Sadly, this is not too stupid to be real.

Studies show far right beliefs are held by people with simplified mindsets; this woman couldn't be any simpler if she tried. She, like trump have a strong desire for group based dominance and hierarchy ( of course Trump would have to be on the top of that hierarchy; his ego wouldn't allow anything else. ). They judge everyone else by their narrow opinion on a superiority - inferiority dimension. They perceived a wider authority as illegitimate. They have no uncertainty or ambiguity about their beliefs. It is a rigid mindset we're outsiders are viewed as threats or even enemies. The issues they draw on are ones that they need cognitive closure upon and they need these issue settled in their opinion, no other option is available to them. Many of these things mirror psychopathic behavior because that's what they are.
'Studies show' far left beliefs are held by people with no intellect whatsoever. One need only look at people like Kamala Harris, the most idiotic, Marxist-tool sheep to come along. Lefties always march in lock-goose-step at the command of their Marxist masters. They always have to have an 'authority' to tell them what to think and what to do and what to say. Individualism and free speech are an anathema to their ant-colony brain-washed philosophy. For example: If their thought-masters tell them that men and women are not really men and women they swallow that swill like a baby sparrow getting pre-chewed bugs from a beak.
Is it abject stupidity? Yes. However, I seem to recall that MTG once said something about how the people who were once on the fringe of the GOP were now the base of the GOP.

There's also no denying that MTG trolls the base of her supporters who are clearly quick to anger at any provocation, real or perceived, regardless of how far-fetched the accusations are. We used to call people like that anger junkies who were fixated on stoking outrage just like an adrenaline junkie is fixated on being involved in potentially dangerous situations which heightens the release of adrenaline into the body. It's a high, to be sure. It's just not a "drug high." I recall the same feeling while doing a whip-snap when water skiing decades ago when I crossed the boat's wake and actually travelled faster than the boat.
I'm seeing three general groups here:

The paranoid, angry, mal-informed, misguided rubes who believe everything they're told by their MAGA media (represented abundantly here, obviously), the craven politicians and pundits who know better but have chosen to sell their soul for professional gain, and then those who are a bit of both, like MTG, the child sex trafficker guy and Boebert.

But the fact that MTG does represent the base is chilling, and it tells me that America isn't quite what I thought it was. I don't think that anyone saw the magnitude and intensity of what was boiling and growing just under the surface, waiting for just the right con man to set it free.

Here is their current depth:

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Studies show far right beliefs are held by people with simplified mindsets; this woman couldn't be any simpler if she tried. She, like trump have a strong desire for group based dominance and hierarchy ( of course Trump would have to be on the top of that hierarchy; his ego wouldn't allow anything else. ). They judge everyone else by their narrow opinion on a superiority - inferiority dimension. They perceived a wider authority as illegitimate. They have no uncertainty or ambiguity about their beliefs. It is a rigid mindset we're outsiders are viewed as threats or even enemies. The issues they draw on are ones that they need cognitive closure upon and they need these issue settled in their opinion, no other option is available to them. Many of these things mirror psychopathic behavior because that's what they are.
Agreed. I do wonder about a nature vs. nurture element to this, though. How much of this is who they really are, and how much of it is their daily, hourly immersion in the alternate universe?

I've done a lot of reading on the subconscious. Mania, or whatever you want to call this, can be the result of a combination of things -- such as an initial core belief system, and then intellectual isolation (or an "echo chamber") that maintains, nurtures and amplifies the belief system. That creates a subconscious template that allows a person to believe almost anything.

This alternate universe is now a fully separate, fully self-contained, fully functional ideological ecosystem in which these people can exist, protected by the internet and the stratification of cable teevee. We're not sure how to deal with this, because we've never seen anything like this. The Europe of 80 years ago was child's play compared to this, because they weren't nearly as submersed as these people are now.
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Well, it looks like there may be plenty more of her after November.

The decay may be just getting started.
You are the decay and the virus.

Do you miss the good ole days when we just ignored you crazy asses?

Those days are gone. Enough of your Bas.

Anyways Good Luck in Burn Loot and Murder Season. Its getting close to that time again. Maybe you will hire SIEU to attack the other party again.
Agreed. I do wonder about a nature vs. nurture element to this, though. How much of this is who they really are, and how much of it is their daily, hourly immersion in the alternate universe?

I've done a lot of reading on the subconscious. Mania, or whatever you want to call this, can be the result of a combination of things -- such as an initial core belief system, and then intellectual isolation (or an "echo chamber") that maintains, nurtures and amplifies the belief system. That creates a subconscious template that allows a person to believe almost anything.

This alternate universe is now a fully separate, fully self-contained, fully functional ideological ecosystem in which these people can exist, protected by the internet and the stratification of cable teevee. We're not sure how to deal with this, because we've never seen anything like this. The Europe of 80 years ago was child's play compared to this, because they weren't nearly as submersed as these people are now.
Sigmond is that you?

Its called people are pissed at your side. Your violence and use of Federal agencies to attack people for power.

Which part of our side tell you go to hell dont you ubderstand??

You are a hoot Sigmond
I'm seeing three general groups here:

The paranoid, angry, mal-informed, misguided rubes who believe everything they're told by their MAGA media (represented abundantly here, obviously), the craven politicians and pundits who know better but have chosen to sell their soul for professional gain, and then those who are a bit of both, like MTG, the child sex trafficker guy and Boebert.

But the fact that MTG does represent the base is chilling, and it tells me that America isn't quite what I thought it was. I don't think that anyone saw the magnitude and intensity of what was boiling and growing just under the surface, waiting for just the right con man to set it free.

Here is their current depth:

What >I< see is one hell of a lot of irrationality combined with an almost immediate reaction that is overly emotional in nature. It's a toxic mix because people in this mindset absolutely cannot be reasoned with. Jan 6 of last year proved that in a microcosm moment, and Republicans have continued to stoke that anger ever since that day even to the point that they cast the Jan 6 rioters as both patriots and victims when, in reality, they are neither.

Now, just imagine a Jan 6 moment on a much larger scale. These Republicans are little more than shortsighted fools if they think they can ride this tiger they're creating.
What >I< see is one hell of a lot of irrationality combined with an almost immediate reaction that is overly emotional in nature. It's a toxic mix because people in this mindset absolutely cannot be reasoned with. Jan 6 of last year proved that in a microcosm moment, and Republicans have continued to stoke that anger ever since that day even to the point that they cast the Jan 6 rioters as both patriots and victims when, in reality, they are neither.

Now, just imagine a Jan 6 moment on a much larger scale. These Republicans are little more than shortsighted fools if they think they can ride this tiger they're creating.
Yeah. This has been the conditioning on the Right since the day Limbaugh went national. Grievance, rage, paranoia, all building in size and intensity over time.

Right now, those who stoke and leverage this mania are incentivized to do so. And yes, the GOP has fed off it all this time.

But it looks like this thing is now out of their control. The night Trump was booed for saying he was vaxxed is an example. This is its own beast now, the rubes running the show.
What >I< see is one hell of a lot of irrationality combined with an almost immediate reaction that is overly emotional in nature. It's a toxic mix because people in this mindset absolutely cannot be reasoned with. Jan 6 of last year proved that in a microcosm moment, and Republicans have continued to stoke that anger ever since that day even to the point that they cast the Jan 6 rioters as both patriots and victims when, in reality, they are neither.

Now, just imagine a Jan 6 moment on a much larger scale. These Republicans are little more than shortsighted fools if they think they can ride this tiger they're creating.
So explain the Thug Lives Matter summer of looting,burning, and murder. Hundreds of separate instances, thousands of innocent victims, billions of dollars in damages. Yet you see a problem with one slightly unpeaceful event? Talk about emotional and irrational.
Yeah. This has been the conditioning on the Right since the day Limbaugh went national. Grievance, rage, paranoia, all building in size and intensity over time.

Right now, those who stoke and leverage this mania are incentivized to do so. And yes, the GOP has fed off it all this time.

But it looks like this thing is now out of their control. The night Trump was booed for saying he was vaxxed is an example. This is its own beast now, the rubes running the show.
I've long said that RW talk radio was the match that lit the flame of RW extremism. Starting some 30 years ago, conservatives thought that they could 'use' talk radio to help them win elections without caving into the extremists more radical impulses. It worked...for a while, until they got a belated wakeup call when House Majority leader, Eric Cantor, lost a primary challenge to a nobody in 2014. But did they really learn anything? Of course not. Now, here we are some 8 years later, and Trump is supporting primary challengers to Republican incumbents while other Republican are retiring rather than face those challenges. It's nothing less than a purge of solid conservatives in favor of Trump loyalists who will be loyal to a man, and not loyal to conservative principles.
So explain the Thug Lives Matter summer of looting,burning, and murder. Hundreds of separate instances, thousands of innocent victims, billions of dollars in damages. Yet you see a problem with one slightly unpeaceful event? Talk about emotional and irrational.
What is it that you expect me to explain? People were shocked to find that police could (and did) murder a helpless man while he was lying helpless and prostrate on the ground. You don't get that?

As for me, I'm all in favor of peaceful protests which is the right of every American. However, I am NOT in favor of rioting or the destruction of private or public property, and I have no problem with the prosecution of anyone who engages in such behavior.
What is it that you expect me to explain? People were shocked to find that police could (and did) murder a helpless man while he was lying helpless and prostrate on the ground. You don't get that?

As for me, I'm all in favor of peaceful protests which is the right of every American. However, I am NOT in favor of rioting or the destruction of private or public property, and I have no problem with the prosecution of anyone who engages in such behavior.
Wow. Way to leave out the suspect resisted arrest and had to be restrained. No wonder you folks are all twisted on this.
What is it that you expect me to explain? People were shocked to find that police could (and did) murder a helpless man while he was lying helpless and prostrate on the ground. You don't get that?

As for me, I'm all in favor of peaceful protests which is the right of every American. However, I am NOT in favor of rioting or the destruction of private or public property, and I have no problem with the prosecution of anyone who engages in such behavior.
So, why don't 'people' riot when a little child is gunned down on a sidewalk in a Democrat shit hole? You say you favor peaceful protests but seemingly give exculpatory excuses for the Floyd riots.
Yeah. This has been the conditioning on the Right since the day Limbaugh went national. Grievance, rage, paranoia, all building in size and intensity over time.

Right now, those who stoke and leverage this mania are incentivized to do so. And yes, the GOP has fed off it all this time.

But it looks like this thing is now out of their control. The night Trump was booed for saying he was vaxxed is an example. This is its own beast now, the rubes running the show.
Limbaugh shined the light of truth on the far left and gave folks another perspective other than the sanitized legacy media. You call it a mania, I call it information that people like you refuse to consider while denigrating anyone who who exercises their freedom to listen.
I'm seeing three general groups here:

The paranoid, angry, mal-informed, misguided rubes who believe everything they're told by their MAGA media (represented abundantly here, obviously), the craven politicians and pundits who know better but have chosen to sell their soul for professional gain, and then those who are a bit of both, like MTG, the child sex trafficker guy and Boebert.

But the fact that MTG does represent the base is chilling, and it tells me that America isn't quite what I thought it was. I don't think that anyone saw the magnitude and intensity of what was boiling and growing just under the surface, waiting for just the right con man to set it free.

Here is their current depth:

You forgot to include a lot of spoiled rotten children that believe they deserve more than they have, more than they've worked for, if they've worked at all.

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