.

Trump is unwelcome outside the US.
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The rag head mayor was elected by rag heads and LIB pussies.
The rag head terrorists KNOW their easiest targets are in London where everyone likes like a rag head or a fucking 'man-bun' pussy.
Londoners are reaping what they sowed.
It's sad and very telling that London residents have chosen this guy to be there leader. The UK is lost.

You can't cure stupid and those that voted for that POS are sure stupid.

You're quite correct. Those who voted for Trump are stupid. He has no human decency and is bound and bent on completely destroying your nation.

Home of the brave? Cowering in fear with your guns and your paranoia.

Ordinary Brits attack terrorists wearing what looked like bombs, with bottles and chairs until police got there and shot the terrorists. And the people there, who have been through all of this before with the Catholics in Northern Ireland, said "Fuck you", and went to the Ariana Grande concert, where a bunch of mostly American young and female pop stars held a festival based on telling the terrorists to "Fuck you", while people of all faiths, including both Christians and Muslims celebrated love, diversity and those who were killed.

This is what freedom and bravery look like.

Trump is no longer welcome in Britain. No one wants him there.

Do you people need a house to fall on you before you recognize that the guy is no better than Putin. And not nearly as smart?

It's sad and very telling that London residents have chosen this guy to be there leader. The UK is lost.

You can't cure stupid and those that voted for that POS are sure stupid.

You're quite correct. Those who voted for Trump are stupid. He has no human decency and is bound and bent on completely destroying your nation.

Home of the brave? Cowering in fear with your guns and your paranoia.

Ordinary Brits attack terrorists wearing what looked like bombs, with bottles and chairs until police got there and shot the terrorists. And the people there, who have been through all of this before with the Catholics in Northern Ireland, said "Fuck you", and went to the Ariana Grande concert, where a bunch of mostly American young and female pop stars held a festival based on telling the terrorists to "Fuck you", while people of all faiths, including both Christians and Muslims celebrated love, diversity and those who were killed.

This is what freedom and bravery look like.

Trump is no longer welcome in Britain. No one wants him there.

Do you people need a house to fall on you before you recognize that the guy is no better than Putin. And not nearly as smart?

Who is cowering in fear with guns...? Walking around defenseless can be pretty stupid....and it seems it is getting really stupid to do so in Britain.
It's sad and very telling that London residents have chosen this guy to be there leader. The UK is lost.

You can't cure stupid and those that voted for that POS are sure stupid.

You're quite correct. Those who voted for Trump are stupid. He has no human decency and is bound and bent on completely destroying your nation.

Home of the brave? Cowering in fear with your guns and your paranoia.

Ordinary Brits attack terrorists wearing what looked like bombs, with bottles and chairs until police got there and shot the terrorists. And the people there, who have been through all of this before with the Catholics in Northern Ireland, said "Fuck you", and went to the Ariana Grande concert, where a bunch of mostly American young and female pop stars held a festival based on telling the terrorists to "Fuck you", while people of all faiths, including both Christians and Muslims celebrated love, diversity and those who were killed.

This is what freedom and bravery look like.

Trump is no longer welcome in Britain. No one wants him there.

Do you people need a house to fall on you before you recognize that the guy is no better than Putin. And not nearly as smart?

They elected a mayor who believes in Sharia......and who calls the wonderful, "moderate" muslims uncle toms........and you call us stupid? That is funny....
How dare Trump ( who represents the American people ) embarrass and disrespect a country that has just been terrorized ...I dislike him more everyday..he is a scum yuck mentally ill fuck...
It's sad and very telling that London residents have chosen this guy to be there leader. The UK is lost.

You can't cure stupid and those that voted for that POS are sure stupid.

You're quite correct. Those who voted for Trump are stupid. He has no human decency and is bound and bent on completely destroying your nation.

Home of the brave? Cowering in fear with your guns and your paranoia.

Ordinary Brits attack terrorists wearing what looked like bombs, with bottles and chairs until police got there and shot the terrorists. And the people there, who have been through all of this before with the Catholics in Northern Ireland, said "Fuck you", and went to the Ariana Grande concert, where a bunch of mostly American young and female pop stars held a festival based on telling the terrorists to "Fuck you", while people of all faiths, including both Christians and Muslims celebrated love, diversity and those who were killed.

This is what freedom and bravery look like.

Trump is no longer welcome in Britain. No one wants him there.

Do you people need a house to fall on you before you recognize that the guy is no better than Putin. And not nearly as smart?

They elected a mayor who believes in Sharia......and who calls the wonderful, "moderate" muslims uncle toms........and you call us stupid? That is funny....
Libs don't know anything about the Muslim London mayor. Their media loves to keep them in the dark, which apparently they are fine with.
They want to ban Trump but terrorists are welcomed.

What a fucked up place Londonistan has become.


They don't need or want Trump making racists speeches in their country. This isn't Florida. His hatred of all things Muslim and his attempts to use these attacks to push his anti-Muslim immigration ban is also unwelcome in the rest of the world.

May has already told Trump he's on his own with North Korea. NATO and the EU, are going their own way.

And Putin is celebrating the fracturing of NATO, and the chaos in the US over Trump's election.

This is just like Charlie Sheen's "Winning" Tour, where Charlie went on stage talking about how he was "winning", while his entire life was unravelling. And all sorts of sleazy types made lots of money off that destruction.

Trump is destroying everything your nation purports to stand for - freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press - three of the founding principles of your Republic.

You elected him. The rest of the world is repulsed by him.
Sadiq Khan....the man who once said that moderate muslims are "Uncle Toms?" You mean that Sadiq Khan?

Which he apologized for... but never mind.

He said caught speaking his actual thoughts, and in the middle of an election apologized for it...that is what he actually thinks....tells you all you need to know about him.

This post is all anyone needs to understand you: a liar in this case, and a fool in this matter and all others. Are you really as stupid and foolish as all of your posts strongly suggest? Or are you playing a game out of a desperate need for attention?
They want to ban Trump but terrorists are welcomed.

What a fucked up place Londonistan has become.


They don't need or want Trump making racists speeches in their country. This isn't Florida. His hatred of all things Muslim and his attempts to use these attacks to push his anti-Muslim immigration ban is also unwelcome in the rest of the world.

May has already told Trump he's on his own with North Korea. NATO and the EU, are going their own way.

And Putin is celebrating the fracturing of NATO, and the chaos in the US over Trump's election.

This is just like Charlie Sheen's "Winning" Tour, where Charlie went on stage talking about how he was "winning", while his entire life was unravelling. And all sorts of sleazy types made lots of money off that destruction.

Trump is destroying everything your nation purports to stand for - freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press - three of the founding principles of your Republic.

You elected him. The rest of the world is repulsed by him.

Thank you, if only the conservatives and Republicans spoke the truth to power and curtailed an out of control POTUS, as you have here. Of course Trump would simply attack you in 140 (flawed) characters if he read your comment. Thank you.
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Trump should cancel.

Scrap Trump's state visit urges Sadiq Khan | Daily Mail Online

  • Sadiq Khan has urged ministers to axe President Donald Trump's state visit
  • President Trump received a rebuke from Theresa May over his jibe at Mr Khan
  • President brushed aside the slapdown, branding Mr Khan 'pathetic' on Twitter

Sadiq Khan....the man who once said that moderate muslims are "Uncle Toms?" You mean that Sadiq Khan?
Want to put that into the context it was said. Your interp is just . . . your interp.
You want Trump to go on a apology tour like obozo.. Not going to happen..
There was no apology tour, but not too worry, el dumpo will not get the chance.

You sure about that? All Obama did was run around the world apologize it was embarrassing as an American

Obama went on a tour to introduce himself to other world leaders and to tell them how things would be done differently with him in power.

Between the Iraq War, and Bush's economic policies taking down the World's economy with their sub-prime mortgage scams, there was a lot that the rest of the world was pretty fed up with.

The world held a lot of good will and regard for the difficulties faced by Americans after 9/11, but W squandered all of it with his disastrous foreign and economics policies. The world needed to see that Obama was changing the disastrous direction the US was on under Bush.

Obama restored respect for America during his 8 years in power.

It took Trump less than 6 months to make everyone in the rest of the world, completely disrespect the USA again.
Why has the "discussion" devolved into ad hominem attacks and displays of racist and xenophobic views? There does not seem to be any real discussion of the topic at hand except by a few thoughtful "lib-pussies and libtards."
U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May is facing pressure from the opposition Labour party, of which Khan is a member, to cancel a planned state visit by Trump first announced during her visit to the U.S. last Friday.

A petition calling on May to cancel the visit today passed one million signatures.

Khan’s article added his voice to the calls, stating “we must now rescind the offer of a full state visit for President Trump — until this ban is lifted.”

Sadiq Khan has joined calls to stop Donald Trump from making a state visit to the U.K.
We have lots of petitions about Trump started by leftards and muslims. Not one of them has influenced the gvmnt, nor will they. BTW Corbyn invites terrorists to Westminster, and Khan agrees. Oh the irony!
Can't wait for Trumps visit :)
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Trump should cancel.

Scrap Trump's state visit urges Sadiq Khan | Daily Mail Online

  • Sadiq Khan has urged ministers to axe President Donald Trump's state visit
  • President Trump received a rebuke from Theresa May over his jibe at Mr Khan
  • President brushed aside the slapdown, branding Mr Khan 'pathetic' on Twitter

Khan is part of the problem with his "we just need to get used to it," bullshit, fuck him and fuck you too.
Not only that, but he also steadfastly refuses to acknowledge the Muslim terrorist scum are even Muslims.
Boris is a has been, you are a never been, Geaux4it, and the million signatures matter.
But you lied Jake. You said he didn't say it. I proved to you he did. You're ignorance is noted


Asked if Mr Trump’s official trip to Britain will go ahead, Mrs May said: “Yes”.

Read more: Trump `wrong´ to attack Sadiq Khan but state visit will go ahead, says May | Daily Mail Online
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As an enemy of Europe, Trump probably shouldn't be allowed to set foot there.
Sadiq Khan....the man who once said that moderate muslims are "Uncle Toms?" You mean that Sadiq Khan?
Want to put that into the context it was said. Your interp is just . . . your interp.
You want Trump to go on a apology tour like obozo.. Not going to happen..
There was no apology tour, but not too worry, el dumpo will not get the chance.

You sure about that? All Obama did was run around the world apologize it was embarrassing as an American

Obama went on a tour to introduce himself to other world leaders and to tell them how things would be done differently with him in power.

Between the Iraq War, and Bush's economic policies taking down the World's economy with their sub-prime mortgage scams, there was a lot that the rest of the world was pretty fed up with.

The world held a lot of good will and regard for the difficulties faced by Americans after 9/11, but W squandered all of it with his disastrous foreign and economics policies. The world needed to see that Obama was changing the disastrous direction the US was on under Bush.

Obama restored respect for America during his 8 years in power.

It took Trump less than 6 months to make everyone in the rest of the world, completely disrespect the USA again.

A clear and concise summary of the history of the 21st Century, thus far. Thank you again! Let's hope Trump can be replaced, by resignation, or impeached and found guilty of the articles by the Senate, and the 21st Century will not become a replay of the first 50 years of the 20th.
Trump should cancel.

Scrap Trump's state visit urges Sadiq Khan | Daily Mail Online

  • Sadiq Khan has urged ministers to axe President Donald Trump's state visit
  • President Trump received a rebuke from Theresa May over his jibe at Mr Khan
  • President brushed aside the slapdown, branding Mr Khan 'pathetic' on Twitter

/---- breaking. Hammer attack on London police officer. May moved to ban hammers

Sent from my iPhone using
Not a time to overreact. Bans should be limited to assault hammers only.

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