Sadly, this is not too stupid to be real.

Continuing her psychotic, ignorant and admittedly comical attempts to make everyone who doesn't agree with her into Hitler, MTG spectacularly confuses "gestapo" with "gazpacho", a vegetable (how appropriate) soup.

Do you laugh? Do you cry? Do you morn the collapse of intellect in our country? You choose.

I've morned the lack of intellect ever since I started listening to retarded demscum.
You are not going to escape pushback by sticking your head in the sand
You seem pretty confused. Your small cult is small. Everyone outside of it is embarrassed by your cult and your lies. This is what happens when you spend too much time in your bubble... you get deluded about the size of your cult.
Continuing her psychotic, ignorant and admittedly comical attempts to make everyone who doesn't agree with her into Hitler, MTG spectacularly confuses "gestapo" with "gazpacho", a vegetable (how appropriate) soup.

Do you laugh? Do you cry? Do you morn the collapse of intellect in our country? You choose.

Is it abject stupidity? Yes. However, I seem to recall that MTG once said something about how the people who were once on the fringe of the GOP were now the base of the GOP.

There's also no denying that MTG trolls the base of her supporters who are clearly quick to anger at any provocation, real or perceived, regardless of how far-fetched the accusations are. We used to call people like that anger junkies who were fixated on stoking outrage just like an adrenaline junkie is fixated on being involved in potentially dangerous situations which heightens the release of adrenaline into the body. It's a high, to be sure. It's just not a "drug high." I recall the same feeling while doing a whip-snap when water skiing decades ago when I crossed the boat's wake and actually travelled faster than the boat.
Funny how liberals hang on her every word. I suppose having no viable platform, a president polling in the 30's, a VP polling worse, and November around the corner they really have nothing else. How sad and pathetic the left has become.
Funny how liberals hang on her every word. I suppose having no viable platform, a president polling in the 30's, a VP polling worse, and November around the corner they really have nothing else. How sad and pathetic the left has become.
Every word? Uh...wut?

But what is definitely true is that you practically trip over yourself to be her little human shield, whenever her name comes up.
Every word? Uh...wut?

But what is definitely true is that you practically trip over yourself to be her little human shield, whenever her name comes up.
This whole outrage hinges on a single word. So obviously you folks are listening to everything she says. How sad, exactly what expect from one such as you.
You want me to argue with you but there is no point

You are so far left as to be unreachable
No, sorry, there is no debate to be had on the big lie. Everyone who believes it is a moron cultist who is embarrassing himself. History will record it as such. You will be in the same chapter with Jonestown, and the Moonies.
I've morned (sic) the lack of intellect ever since I started listening ......"
I love this bar.
We used to call people like that anger junkies who were fixated on stoking outrage just like an adrenaline junkie is fixated
You know, poster Mustang, I recall that phrase. It had slipped from my radar screen. But, I think you have nailed it.
There does seem to be culture of grievance and a way of being.

Yeah, I don't get it either.
Your ridicule is hateful
Well, I can't speak for the poster Magnus, or his sense of the ridiculous, but.....

....but I'm here to testify that I treasure MGT. Not because I love to hate. Her, or anything.

But because she is so much like the clown on the tiny seat above the dunk-tank.
The clown that mouths off to the good folks strolling on the midway.

Who doesn't like to see the ball hit the target, trip the trigger, and send the clown into the dunker?

That's elemental. That's human nature.

I think, good poster 'TheGreat'.... in your heart of hearts you know full well that MGT time and time again sets herself up to be......ah, 'dunked'.

She's sorta kinda her own worst enemy.
Even when armed with space lasers.

No, sorry, there is no debate to be had on the big lie. Everyone who believes it is a moron cultist who is embarrassing himself. History will record it as such. You will be in the same chapter with Jonestown, and the Moonies.
Which big lie are you referring to?
Well, I can't speak for the poster Magnus, or his sense of the ridiculous, but.....

....but I'm here to testify that I treasure MGT. Not because I love to hate. Her, or anything.

But because she is so much like the clown on the tiny seat above the dunk-tank.
The clown that mouths off to the good folks strolling on the midway.

Who doesn't like to see the ball hit the target, trip the trigger, and send the clown into the dunker?

That's elemental. That's human nature.

I think, good poster 'TheGreat'.... in your heart of hearts you know full well that MGT time and time again sets herself up to be......ah, 'dunked'.

She's sorta kinda her own worst enemy.
Even when armed with space lasers.

But she doesn't.

Space "lasers" don't exist and you better believe it. ;)

MGT has my support and that's more than enough.
Continuing her psychotic, ignorant and admittedly comical attempts to make everyone who doesn't agree with her into Hitler, MTG spectacularly confuses "gestapo" with "gazpacho", a vegetable (how appropriate) soup.

Do you laugh? Do you cry? Do you morn the collapse of intellect in our country? You choose.

Just for Congress needs another psychopath, and a stupid one at that. What were the people thinking that elected her, obviously they weren't thinking.
Continuing her psychotic, ignorant and admittedly comical attempts to make everyone who doesn't agree with her into Hitler, MTG spectacularly confuses "gestapo" with "gazpacho", a vegetable (how appropriate) soup.

Do you laugh? Do you cry? Do you morn the collapse of intellect in our country? You choose.

Studies show far right beliefs are held by people with simplified mindsets; this woman couldn't be any simpler if she tried. She, like trump have a strong desire for group based dominance and hierarchy ( of course Trump would have to be on the top of that hierarchy; his ego wouldn't allow anything else. ). They judge everyone else by their narrow opinion on a superiority - inferiority dimension. They perceived a wider authority as illegitimate. They have no uncertainty or ambiguity about their beliefs. It is a rigid mindset we're outsiders are viewed as threats or even enemies. The issues they draw on are ones that they need cognitive closure upon and they need these issue settled in their opinion, no other option is available to them. Many of these things mirror psychopathic behavior because that's what they are.

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