salem witch trials

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And why does this particular snippet from religious history affront you into rushing to her aid?

Actually I clicked on YOUR thread to see what it was about because I know a bit about it, and I had the exact same question but she got here first. Which as far as I can see never got answered anyway -- what brought this up? And my original question, also unaddressed was --- who claimed they were "burned"? What's with all the strawmen?

In the immediate post I responded, again, directly to YOUR post which read, and I quote,
"Its as though the Op was addressed to her and about her, the way she's freaking out.:lmao:"

Well no -- it ain't. It's as though you posted a complete non sequitur thread out of nowhere seemingly in answer to a claim nobody made, supposedly to make a point about "communism".

---- Which is utterly bizarre.
I never presented an argument. So how can their be a strawman?

As for my later post, if you are unable to see e similarities between communism and witchhunts then you don't want to see.

Great Purge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

communism cant go any other way. It starts with allocating blame and dealing death and it continues that way. It's identical in it's histeria to a witch hunt. Neighbours acuse neighbours because of existing grudges etc as in the article in the OP.

That shit has nothing to do with "communism". It may have to do with despotism but that's not an economic system.

If you never presented an argument ----- exactly WHO are you contradicting in making the point that the murdered were not burned? WHO claimed they were burned? WHO?
Communism is not an economic system, its a revolution system and it works by scapegoating and witch hunting. Thats all it is.

Bullshit. You clearly have no clue what you're babbling about.
Ok I won this bizarre argument as soon as you started it. Im sure many people can see the similarity between political correctness and witch hunts.
Actually I clicked on YOUR thread to see what it was about because I know a bit about it, and I had the exact same question but she got here first. Which as far as I can see never got answered anyway -- what brought this up? And my original question, also unaddressed was --- who claimed they were "burned"? What's with all the strawmen?

In the immediate post I responded, again, directly to YOUR post which read, and I quote,
"Its as though the Op was addressed to her and about her, the way she's freaking out.:lmao:"

Well no -- it ain't. It's as though you posted a complete non sequitur thread out of nowhere seemingly in answer to a claim nobody made, supposedly to make a point about "communism".

---- Which is utterly bizarre.
I never presented an argument. So how can their be a strawman?

As for my later post, if you are unable to see e similarities between communism and witchhunts then you don't want to see.

Great Purge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

communism cant go any other way. It starts with allocating blame and dealing death and it continues that way. It's identical in it's histeria to a witch hunt. Neighbours acuse neighbours because of existing grudges etc as in the article in the OP.

That shit has nothing to do with "communism". It may have to do with despotism but that's not an economic system.

If you never presented an argument ----- exactly WHO are you contradicting in making the point that the murdered were not burned? WHO claimed they were burned? WHO?
Communism is not an economic system, its a revolution system and it works by scapegoating and witch hunting. Thats all it is.

Bullshit. You clearly have no clue what you're babbling about.
Ok I won this bizarre argument as soon as you started it. Im sure many people can see the similarity between political correctness and witch hunts.
So, your thread is no longer about communism or's now about political correctness.
It's all clear now...
I never presented an argument. So how can their be a strawman?

As for my later post, if you are unable to see e similarities between communism and witchhunts then you don't want to see.

Great Purge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

communism cant go any other way. It starts with allocating blame and dealing death and it continues that way. It's identical in it's histeria to a witch hunt. Neighbours acuse neighbours because of existing grudges etc as in the article in the OP.

That shit has nothing to do with "communism". It may have to do with despotism but that's not an economic system.

If you never presented an argument ----- exactly WHO are you contradicting in making the point that the murdered were not burned? WHO claimed they were burned? WHO?
Communism is not an economic system, its a revolution system and it works by scapegoating and witch hunting. Thats all it is.

Bullshit. You clearly have no clue what you're babbling about.
Ok I won this bizarre argument as soon as you started it. Im sure many people can see the similarity between political correctness and witch hunts.
So, your thread is no longer about communism or's now about political correctness.
It's all clear now...
Gamey shit way to talk about political correctness.
Jesus' story is about the deteriment of mob rule and liars. The jesus story is far older than the modern judiac Jesus. It's more than a 6000 years old. I think we should all be wary of who is stirring trouble and not join in. I find no trouble I not joining mobs or lying.
Jesus' story is about the deteriment of mob rule and liars. The jesus story is far older than the modern judiac Jesus. It's more than a 6000 years old. I think we should all be wary of who is stirring trouble and not join in. I find no trouble I not joining mobs or lying.
Be clear what you topic is, for a change.
very few witches were burned at the stake.....pressed to death and drowning were more the norms

In those days you couldn't win, if you were condemned as a witch that was it. The women appeared to be drowned more than the men, the impression was that drowning was a more "peaceful" method.

Across Britain, their was this psychopath Matthew Hopkins, The Witchfinder General, he favoured burning and had the sinking test, tie them up, throw them in the water, if they drowned they weren't a witch, if they floated to the top they were a witch and were dragged off and burnt.

Matthew Hopkins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not 100% up on The Salem Witch Trials, I know some stuff, but there's stuff I don't know.
ahh poor tilly......too busy taking offense to realize most of my posts unlike hers are on topic.....nice to know dhara pyre can be critical of others but damned those being critical of the leakers....
Jesus' story is about the deteriment of mob rule and liars. The jesus story is far older than the modern judiac Jesus. It's more than a 6000 years old. I think we should all be wary of who is stirring trouble and not join in. I find no trouble I not joining mobs or lying.
It can't be more than 6,000 years old...that's how old the earth is.
yes the tests for being a witch...if you lived you were guilty of course the torture methods were some of the most sadistic every done...
Are all these members emulating a witch hunt on me? That's the only way I can make all these personal attacks on topic.
In January 1692, three young girls began having “fits”—they would scream, mutter strange sounds, bark like dogs when addressed, become unable to concentrate on tasks given, and contort themselves into “impossible” positions. This began occurring after the girls started experimenting with fortune telling to try to figure out how their lives would end up and what their husbands would do for a living. (This sort of thing was quite common at the time, such as one tradition using mistletoe put under one’s pillow at night and then burned the next day.)

One of the girls was Reverend Parris’ daughter, Betty Paris (9 years old), and another was his niece, Abigail Williams (11 years old). The third was Ann Putnam (12 years old), a member of one of the powerful families involved in the family feud going on in the region.

When prayer didn’t fix the problem, the Reverend called in a doctor who was unable to explain what was causing the fits. He declared that something supernatural was affecting the girls. In February, the victims of the “devil’s work” confessed to a judge that three women were responsible for giving them fits: Sarah Osborne, Sarah Good, and Tituba, the Parris’ slave.

The women were interrogated, but only Tituba confessed to the crime. All three were later put in prison—not burned at the stake.

Even though the three suspected witches were put away, the people of Salem became paranoid. In a fit of mass hysteria- and probably a dash of simply taking advantage of the situation to get rid of enemies- fingers were being pointed at supposed witches left and right, even for the mildest of offenses. When the hunt ended, some 200 people had been accused of witchcraft. However, only 20 people were executed.

The first to be formally executed was Bridget Bishop. She was perceived as a promiscuous woman and a gossip. (Clearly, she must be a witch!) Though she pleaded innocent, the Special Court of Oyer and Terminer—the court set up to deal with the witch trials—found her guilty. On June 10, 1692 she was hanged on what would become known as Gallows Hill.

Eighteen more women followed in Bishop’s footsteps, swinging on Gallows Hill. Additionally, one elderly man named Giles Corey was pressed to death by heavy stones. Many more people were tried and sent to prison, and several of them died while incarcerated, including Sarah Osborne, one of the first “witches” convicted.

No Witches Were Burned During the Salem Witch Trials

...As for the original little girls who started the whole thing, one of them, Ann Putnam, later apologized in 1706, stating:

" I desire to be humbled before God for that sad and humbling providence that befell my father’s family in the year about ninety-two; that I, then being in my childhood, should, by such a providence of God, be made an instrument for the accusing of several people for grievous crimes, whereby their lives was taken away from them, whom, now I have just grounds and good reason to believe they were innocent persons; and that it was a great delusion of Satan that deceived me in that sad time, whereby I justly fear I have been instrumental, with others, though ignorantly and unwittingly, to bring upon myself and this land the guilt of innocent blood; though, what was said or done by me against any person, I can truly and uprightly say, before God and man, I did it not out of any anger, malice, or ill will to any person, for I had no such thing against one of them; but what I did was ignorantly, being deluded by Satan.

And particularly, as I was a chief instrument of accusing Goodwife Nurse and her two sisters, I desire to lie in the dust, and to be humble for it, in that I was a cause, with others, of so sad a calamity to them and their families; for which cause I desire to lie in the dust, and earnestly beg forgiveness of God, and from all those unto whom I have given just cause of sorrow and offense, whose relations were taken away or accused."

Riiiight. So it's God's and Satan's fault now? :neutral:

Yo, :ahole-1:

View attachment 72998
Whats GTP?

No ones ever accused me of lacking courage mate.
or of making sense.

The article shows a period in history where finger pointing and lying leads to a communist like environment of executions by gossip.

you seem to be taking the article as a personal attack.

Well yes, this is where the term Witch Hunt originated obviously, back in those days.
i love all this pretending that is about dhara being queer ....its not.....its about dhara being a raging idiot....
ahh poor tilly......too busy taking offense to realize most of my posts unlike hers are on topic.....nice to know dhara pyre can be critical of others but damned those being critical of the leakers....
No, the thread is not about Dhara, and you are not in the FZ. Address the OP and quit whining about Dhara or crawl back into your hole.
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