...said he is worth $10,000,000,000 (with a 'B')...but can't.....

You know that every step of this journey you people have forecast that trump would win. There was no case. Charges will be dropped, Trump would file against his accusers, they would all be sorry. No evidence, no case,

And you have been proven wrong at every step.

I am beginning to think that you people are making it up as you go along. That perhaps you arent top drawer legal and financial experts.

Maybe trump isnt playing 3D chess with the world ? Maybe he is just a grifter down on his luck.
He hasn't lost yet... we in America unlike the trash heap you came from has the right to appeal....
The current president never had a real job but he is worth billions. The former president built things and met a payroll and offered good jobs to Americans. Which one do socialist democrats want to ruin?
Leftoids think billionaires have billions in cash just sitting around, when in fact the wealth is in stocks (think Bezos, Gates, etc.), or in Trump's case, property.
Trumptoids ignore Trump constantly bragging he was flush will hundreds of millions -- in cash.
"The current president never had a real job but he is worth billions."

You claim Joe Biden is worth "billions".
You claimed it.
You prove it.
It is what responsible honorable people do when they make claims, assertions, allegations.
We are mildly convinced you know that.
Or go.
Adult Swim rules.
The current president never had a real job but he is worth billions. The former president built things and met a payroll and offered good jobs to Americans. Which one do socialist democrats want to ruin?
Said someone so clueless he doesn't grasp what "billions" actually means.
It comes as no surprise to see someone who has a history of threatening and cheating others and pretends to be successful but is in reality, a huge, lying fraud who can fool the clueless person who also is oblivious to the "socialism" they rely on for their comfort, convenience, education, health, and safety.
But here we are.
Trumptoids ignore Trump constantly bragging he was flush will hundreds of millions -- in cash.
Wait... WHAT? He was lying? OMG!!! The buffoon was LYING about his wealth?
It's like his whole persona is being exposed in public view.
That image of being a successful businessman and not a mortgaged-to-the-hilt, lying, cheating, conman who appeals to some kind of hate reflex in self-centered, entitled people with a need to feel better than others is becoming obvious.
Even to them. No wonder they're not happy.
"You don't have a "fire sale" for multi million dollar properties.."

On the other hand, Don Trump seemingly but respectfully appears to disagree.

Here is the headline from today's edition of The Hill:

"Trump says he’d have to hold ‘fire sale’ of properties to meet $464M bond"

Ummm, OK.
But what does that hafta do with Don Trump's seeming inability to raise a court ordered bond that, in itself, derived from a unanimous verdict by a jury of Don Trump's peers? A jury wrung through competent voire dire by the defendant's attorneys?
Sounds pretty close-to-American style jurisprudence to me. Versus 'Socialism'.
Where did the money go chi-co?..."I dunno"...In a weak attempt to dispel my opinion your post left out the socialist fingerprints.
Where did the money go chi-co?..."I dunno"...In a weak attempt to dispel my opinion your post left out the socialist fingerprints.
I’ve asked that a number of times. In normal cases, where there’s a victim who has suffered damages, the money goes to make him whole. Sometimes, if the harm to the victim was very reprehensible, beyond that of the actual monetary damage, then there can be a lot of punitive damages awarded.

But in this case, not only was there no victim who lost money, but the “victim” MADE $100 million!

So who is getting Trump’s $400 million?
Good luck with that. If the state seizes the property and loses on appeal they create a monster problem for themselves. Not to mention the costs involved in maintaining said properties, with zero chance of a positive return by the time the case goes through the whole appeals process.
Sounds like one heck of a huge lawsuit in Trumps favor when all is said and done..
I’ve asked that a number of times. In normal cases, where there’s a victim who has suffered damages, the money goes to make him whole. Sometimes, if the harm to the victim was very reprehensible, beyond that of the actual monetary damage, then there can be a lot of punitive damages awarded.

But in this case, not only was there no victim who lost money, but the “victim” MADE $100 million!

So who is getting Trump’s $400 million?
The extortionates are...
Nonsense. This will only be one of thousands of court losses for him. Who has more losses?
He lost another case...a sexual harassment case against his Bedminister Golf Club. $88K. Alina Hubba is in trouble! Also too, Scotland claims he did the same finacial crimes there, around his golf course!
More losses, more losses, more losses!
Scotland claims he did the same finacial crimes there, around his golf course! More losses, more losses....!
And Scotland would be so eager to perpetrate "election interference" too?

Look, here's a perspective that I think could have some traction: KARMA comes.

It may be slow, late, tardy, subtle. Or none of those things. But it comes. And sometimes stays.

Don Trump has had a long long run as a man of poor character who has left a trail of pain, and broken or damaged lives behind him. Wealth was achieved for himself, his family, inner circle. And, it appears, not always or perhaps not often....ethically or legally. He hurt a lot of others doing it.

So, if we believe the Karmic wheel is eventual justice......well, it may be rolling right over Don. His time is here. Roll on. Roll on.

In shallah!

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