...said he is worth $10,000,000,000 (with a 'B')...but can't.....

Something seems to be amiss.

Don Trump not that long ago said he was worth $10 billion.
Now, today he says he can't raise either the $464 million in cash, or $10% of that for a bond......while he appeals the fraud judgement against him.

Now, why?
Did he squander about $9 billion since he claimed he had 10 billion?
If he did, how?
Was he fibbing about the $10 billion?
And if he was....why?

Or, is he fibbing now about being unable raise the significantly less than a billion the court says he owes.

Seems there are some unanswered questions here.

Will the DA begin seizure actions?
If so, which properties are most easily seized and most likely to be surety for the $464,000,000 the court says he owes.

And, how does his failure to raise the required court-ordered monies in this case impact the awards in the E. Jean Carroll cases?
Probably doesn’t have 10B in liquid cash, most likely his net worth is tied up in properties.

Perhaps the republicans need their own version of “sedition hunters”, but they should start investigating Letitia James, engoron, pelosi, pretty much any democrat who is rich. Let’s dig into their finances and see if any “oddities” can be found.

James’ own net worth should be investigated as it’s a bit suspect. She makes 4 million annually but her salary is only 200,000 (and that’s current salary, she hasn’t been making that her life. She has been in public sector jobs that don’t pay that much.). Where did all her real estate come from? Where did her businesses come from? From what I read, after graduating law school she went into the public sector. Yet somehow she managed to rack up a 15 million net worth.

What’s good for the goose…good for the gander, right?
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No straw man
That kind of money, although almost Never asked from a single person, is difficult to move from point A to B. Your flowery language aside, you are displaying your financial ignorance as to moving Huge sums of money. That kind of wealth is almost always illiquid assets taking time. Not bags of cash like you feel.
He doesn’t have to move it. Only prove he has it for it to be acceptable collateral.
When a government entity seizes property they don't have much in the way of maintenance costs like you imply for years.

When a government entity seizes property as payment for a court judgement the property is seized, then sold, the amount of the sale is then applied to pay off the Judgement. Any excess amount over the Judgement + Interest + Court Costs is returned to the entity the property was seized from.

* * IF * * gets to the point of seizure, the government won't be holding the property for years.

Now, if the government seizes and sells property, then later the case is reversed, that is a different kettle of fish.

Wrong, the government must maintain the property until the court cases are settled. They can't do much with it at all. They certainly can't sell it while there are cases in dispute. The property has to be maintained, it can't just be abandoned, like foreclosed property. They use subcontractors for that and that costs a lot of money. If the government wins their case the property is then auctioned at cut throat pricing. It is always a loss.
And Scotland would be so eager to perpetrate "election interference" too?
Nice catch chi-co, would be foolish to believe another country would interfere in our elections, yes? no?
Look, here's a perspective that I think could have some traction: KARMA comes.

It may be slow, late, tardy, subtle. Or none of those things. But it comes. And sometimes stays.

Don Trump has had a long long run as a man of poor character who has left a trail of pain, and broken or damaged lives behind him. Wealth was achieved for himself, his family, inner circle. And, it appears, not always or perhaps not often....ethically or legally. He hurt a lot of others doing it.

So, if we believe the Karmic wheel is eventual justice......well, it may be rolling right over Don. His time is here. Roll on. Roll on.
OK, but then why the post about pretending something was amiss? Karma explains your mystery, do you think a court of law would buy your new story? you debunked your own post with that fish story.
Wrong, the government must maintain the property until the court cases are settled. They can't do much with it at all. They certainly can't sell it while there are cases in dispute. The property has to be maintained, it can't just be abandoned, like foreclosed property. They use subcontractors for that and that costs a lot of money. If the government wins their case the property is then auctioned at cut throat pricing. It is always a loss.
That is the part you are not seeing, whether purposely or not.

Putting the asset seizure on hold requires a supersedeas bond. At which point the judgement is stayed pending appeal.

If no bond is posted the government will commence actions to seize the assets to liquidate the judgement. Probably starting with freezing bank accounts containing liquid assets (cash, bonds, etc.) and moving to physical assets.

Regarding "physical assets", once seized they state is under no requirement to "hold" them during the appeals process to liquidate the judgement. They aren't going to "hold" it for years, they aren't going to "abandon" them, they are going to sell them. If FPOTUS#45 doesn't want to allow the seizure, then he needs to put the bond in place.

That is the part you are not seeing, whether purposely or not.

Putting the asset seizure on hold requires a supersedeas bond. At which point the judgement is stayed pending appeal.

If no bond is posted the government will commence actions to seize the assets to liquidate the judgement. Probably starting with freezing bank accounts containing liquid assets (cash, bonds, etc.) and moving to physical assets.

Regarding "physical assets", once seized they state is under no requirement to "hold" them during the appeals process to liquidate the judgement. They aren't going to "hold" it for years, they aren't going to "abandon" them, they are going to sell them. If FPOTUS#45 doesn't want to allow the seizure, then he needs to put the bond in place.

And then when the appeals judge lowers the civil penalty for a victimless “fraud” to, say, $1 million, where does NYC get the money to repay him?

They will have to hold the $400 million aside, ready for repayment. In the meantime, they have punished Biden’s #1 political opponent (the man polls show most voters want) by forcing a fire-sale of his properties.

You Dems are evil people, both Lucretia Deville and her mob, along with the libs who support this.
Wait... WHAT? He was lying? OMG!!! The buffoon was LYING about his wealth?
It's like his whole persona is being exposed in public view.
That image of being a successful businessman and not a mortgaged-to-the-hilt, lying, cheating, conman who appeals to some kind of hate reflex in self-centered, entitled people with a need to feel better than others is becoming obvious.
Even to them. No wonder they're not happy.
One simple fact remains true for POS45, all republicans, and the Red Hatters on this board;
Now watch their response to this.
"Perhaps the republicans .........should start investigating Letitia James, engoron, pelosi,..."..

Now, to be sure, I do not have insider information nor have I studied up on the phenomena of 'oppo research', but I sincerely believe it is a real thing.

In short, Don Trump and/or his lawyers would have already thrown a phalanx of 'oppo' investigators at any and all records that exist for those named people. They would have tried already to uncover any shady, underhanded, or self-dealing from all of them, plus attempted to uncover out of wedlock kids, any adulteries, and so on and so on.*
I don't know for sure, but I could be easily convinced that those rocks have been and continue to be -----turned over.

(*e.g., the oppo-research against Fanni Willis)
It has been ever such in those worlds.
That is the part you are not seeing, whether purposely or not.

Putting the asset seizure on hold requires a supersedeas bond. At which point the judgement is stayed pending appeal.

If no bond is posted the government will commence actions to seize the assets to liquidate the judgement. Probably starting with freezing bank accounts containing liquid assets (cash, bonds, etc.) and moving to physical assets.

Regarding "physical assets", once seized they state is under no requirement to "hold" them during the appeals process to liquidate the judgement. They aren't going to "hold" it for years, they aren't going to "abandon" them, they are going to sell them. If FPOTUS#45 doesn't want to allow the seizure, then he needs to put the bond in place.

You would have a point in a normal case, but this is not a normal case. Laws have been twisted and perverted in ways never seen before. These clowns legalized theft by the state. The grounds for appeal reach beyond any bond issue.
You would have a point in a normal case, but this is not a normal case. Laws have been twisted and perverted in ways never seen before. These clowns legalized theft by the state. The grounds for appeal reach beyond any bond issue.
I would love for the appeal judge, in an unspoken statement against the selective prosecution in this case, to reduce his fine to $10.
And then when the appeals judge lowers the civil penalty for a victimless “fraud” to, say, $1 million, where does NYC get the money to repay him?

That is a problem New York would have if they begin seizure proceedings as actually take and sell assets. No doubt it.

But New York would have to come up with the amount the seizures recouped.

That is a problem New York would have if they begin seizure proceedings as actually take and sell assets. No doubt it.

But New York would have to come up with the amount the seizures recouped.

The demonstration that the buffoon blows smoke up their asses continues.
Probably doesn’t have 10B in liquid cash, most likely his net worth is tied up in properties.

Perhaps the republicans need their own version of “sedition hunters”, but they should start investigating Letitia James, engoron, pelosi, pretty much any democrat who is rich. Let’s dig into their finances and see if any “oddities” can be found.

James’ own net worth should be investigated as it’s a bit suspect. She makes 4 million annually but her salary is only 200,000 (and that’s current salary, she hasn’t been making that her life. She has been in public sector jobs that don’t pay that much.). Where did all her real estate come from? Where did her businesses come from? From what I read, after graduating law school she went into the public sector. Yet somehow she managed to rack up a 15 million net worth.

What’s good for the goose…good for the gander, right?
Dd her personal lawyer testify to her crimes under oath, in Congress?


No comparison.
It IS kinda funny they want to believe WE just don't understand he doesn't have half a billion in a checking account somewhere.
It's a pretty weak strawman they built, but it's hilarious they keep losing to it. Especially when he admitted to lying under oath.
And up pops-up our QAnon'rs in a brand new suit.
It's our closeted RWNJ Q-MAGA's that I find so goshdarn amusing in this virtual DewDropInn.

I love this bar!
We've got winners!
We've got ___________!
You still haven't learned a damn thing boy

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