...said he is worth $10,000,000,000 (with a 'B')...but can't.....

The one sticking in your craw

Well at least we've established they are made up, all one need do now is go back in the thread to see who it was that invented them.

the great socialist refrain.
Hey- i got a question for you. it's being asked on another thread and no trump supporters seem to want to answer. care to see if you are willing? here it is:
"if trump said he has to become a dictator in order to fix all the problems of leftists, will you still support him?"

whadda ya think?
Of course, I fully expected this, I have found that no socialist would ever admit the truth on this matter.
really? you believe your definition of a socialist is someone who wants 100% tax?
this is your actual belief? why would you think that of a fellow American?
really? you believe your definition of a socialist is someone who wants 100% tax?
this is your actual belief? why would you think that of a fellow American?
I suspect it's because you're a chickenshit, afraid of actually debating real issues in an honest way.
Therefore making up an idiotic strawman to beat-on that no one will defend makes you feel like you've got a point other than the one on your head.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.
Hey- i got a question for you.
I bet it goes off in another direction in the hopes of putting your last disaster behind you.
it's being asked on another thread and no trump supporters seem to want to answer. care to see if you are willing? here it is:
"if trump said he has to become a dictator in order to fix all the problems of leftists, will you still support him?"
I voted for Biden, I am voting for him again [or whoever the candidate is] I have never supported trump even when he was a private citizen and I do not support him now, nor is he going to win in November...I also supported Obama twice and believe he was one of the three greatest presidents of my lifetime and I would vote for him a 3rd time even if it were proven he was born in Kenya...it's folk like you that need to go.
whadda ya think?
I think littles spits like you deserve trump, if he should somehow win in November I will support him gutting little white spits like yourself who have ruined my party and are now unwittingly doing the same to the country.
I can't.
First, I don't know what he says he owns or where it is at.
Don't know what it is worth in the free market.
Don't know how much he owes, just what is his equity?

So, to be honest, this little farmer is unequipped to value golf resorts.
But, having said that......

...I'm sure there are those who ARE equipped.
And Letitia James may very well have them in her Rollodex.
Real Property is always worth what a reasonable person in an 'arm's length' transaction would pay for it. It's worth is NOT the 'Ad-Valorem' value the Judge decided to go with in order to charge Trump with fraud.
What do you suppose Bedminster, Mara Lardo, and trump tower are worth? (ignoring any mortgages)
I see numbers like $30M, 225M, and $220. That almost covers it, right?
how old are you?
you believe your definition of a socialist is someone who wants 100% tax?
I just want to know if it is thievery in your opinion? I invite anyone reading this to go back in the thread and see where the lie is.
this is your actual belief?
whose strawman is it? go back and re-read the thread
why would you think that of a fellow American?
I don't, "I think that of socialists", remember?...keep your story straight.
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I bet it goes off in another direction in the hopes of putting your last disaster behind you.

I voted for Biden, I am voting for him again [or whoever the candidate is] I have never supported trump even when he was a private citizen and I do not support him now, nor is he going to win in November...I also supported Obama twice and believe he was one of the three greatest presidents of my lifetime and I would vote for him a 3rd time even if it were proven he was born in Kenya...it's folk like you that need to go.

I think littles spits like you deserve trump, if he should somehow win in November I will support him gutting little white spits like yourself who have ruined my party and are now unwittingly doing the same to the country.
Well I guess you told me.
Hey- i got a question for you. it's being asked on another thread and no trump supporters seem to want to answer. care to see if you are willing? here it is:
"if trump said he has to become a dictator in order to fix all the problems of leftists, will you still support him?"

whadda ya think?
Sure, because he said it OUT LOUD!! Biden (or whoever is pulling his strings) IS a dictator, they don't want you to know though, they'll just keep that their little secret.
how old are you?

I just want to know if it is thievery in your opinion? I invite anyone reading this to go back in the thread and see where lie is.

whose strawman is it? go back and re-read the thread

I don't, I think it about socialists
Why don't you spell out what you think and stop your speculating?
Sure, because he said it OUT LOUD!! Biden (or whoever is pulling his strings) IS a dictator, they don't want you to know though, they'll just keep that their little secret.
Biden is a dictator? And it's a secret? They don't want us to know what? That trump said it out loud?
This thread has turned into a tar pit of confusion.

What happened to trump not having the ability to make bond?
Yeah but you had to see it coming, felt it even.
I'm sure you think so.
Why are you so concerned about trump having to pay his fines for his fraudulent business?
Do you believe he had no victims?
If you're fined for something like a minor traffic violation, is that theft too?
What do you suppose Bedminster, Mara Lardo, and trump tower are worth? (ignoring any mortgages)
I see numbers like $30M, 225M, and $220. That almost covers it, right?
I would think that any investor would think twice before investing in any property in NY after what they did to Trump.
I would think that any investor would think twice before investing in any property in NY after what they did to Trump.
trump spent a lifetime cheating and stealing from people in NY and NJ.
If anything, booting him out of town is a welcome change for the city and state.
Why don't you spell out what you think and stop your speculating?
How am I going to do that on a keyboard genius? :abgg2q.jpg:...I k n o w y o u c a n n o t g i v e a n h o n e s t a n s w e r t o t h e q u e s t i o n,
n o s o c i a l i s t c a n...no speculating.

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