...said he is worth $10,000,000,000 (with a 'B')...but can't.....

What it looks like is he doesn't have $464M in equity that anyone is willing to risk having to accept as collateral, that's all. That's because he's a liar and a fraud. Also, he knows he's unlikely to win any appeal. He lied about having hundreds of millions in cash. Do you believe he didn't know he was lying?
Yes, because the COURT placed a ridiculous fine on him. They knew their decisions may hamper Trump getting a loan for that fine. This all for the 'crime' of getting a loan and paying it back in full.
Yes, because the COURT placed a ridiculous fine on him. They knew their decisions may hamper Trump getting a loan for that fine. This all for the 'crime' of getting a loan and paying it back in full.
The thousands and thousands of people he stole from over the years hear your cry. And don't care.
I can't.
First, I don't know what he says he owns or where it is at.
Don't know what it is worth in the free market.
Don't know how much he owes, just what is his equity?

So, to be honest, this little farmer is unequipped to value golf resorts.
But, having said that......

...I'm sure there are those who ARE equipped.
And Letitia James may very well have them in her Rollodex.
Oh so you don't know what you're talking about. We know
Your net worth is the total of all the real and personal property you own or have an interest in, your investments, royalty interests and such and cash in the bank. Because most rich people know to invest their money in either real estate or collectibles that can be expected to appreciate in value and/or in the stock market etc., very few have a large amount of cash on hand to spend immediately.

Since Trump has been assessed with outrageous financial penalties by weaponized judges/courts--that alone violates the letter and intent of the Constitution--he doesn't have the money in the bank to pay the bond amounts demanded while he appeals those judgments. He doesn't want to have to sell properties to raise the money and therefore permanently lower his net worth, but most lenders have policies against loaning excessively large amounts for security bonds as Trump needs. It isn't because it's him. It's because they don't loan ANYBODY that kind of money for that purpose.
The left that are laughing and somehow have money are typical trust fund buffoons and have no clue how the real world works.

They actually believe in "free money" and somehow believe that advocating for taking other people's money is the same thing as giving their own money.

Something they never do unless it's for some fun ",earth day festival" or a "LGBTQQIP2SA" parade where they believe they are doing something decent.

When all they are doing is partying with like minded spoiled lost souls.
Something seems to be amiss.

Don Trump not that long ago said he was worth $10 billion.
Now, today he says he can't raise either the $464 million in cash, or $10% of that for a bond......while he appeals the fraud judgement against him.

Now, why?
Did he squander about $9 billion since he claimed he had 10 billion?
If he did, how?
Was he fibbing about the $10 billion?
And if he was....why?

Or, is he fibbing now about being unable raise the significantly less than a billion the court says he owes.

Seems there are some unanswered questions here.

Will the DA begin seizure actions?
If so, which properties are most easily seized and most likely to be surety for the $464,000,000 the court says he owes.

And, how does his failure to raise the required court-ordered monies in this case impact the awards in the E. Jean Carroll cases?
If Donald Trump had any equity in his properties, he could put them up to cover the trial amount, without needing anyone else to broker such, but himself and James.

Seems like the trial verdict, and his over evaluation fraud that he was libel for....hit home! He lies about his assets, ALL THE TIME and is in hock, up to his eyeballs....which makes him a high National security risk.
the very same logic proves you're a cocker spaniel. arf.

lol, hey I’m just suggesting that there’s an allegation out there and as we all know, that’s all that is required to go after someone. So, here we are.
The hell you say…you all have been randomly investigating trump for 8 years.
"You all"??
Gonna hafta suggest you re-think your allegations, earnest poster TIM.
Neither I....nor my avatar.....have investigated anyone.
So your hyperbole and histrionics are kinda falling on deaf ears here.
Settle down, son.
You are projecting like Baghdad Bob.

ps....and that 'randomly' assertion. Re-think that one, amigo. Google is your friend.....and it can give you links where you can read serious reportage about the crimes Don Trump has been indicted for. Hardly "random".....actually read the indictiments. (google is your friend)
Trust me the information is there for those who are sincere responsible contributors to the adult discussion on this venue.

I read somewhere that she made like 4 million or year off her investments and real estate.
Well, that nails it deadsolidperfectly!!
"I read it somewhere".
You got a legal mind like a steel-trap.
Trump University Law School?

This thread has turned into a tar pit of confusion.
Yeah, which has been part of it's charm, poster X.
But, and I know this is sorta like Captain Obvious' advice, but......you see, you have chosen to exchange points with the AlexJones/MikeLindell-wing of the MAGA party.

You ain't dealing with.....the MENSA-wing.


He doesn't have $464 million dollars
But, but.......but he said he did.
Or something very close to that.
Said it just late last year...in 2023.
In a deposition with New York state lawyers he offered:
".....that he had “substantially in excess” of $400 million in cash on hand. "We have, I believe, 400 plus and going up very substantially every month,” he said,"

So, good poster Leo, was this self-professed stable-genius fibbin'?
If so, why would he do that in a deposition where it would be combed over and combed over by both sides of the litigation? And he surely would know that, due to his 'genius' character.
So, is it reasonable to conclude he wasn't fibbing and he really does have 'substantially in excess of the $400million, which has increased 'very substantially' every month since then?

Is it fair to say that....we could then start with, say, $433million or thereabouts, and then it goes up each month, say 6-months, at $5 million per month or thereabouts......that he has at hand, something in the range of $493 million. In cash.
After all, he said.
I didn't say it.
You didn't say it.
Don Trump said it.
And he undoubtedley would know more than poster Leo, or my own avatar about his actual cash on hand.
Wouldn't he?
So we gotta take him at his word.

He lied about having hundreds of millions in cash. Do you believe he didn't know he was lying?
Rhetorical question, X?
Or, do you think Don Trump was just flat out lying as he has been responsibly accused of many many times?
It was in a friggin' deposition. Anyone who can fog a mirror would know that what is said there will be combed over and combed over by both sides of the litigation.
NO.....stable-genius would lie in such a circumstance.


Oh so you don't know what you're talking about.
Ofttimes, poster Owl, I am confronted with questions or issues that I am not sufficiently briefed about, or am familiar with.

Such as, evaluating for, say, tax purposes, or re-sale purposes such things as unencumbered golf-resorts........ or even deed-restricted golf resorts.
But, I think to conclude then that I don't what I'm talking about is more partisan-driven pejorative than it would be a thoughtful analysis of my knowledge or lack-thereof.
You too?


"If Donald Trump had any equity in his properties, he could put them up to cover the trial amount, without needing anyone else to broker such,..."
Now, that's more than a rhetorical question.
That is a thoughtful, perceptive question.
Why indeed......doesn't Don Trump simply take out loans on his equities with all those banks that folks here say made money off of his court-determined frauds?
They weren't hurt. They made money. They thought he was a good customer.
So, do it again.

ps.....and do we need to, once again, re-visit his claim in 2023 that he had cash at hand of "substantially in excess of $400,000,000......and going up substantially every month"?
Are there facts that this forum is not privy to vis-a-vis his actual cash position?
But......he said it. He's got $400million+!
Last edited:
The left that are laughing and somehow have money are typical trust fund buffoons and have no clue how the real world works.

They actually believe in "free money" and somehow believe that advocating for taking other people's money is the same thing as giving their own money.

Something they never do unless it's for some fun ",earth day festival" or a "LGBTQQIP2SA" parade where they believe they are doing something decent.

When all they are doing is partying with like minded spoiled lost souls.
The left that are laughing and somehow have money are typical trust fund buffoons and have no clue how the real world works.

They actually believe in "free money" and somehow believe that advocating for taking other people's money is the same thing as giving their own money.

Something they never do unless it's for some fun ",earth day festival" or a "LGBTQQIP2SA" parade where they believe they are doing something decent.

When all they are doing is partying with like minded spoiled lost souls.
For sure they all seem to be totally clueless when it comes to letter and intent of the constitution, when it comes to what is and is not good for America and Americans, and when it comes to economics. Or maybe they are just so blindly partisan and sheeple they don't care so long as they think their side is winning.
lol, hey I’m just suggesting that there’s an allegation out there and as we all know, that’s all that is required to go after someone. So, here we are.
A dumb lie of course. Just another weasel attempt to micharacterize the many investigations into the fat orange criminal. It won't work, outside of the cult.
And a very typical attempt by that poster to derail any thread that reflects poorly on trump.
This thread is lousy with them. But now that the buffoon has declared he has "almost $500M in cash" it makes me wonder why his lawyers were whining that it was impossible for him to make the necessary bond. Was this some sort of ploy to coerce his cult into giving him more money he didn't need?
Seems like a dumb ploy if it was. Either he's been lying again, (yeah, yeah, I know) and now has to pony up the cash and show where he got it, or he has to admit needing their "donations" wasn't necessary after all and will hurt his constant begging for more cash.
Still, it puts another of the buffoon's lies in neon. (not that the pinheads care)
"You all"??
Gonna hafta suggest you re-think your allegations, earnest poster TIM.
Neither I....nor my avatar.....have investigated anyone.
So your hyperbole and histrionics are kinda falling on deaf ears here.
Settle down, son.
You are projecting like Baghdad Bob.

ps....and that 'randomly' assertion. Re-think that one, amigo. Google is your friend.....and it can give you links where you can read serious reportage about the crimes Don Trump has been indicted for. Hardly "random".....actually read the indictiments. (google is your friend)
Trust me the information is there for those who are sincere responsible contributors to the adult discussion on this venue.

Well, that nails it deadsolidperfectly!!
"I read it somewhere".
You got a legal mind like a steel-trap.
Trump University Law School?

Yeah, which has been part of it's charm, poster X.
But, and I know this is sorta like Captain Obvious' advice, but......you see, you have chosen to exchange points with the AlexJones/MikeLindell-wing of the MAGA party.

You ain't dealing with.....the MENSA-wing.


But, but.......but he said he did.
Or something very close to that.
Said it just late last year...in 2023.
In a deposition with New York state lawyers he offered:
".....that he had “substantially in excess” of $400 million in cash on hand. "We have, I believe, 400 plus and going up very substantially every month,” he said,"

So, good poster Leo, was this self-professed stable-genius fibbin'?
If so, why would he do that in a deposition where it would be combed over and combed over by both sides of the litigation? And he surely would know that, due to his 'genius' character.
So, is it reasonable to conclude he wasn't fibbing and he really does have 'substantially in excess of the $400million, which has increased 'very substantially' every month since then?

Is it fair to say that....we could then start with, say, $433million or thereabouts, and then it goes up each month, say 6-months, at $5 million per month or thereabouts......that he has at hand, something in the range of $493 million. In cash.
After all, he said.
I didn't say it.
You didn't say it.
Don Trump said it.
And he undoubtedley would know more than poster Leo, or my own avatar about his actual cash on hand.
Wouldn't he?
So we gotta take him at his word.

Rhetorical question, X?
Or, do you think Don Trump was just flat out lying as he has been responsibly accused of many many times?
It was in a friggin' deposition. Anyone who can fog a mirror would know that what is said there will be combed over and combed over by both sides of the litigation.
NO.....stable-genius would lie in such a circumstance.


Ofttimes, poster Owl, I am confronted with questions or issues that I am not sufficiently briefed about, or am familiar with.

Such as, evaluating for, say, tax purposes, or re-sale purposes such things as unencumbered golf-resorts........ or even deed-restricted golf resorts.
But, I think to conclude then that I don't what I'm talking about is more partisan-driven pejorative than it would be a thoughtful analysis of my knowledge or lack-thereof.
You too?


Now, that's more than a rhetorical question.
That is a thoughtful, perceptive question.
Why indeed......doesn't Don Trump simply take out loans on his equities with all those banks that folks here say made money off of his court-determined frauds?
They weren't hurt. They made money. They thought he was a good customer.
So, do it again.

ps.....and do we need to, once again, re-visit his claim in 2023 that he had cash at hand of "substantially in excess of $400,000,000......and going up substantially every month"?
Are there facts that this forum is not privy to vis-a-vis his actual cash position?
But......he said it. He's got $400million+!
Provide proof I think you’re lying.

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