Safe Spaces: It's got to stop!

It's not FORCING people to be together, it's not permitting segregation on behalf of either race.

LOL, well isn't that the same thing? If we disallow people from segregating, then what other choice do they have but being forced?
I agree that people gravitate to those with similar interests, but if we limit our introduction to people who are the same race I feel that we are not realizing that, although they may be different in some respects, but similar in so many other ways.

The point I make is you can't change the way people feel. You can tell them it's not acceptable to say how they feel. You can tell them it's not acceptable to act on how they feel, but you can't change how they feel.

But if they do express the way they feel either by words or actions, we don't send them out to be reprogrammed like the book 1984 simply because it doesn't meet our standards. In a free country, we all have different standards.

So we have to ask ourselves, were we happier being segregated or desegregated? There seems to be a small movement (for now) of blacks desiring to be segregated once again. It's been expressed by blacks here on USMB.

Racism and bigotry are learned behaviors. Nobody naturally "feels" like segregating based on race.
Isn't that is what happening on some of today's campuses?

No. Read more. You don't know what you are talking about.
It's not FORCING people to be together, it's not permitting segregation on behalf of either race.

LOL, well isn't that the same thing? If we disallow people from segregating, then what other choice do they have but being forced?
I agree that people gravitate to those with similar interests, but if we limit our introduction to people who are the same race I feel that we are not realizing that, although they may be different in some respects, but similar in so many other ways.

The point I make is you can't change the way people feel. You can tell them it's not acceptable to say how they feel. You can tell them it's not acceptable to act on how they feel, but you can't change how they feel.

But if they do express the way they feel either by words or actions, we don't send them out to be reprogrammed like the book 1984 simply because it doesn't meet our standards. In a free country, we all have different standards.

So we have to ask ourselves, were we happier being segregated or desegregated? There seems to be a small movement (for now) of blacks desiring to be segregated once again. It's been expressed by blacks here on USMB.

Racism and bigotry are learned behaviors. Nobody naturally "feels" like segregating based on race.
Isn't that is what happening on some of today's campuses?

No. Read more. You don't know what you are talking about.

'Safe Spaces' are for whiny Entitled Democrat assholes. I encourage all to violate their Safe Spaces at every opportunity. :)
What needs to stop is the incessant ranting from some regarding how our young people are "snowflakes". It is based on a few outlier examples and has no basis in reality.

Today's youth are every bit as resilient and able to withstand discomfort as any generation. They are better prepared than we were, in fact.

I contend that the desire that our young people have for civility and empathy toward others is a direct result of the fact that our generation lacks both.

For some reason, taking a shit on young people turns some people on. I'd suggest turning the lens inward.
I would disagree, although I am not sure of the percentage of those who want the segregation and "safe spaces." But you have probably been on campuses as I have. Those first weeks are exciting and meeting new people is great. You become familiar with the campus and your schedule. But meeting new people and making new friends is the epitome of the experience...somewhat similar to starting a new job and learning the routines there. College campus life is like a training ground for life.

If we limit ourselves to relating to those who are most like us, I feel it is a disservice to our own selves. The richness of life is having the most experiences and learning from others. I think the colleges are not doing kids any favors allowing them to experience only what they are comfortable with at the present time.
And, again, I'll ignore your insult.

I did not insult you.

Once are using a few examples of students REACTNG TO SOMETHING REAL in a way that you find truth for all young people.

I'd suggest that you investigate what it is that students are reacting to. To simply say " kids these days are so weak that they need mamby-pamby safe spaces" is to ignore reality.

I have to admit, I am a bit encouraged by your suggestion that we should avoid segregation. That POV sort of goes against your politics, don't you think?

I benefitted from attending a public school which was very diverse. Two of my freshman college roommates were black guys. My guess is...that if you were to have a conversation with a student who calls for safe spaces, you'd find that segregation is not their goal. Maybe you should do that?
Maybe I misunderstand. Exactly what are they reacting to?
Most every person is a combination of philosophies when it comes to politics. Not all conservatives believe in segregation. Matter of fact, I don't know any to my knowledge.
The universities that I am talking about, blacks are demanding their own dorms.
Racism and bigotry are learned behaviors. Nobody naturally "feels" like segregating based on race.

They don't? Then can you explain white flight? It's not a thing of the past, it very much goes on today.

It's not bigotry or racist to want to be with people of your own kind. When I was a kid back in the 60's, white people segregated from other whites. The Italians had their own area which they lived. The Irish had their own area where they lived. The Jewish had their own area where they lived. We Polish had our own area where we lived.

There was noting wrong with that and it's still not wrong today. In fact back then, people would not even marry outside their religion. The family would disown you.

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