...said he is worth $10,000,000,000 (with a 'B')...but can't.....

Well, your observation is not without traction.
And yeah, I am a life-long optimist, a forward-thinker, not backward (nostalgia ain't my thing). So, I look at unfortunate posters such as "Leo" as simply unevolved citizens who may become more reflective, more thoughtful, more diligent.....and thus more useful to our American society....with time and nurturing.

We wish him and other MAGA/QAnon'rs like him good luck. And hope they can break away from their exclusive reliance on news-sources such as Alex Jones and Mike Lindell and Lauren Boebert.

There ARE more reliable sources out there if only the MAGA will open their eyes.

In my experience, people need inspiration to learn... A need or desire.
I'm not seeing any of that with this knothead, just a conscious drive to be a minor annoyance. But keep trying if it makes you feel better. They say that positive reinforcement is a more powerful influence than negative reinforcement in behavior modification, but I also believe the most painful lessons are the fastest teachers.
Of course, that's not preferred by progressive thinkers, believing that teaching by example is far more effective. Alas, I'm an old man and no longer have patience for wilful ignorance.
Best of luck to you in that regard. YRMV
LOL. There is a video because the recorded testimony was made public.
And just because you're too stupid to learn how to do your own research, it doesn't mean people lie to you. However, it explains why you believe the lies trump blows up your ass.

Your optimism in the face of admitted incompetence is probably misplaced. There's a reason trump's pinheads are in fact, pinheads. But whatever floats your boat.
It's likely his goal of becoming more than a minor annoyance needs your misplaced and futile optimism.
Not knowing how to use the google is one thing, refusing to learn is another.
Why are you so stupid ? You see the deplorabal nastiness of the Democrat's, yet you fight for their long history of nastiness and immoral endeavors ?? Are you a nasty Democrat protecting your comrades hive mentality ? You attempt to act as if you are intelligent here, but are made a fool by the very cause you have taken up in life.
Anybody wonder why his family won't help him secure the necessary collateral?
Gotta throw that family thing in for more sympathy or impact on your narratives eh ?? Hell I don't know why you Democrat's bring up family, especially when you are the most anti-family party ever to get in power in this country.
Why are you so stupid ? You see the deplorabal nastiness of the Democrat's, yet you fight for their long history of nastiness and immoral endeavors ?? Are you a nasty Democrat protecting your comrades hive mentality ? You attempt to act as if you are intelligent here, but are made a fool by the very cause you have taken up in life.
This is a text-based medium. If you wish to be taken seriously, making silly, unsubstantiated, personal observations is foolish enough, but using at least an attempt at literacy should be your first consideration. YW, -XO
Gotta throw that family thing in for more sympathy or impact on your narratives eh ?? Hell I don't know why you Democrat's bring up family, especially when you are the most anti-family party ever to get in power in this country.
Self-deprecating irony and an obvious lack of self-awareness is telling as well. (just saying)
More stupidity, otherwise where you all take words and reinterpret them to fit your sick and twisted narratives. The only word left out of Trumps statement was "political". He always uses terms that have duel meanings, otherwise that lead you piranhas to take the bait everytime. Trump was speaking of course of a "political bloodbath", and not that of a physical bloodbath, but you knew this yet act stupid about it so you can score idiot points when pushing you all's false narratives, and all in hopes to get Trump.
This is a text-based medium. If you wish to be taken seriously, making silly, unsubstantiated, personal observations is foolish enough, but using at least an attempt at literacy should be your first consideration. YW, -XO
Deflection noted.
Its in property... just do your own math and add up the worth of all of his property around the world....
/----/ The only property Libtards own is when they play Monopoly. Boardwalk and Park Place, if they're lucky. It confuses them because the the market land values are set.
He doesn't owe the state a damned dime, because the case is a fraudulent political stunt in an attempt to help Biden and the nasty Democrat's rid themselves of Donald Trumps election bid or chances. Everyone sees it, knows it, and will vote accordingly for Trump in the general to end the Democrat tyranny. The Democrats have assured their parties destruction, and have once again sealed it's fate.
You had better tell trump that he doesnt owe anything. He is currently grifting to raise the bond.
LOL. Why, if you could take a moment to attempt rational thought, would the buffoon use "bloodbath" to describe the Democrat's result of winning the election?

That's fucking hilarious.

Also, at the very least, not understanding the apostrophe "s" denotes possession or a contraction is at least as cringe-worthy as misusing "their, there, and they're."
Hey- i got a question for you. it's being asked on another thread and no trump supporters seem to want to answer. care to see if you are willing? here it is:
"if trump said he has to become a dictator in order to fix all the problems of leftists, will you still support him?"

whadda ya think?
A dictator for a "day" he said, and yes it would be the very same thing that Biden did on day one when he signed executive order after executive order trying to demolish Trump and the conservative actions over 4 year's of great policies. Yes I would support Trump if he done the same thing to Democrat tyranny on day one. So, are you being a hypocrite now ?? Karma sucks doesn't it ?
Gotta love the idea the buffoon jumped from saving the car industry from a Chinese-Mexican alliance destroying the American AV industry to insisting his election loss would be a political, Democrat bloodbath takes a really stupid attempt of an excuse for a pinhead. But here we. are.
LOL. Why, if you could take a moment to attempt rational thought, would the buffoon use "bloodbath" to describe the Democrat's result of winning the election?

That's fucking hilarious.

Also, at the very least, not understanding the apostrophe "s" denotes possession or a contraction is at least as cringe-worthy as misusing "their, there, and they're."
Focus you self-aggrandizing educated foolishness on the issue's at hand, instead of deflecting so much if you want to be taken seriously.
You had better tell trump that he doesnt owe anything. He is currently grifting to raise the bond.

More of the factless whining from the Dem / Socialist retrogrades.

Appeal to the state appellate court in view of the announced Jihad waged by the DIE hire state AG and the unprecedented judgement of gym-lurking judge Ongoron mean this matter will go on to appeal. The USSC has, on occasion in the past, stepped in to address such behavior and it’s likely the USSC will be on the appeal schedule.
A dictator for a "day" he said, and yes it would be the very same thing that Biden did on day one when he signed executive order after executive order trying to demolish Trump and the conservative actions over 4 year's of great policies. Yes I would support Trump if he done the same thing to Democrat tyranny on day one. So, are you being a hypocrite now ?? Karma sucks doesn't it ?
There's my answer?

If the buffoon said he had to become a dictator in order to undo all the damage the libs created, you'd support that? So that's a yes?
Gotta love the idea the buffoon jumped from saving the car industry from a Chinese-Mexican alliance destroying the American AV industry to insisting his election loss would be a political, Democrat bloodbath takes a really stupid attempt of an excuse for a pinhead. But here we. are.
Again, your attempt at interpretation from a Democrat mindset. You lose again.

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