Salma Hayek Rips Trump: ‘He Has Never Done Anything For America’

The Mexican-American actress had some harsh words for the Republican nominee.

Salma Hayek delivered a blistering rebuke to Donald Trump on Monday, calling the Republican presidential nominee a “pathetic” man who creates “only violence and separation.”

Speaking on a conference call organized by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Mexican-American actress zeroed in on the apparent hypocrisy of some of Trump’s statements about Mexican immigrants.

“He calls us criminals — but who is the one who has a [fraud] lawsuit for Trump University?” Hayek asked rhetorically. “He calls us rapists — but who has a lawsuit for raping a young girl?”

Trump is facing a lawsuit in a New York court stemming from allegations that he raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994.

“He calls Hillary Clinton ‘crooked Hillary,’ but last time I checked he has 3,500 lawsuits,” Hayek said.

Hayek also contrasted the records of the two major-party nominees.

“We have the most qualified candidate in the history of America against the least qualified candidate in the history of America,” she said.

“Hillary has been very thorough about what she wants to do, and she has dedicated her entire life to others,” Hayek said. “Trump has never done anything for America or for anybody else.”

The Trump campaign declined to respond to Hayek’s comments.

Hayek said she had never held such an event about an American political candidate. But interest in her opinion of Trump skyrocketed over the weekend, when it was revealed that the businessman once responded to her turning him down for a date by planting a false story about her in a tabloid.

“Even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, I would never go out with Donald Trump,” Hayek said at one point. “Not my type!”

More: Salma Hayek Rips Trump: ‘He Has Never Done Anything For America’

Thank you, Salma. I couldn't agree more. Go Hillary!!!!!

Fuck that bitch, he's done more than she could think of doing. These digbat actors and actresses should keep their pie hole shut, they haven't done a damn thing worthwhile.

Salma has done a lot for me. God bless Salma!


I'd grab her in the pussy....but I sure dont want to hear her political views.
The Mexican-American actress had some harsh words for the Republican nominee.

Salma Hayek delivered a blistering rebuke to Donald Trump on Monday, calling the Republican presidential nominee a “pathetic” man who creates “only violence and separation.”

Speaking on a conference call organized by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Mexican-American actress zeroed in on the apparent hypocrisy of some of Trump’s statements about Mexican immigrants.

“He calls us criminals — but who is the one who has a [fraud] lawsuit for Trump University?” Hayek asked rhetorically. “He calls us rapists — but who has a lawsuit for raping a young girl?”

Trump is facing a lawsuit in a New York court stemming from allegations that he raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994.

“He calls Hillary Clinton ‘crooked Hillary,’ but last time I checked he has 3,500 lawsuits,” Hayek said.

Hayek also contrasted the records of the two major-party nominees.

“We have the most qualified candidate in the history of America against the least qualified candidate in the history of America,” she said.

“Hillary has been very thorough about what she wants to do, and she has dedicated her entire life to others,” Hayek said. “Trump has never done anything for America or for anybody else.”

The Trump campaign declined to respond to Hayek’s comments.

Hayek said she had never held such an event about an American political candidate. But interest in her opinion of Trump skyrocketed over the weekend, when it was revealed that the businessman once responded to her turning him down for a date by planting a false story about her in a tabloid.

“Even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, I would never go out with Donald Trump,” Hayek said at one point. “Not my type!”

More: Salma Hayek Rips Trump: ‘He Has Never Done Anything For America’

Thank you, Salma. I couldn't agree more. Go Hillary!!!!!

Fuck that bitch, he's done more than she could think of doing. These digbat actors and actresses should keep their pie hole shut, they haven't done a damn thing worthwhile.

Salma has done a lot for me. God bless Salma!


Hell there's a gal that works at my VA clinic that makes her look like a dog.

Really? Hey if you ever need a ride to your clinic let me know.

Got dibs...and since he lives right down the road in Texas terms.
Not sure why we put so much value in the political opinion of actors, actresses, musicians, and sports figures. It's simply their opinion, no more valuable than anyone else's.
The Mexican-American actress had some harsh words for the Republican nominee.

Salma Hayek delivered a blistering rebuke to Donald Trump on Monday, calling the Republican presidential nominee a “pathetic” man who creates “only violence and separation.”

Speaking on a conference call organized by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Mexican-American actress zeroed in on the apparent hypocrisy of some of Trump’s statements about Mexican immigrants.

“He calls us criminals — but who is the one who has a [fraud] lawsuit for Trump University?” Hayek asked rhetorically. “He calls us rapists — but who has a lawsuit for raping a young girl?”

Trump is facing a lawsuit in a New York court stemming from allegations that he raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994.

“He calls Hillary Clinton ‘crooked Hillary,’ but last time I checked he has 3,500 lawsuits,” Hayek said.

Hayek also contrasted the records of the two major-party nominees.

“We have the most qualified candidate in the history of America against the least qualified candidate in the history of America,” she said.

“Hillary has been very thorough about what she wants to do, and she has dedicated her entire life to others,” Hayek said. “Trump has never done anything for America or for anybody else.”

The Trump campaign declined to respond to Hayek’s comments.

Hayek said she had never held such an event about an American political candidate. But interest in her opinion of Trump skyrocketed over the weekend, when it was revealed that the businessman once responded to her turning him down for a date by planting a false story about her in a tabloid.

“Even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, I would never go out with Donald Trump,” Hayek said at one point. “Not my type!”

More: Salma Hayek Rips Trump: ‘He Has Never Done Anything For America’

Thank you, Salma. I couldn't agree more. Go Hillary!!!!!
And we value her opinion because...?
Not sure why we put so much value in the political opinion of actors, actresses, musicians, and sports figures. It's simply their opinion, no more valuable than anyone else's.
Seriously, some people should just show us their bodies and just shut up. WTF cares what they think?
The Mexican-American actress had some harsh words for the Republican nominee.

Salma Hayek delivered a blistering rebuke to Donald Trump on Monday, calling the Republican presidential nominee a “pathetic” man who creates “only violence and separation.”

Speaking on a conference call organized by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Mexican-American actress zeroed in on the apparent hypocrisy of some of Trump’s statements about Mexican immigrants.

“He calls us criminals — but who is the one who has a [fraud] lawsuit for Trump University?” Hayek asked rhetorically. “He calls us rapists — but who has a lawsuit for raping a young girl?”

Trump is facing a lawsuit in a New York court stemming from allegations that he raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994.

“He calls Hillary Clinton ‘crooked Hillary,’ but last time I checked he has 3,500 lawsuits,” Hayek said.

Hayek also contrasted the records of the two major-party nominees.

“We have the most qualified candidate in the history of America against the least qualified candidate in the history of America,” she said.

“Hillary has been very thorough about what she wants to do, and she has dedicated her entire life to others,” Hayek said. “Trump has never done anything for America or for anybody else.”

The Trump campaign declined to respond to Hayek’s comments.

Hayek said she had never held such an event about an American political candidate. But interest in her opinion of Trump skyrocketed over the weekend, when it was revealed that the businessman once responded to her turning him down for a date by planting a false story about her in a tabloid.

“Even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, I would never go out with Donald Trump,” Hayek said at one point. “Not my type!”

More: Salma Hayek Rips Trump: ‘He Has Never Done Anything For America’

Thank you, Salma. I couldn't agree more. Go Hillary!!!!!

Fuck that bitch, he's done more than she could think of doing. These digbat actors and actresses should keep their pie hole shut, they haven't done a damn thing worthwhile.

Salma has done a lot for me. God bless Salma!


Stop objectifying women.
The Mexican-American actress had some harsh words for the Republican nominee.

Salma Hayek delivered a blistering rebuke to Donald Trump on Monday, calling the Republican presidential nominee a “pathetic” man who creates “only violence and separation.”

Speaking on a conference call organized by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Mexican-American actress zeroed in on the apparent hypocrisy of some of Trump’s statements about Mexican immigrants.

“He calls us criminals — but who is the one who has a [fraud] lawsuit for Trump University?” Hayek asked rhetorically. “He calls us rapists — but who has a lawsuit for raping a young girl?”

Trump is facing a lawsuit in a New York court stemming from allegations that he raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994.

“He calls Hillary Clinton ‘crooked Hillary,’ but last time I checked he has 3,500 lawsuits,” Hayek said.

Hayek also contrasted the records of the two major-party nominees.

“We have the most qualified candidate in the history of America against the least qualified candidate in the history of America,” she said.

“Hillary has been very thorough about what she wants to do, and she has dedicated her entire life to others,” Hayek said. “Trump has never done anything for America or for anybody else.”

The Trump campaign declined to respond to Hayek’s comments.

Hayek said she had never held such an event about an American political candidate. But interest in her opinion of Trump skyrocketed over the weekend, when it was revealed that the businessman once responded to her turning him down for a date by planting a false story about her in a tabloid.

“Even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, I would never go out with Donald Trump,” Hayek said at one point. “Not my type!”

More: Salma Hayek Rips Trump: ‘He Has Never Done Anything For America’

Thank you, Salma. I couldn't agree more. Go Hillary!!!!!
And we value her opinion because...?

The world wonders....

Like you know what a fucking Conservative is!

When you vote for Clinton come November ( If not already ) you will be voting for the Conservative Candidate this November!

So go fuck yourself when you write I can not tell a Liberal from a Conservative because most Neo-Conservatives brag about their Conservatism!

LMAO, she might qualify as a conservative in N. Korea.

She is more Conservative than Trump!

Nationalism does not equate into Conservatism no matter how much you beg and wish it to be!

Let's examine that.

Rule of law, Trump ........................Yes
Secure borders, Trump.....,.............Yes
Lower Taxes, Trump...........,............Yes
National Security, Trump.............,....Yes
Strong Military, Trump....................,..Yes
Constitutional Judges, Trump .........,..Yes
Fewer Regulations, Trump....,.............Yes
Protect the countries interest, Trump...Yes

I could go on, but all those are a few of what conservatives claim to want, so does Trump. The hildabitch, not so much.

Have you visited Hillary's website and read her proposed policies? Her's put Trump's to shame - and she provides DETAILS.

I heard enough from her lie hole, she's no interested in fixing anything, she just wants, like most regressives, to throw more money at shit. Hasn't worked, isn't working and won't work.

Prime example, the Dept of Education. We've wasted close to 3 trillion (in todays dollars) over it's life and have continually lost ground in comparison to other countries. He solution, MORE MONEY. Fuck her.
Of course, you never hear any good news, dupe. Like we now have the highest percentage graduating in decades...despite total, mindless GOP obstruction of EVERYTHING...
LMAO, she might qualify as a conservative in N. Korea.

She is more Conservative than Trump!

Nationalism does not equate into Conservatism no matter how much you beg and wish it to be!

Let's examine that.

Rule of law, Trump ........................Yes
Secure borders, Trump.....,.............Yes
Lower Taxes, Trump...........,............Yes
National Security, Trump.............,....Yes
Strong Military, Trump....................,..Yes
Constitutional Judges, Trump .........,..Yes
Fewer Regulations, Trump....,.............Yes
Protect the countries interest, Trump...Yes

I could go on, but all those are a few of what conservatives claim to want, so does Trump. The hildabitch, not so much.

Have you visited Hillary's website and read her proposed policies? Her's put Trump's to shame - and she provides DETAILS.

I heard enough from her lie hole, she's no interested in fixing anything, she just wants, like most regressives, to throw more money at shit. Hasn't worked, isn't working and won't work.

Prime example, the Dept of Education. We've wasted close to 3 trillion (in todays dollars) over it's life and have continually lost ground in comparison to other countries. He solution, MORE MONEY. Fuck her.
Of course, you never hear any good news, dupe. Like we now have the highest percentage graduating in decades...despite total, mindless GOP obstruction of EVERYTHING...

Highest in decades? Were those the decades before the DOE existed. Are you saying we wasted 3 trillion dollars to get back to where we were to start with? Run along and play with yourself hater dupe.
The Mexican-American actress had some harsh words for the Republican nominee.

Salma Hayek delivered a blistering rebuke to Donald Trump on Monday, calling the Republican presidential nominee a “pathetic” man who creates “only violence and separation.”

Speaking on a conference call organized by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Mexican-American actress zeroed in on the apparent hypocrisy of some of Trump’s statements about Mexican immigrants.

“He calls us criminals — but who is the one who has a [fraud] lawsuit for Trump University?” Hayek asked rhetorically. “He calls us rapists — but who has a lawsuit for raping a young girl?”

Trump is facing a lawsuit in a New York court stemming from allegations that he raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994.

“He calls Hillary Clinton ‘crooked Hillary,’ but last time I checked he has 3,500 lawsuits,” Hayek said.

Hayek also contrasted the records of the two major-party nominees.

“We have the most qualified candidate in the history of America against the least qualified candidate in the history of America,” she said.

“Hillary has been very thorough about what she wants to do, and she has dedicated her entire life to others,” Hayek said. “Trump has never done anything for America or for anybody else.”

The Trump campaign declined to respond to Hayek’s comments.

Hayek said she had never held such an event about an American political candidate. But interest in her opinion of Trump skyrocketed over the weekend, when it was revealed that the businessman once responded to her turning him down for a date by planting a false story about her in a tabloid.

“Even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, I would never go out with Donald Trump,” Hayek said at one point. “Not my type!”

More: Salma Hayek Rips Trump: ‘He Has Never Done Anything For America’

Thank you, Salma. I couldn't agree more. Go Hillary!!!!!

SALMA SAY IT AIN'T SO! as if an admittedly hot package of tits and teeth pretending to be other women for a living makes any difference to anybody.
She is more Conservative than Trump!

Nationalism does not equate into Conservatism no matter how much you beg and wish it to be!

Let's examine that.

Rule of law, Trump ........................Yes
Secure borders, Trump.....,.............Yes
Lower Taxes, Trump...........,............Yes
National Security, Trump.............,....Yes
Strong Military, Trump....................,..Yes
Constitutional Judges, Trump .........,..Yes
Fewer Regulations, Trump....,.............Yes
Protect the countries interest, Trump...Yes

I could go on, but all those are a few of what conservatives claim to want, so does Trump. The hildabitch, not so much.

Have you visited Hillary's website and read her proposed policies? Her's put Trump's to shame - and she provides DETAILS.

I heard enough from her lie hole, she's no interested in fixing anything, she just wants, like most regressives, to throw more money at shit. Hasn't worked, isn't working and won't work.

Prime example, the Dept of Education. We've wasted close to 3 trillion (in todays dollars) over it's life and have continually lost ground in comparison to other countries. He solution, MORE MONEY. Fuck her.
Of course, you never hear any good news, dupe. Like we now have the highest percentage graduating in decades...despite total, mindless GOP obstruction of EVERYTHING...

Highest in decades? Were those the decades before the DOE existed. Are you saying we wasted 3 trillion dollars to get back to where we were to start with? Run along and play with yourself hater dupe.
Before civil rights, Vietnam, and pander to the rich Reaganism , too, dupe. lol
The Mexican-American actress had some harsh words for the Republican nominee.

Salma Hayek delivered a blistering rebuke to Donald Trump on Monday, calling the Republican presidential nominee a “pathetic” man who creates “only violence and separation.”

Speaking on a conference call organized by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Mexican-American actress zeroed in on the apparent hypocrisy of some of Trump’s statements about Mexican immigrants.

“He calls us criminals — but who is the one who has a [fraud] lawsuit for Trump University?” Hayek asked rhetorically. “He calls us rapists — but who has a lawsuit for raping a young girl?”

Trump is facing a lawsuit in a New York court stemming from allegations that he raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994.

“He calls Hillary Clinton ‘crooked Hillary,’ but last time I checked he has 3,500 lawsuits,” Hayek said.

Hayek also contrasted the records of the two major-party nominees.

“We have the most qualified candidate in the history of America against the least qualified candidate in the history of America,” she said.

“Hillary has been very thorough about what she wants to do, and she has dedicated her entire life to others,” Hayek said. “Trump has never done anything for America or for anybody else.”

The Trump campaign declined to respond to Hayek’s comments.

Hayek said she had never held such an event about an American political candidate. But interest in her opinion of Trump skyrocketed over the weekend, when it was revealed that the businessman once responded to her turning him down for a date by planting a false story about her in a tabloid.

“Even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, I would never go out with Donald Trump,” Hayek said at one point. “Not my type!”

More: Salma Hayek Rips Trump: ‘He Has Never Done Anything For America’

Thank you, Salma. I couldn't agree more. Go Hillary!!!!!

SALMA SAY IT AIN'T SO! as if an admittedly hot package of tits and teeth pretending to be other women for a living makes any difference to anybody.
I'll go with a cosmopolitan intelligent thinking person over bought off GOP a-holes and silly dupes anytime...
Let's examine that.

Rule of law, Trump ........................Yes
Secure borders, Trump.....,.............Yes
Lower Taxes, Trump...........,............Yes
National Security, Trump.............,....Yes
Strong Military, Trump....................,..Yes
Constitutional Judges, Trump .........,..Yes
Fewer Regulations, Trump....,.............Yes
Protect the countries interest, Trump...Yes

I could go on, but all those are a few of what conservatives claim to want, so does Trump. The hildabitch, not so much.

Have you visited Hillary's website and read her proposed policies? Her's put Trump's to shame - and she provides DETAILS.

I heard enough from her lie hole, she's no interested in fixing anything, she just wants, like most regressives, to throw more money at shit. Hasn't worked, isn't working and won't work.

Prime example, the Dept of Education. We've wasted close to 3 trillion (in todays dollars) over it's life and have continually lost ground in comparison to other countries. He solution, MORE MONEY. Fuck her.
Of course, you never hear any good news, dupe. Like we now have the highest percentage graduating in decades...despite total, mindless GOP obstruction of EVERYTHING...

Highest in decades? Were those the decades before the DOE existed. Are you saying we wasted 3 trillion dollars to get back to where we were to start with? Run along and play with yourself hater dupe.
Before civil rights, Vietnam, and pander to the rich Reaganism , too, dupe. lol

So you agree the 3 trillion was wasted.
The Mexican-American actress had some harsh words for the Republican nominee.

Salma Hayek delivered a blistering rebuke to Donald Trump on Monday, calling the Republican presidential nominee a “pathetic” man who creates “only violence and separation.”

Speaking on a conference call organized by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Mexican-American actress zeroed in on the apparent hypocrisy of some of Trump’s statements about Mexican immigrants.

“He calls us criminals — but who is the one who has a [fraud] lawsuit for Trump University?” Hayek asked rhetorically. “He calls us rapists — but who has a lawsuit for raping a young girl?”

Trump is facing a lawsuit in a New York court stemming from allegations that he raped a 13-year-old girl in 1994.

“He calls Hillary Clinton ‘crooked Hillary,’ but last time I checked he has 3,500 lawsuits,” Hayek said.

Hayek also contrasted the records of the two major-party nominees.

“We have the most qualified candidate in the history of America against the least qualified candidate in the history of America,” she said.

“Hillary has been very thorough about what she wants to do, and she has dedicated her entire life to others,” Hayek said. “Trump has never done anything for America or for anybody else.”

The Trump campaign declined to respond to Hayek’s comments.

Hayek said she had never held such an event about an American political candidate. But interest in her opinion of Trump skyrocketed over the weekend, when it was revealed that the businessman once responded to her turning him down for a date by planting a false story about her in a tabloid.

“Even if I didn’t have a boyfriend, I would never go out with Donald Trump,” Hayek said at one point. “Not my type!”

More: Salma Hayek Rips Trump: ‘He Has Never Done Anything For America’

Thank you, Salma. I couldn't agree more. Go Hillary!!!!!
How can a Hollywood actress say such nasty things? This is absurd and its going to hurt him in the polls, they need to stop saying hurtful things about Trump.

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