...said he is worth $10,000,000,000 (with a 'B')...but can't.....

How am I going to do that on a keyboard genius? :abgg2q.jpg:...I k n o w y o u c a n n o t g i v e a n h o n e s t a n s w e r t o t h e q u e s t i o n,
n o s o c i a l i s t c a n...no speculating.
didn't you earlier admit to being the beneficiary of the socialist policies that keep you safe and comfortable?
WTF is wrong with you?
Biden is a dictator? And it's a secret? They don't want us to know what? That trump said it out loud?
This thread has turned into a tar pit of confusion.

What happened to trump not having the ability to make bond?
I answered your stupid question and furthermore, Trump's value is in his RE holdings. He doesn't have $464 million dollars and whose going to lend money to him on the value of his properties that will be decided by the very same, corrupt judge and AG?
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'm sure you think so.
Why are you so concerned about trump having to pay his fines for his fraudulent business?
Do you believe he had no victims?
If you're fined for something like a minor traffic violation, is that theft too?

It's just running from "pillar to post" for you now,... 'that didn't work out so well for me so lemme try this'...
...socialism destroys wealth, hunts it down and confiscates it.
I answered your stupid question and furthermore, Trump's value is in his RE holdings. He doesn't have $464 million dollars and whose going to lend money to him on the value of his properties that will be decided by a corrupt judge and AG.
What it looks like is he doesn't have $464M in equity that anyone is willing to risk having to accept as collateral, that's all. That's because he's a liar and a fraud. Also, he knows he's unlikely to win any appeal. He lied about having hundreds of millions in cash. Do you believe he didn't know he was lying?
It's nice that you're not denying the obvious any longer but I have a feeling it is because you do not understand what it is you are admitting to here.
What? Socialism destroys wealth? That's fucking stupid.
You got a socialist education, healthcare, safe food, roads, bridges, airports, hospitals, clean water, sewage treatment, police and fire department, and likely an income.
What wealth of yours was destroyed? You had to pay tax to help pay for it?
Do you think you could go to a desert island and accumulate more wealth?
No, you couldn't.
didn't you earlier admit to being the beneficiary of the socialist policies that keep you safe and comfortable?
WTF is wrong with you?
From pillar-to-post-to-pillar...looking for a do-over are ya?...I noticed ya decided to leave my claim about "tax cuts " out of it this time, any reason for the change? :abgg2q.jpg:
From pillar-to-post-to-pillar...looking for a do-over are ya?...I noticed ya decided to leave my claim about "tax cuts " out of it this time, any reason for the change? :abgg2q.jpg:
Sorry. I don't deal with illiteracy well. You'll have to up your game if you can.
What? Socialism destroys wealth? That's fucking stupid.
OK calm down, take a deep breath and step away from the mirror.
You got a socialist education, healthcare, safe food, roads, bridges, airports, hospitals, clean water, sewage treatment, police and fire department, and likely an income.
What wealth of yours was destroyed? You had to pay tax to help pay for it?
right, and then gave the rest back.
Do you think you could go to a desert island and accumulate more wealth?
No, you couldn't.
Well, how would socialism help me on this island?
OK calm down, take a deep breath and step away from the mirror.

right, and then gave the rest back.

Well, how would socialism help me on this island?
I appreciate your trying, but do you have anything in a complete sentence.
Or at least a coherent thought? TIA
You're doing fine ... well you're doing ok...ah its not your fault.

Just throwing everything out there now aint'cha?
I'm trying to imagine you on your deserted island celebrating your undestroyed wealth because of your new-found tax cuts. You wouldn't last one week, "finally free of socialism."

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