...said he is worth $10,000,000,000 (with a 'B')...but can't.....

Trump acquired a chunk of 1290 Avenue of the Americas almost by accident when Hong Kong investors who’d bailed him out of a residential project near Lincoln Center swapped it for the midtown office building instead — leaving Trump with a 30 percent stake in the office building that is locked up until 2044 — which means he can’t sell it until then (when he’ll be 97 years old). The Hong Kong investors then sold their controlling interest to Vornado. Trump has no control over the building’s management or branding, but his share on paper is one of his company’s biggest assets.

James accuses Trump of conveniently omitting the restrictions of the share — like not being able to sell it for decades — in his financial statements, which falsely portrayed the amount as “cash” that he controlled. James said Trump cherry-picked numbers to create “false and misleading valuations” that made the property appear to be worth $1.5 billion more than it was in reality.
It's all beside the point, because the point being is that Trump is being railroaded by a Democrat coup that is still in play against him. The ramping up of the pressure after every political move Trump made towards his running again for president proves without a doubt what has been taking place in all of this. Just follow the pressure trail in order to see the clear patterns in it all.
Nope. The truth is he committed crimes and he's not above the law.
The real point here, is that your brain could be washed in a thimble.
Trump acquired a chunk of 1290 Avenue of the Americas almost by accident when Hong Kong investors who’d bailed him out of a residential project near Lincoln Center swapped it for the midtown office building instead — leaving Trump with a 30 percent stake in the office building that is locked up until 2044 — which means he can’t sell it until then (when he’ll be 97 years old). The Hong Kong investors then sold their controlling interest to Vornado. Trump has no control over the building’s management or branding, but his share on paper is one of his company’s biggest assets.

James accuses Trump of conveniently omitting the restrictions of the share — like not being able to sell it for decades — in his financial statements, which falsely portrayed the amount as “cash” that he controlled. James said Trump cherry-picked numbers to create “false and misleading valuations” that made the property appear to be worth $1.5 billion more than it was in reality.
Now tell us why Trump is being investigated by the Democrat machine, and this out of convenience while going into a presidential election, and yet Joe Biden gets a pass when him and his family have allegedly engaged in far more sinister acts than any real-estate mogul could have ever had the power to engage in ? Answer - because it's all political weponization of government by a party hell bent on securing it's power for years to come. The agenda has been proven to take precedent over Americans fair and secure elections, over their sovereignty, their safety, and their financial stability.
Nope. The truth is he committed crimes and he's not above the law.
The real point here, is that your brain could be washed in a thimble.
Equal application of the law is absolutely not in play here, and that makes it political as well as wrong. Cherry picking alleged or so called criminal acts, and doing so all for prosecuting ones political rivals is definitely apparent here, and especially when the party that's envolved can't throw a single stone because of their own backgrounds full of shady and criminal behaviors. It is all tantamount to a two tier justice system, and the weaponization of that system for political purposes. Beware, because the precedent is being set, and the boomerang effect will come back quickly.
I suspect this is all in service to justifying the "political bloodbath" Dems will face for re-electing President Biden.
As if it would all go away when he loses again.
Nope, not hardly. It's not even as plausible as the silly excuses you've shown here, that you've swallowed whole. And here's a tip from a stranger --you might consider that this is why your family and old friends don't talk to you anymore.
If anyone wonders why Giuliani wasn't called to testify in the Biden impeachment circus, it's because you're an idiot.
He doesn't owe the state a damned dime, because the case is a fraudulent political stunt in an attempt to help Biden and the nasty Democrat's rid themselves of Donald Trumps election bid or chances. Everyone sees it, knows it, and will vote accordingly for Trump in the general to end the Democrat tyranny. The Democrats have assured their parties destruction, and have once again sealed it's fate.
Don't do this to yourself. It's not healthy. And you're not good at it anyway.
Actual billionaires have actual equity. Not made-up fraudulent stories. That's how he got into this criminal mess, to begin with.

His most valuable holding is a 30% ownership of a property he has no control over and can't even sell until he's 97. He used cherry-pick numbers to claim it was worth $1.5B more that it actually is, AND claimed that as CASH on hand.

Frauds like that are why the judge claimed his shit, "jumped off the page."
Forbes' account of Trump's weath differs from yours. As of last October, Forbes Trump had Trump at $2.6 billion. They go over each asset one by one. Do you somehow have information Forbes doesn't?
Earnest poster, Leo, you have been provided ample reportage that Don Trump did, indeed, state in a deposition to New York's AG lawyers in April of 2023, , that he had in excess of $400,000,000 in cash on hand.

Google is your friend.
If you are sincere in seeking knowledge and truth......then do your due diligence.

I am mildly convinced you want to be a better contributor to the responsible adult discussions that this venue hosts.

Please don't disappoint us.
So, you can’t back up your claim that Trump actually said what you claim. Instead you believe hearsay. Your Avatar is lying to you.
LOL. There is a video because the recorded testimony was made public.
And just because you're too stupid to learn how to do your own research, it doesn't mean people lie to you. However, it explains why you believe the lies trump blows up your ass.

Your optimism in the face of admitted incompetence is probably misplaced. There's a reason trump's pinheads are in fact, pinheads. But whatever floats your boat.
It's likely his goal of becoming more than a minor annoyance needs your misplaced and futile optimism.
Not knowing how to use the google is one thing, refusing to learn is another.
Show the video then, liar.
Something seems to be amiss.

Don Trump not that long ago said he was worth $10 billion.
Now, today he says he can't raise either the $464 million in cash, or $10% of that for a bond......while he appeals the fraud judgement against him.

Now, why?
Did he squander about $9 billion since he claimed he had 10 billion?
If he did, how?
Was he fibbing about the $10 billion?
And if he was....why?

Or, is he fibbing now about being unable raise the significantly less than a billion the court says he owes.

Seems there are some unanswered questions here.

Will the DA begin seizure actions?
If so, which properties are most easily seized and most likely to be surety for the $464,000,000 the court says he owes.

And, how does his failure to raise the required court-ordered monies in this case impact the awards in the E. Jean Carroll cases?
Your post highlights how really simple dembots are. You obviously don’t know what “worth” means in terms of wealth


My God people, it's not that hard to find. FPOTUS#45 saying he had $400 Million in cash (and growing substantially every month) if from his April 13, 2023 deposition in the fraud case.


(I'm assuming a link the transcript is acceptable.)

I would love for the appeal judge, in an unspoken statement against the selective prosecution in this case, to reduce his fine to $10.
Of course you would, because you think rich white men should be allowed to break the law and get away with it.
So now this is about race? LOL.
They have that element constantly running as a back up if they need it, and if that don't work they'll pull the other whining group's bull shite out of the hat. Don't you get tired of the blatant bull shite they keep pulling ?

Theses group's are going to keep on with their bull shite, and the American people are going to get enough of it.
They have that element constantly running as a back up if they need it, and if that don't work they'll pull the other whining group's bull shite out of the hat. Don't you get tired of the blatant bull shite they keep pulling ?

Theses group's are going to keep on with their bull shite, and the American people are going to get enough of it.
Yes, I am tired of it beyond words.

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