"America is Ready for Socialism!" (Didn't we fight against Socialism in WW II?)

Socialism is simply the re-invigoration of Feudalism. It is placing all capital in the hands of a ruling elite to distribute as they see fit. All capital, including human capital, is the exclusive property of the state, to be disposed of as the state sees fit.
Socialism, as discussed by almost all socialists/people who don't spew baseless bullshit, refers to democratic control of the means of production. You're describing state capitalism.

ROFL! yeah, we know that socialist believe in a triangle with four sides.
No, I really do not, none the less, I have better things to do then listen to someone who believes the EPA is communist and that the WHO/doctors without borders/unicef are all marxist.

Yes, you do. You believe in "democratic socialism," which is an oxymoron. By the way, if socialism requires democracy, then why put the qualifier "democratic" in front of socialism?

BTW, I didn't say the doctors were Marxist. I said the WHO is Marxist. Not everyone who lived in the USSR was a Marxist. Your reasoning abilities are severely substandard.
Doctors without borders strongly supports healthcare for all, same with the WHO, they're both marxist by your standards. Of course they weren't all marxists, who said that?

Yes they are Marxist. You just admitted it. "To each according to his need" is a Marxist principle, and you just enunciated it.

  1. Democratic socialism is a political ideology advocating a democratic political system alongside a socialist economic system, involving a combination of political democracy with social ownership of the means of production.

In other words, socialism and democracy are two separate things. Thanks for admitting it.
"Means of production" is me. Socialism is slavery.

Socialism is simply the re-invigoration of Feudalism. It is placing all capital in the hands of a ruling elite to distribute as they see fit. All capital, including human capital, is the exclusive property of the state, to be disposed of as the state sees fit.
Socialism, as discussed by almost all socialists/people who don't spew baseless bullshit, refers to democratic control of the means of production. You're describing state capitalism.
You're describing the dictatorship off the majority.
Better then a dictatorship of the minority.
Um, no. A dictatorship is bad. No matter who it is.
I'm referring to the period where Lenin was alive and the revolution was in full swing, not the later years. This would come obvious to you if you kept up with our conversation.

I gave you the link because it provides you a plethora of reference materials regarding the structure of Soviet society including the early days and the experiment in pure communism.
We fought against collectivism, yes. Socialism is a form of collectivism. The National Socialist German Workers Party was most certainly an extreme form of socialism.
My God, the Right will do anything to distance themselves from Nazis.

Actually it's the other way round. There are only two types of government systems. Collectivist and individualist. Fascist, Socialist, Communist, are all the same house. They are merely painted slightly different colors. Individualist government in its extreme form is anarchy in other words no government.

Your claim that nazis are right wingers and socialists are left wingers but as any thinking person can tell you that is simply not true. That is a propaganda construct created by the Fabian Socialists to try and distance themselves from the wanton murder of the political systems they helped devise.

For someone who claims to be a "political junky" you sure don't know much about political systems.
Fascism and socialism/communism are not at all related, it's pathetic to try to relate them, considering hitler invaded the soviet union and broke with the "socialist" message after acquiring power.

Sure they are. They both place government control over that of the individual. They both assume that when the individual is no longer of value to the State they are superfluous and can be got rid of.
They both take the majority of the workers money because they assume that the people aren't capable of caring for themselves and use that money to buy whatever votes they need to remain in power.

When you look at how the Nazi's and the Soviets treated their citizens there is virtually no difference.
One other thing that is similar to both is that when they go to war the individual is EXPECTED to die for the country, variously called the "The Fatherland", or in Soviet parlance "The Motherland", whereas in a "free" society we are grateful for the individuals sacrifice.

There is no question that fascism and socialism are related. Only brainwashed drones think otherwise.
You're referring to the actions carried out by the soviet union/germany during world war 2 as your basis for labeling the ideological views of all socialists/communists, and heck, even fascists, which is sad, truly, I pity you. They assume people aren't capable of caring for themselves? Yes, I'd love for you to back that up, along with the "buying votes claim." Wait, hold on, wasn't the soviet union an authoritarian dictatorship? Make up your mind. No difference? NO DIFFERENCE? LOOOOOOOOL. They are not related, at all, theirs a reason hitler killed socialists/communists.

Tell us the difference between the two then. By all means educate us poor folks! Yes Hitler killed his opponents. You still haven't shown us how they were different. BTW Christians kill Christians all the time so your belief that socialists don't kill socialists is laughable.
State Capitalism and Dictatorship
No, I will not claim forced collectivism is capitalist, no one is supporting stalin. I have no knowledge of history or marx? Wow, such an in depth analysis, great job, 10/10.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state

You truly are an idiot.

The hallmark of capitalism is the free market and unrestrained competition.
So is flooding the market with cheap goods until your competitors fold and then raising prices because you have no more competition a "good thing"? That was the Chinese model. It's also called "unrestrained competition". What you want.

No one has ever succeeded with such a strategy. What usually happens is that the producer keeps making his goods cheaper and cheaper because he has a lower cost of production. The producers who can't compete accuse the low cost producer of "market flooding."
Socialism, as discussed by almost all socialists/people who don't spew baseless bullshit, refers to democratic control of the means of production. You're describing state capitalism.

Democratic in the hands of a socialist is a euphemism for the state. Nothing more. You advocate for all assets to be owned by the state (on behalf of "the people" donchaknow.)
"Means of production" is me. Socialism is slavery.

Socialism is simply the re-invigoration of Feudalism. It is placing all capital in the hands of a ruling elite to distribute as they see fit. All capital, including human capital, is the exclusive property of the state, to be disposed of as the state sees fit.
Socialism, as discussed by almost all socialists/people who don't spew baseless bullshit, refers to democratic control of the means of production. You're describing state capitalism.
You're describing the dictatorship off the majority.
Better then a dictatorship of the minority.
Um, no. A dictatorship is bad. No matter who it is.

Dictatorship is often better than democracy. Egypt proved that. So did Libya, Syria and Iraq. So did Chile.

The majority is often just a mob if ignorant, bloodthirsty savages.
These are the scum that Joe McCarthy talked about in the early 1950's!

The Social Memo ^ believes that the United States is "ready for socialism" and Bernie Sanders is "speaking to America's soul." In an article published today, titled "America is ready for socialism! Massive majorities back Bernie Sanders on the issues — and disdain Donald Trump," Salon made the case that most Americans want socialist policies in place. "Sanders speaks to America's soul — and our values," the article's author, Paul Rosenberg, claims. Rosenberg also writes for Al Jazeera. It continues, "Sanders is right to think that Scandanavian socialism would be popular here in the U.S., if only people knew more about it. And...

BTW, I hope all you THINKING people spotted the TIE IN between Socialism. and Al Jazeera the propaganda arm of ISIS!

Didn't we fight against Socialism in WW II

Uh, no. The allies fought against Fascism. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, in other words "socialists" were on our side.

You see what I mean? These right wingers are so fucking ignorant. They should be slapped hard at least once a day until the stupid is knocked out of their tiny minds. Or, they could go to school. But that's hard work.


You HAVE to be a relative of that fucking nutcase Howard Dean.... you're dumber than he is!

]]]]]]]]]]]] HITLER-STALIN PACT FACTS BURIED [[[[[[[[[[[[[
By Ralph de Toledano, (9/25/88)

A panel of prominent Soviet historians and government officials
has kicked a large hole in glasnost by defending the Hitler-Stalin
"non-aggression" pact, which gave Nazi Germany a green light to launch
World War II. Burying the facts under another ton of propaganda,
Valentin Falin, head of the press agency Novosti, a member-candidate
of the CPSU's Central Committee, and spokesman for the panel announced
that the infamous 1939 pact was a prudent necessity to give Josef
Stalin a chance to prepare for war with Adolf Hitler.
This statement ranks with the bland immorality of the statement
by then Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov, right after the pact was
announced, that "fascism is a matter of taste." The Hitler-Stalin
pact was, in fact, merely a public proclamation of the covert alliance
between the Nazis and the Soviets which dated back to the early days
of Hitler's rise to power. The 1932 Berlin transport strike, in which
Nazis and communists worked in organizational tandem to disrupt Ger-
many's democratic government, is but one case in point. Recall that at
the very time that Stalin and the Comintern were calling for "collec-
tive security" against Nazi Germany, the U.S.S.R. was secretly helping
to train the Wehrmacht on Russian soil. Soviet propaganda then and now
loudly denounced Britain Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's mission
to Munich, but Stalin did nothing to prevent Hitler from seizing
The pact, moreover, included secret clauses partitioning Poland
and delivering the three independent Baltic republics to Moscow. When
Hitler attacked Poland from the west, Stalin back-stabbed by invading
from the east. Comrade Falin, it should also be noted, says nothing
about the vast amounts of oil and other militarily significant sup-
plies to the Nazis hardly the act of a country preparing to go to
war with Germany. When the Nazis did strike, Stalin complained of
"betrayal" by an ally.
The evidence of Soviet intentions was clear in the activities of
Moscow-directed Communist parties throughout the world. French Commu-
nists made common cause with French Nazis during the pact period and
did their best to sabotage the war effort. In the United States, CIO
unions called strikes in defense plants supplying the Western Allies.
The slogan of these unions and of the CPUSA was, "The Yanks Aren't
Coming" changed to "The Yanks Aren't Coming Too Late" when the
Soviet Union was invaded.
We are frequently reminded that 20 million Russians died in World
War II a number smaller than those who died from Stalin's planned
famines and purges. But the war would probably have been avoided and
certainly would have followed a less tragic course had not Hitler and
Stalin been allied. But so confident was Stalin of Hitler's friendship
that he purged Marshall Tukhachevsky, one of the most brilliant mili-
tary strategists in Europe, and scrapped his plans for the defense of
the Soviet Union at the behest of the German general staff.
Glasnost or not, Soviet historians and propagandists cannot admit
the facts of the Hitler-Stalin pact, as well as what preceded and
followed it. To do so would be an admission to the world and to the
long-suffering Russian people of the enormity of Soviet treason.
And there is another factor. The "conclusions" of the panel which
today justifies Stalin are part of a strategy to rehabilitate the
bloody Soviet dictator with plans drawn up during the Leonid Brezhnev
era which General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev is loath to scrap.
If glasnost were genuine and if a true account of the Hitler-
Stalin pact were made known, it might well blow the lid off in the
Soviet Union, with consequences hard to predict but dire for the
Soviet dictatorship.
Better to let the Armenians and Azerbaijanis riot and kill each
other off. Better to let the Balts demonstrate. It looks good on the
evening news and does little harm.

El Chapo and Socialist Corruption
July 14, 2015


RUSH: The New York Post today has a picture: El Chapo drinking a beer in the copilot seat of his private airplane taken by his son and sent to the American media. He is taunting us! El Chapo is saying, "Look at me! I have beer. I'm in my airplane. I'm flying to freedom. I have girls awaiting me upon my arrival. (Raspberry) you!" By the way, there's an author out there folks by the name of Don Winslow. He's a novelist.

He has written a lot of novels about the Mexican drug cartels and the DEA and the US war on drugs. His latest is called The Cartel, and it's about El Chapo. Winslow had a piece published in, of all places, CNN yesterday (an op-ed piece), in which he doesn't believe this tunnel business at all. I mean, he thinks the tunnel is there, and he acknowledges the tunnel was built. But he thinks tunnel is just there to be used as an excuse by Mexican prison and government officials.

He thinks that El Chapo actually walked out the front door of the place. He thinks that the Mexican prison system and the Mexican government have been corrupted by the drug cartels because they have got all the money. You know, when I read his piece there is something that struck me.
Socialism is widely spread in Mexico. Socialism is widely spread all over the world. What is one of the hard, cold realities of socialism? The only people that have any money are criminals and governments.

Average, ordinary citizens don't have any money. They do not create wealth. It's impossible for it to happen in socialism. All the money gets taxed and then redistributed in socialism. So you have the super wealthy -- until you confiscate their money. You can tax and tax and tax them. Until you confiscate their wealth, they're always gonna have money. But the middle class ceases to exist as an upwardly mobile economic entity.

With socialism every, what does it breed? Socialism breeds corruption because nobody has any money, except criminals. So here's a big drug criminal in El Chapo, and he's a multibillionaire. He can pay off government officials and prison officials with more money than they will ever earn in their lifetimes administering the law, and one of the reasons is socialism. Nobody earns anything!

There isn't any upward mobility. There's no moving up in the middle class to the upper middle class, any of that, everything's static. It just struck me, of all the things you can construct as arguments to oppose socialism, that's another one. It breeds corruption because the only people that have any -- when you don't have any money, and here comes somebody offering you more than you will ever earn in your life, to just let me have filet mignon every night in my jail cell and bring me some prostitutes while you're at it and make sure I get my Viagra, and then in a year and a half let's engineer my escape and I'll really take care of you, and it happens.

And this is in many ways the story of the of the Mexican drug cartels' relationship with governments and prisons, and Winslow, again, he thinks that that tunnel, they built it, but it just is there as an excuse, prison officials to say, "Look at how brilliant this prisoner is. Right under our noses, this guy builds a mile-long tunnel and is able to get out this thing by going in the shower. Wow, what a brilliant criminal." And everybody marvels at what a great criminal El Chapo is it, when the theory is he just walked out the door, by prison officials being paid off.

And when you look at Greece, you look at all of Western Europe, look at all of these countries that feature socialism, and we clearly have enough of our economy that's become socialistic that there is no upward mobility in our Millennial class. They don't even dream of any. It just opens the door for all kinds of chicanery, corruption, you name it, because money is what makes the world go round. Everybody wants more than they have. And when you can't work hard and earn more, when you can't be creative as an entrepreneur and earn more, what are you gonna do?

Which is what socialism does. Socialism shuts down entrepreneurism and creativity and brilliance. It shuts down economic growth. It shuts down what most people want, which is a ongoing improvement in their standard of living. Now, the left would have you to believe they don't care about money; they're interested humanitarian things. But don't believe 'em. They hoard their money when they get it and they don't give much of it away. Their charitable donations are pitiful.

They want more money as much as anybody else does. What they've done is put themselves in positions of power where all the money is, Washington, DC. They get their hands on it before it gets redistributed. So, anyway, here's El Chapo and he's running around, but here's another thing about El Chapo. He ordered his young wife, whose name is Emma Coronel, who is a US citizen, she's the daughter of another Mexican drug lord, El Chapo ordered his wife to give birth in California so that his kids will have US citizenship. Anchor babies.

Now, if El Chapo ordered his own wife to do this, you can bet that he ordered others in his organization to do the same thing. And of course the mothers don't even have to be US citizens. All they have to do is be here when they give birth. As his kids become US citizens as a result of being born here, it's gonna allow his gang to get themselves under Obama's generous and humane family reunification plan. You know how that works. Why do you think all these minors are being sent alone to the United States of America from Central America, El Salvador and so forth?

Would you put your kid on a train for days, 28 days, unchaperoned, fingers crossed that your kid gets to America? Why would you do that? Because you know that the American president's gonna bring you in to reunite you with your kid, if he gets there, and that's how you're gonna beat immigration law. That's why all the minors are floating across the border. That's why all the parents of these minors are risking letting them go, while at the time we're told that it's war torn and economically ravaged and it's an act of love and compassion, these parents, knowing their lives are over, but they want the dream for their kids.

So they put them on the trains and they send 'em north and they hope they get into America. It's all about Obama's family reunification plan, which El Chapo, he's gonna become a US citizen before all is said and done. He's gonna be reunited with his children that his wife is giving birth to in the United States. And according to reports, El Chapo has at least four spouses and at least 10 children. Imagine what a sales force this clown's building up.

By the way, Don Winslow also says, do not think of this guy as a funny, chubby little cartoon character. He is a brutal and ruthless, murdering, maiming drug lord who has been responsible for who knows how many deaths. There's nothing lovable about El Chapo. And he's got a point.

El Chapo and Socialist Corruption - The Rush Limbaugh Show
How is Mexico more Socialist than the US? Do they have more building and safety codes than the US.

Simply bribing someone with Capital is Capitalism, not socialism.

Socialism usually involves Social Justice, not the Capital Justice a Capitalist may afford.
Last edited:
El Chapo and Socialist Corruption
July 14, 2015


RUSH: The New York Post today has a picture: El Chapo drinking a beer in the copilot seat of his private airplane taken by his son and sent to the American media. He is taunting us! El Chapo is saying, "Look at me! I have beer. I'm in my airplane. I'm flying to freedom. I have girls awaiting me upon my arrival. (Raspberry) you!" By the way, there's an author out there folks by the name of Don Winslow. He's a novelist.

He has written a lot of novels about the Mexican drug cartels and the DEA and the US war on drugs. His latest is called The Cartel, and it's about El Chapo. Winslow had a piece published in, of all places, CNN yesterday (an op-ed piece), in which he doesn't believe this tunnel business at all. I mean, he thinks the tunnel is there, and he acknowledges the tunnel was built. But he thinks tunnel is just there to be used as an excuse by Mexican prison and government officials.

He thinks that El Chapo actually walked out the front door of the place. He thinks that the Mexican prison system and the Mexican government have been corrupted by the drug cartels because they have got all the money. You know, when I read his piece there is something that struck me.
Socialism is widely spread in Mexico. Socialism is widely spread all over the world. What is one of the hard, cold realities of socialism? The only people that have any money are criminals and governments.

Average, ordinary citizens don't have any money. They do not create wealth. It's impossible for it to happen in socialism. All the money gets taxed and then redistributed in socialism. So you have the super wealthy -- until you confiscate their money. You can tax and tax and tax them. Until you confiscate their wealth, they're always gonna have money. But the middle class ceases to exist as an upwardly mobile economic entity.

With socialism every, what does it breed? Socialism breeds corruption because nobody has any money, except criminals. So here's a big drug criminal in El Chapo, and he's a multibillionaire. He can pay off government officials and prison officials with more money than they will ever earn in their lifetimes administering the law, and one of the reasons is socialism. Nobody earns anything!

There isn't any upward mobility. There's no moving up in the middle class to the upper middle class, any of that, everything's static. It just struck me, of all the things you can construct as arguments to oppose socialism, that's another one. It breeds corruption because the only people that have any -- when you don't have any money, and here comes somebody offering you more than you will ever earn in your life, to just let me have filet mignon every night in my jail cell and bring me some prostitutes while you're at it and make sure I get my Viagra, and then in a year and a half let's engineer my escape and I'll really take care of you, and it happens.

And this is in many ways the story of the of the Mexican drug cartels' relationship with governments and prisons, and Winslow, again, he thinks that that tunnel, they built it, but it just is there as an excuse, prison officials to say, "Look at how brilliant this prisoner is. Right under our noses, this guy builds a mile-long tunnel and is able to get out this thing by going in the shower. Wow, what a brilliant criminal." And everybody marvels at what a great criminal El Chapo is it, when the theory is he just walked out the door, by prison officials being paid off.

And when you look at Greece, you look at all of Western Europe, look at all of these countries that feature socialism, and we clearly have enough of our economy that's become socialistic that there is no upward mobility in our Millennial class. They don't even dream of any. It just opens the door for all kinds of chicanery, corruption, you name it, because money is what makes the world go round. Everybody wants more than they have. And when you can't work hard and earn more, when you can't be creative as an entrepreneur and earn more, what are you gonna do?

Which is what socialism does. Socialism shuts down entrepreneurism and creativity and brilliance. It shuts down economic growth. It shuts down what most people want, which is a ongoing improvement in their standard of living. Now, the left would have you to believe they don't care about money; they're interested humanitarian things. But don't believe 'em. They hoard their money when they get it and they don't give much of it away. Their charitable donations are pitiful.

They want more money as much as anybody else does. What they've done is put themselves in positions of power where all the money is, Washington, DC. They get their hands on it before it gets redistributed. So, anyway, here's El Chapo and he's running around, but here's another thing about El Chapo. He ordered his young wife, whose name is Emma Coronel, who is a US citizen, she's the daughter of another Mexican drug lord, El Chapo ordered his wife to give birth in California so that his kids will have US citizenship. Anchor babies.

Now, if El Chapo ordered his own wife to do this, you can bet that he ordered others in his organization to do the same thing. And of course the mothers don't even have to be US citizens. All they have to do is be here when they give birth. As his kids become US citizens as a result of being born here, it's gonna allow his gang to get themselves under Obama's generous and humane family reunification plan. You know how that works. Why do you think all these minors are being sent alone to the United States of America from Central America, El Salvador and so forth?

Would you put your kid on a train for days, 28 days, unchaperoned, fingers crossed that your kid gets to America? Why would you do that? Because you know that the American president's gonna bring you in to reunite you with your kid, if he gets there, and that's how you're gonna beat immigration law. That's why all the minors are floating across the border. That's why all the parents of these minors are risking letting them go, while at the time we're told that it's war torn and economically ravaged and it's an act of love and compassion, these parents, knowing their lives are over, but they want the dream for their kids.

So they put them on the trains and they send 'em north and they hope they get into America. It's all about Obama's family reunification plan, which El Chapo, he's gonna become a US citizen before all is said and done. He's gonna be reunited with his children that his wife is giving birth to in the United States. And according to reports, El Chapo has at least four spouses and at least 10 children. Imagine what a sales force this clown's building up.

By the way, Don Winslow also says, do not think of this guy as a funny, chubby little cartoon character. He is a brutal and ruthless, murdering, maiming drug lord who has been responsible for who knows how many deaths. There's nothing lovable about El Chapo. And he's got a point.

El Chapo and Socialist Corruption - The Rush Limbaugh Show
How is Mexico more Socialist than the US? Do they have more building and safety codes than the US.

Simply bribing someone with Capital is Capitalism, not socialism.

Socialism usually involves Social Justice, not the Capital Justice a Capitalist may afford.
Socialism is an economic system.... go back to school!
This is why it may be so difficult for some on the left to confide in the Capital sincerity of the Right.

Here is what the Right really really thinks of the Capitalized, One-Percent.

The only people that have any money are criminals and governments.
This is why it may be so difficult for some on the left to confide in the Capital sincerity of the Right.

Here is what the Right really really thinks of the Capitalized, One-Percent.

The only people that have any money are criminals and governments.

I suggest you ask "Truth" Trump if that's what he thinks!
Should socialists really care what capitalists think, if they have no Capital plan to make more money with a Commerce Clause and al official Mint to work with.
This is why it may be so difficult for some on the left to confide in the Capital sincerity of the Right.

Here is what the Right really really thinks of the Capitalized, One-Percent.

The only people that have any money are criminals and governments.

I suggest you ask "Truth" Trump if that's what he thinks!
Should socialists really care what capitalists think, if they have no Capital plan to make more money with a Commerce Clause and al official Mint to work with.
Thank GOD (if you believe) that most American's AREN'T Socialists, and want to keep bettering themselves instead of living off the government teat, and stagnating.
El Chapo and Socialist Corruption
July 14, 2015


RUSH: The New York Post today has a picture: El Chapo drinking a beer in the copilot seat of his private airplane taken by his son and sent to the American media. He is taunting us! El Chapo is saying, "Look at me! I have beer. I'm in my airplane. I'm flying to freedom. I have girls awaiting me upon my arrival. (Raspberry) you!" By the way, there's an author out there folks by the name of Don Winslow. He's a novelist.

He has written a lot of novels about the Mexican drug cartels and the DEA and the US war on drugs. His latest is called The Cartel, and it's about El Chapo. Winslow had a piece published in, of all places, CNN yesterday (an op-ed piece), in which he doesn't believe this tunnel business at all. I mean, he thinks the tunnel is there, and he acknowledges the tunnel was built. But he thinks tunnel is just there to be used as an excuse by Mexican prison and government officials.

He thinks that El Chapo actually walked out the front door of the place. He thinks that the Mexican prison system and the Mexican government have been corrupted by the drug cartels because they have got all the money. You know, when I read his piece there is something that struck me.
Socialism is widely spread in Mexico. Socialism is widely spread all over the world. What is one of the hard, cold realities of socialism? The only people that have any money are criminals and governments.

Average, ordinary citizens don't have any money. They do not create wealth. It's impossible for it to happen in socialism. All the money gets taxed and then redistributed in socialism. So you have the super wealthy -- until you confiscate their money. You can tax and tax and tax them. Until you confiscate their wealth, they're always gonna have money. But the middle class ceases to exist as an upwardly mobile economic entity.

With socialism every, what does it breed? Socialism breeds corruption because nobody has any money, except criminals. So here's a big drug criminal in El Chapo, and he's a multibillionaire. He can pay off government officials and prison officials with more money than they will ever earn in their lifetimes administering the law, and one of the reasons is socialism. Nobody earns anything!

There isn't any upward mobility. There's no moving up in the middle class to the upper middle class, any of that, everything's static. It just struck me, of all the things you can construct as arguments to oppose socialism, that's another one. It breeds corruption because the only people that have any -- when you don't have any money, and here comes somebody offering you more than you will ever earn in your life, to just let me have filet mignon every night in my jail cell and bring me some prostitutes while you're at it and make sure I get my Viagra, and then in a year and a half let's engineer my escape and I'll really take care of you, and it happens.

And this is in many ways the story of the of the Mexican drug cartels' relationship with governments and prisons, and Winslow, again, he thinks that that tunnel, they built it, but it just is there as an excuse, prison officials to say, "Look at how brilliant this prisoner is. Right under our noses, this guy builds a mile-long tunnel and is able to get out this thing by going in the shower. Wow, what a brilliant criminal." And everybody marvels at what a great criminal El Chapo is it, when the theory is he just walked out the door, by prison officials being paid off.

And when you look at Greece, you look at all of Western Europe, look at all of these countries that feature socialism, and we clearly have enough of our economy that's become socialistic that there is no upward mobility in our Millennial class. They don't even dream of any. It just opens the door for all kinds of chicanery, corruption, you name it, because money is what makes the world go round. Everybody wants more than they have. And when you can't work hard and earn more, when you can't be creative as an entrepreneur and earn more, what are you gonna do?

Which is what socialism does. Socialism shuts down entrepreneurism and creativity and brilliance. It shuts down economic growth. It shuts down what most people want, which is a ongoing improvement in their standard of living. Now, the left would have you to believe they don't care about money; they're interested humanitarian things. But don't believe 'em. They hoard their money when they get it and they don't give much of it away. Their charitable donations are pitiful.

They want more money as much as anybody else does. What they've done is put themselves in positions of power where all the money is, Washington, DC. They get their hands on it before it gets redistributed. So, anyway, here's El Chapo and he's running around, but here's another thing about El Chapo. He ordered his young wife, whose name is Emma Coronel, who is a US citizen, she's the daughter of another Mexican drug lord, El Chapo ordered his wife to give birth in California so that his kids will have US citizenship. Anchor babies.

Now, if El Chapo ordered his own wife to do this, you can bet that he ordered others in his organization to do the same thing. And of course the mothers don't even have to be US citizens. All they have to do is be here when they give birth. As his kids become US citizens as a result of being born here, it's gonna allow his gang to get themselves under Obama's generous and humane family reunification plan. You know how that works. Why do you think all these minors are being sent alone to the United States of America from Central America, El Salvador and so forth?

Would you put your kid on a train for days, 28 days, unchaperoned, fingers crossed that your kid gets to America? Why would you do that? Because you know that the American president's gonna bring you in to reunite you with your kid, if he gets there, and that's how you're gonna beat immigration law. That's why all the minors are floating across the border. That's why all the parents of these minors are risking letting them go, while at the time we're told that it's war torn and economically ravaged and it's an act of love and compassion, these parents, knowing their lives are over, but they want the dream for their kids.

So they put them on the trains and they send 'em north and they hope they get into America. It's all about Obama's family reunification plan, which El Chapo, he's gonna become a US citizen before all is said and done. He's gonna be reunited with his children that his wife is giving birth to in the United States. And according to reports, El Chapo has at least four spouses and at least 10 children. Imagine what a sales force this clown's building up.

By the way, Don Winslow also says, do not think of this guy as a funny, chubby little cartoon character. He is a brutal and ruthless, murdering, maiming drug lord who has been responsible for who knows how many deaths. There's nothing lovable about El Chapo. And he's got a point.

El Chapo and Socialist Corruption - The Rush Limbaugh Show
How is Mexico more Socialist than the US? Do they have more building and safety codes than the US.

Simply bribing someone with Capital is Capitalism, not socialism.

Socialism usually involves Social Justice, not the Capital Justice a Capitalist may afford.

When the government does it, it's socialism. Mexico has a state owned oil industry, for one thing. You can't do anything in Mexico without government permission.
This is why it may be so difficult for some on the left to confide in the Capital sincerity of the Right.

Here is what the Right really really thinks of the Capitalized, One-Percent.

The only people that have any money are criminals and governments.

I suggest you ask "Truth" Trump if that's what he thinks!
Should socialists really care what capitalists think, if they have no Capital plan to make more money with a Commerce Clause and al official Mint to work with.
No on should care what you think. That much is certain.
Socialism, progressivim, it's all euphemisms for one thing: Communism.

We fought it for 44 years. We fought Communism in Korea and Vietnam, and indirectly, we are still fighting Communism today.

Where do you think the majority those weapons used to kill American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan were manufactured? Places like Africa, Asia, South America, and the Middle East are bristling with weapons, guess where the majority of them were manufactured?

Let's see if anyone knows the answer to this question.
This is why it may be so difficult for some on the left to confide in the Capital sincerity of the Right.

Here is what the Right really really thinks of the Capitalized, One-Percent.

The only people that have any money are criminals and governments.

I suggest you ask "Truth" Trump if that's what he thinks!
Should socialists really care what capitalists think, if they have no Capital plan to make more money with a Commerce Clause and al official Mint to work with.
Thank GOD (if you believe) that most American's AREN'T Socialists, and want to keep bettering themselves instead of living off the government teat, and stagnating.
How well is that working in the employment sector for you.
El Chapo and Socialist Corruption
July 14, 2015


RUSH: The New York Post today has a picture: El Chapo drinking a beer in the copilot seat of his private airplane taken by his son and sent to the American media. He is taunting us! El Chapo is saying, "Look at me! I have beer. I'm in my airplane. I'm flying to freedom. I have girls awaiting me upon my arrival. (Raspberry) you!" By the way, there's an author out there folks by the name of Don Winslow. He's a novelist.

He has written a lot of novels about the Mexican drug cartels and the DEA and the US war on drugs. His latest is called The Cartel, and it's about El Chapo. Winslow had a piece published in, of all places, CNN yesterday (an op-ed piece), in which he doesn't believe this tunnel business at all. I mean, he thinks the tunnel is there, and he acknowledges the tunnel was built. But he thinks tunnel is just there to be used as an excuse by Mexican prison and government officials.

He thinks that El Chapo actually walked out the front door of the place. He thinks that the Mexican prison system and the Mexican government have been corrupted by the drug cartels because they have got all the money. You know, when I read his piece there is something that struck me.
Socialism is widely spread in Mexico. Socialism is widely spread all over the world. What is one of the hard, cold realities of socialism? The only people that have any money are criminals and governments.

Average, ordinary citizens don't have any money. They do not create wealth. It's impossible for it to happen in socialism. All the money gets taxed and then redistributed in socialism. So you have the super wealthy -- until you confiscate their money. You can tax and tax and tax them. Until you confiscate their wealth, they're always gonna have money. But the middle class ceases to exist as an upwardly mobile economic entity.

With socialism every, what does it breed? Socialism breeds corruption because nobody has any money, except criminals. So here's a big drug criminal in El Chapo, and he's a multibillionaire. He can pay off government officials and prison officials with more money than they will ever earn in their lifetimes administering the law, and one of the reasons is socialism. Nobody earns anything!

There isn't any upward mobility. There's no moving up in the middle class to the upper middle class, any of that, everything's static. It just struck me, of all the things you can construct as arguments to oppose socialism, that's another one. It breeds corruption because the only people that have any -- when you don't have any money, and here comes somebody offering you more than you will ever earn in your life, to just let me have filet mignon every night in my jail cell and bring me some prostitutes while you're at it and make sure I get my Viagra, and then in a year and a half let's engineer my escape and I'll really take care of you, and it happens.

And this is in many ways the story of the of the Mexican drug cartels' relationship with governments and prisons, and Winslow, again, he thinks that that tunnel, they built it, but it just is there as an excuse, prison officials to say, "Look at how brilliant this prisoner is. Right under our noses, this guy builds a mile-long tunnel and is able to get out this thing by going in the shower. Wow, what a brilliant criminal." And everybody marvels at what a great criminal El Chapo is it, when the theory is he just walked out the door, by prison officials being paid off.

And when you look at Greece, you look at all of Western Europe, look at all of these countries that feature socialism, and we clearly have enough of our economy that's become socialistic that there is no upward mobility in our Millennial class. They don't even dream of any. It just opens the door for all kinds of chicanery, corruption, you name it, because money is what makes the world go round. Everybody wants more than they have. And when you can't work hard and earn more, when you can't be creative as an entrepreneur and earn more, what are you gonna do?

Which is what socialism does. Socialism shuts down entrepreneurism and creativity and brilliance. It shuts down economic growth. It shuts down what most people want, which is a ongoing improvement in their standard of living. Now, the left would have you to believe they don't care about money; they're interested humanitarian things. But don't believe 'em. They hoard their money when they get it and they don't give much of it away. Their charitable donations are pitiful.

They want more money as much as anybody else does. What they've done is put themselves in positions of power where all the money is, Washington, DC. They get their hands on it before it gets redistributed. So, anyway, here's El Chapo and he's running around, but here's another thing about El Chapo. He ordered his young wife, whose name is Emma Coronel, who is a US citizen, she's the daughter of another Mexican drug lord, El Chapo ordered his wife to give birth in California so that his kids will have US citizenship. Anchor babies.

Now, if El Chapo ordered his own wife to do this, you can bet that he ordered others in his organization to do the same thing. And of course the mothers don't even have to be US citizens. All they have to do is be here when they give birth. As his kids become US citizens as a result of being born here, it's gonna allow his gang to get themselves under Obama's generous and humane family reunification plan. You know how that works. Why do you think all these minors are being sent alone to the United States of America from Central America, El Salvador and so forth?

Would you put your kid on a train for days, 28 days, unchaperoned, fingers crossed that your kid gets to America? Why would you do that? Because you know that the American president's gonna bring you in to reunite you with your kid, if he gets there, and that's how you're gonna beat immigration law. That's why all the minors are floating across the border. That's why all the parents of these minors are risking letting them go, while at the time we're told that it's war torn and economically ravaged and it's an act of love and compassion, these parents, knowing their lives are over, but they want the dream for their kids.

So they put them on the trains and they send 'em north and they hope they get into America. It's all about Obama's family reunification plan, which El Chapo, he's gonna become a US citizen before all is said and done. He's gonna be reunited with his children that his wife is giving birth to in the United States. And according to reports, El Chapo has at least four spouses and at least 10 children. Imagine what a sales force this clown's building up.

By the way, Don Winslow also says, do not think of this guy as a funny, chubby little cartoon character. He is a brutal and ruthless, murdering, maiming drug lord who has been responsible for who knows how many deaths. There's nothing lovable about El Chapo. And he's got a point.

El Chapo and Socialist Corruption - The Rush Limbaugh Show
How is Mexico more Socialist than the US? Do they have more building and safety codes than the US.

Simply bribing someone with Capital is Capitalism, not socialism.

Socialism usually involves Social Justice, not the Capital Justice a Capitalist may afford.

When the government does it, it's socialism. Mexico has a state owned oil industry, for one thing. You can't do anything in Mexico without government permission.
Water is a Public resource in Oregon. The US has a State owned, War on Drugs.
This is why it may be so difficult for some on the left to confide in the Capital sincerity of the Right.

Here is what the Right really really thinks of the Capitalized, One-Percent.

The only people that have any money are criminals and governments.

I suggest you ask "Truth" Trump if that's what he thinks!
Should socialists really care what capitalists think, if they have no Capital plan to make more money with a Commerce Clause and al official Mint to work with.
Thank GOD (if you believe) that most American's AREN'T Socialists, and want to keep bettering themselves instead of living off the government teat, and stagnating.
How well is that working in the employment sector for you.
Well, if we didn't have a SOCIALIST fucking up the economy in the White House, we would be doing much better...... You want to tell me why people are making less now than when the Obomanation came into office?

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