...said he is worth $10,000,000,000 (with a 'B')...but can't.....

It IS kinda funny they want to believe WE just don't understand he doesn't have half a billion in a checking account somewhere.
It's a pretty weak strawman they built, but it's hilarious they keep losing to it. Especially when he admitted to lying under oath.
It's hilarious that Lantern tries beating that stupid strawman immediately after calling it fake news. What a twink.
Dd her personal lawyer testify to her crimes under oath, in Congress?


No comparison.

Huh? No, I said her acquisition of wealth is a bit suspect. She’s been a public sector worker all her life, yet she somehow has made a small fortune, she has real estate, she has some pretty good investments…how does one do that on a government salary? Looks like most of that money was made between 2010 and 2023, so, as a state employee, she went from about 150,000 net worth, to 14 million net worth, in 13 years.

Needs to be looked into…all I’m saying.
He testified UNDER OATH he had $400M in CASH. And now he admits he can't EVEN get a bond for that amount.
That means he doesn't have that much equity, NOT CASH or stocks, totaling what he needs. You know? Like his precious trump tower where he only owns his gaudy apartment and the commercial area and owes a $50M mortgage. Yup. He's not going to get a second mortgage on that is he?
That proves he's a liar and a fraud. And a proven perjurer. But you don't care do you?
More utter bullshit from you. No surprise. No bond company can cover what this crooked "judge" and more crooked DA have illegally imposed. Appeals will take care of them and you'll just cry some more. You are a liar and a fraud. Perjury? Where are the convictions for that dumbass? November will not be kind to you.
It's hilarious that Lantern tries beating that stupid strawman immediately after calling it fake news. What a twink.
Now projecting homosexuality. Typical of the lefturd. Learn the difference between cash and net worth before embarrassing yourself any more.
Huh? No, I said her acquisition of wealth is a bit suspect. She’s been a public sector worker all her life, yet she somehow has made a small fortune, she has real estate, she has some pretty good investments…how does one do that on a government salary? Looks like most of that money was made between 2010 and 2023, so, as a state employee, she went from about 150,000 net worth, to 14 million net worth, in 13 years.

Needs to be looked into…all I’m saying.
In 2020, she reported an annual income of $225,000 and assets of between $2.5 million and $7 million. Doesn't seem too outrageous for the Attorney General of NYS.
Truth hurt your little pea brain? The banks testified that no fraud occured. Period. End of discuss retard.
You probably didn't notice AGAIN that the Judge is the one who makes the decision, not the banks, didn't you twink? That's why I questioned your silly point to begin with.
However, repeating that stupidity forces me to state that asking you if you could come up with a sillier point was a rhetorical question. It wasn't a challenge.
In 2020, she reported an annual income of $225,000 and assets of between $2.5 million and $7 million. Doesn't seem too outrageous for the Attorney General of NYS.

So, she didn’t always make $225,000, that didn’t come until she became attonrney general. She made state pay up until that time. Probably less than $140k per year.

Where did she get the money to acquire assets (real estate and investments) that are worth between 2.5 million and 7 million. Also, she has a net worth of 15 million, on a salary of 220,000 per year, but estimate say she makes about 4 million per year…off of what?

Again, it’s suspect and I would suggest someone should investigate that. Where did her money come from? Did SHE over estimate her net worth to anyone? What kind of financial shenanigans has she pulled over the years.

It should be investigated.

For reference, Andrew cuomo, who was governor of New York, only has an estimated net worth of about 7 million…half of what she is worth, and her yearly income is just over half of his entire net worth.

You don’t think that strange?
More utter bullshit from you. No surprise. No bond company can cover what this crooked "judge" and more crooked DA have illegally imposed. Appeals will take care of them and you'll just cry some more. You are a liar and a fraud. Perjury? Where are the convictions for that dumbass? November will not be kind to you.
Didn't notice the Appeals Court has already rebuffed his plea for a reduced bond, did you?

And you don't even know he testified previously he had $400 million in cash. Do you know what lying under oath is called?
So, she didn’t always make $225,000, that didn’t come until she became attonrney general. She made state pay up until that time. Probably less than $140k per year.

Where did she get the money to acquire assets (real estate and investments) that are worth between 2.5 million and 7 million. Also, she has a net worth of 15 million, on a salary of 220,000 per year, but estimate say she makes about 4 million per year…off of what?

Again, it’s suspect and I would suggest someone should investigate that. Where did her money come from? Did SHE over estimate her net worth to anyone? What kind of financial shenanigans has she pulled over the years.

It should be investigated.
Perhaps you should ask those claiming to estimate her yearly income at $4M, eh?
Pinheads here can't tell that the buffoon can't come up with bond because it's unfair that he was fined for fraud so extreme the judge said, "jumps off the page." As if fraud isn't a real crime to begin with.
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The attorney general’s office says Trump should try to get insurance companies to pool together to underwrite the bond or better explain the shortcomings in their negotiations.

“Yet defendants supply no documentary evidence that demonstrates precisely what real property they offered to sureties, on what terms that property was offered, or precisely why the sureties were unwilling to accept the assets,” the attorney general’s office wrote.

“As far as the Court can infer, sureties may have refused to accept defendants’ specific holdings as collateral because using Mr. Trump’s real estate will generally need ‘a property appraisal’ … and his holdings are not nearly as valuable as defendants claim,” the attorney general added.

The attorney general’s office criticized the sworn statements from Trump’s insurance broker Gary Giulietti and Alan Garten, the top lawyer at the Trump Organization, saying they are unreliable.

They argue that Trump should have disclosed that Giulietti, who has been a friend of Trump’s for decades, testified at the civil fraud trial and was not found credible by the judge. Garten, they argued, is also unreliable because he has a stake in the outcome.

They also offered a suggestion – turn properties over to the judge.

“If defendants were truly unable to provide an undertaking, they at a minimum should have consented to have their real-estate interests held by Supreme Court to satisfy the judgment …. or should have otherwise pledged security in real-estate holdings with sufficient value to secure payment of the entire judgment.”

Where did she get the money to acquire assets (real estate and investments) that are worth between 2.5 million and 7 million. Also, she has a net worth of 15 million, on a salary of 220,000 per year, but estimate say she makes about 4 million per year…off of what?
Throwing out random and contradictory numbers is silly. Why don't you post a link to something you want to discuss that isn't just wild, unsubstantiated claims?
It's pretty odd the pinheads here can't understand that numbers and paperwork prove fraud quite decisively. It has nothing to do with their opinion of fairness or even the opinion of those who profited from it.
Perhaps you should ask those claiming to estimate her yearly income at $4M, eh?
Pinheads here can't tell that the buffoon can't come up with bond because it's unfair that he was fined for fraud so extreme the judge said, "jumps off the page." As if fraud isn't a real crime to begin with.

Perhaps you should ask those claiming to estimate her yearly income at $4M, eh?

Good point, so if she’s not making 4 million per year off other things, then it really raises the question as to the source of her wealth.

Again, needs some investigating.
Something seems to be amiss.

Don Trump not that long ago said he was worth $10 billion.
Now, today he says he can't raise either the $464 million in cash, or $10% of that for a bond......while he appeals the fraud judgement against him.

Now, why?
Did he squander about $9 billion since he claimed he had 10 billion?
If he did, how?
Was he fibbing about the $10 billion?
And if he was....why?

Or, is he fibbing now about being unable raise the significantly less than a billion the court says he owes.

Seems there are some unanswered questions here.

Will the DA begin seizure actions?
If so, which properties are most easily seized and most likely to be surety for the $464,000,000 the court says he owes.

And, how does his failure to raise the required court-ordered monies in this case impact the awards in the E. Jean Carroll cases?
Do YOU have 5% of your net worth in cash?
Again, needs some investigating.

Is there a credible complaint of fraud?
Should anyone....other than the IRS.....be 'investigating' her finances if there is no such credible claim of fraud?
Randomly 'investigating' anyone who makes substantial money ain't what America is about.
Now, if the poster TIM does, indeed, have such a credible informed complaint, and he is convinced it has a substantive effect on this trial proceedings, do this: First, take it to the appropriate authorities; second, for entertaining this forum, share it here too.

Thanx in advance.
Now, today he says he can't raise either the $464 million in cash, or $10% of that for a bond......while he appeals the fraud judgement against him.

You may be confusing a supersedeas bond for a civil judgement with criminal bail.

They are not the same. In the case of supersedeas bond the full amount has to be either bonded or escrowed to prevent seizure actions during appeal.


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