Sadly, this is not too stupid to be real.

Dumber than a box of rocks

Dumber than a bag of hammers

Dumber than the dumbest of Trumper posters on this site

THIS is what Republicans are voting for these days

correction, the wisest leader in congress.
We all make mistakes at times.
I'll never vote again but if I did she would get my vote before any of them.
Exactly. You know a politician is standing up for America when gays and other minorities hate them.
There ya go....

Tell everyone what it means to be a Republican these days

Racist and homophobic (for starters)
Dumber than a box of rocks

Dumber than a bag of hammers

Dumber than the dumbest of Trumper posters on this site

THIS is what Republicans are voting for these days
Did she believe the Russia hoax Dr Lesh?....Now that would be dumb

This is like the 3rd thread today?
The DC jail is a gulag and "gazpacho police" has a nice ring to it.

Fuck Nancy Pisslosi and Fuck Mr. Potato Head Biden both.
There ya go....

Tell everyone what it means to be a Republican these days

Racist and homophobic (for starters)

Speaking of racist and homophobic, say hi to your fellow DemoKKKrat for me!

I'll bet you're hating the fact that the Republicans finally got rid of your favorite klanner.

Smart enough to get elected.
She stands up for our American values.
That's smart in my book.
MGT is an American hero.
I love this bar.
I love a MTG thread.
I love a MTG thread where she does one of her signature whirl&twirls to showcase her Whackaloon education.

Viva la belle Marjorie.
The gift that keeps on giving.

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