Salma Hayek Rips Trump: ‘He Has Never Done Anything For America’

The Mexican-American actress had some harsh words for the Republican nominee.

Salma Hayek delivered a blistering rebuke to Donald Trump on Monday, calling the Republican presidential nominee a “pathetic” man who creates “only violence and separation.”

Speaking on a conference call organized by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Mexican-American actress zeroed in on the apparent hypocrisy of some of Trump’s statements about Mexican immigrants.

“He calls us criminals — but who is the one who has a [fraud] lawsuit for Trump University?” Hayek asked rhetorically. “He calls us rapists — but who has a lawsuit for raping a young girl?”

Trump is facing a lawsuit in a New York court stemming from allegations that he raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994.

“He calls Hillary Clinton ‘crooked Hillary,’ but last time I checked he has 3,500 lawsuits,” Hayek said.

Hayek also contrasted the records of the two major-party nominees.

“We have the most qualified candidate in the history of America against the least qualified candidate in the history of America,” she said.

“Hillary has been very thorough about what she wants to do, and she has dedicated her entire life to others,” Hayek said. “Trump has never done anything for America or for anybody else.”

The Trump campaign declined to respond to Hayek’s comments.

Hayek said she had never held such an event about an American political candidate. But interest in her opinion of Trump skyrocketed over the weekend, when it was revealed that the businessman once responded to her turning him down for a date by planting a false story about her in a tabloid.

“Even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, I would never go out with Donald Trump,” Hayek said at one point. “Not my type!”

More: Salma Hayek Rips Trump: ‘He Has Never Done Anything For America’

Thank you, Salma. I couldn't agree more. Go Hillary!!!!!

I am so confused. Salma Hayek rips on Trump and I think she is one of the most utterly gorgeous women ever, and Michael Moore seems to be endorsing Trump,and I think he is one of the most despicable pieces of human flesh. How do,I deal,with this turmoil?
Whoa! Michael Moore shocks liberals with pro-Trump comment

He also corrected his statement which the Trump campaign had altered. On Meg Kelly's show he said, “If we elect Donald Trump as president of this country, it won’t be the same country after four years,” he added. “I’m absolutely convinced of that. This is the most vile, disgusting candidate that’s ever run for office in this country.” This seems to be the typical Trump endorsement these day.
Michael Moore: Donald Trump didn’t quote me fully

Nice try, I heard the tape. I know what he said. He can back away from it now if he wants, but his words are out there just like the orange clown's words about grabbing women's Crotches. So you giving Donnie boi a pass on his words. No, I didn't think so.
No, duh dupe. Voted one of the 25 smartest people in Hollywood. And a helluva lot smarter than any GOP dupe like you...

:lol: Who was her competition....Goldie Hawn? Ted Danson? Or maybe Brad Pitt who's bodyguard had to explain to him how to go to a bar to see somebody. Madonna maybe who's offered to blow anybody who votes for the Beast? Hey, how about Miley Cyrus who got too stoned to sing the other night but was knocking on doors in some dormitory begging for Hilly votes? There's always Woody Allen who married his daughter or Cher who's daughter became a son. Yep, those Gollywooders are some kinda mensas alright. :lol:

No wonder Republican Rome considered gladiators, prostitutes and actors unsuitable for decent company or public life. Madonna checks two of those boxes.

"Republican Rome"? As opposed to the "democrat Rome" who depended on the republican Rome to finish the wars they started and clean up the domestic messes they made money off until the people revolted?

I'll assume this is a joke? ha ha
Only Leftwing loons give a shit what some dumbass actor has to say, even if she does have a great chest.
Maybe thats true. The Democrats have been building coalitions of freaks against the middle class for decades. As I said its now or never...
No, duh dupe. Voted one of the 25 smartest people in Hollywood. And a helluva lot smarter than any GOP dupe like you...

:lol: Who was her competition....Goldie Hawn? Ted Danson? Or maybe Brad Pitt who's bodyguard had to explain to him how to go to a bar to see somebody. Madonna maybe who's offered to blow anybody who votes for the Beast? Hey, how about Miley Cyrus who got too stoned to sing the other night but was knocking on doors in some dormitory begging for Hilly votes? There's always Woody Allen who married his daughter or Cher who's daughter became a son. Yep, those Gollywooders are some kinda mensas alright. :lol:

No wonder Republican Rome considered gladiators, prostitutes and actors unsuitable for decent company or public life. Madonna checks two of those boxes.

"Republican Rome"? As opposed to the "democrat Rome" who depended on the republican Rome to finish the wars they started and clean up the domestic messes they made money off until the people revolted?

I'll assume this is a joke? ha ha

I assumed what you wrote was. ha ha

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