...said he is worth $10,000,000,000 (with a 'B')...but can't.....

Anybody wonder why his family won't help him secure the necessary collateral?
You can put your hands over your ears and hollar no no no no no like a Forest Gump type character or you can be like your hero Jamie (the out of line dipstick), Raskins by being the desperate Democrat operative who is constantly trying to disrupt the official proceedings with bull shite after bull shite after bull shite being spewed, and you'll still lose.
You just perfectly described every Red Hat wearing POS45 asskisser on this board! Every allegation you and Gomer Comer try to present blows up in your faces like a confetti machine! One fact I know is you and others on here wouldn't know a fact unless your POS45 accidently spews it outta his ass!
Celebrate that!
I dont know them by name, but i know that his most expensive building is worth a half a billion.
Don't know how to use the google? Here, let me help.

Central Park West?
Nope. Trump only owns the service areas.

Trump tower? Nope. The whole thing might be worth $225M, but he only owns the commercial part and has at least a $50M mortgage on it

40 Wall Street? That might be worth $220M. But no, he doesn’t actually own the property. Rather, he owns the “ground lease” to the 72-story building, which requires him to pay rent to the landowners — the obscure but wealthy Hinneberg family of Germany.

1290 Sixth Avenue? It could be his most valuable asset.

Trump owns a 30 percent stake in this one and it's an interesting story:
Trump acquired a chunk of 1290 Avenue of the Americas almost by accident when Hong Kong investors who’d bailed him out of a residential project near Lincoln Center swapped it for the midtown office building instead — leaving Trump with a 30 percent stake in the office building that is locked up until 2044 — which means he can’t sell it until then (when he’ll be 97 years old). The Hong Kong investors then sold their controlling interest to Vornado. Trump has no control over the building’s management or branding, but his share on paper is one of his company’s biggest assets.

James accuses Trump of conveniently omitting the restrictions of the share — like not being able to sell it for decades — in his financial statements, which falsely portrayed the amount as “cash” that he controlled. James said Trump cherry-picked numbers to create “false and misleading valuations” that made the property appear to be worth $1.5 billion more than it was in reality.

4–8 East 57th Street?
Nah. Not even.
Trump only owns the ground lease, which means he pays rent to an entity known as 57 Street Associates, but claimed it was worth over $400M.

Starting to see why the fraud is in trouble?
Here's a list of liabilities he provided. We should wait until the real numbers come out.

I dont know them by name, but i know that his most expensive building is worth a half a billion.
Here's a question to test your beliefs. Jr and Eric keep claiming the buffoon "built the skyline" of NY. But is it true?
trump tower -- 10 years ago he claimed it was worth $500M more than today's assessment of $220M. and still, he claims it's 10 stories taller than it really is -- but here's the question: how many buildings in NYC are taller than trump tower?

a- 2?



d- over 100?

Multiple choice. Should be easy, right?
James accuses Trump of conveniently omitting the restrictions of the share — like not being able to sell it for decades — in his financial statements, which falsely portrayed the amount as “cash” that he controlled. James said Trump cherry-picked numbers to create “false and misleading valuations” that made the property appear to be worth $1.5 billion more than it was in reality.
Is there a credible complaint of fraud?
Should anyone....other than the IRS.....be 'investigating' her finances if there is no such credible claim of fraud?
Randomly 'investigating' anyone who makes substantial money ain't what America is about.
Now, if the poster TIM does, indeed, have such a credible informed complaint, and he is convinced it has a substantive effect on this trial proceedings, do this: First, take it to the appropriate authorities; second, for entertaining this forum, share it here too.

Thanx in advance.

lol, there was no complaint when James started her investigations either. She just took information gleaned from a congressional hearing and decided to investigate No bank filed any complaints. James was looking for a crime when she campaigned for her job and she got a lead through cohen.

Well, her sudden increase in wealth certainly raises some questions, enough that it should be looked into.
Gotta love that, eh? Cherry-pick numbers on property he has no control over, to increase its value $1.5B! Then claim his 30% ownership in real property as CASH!


There's his $4-500M cash-on-hand he can swear to. LOL
Is there a credible complaint of fraud?
Should anyone....other than the IRS.....be 'investigating' her finances if there is no such credible claim of fraud?
Randomly 'investigating' anyone who makes substantial money ain't what America is about.
Now, if the poster TIM does, indeed, have such a credible informed complaint, and he is convinced it has a substantive effect on this trial proceedings, do this: First, take it to the appropriate authorities; second, for entertaining this forum, share it here too.

Thanx in advance.

Randomly 'investigating' anyone who makes substantial money ain't what America is about.

The hell you say…you all have been randomly investigating trump for 8 years.

Also, someone who has spent her entire career in the public sector, who has amassed a net worth of 15 million on a New York State public attorney salary CERTAINLY deserves some looking into. James was was never in private practice to make loads of money before joining the public sector, and she didn’t inherit her wealth, so, how does one make 15 million on a state wage? The implications alone are the reason why it should be looked into.

and he is convinced it has a substantive effect on this trial proceedings

Never claimed it did.

First, take it to the appropriate authorities;

Not my job, hopefully someone in Congress will
do it because, unless New York elects a Republican governor, nobody in New York is going to investigate her.
lol, there was no complaint when James started her investigations either. She just took information gleaned from a congressional hearing and decided to investigate No bank filed any complaints. James was looking for a crime when she campaigned for her job and she got a lead through cohen.

Well, her sudden increase in wealth certainly raises some questions, enough that it should be looked into.
Iron-clad innuendo. You've gone from her having a couple million in net worth, (which could be realized in simple home value appreciation over her lifetime of ownership in NY)
to the buffoon's long and loud trail of crimes that everyone from NY and NJ knows all too well.

Who claims, besides you, that she makes $4M/year?
So what? It isn't.

Your whataboutism attempt was indeed a poor comparison meant to derail the thread.
I disagree. And you should too. Anyone making state pay that seems to acquire millions in worth in, supposedly 13 years…should raise everyone’s red flags.

But, I don’t expect you to agree, your pro Biden and “get trump” like all other lefties, and the world goes round.

and if you want to call it whataboutism, that’s fine, I see it as utter hypocrisy from the left that they will never, absolutely never, hold one of their own accountable. The left are the most lock step party…by far. At least the repubs will fight amongst themselves, you lefties are “Biden said it?? That’s good enough for me! March on!”
Iron-clad innuendo. You've gone from her having a couple million in net worth, (which could be realized in simple home value appreciation over her lifetime of ownership in NY)
to the buffoon's long and loud trail of crimes that everyone from NY and NJ knows all too well.

Who claims, besides you, that she makes $4M/year?
I read somewhere that she made like 4 million or year off her investments and real estate. I can’t remember which website it was, but, let’s take the 4 million off the table. Well say it doesn’t exist. Let’s just stick to her state salary, sound good?

So, as AG, she makes 220,000 per year, but that didn’t happen until 2019, up until that time, she did some work as a public defender, was counsel for some other officials, was an regional assistant attorney general, and was on a city counsel. Basically, nothing in her salary last could explain her rise in wealth based on her pay alone, so there had to be outside sources. Those sources need to be explored. What was she doing that made her so much money? Was any of it shady…or illegal? They won’t know until it’s looked into. You are one who seeks justice right? No criminal should ever get away with their crimes right? It may very well be that she defrauded someone during her rise to wealth. I think the people need to know how all of it happened.
I read somewhere that she made like 4 million or year off her investments and real estate. I can’t remember which website it was, but, let’s take the 4 million off the table. Well say it doesn’t exist. Let’s just stick to her state salary, sound good?

So, as AG, she makes 220,000 per year, but that didn’t happen until 2019, up until that time, she did some work as a public defender, was counsel for some other officials, was an regional assistant attorney general, and was on a city counsel. Basically, nothing in her salary last could explain her rise in wealth based on her pay alone, so there had to be outside sources. Those sources need to be explored. What was she doing that made her so much money? Was any of it shady…or illegal? They won’t know until it’s looked into. You are one who seeks justice right? No criminal should ever get away with their crimes right? It may very well be that she defrauded someone during her rise to wealth. I think the people need to know how all of it happened.
What wealth are you speculating about? Another suggestion somewhere you read about? WTF?
I read somewhere that she made like 4 million or year off her investments and real estate. I can’t remember which website it was, but, let’s take the 4 million off the table. Well say it doesn’t exist. Let’s just stick to her state salary, sound good?

So, as AG, she makes 220,000 per year, but that didn’t happen until 2019, up until that time, she did some work as a public defender, was counsel for some other officials, was an regional assistant attorney general, and was on a city counsel. Basically, nothing in her salary last could explain her rise in wealth based on her pay alone, so there had to be outside sources. Those sources need to be explored. What was she doing that made her so much money? Was any of it shady…or illegal? They won’t know until it’s looked into. You are one who seeks justice right? No criminal should ever get away with their crimes right? It may very well be that she defrauded someone during her rise to wealth. I think the people need to know how all of it happened.
Here. Are you giving the buffoon money? He's the one with the facts being examined.

Socialism provides us with schools, hospitals, roads and bridges, safe food and medicine, fire and police departments, healthcare and everything else that keeps you safe and comfortable. It probably provides you with an income as well.
and I have all those things along with the massive tax cuts, which just cut out the bureaucratic socialists so it is even better then you let on. how do you explain having all those things even though the tax cuts are in place?
Which part stinks the most to you?
the most? I'll admit that's a tough one...just for starters I would go with the way socialists will just haul a citizen into court and steal his/her/they money [or as tommy called it "a socialist contract"]...or the social education that is failing us on a massive scale...or bringing back windmills as a source of energy and calling it "progressive" which is as funny as it is sad...or pretending this is all something new...or government, the courts and media combining in overturning elections through the legal system...or end runs around the constitution, or not knowing what a woman is, or men having babies...or saving us from the weather...and that is just the tip of the money siphoning iceberg [a.k.a. climate change iceberg] as the list may very well be infinite...so I cannot really say for sure "which part stinks the most".
Here. Are you giving the buffoon money? He's the one with the facts being examined.
lol...you have no problem with government taking his money from him but ya go all ape spit if he chooses to decided for himself where to spend it...ah the [ahem] mind of a socialist :abgg2q.jpg:

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