...said he is worth $10,000,000,000 (with a 'B')...but can't.....

View attachment 921439
View attachment 921440

My God people, it's not that hard to find. FPOTUS#45 saying he had $400 Million in cash (and growing substantially every month) if from his April 13, 2023 deposition in the fraud case.


(I'm assuming a link the transcript is acceptable.)

What makes you think you can beat wilful ignorance with actual facts?
If that were possible, these pinheads wouldn't be his fluffers.

But nice try anyway.
The real figures or the ones he makes up?
Well if you go by dumb ace James's assessment, then Trump never owned anything valued over a few million dollars, so whose making shite up ??? That'd be the prosecution who is making shite up, and doing it for political purposes. TDS/Get Trump just keeps on keeping on.
I don't understand why overvaluing his property with his brand on it hurts you or the country?... I would bet what the Biden's have done hurts the country and ultimately you more....
The Democrats are counting on the stupidity of the American voter not to understand that. That’s why they are yelling “Trump is paying back NYers for what he owes them!” He owes them zip.

In fact, the fact that he negotiated a lower interest rate with the lender meant his cost of borrowed funds was less - meaning he netted more income and paid MORE TAXES. When I owed a business, anytime I could lower my expenses, I ultimately paid more in income taxes.
I don't understand why overvaluing his property with his brand on it hurts you or the country?... I would bet what the Biden's have done hurts the country and ultimately you more....
Overvaluing his property bought him lower rates to borrow funds and got him better insurance rates than others enjoy. That contributes to higher rates for everyone else.
He also undervalued his tax assessments, again costing others to pay a higher share. The state is going after that as well; state, county, municipalities, and school taxes The Feds may do that as well. When you're property-rich and a prolific cheat, this stuff can obviously add up.

Dunno if it was reported in the wingnut news but his financial co-defendant pleaded guilty to perjury regarding trump entities' civil tax liabilities. Felony, right? We can only guess at what deal he might have made. In any event, lying on ALL this stuff is a crime as I'm sure you know.

Fraud, because it often leaves a paper trail, is easier to prove than some other crimes. Also, because it's sometimes easy to obfuscate when the accounting is piling lots of numbers with speculative statements, the gov't often makes assumptions and gives you a chance to prove them wrong as your only option. Kinda like the way trump's disclaimers on loan applications suggested they couldn't be held responsible for "errors". Many people don't even try to prove them wrong because you can't fudge the numbers you claimed were true. Even relating to other examples that might seem exculpatory are avoided because that can open a big can of worms going back years. Good lawyers do the best they can.

I know that people want to believe no one, save taxpayers, borrowers, and insured corporations were harmed because what? A couple of bankers claimed they can't be faulted even if they were risky loans and the buffoon paid them back at the agreed price and profit to them? The thing is, not all creditors, contractors, buyers, agents, insurers, and other assorted people who trusted "the trump brand" can claim that. AND there's a history of thousands of lawsuits and stories of threats proving many, many did not.

Again, as many of us NY'ers know, many did not. to the tune of more than that $335M fine.
Why should he be exempt? Because he fought to delay this until it was an election year?
What about the penalties and interest on the tax fraud? Unfair? Do others not have property confiscated? Stop paying your meager-by-comparison property taxes and see what happens.

It always amazes me that his followers simply dismiss the literal thousands of people telling tales of how he destroyed their livelihoods, businesses, and families and react to this reality with simple BS speculation about Hunter Biden and "the big guy." who's bankrupting America. But that's just me trying to talk with people whose own family and friends avoid.
Because I'm a fucking woke liberal, and believer in law and order enjoying the fruits of a lifetime of paying my fair share. YMMV -XO
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The Democrats are counting on the stupidity of the American voter not to understand that. That’s why they are yelling “Trump is paying back NYers for what he owes them!” He owes them zip.

In fact, the fact that he negotiated a lower interest rate with the lender meant his cost of borrowed funds was less - meaning he netted more income and paid MORE TAXES. When I owed a business, anytime I could lower my expenses, I ultimately paid more in income taxes.
Yeah right. You lowered your expenses, and thus you made more money and therefore paid more in income taxes. No shit.
When you owned a business did you also know you could deduct interest payments?
Any idea what that means in your scenario? Did you also know you could reduce your income to an almost, non-taxable amount? Is that a good plan?
Lots of businesses invest more in their businesses in order to lower their tax burden and to grow their business value. And some inflate their benefit to a community in order to lower their businesses' property tax burden. it's doable on paper and in reality, does that make a difference on who owes what?
But what if you had a pre-existing deal where you were writing off future taxes and even benefiting on paper from development plans with locals?
Is that negotiable collateral? Can you call it cash on hand? Is that fraud?
Now tell us why Trump is being investigated by the Democrat machine, and this out of convenience while going into a presidential election, and yet Joe Biden gets a pass when him and his family have allegedly engaged in far more sinister acts than any real-estate mogul could have ever had the power to engage in ? Answer - because it's all political weponization of government by a party hell bent on securing it's power for years to come. The agenda has been proven to take precedent over Americans fair and secure elections, over their sovereignty, their safety, and their financial stability.
He delayed dealing with this until now. Too bad.
If I was innocent of these crimes I'd make sure to beat them ASAP, not be trying to delay them because maybe the voters would do what they didn't do before because they believe my whining about being charged unfairly is the best reason to vote for me. But I'm not a pretend billionaire, rapist, grifting, racist, buffoon.

And your attack on Biden with silly innuendo to excuse the nonsensical fears over a "stolen election, sovereignty, safety, and financial stability" is ridiculous and unproven in equal measure as I'm sure you run from providing any substantiation, you'd demand from me.
You know, claiming any actual, provable, facts supporting the buffoon's lies about America's "stolen election, sovereignty, safety, and financial stability" that could see him in a better light than President Biden is beyond logical reasoning.

I'll bet no one can do it. Yup, "actual provable facts".
Overvaluing his property bought him lower rates to borrow funds and got him better insurance rates than others enjoy. That contributes to higher rates for everyone else.
He also undervalued his tax assessments, again costing others to pay a higher share. The state is going after that as well; state, county, municipalities, and school taxes The Feds may do that as well. When you're property-rich and a prolific cheat, this stuff can obviously add up.

Dunno if it was reported in the wingnut news but his financial co-defendant pleaded guilty to perjury regarding trump entities' civil tax liabilities. Felony, right? We can only guess at what deal he might have made. In any event, lying on ALL this stuff is a crime as I'm sure you know.

Fraud, because it often leaves a paper trail, is easier to prove than some other crimes. Also, because it's sometimes easy to obfuscate when the accounting is piling lots of numbers with speculative statements, the gov't often makes assumptions and gives you a chance to prove them wrong as your only option. Kinda like the way trump's disclaimers on loan applications suggested they couldn't be held responsible for "errors". Many people don't even try to prove them wrong because you can't fudge the numbers you claimed were true. Even relating to other examples that might seem exculpatory are avoided because that can open a big can of worms going back years. Good lawyers do the best they can.

I know that people want to believe no one, save taxpayers, borrowers, and insured corporations were harmed because what? A couple of bankers claimed they can't be faulted even if they were risky loans and the buffoon paid them back at the agreed price and profit to them? The thing is, not all creditors, contractors, buyers, agents, insurers, and other assorted people who trusted "the trump brand" can claim that. AND there's a history of thousands of lawsuits and stories of threats proving many, many did not.

Again, as many of us NY'ers know, many did not. to the tune of more than that $335M fine.
Why should he be exempt? Because he fought to delay this until it was an election year?
What about the penalties and interest on the tax fraud? Unfair? Do others not have property confiscated? Stop paying your meager-by-comparison property taxes and see what happens.

It always amazes me that his followers simply dismiss the literal thousands of people telling tales of how he destroyed their livelihoods, businesses, and families and react to this reality with simple BS speculation about Hunter Biden and "the big guy." who's bankrupting America. But that's just me trying to talk with people whose own family and friends avoid.
Because I'm a fucking woke liberal, and believer in law and order enjoying the fruits of a lifetime of paying my fair share. YMMV -XO
None of it had anything to do with his presidency, and yet the AG made political statements that her goal was to defeat Donald Trump before she ever got started investigating him. She should recuse herself immediately, and the case should be thrown out because the conflicts of interest are emense in this case. If the American people allow any of this stuff to move forward into levels that show super corruption within our top government official's, then we will no longer be the United States of America. It will end on the day that Trump is falsely destroyed by a political party trying to protect it's agenda's after attacking Trump unmercifully for 9 straight year's, and all over a want to shove an agenda down the American's throats. It won't stop with Trump, unless the next candidate is a complete coward who will go along to get along. That's when we'll all be led to the slaughter..

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