"America is Ready for Socialism!" (Didn't we fight against Socialism in WW II?)

State Capitalism and Dictatorship
No, I will not claim forced collectivism is capitalist, no one is supporting stalin. I have no knowledge of history or marx? Wow, such an in depth analysis, great job, 10/10.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state

You truly are an idiot.

The hallmark of capitalism is the free market and unrestrained competition.
You keep bringing up st petersburg and yet, I cannot find anything remotely related to support your ludicrous claims. Oh lord, Ayn rand is your source? Socialism mixed with democracy results in the most evil? Based on what, one semi-autobiographical piece of writing by ayn rand and complete ignorance of the revolutionary period in the soviet union?
"Means of production" is me. Socialism is slavery.
No, it's really not, don't know where you would get that idea.
I get it from your posts.
Please, back that up, considering the means of production is a complex.
The social relationship between individuals in the circulation, production, and use of a commodity is one side of its status. Is it being used to funfill the need of others, or is it being created to fulfill ones own need in exchange?

Another side of it is how does a commodity fulfill human use? A factory produces things for use but itself does not fulfill a human use. A jacket only fulfills a single human's use.

You're spewing Marxist propaganda.
Yes, yes, we know everything you disagree with and don't understand is propaganda, just like the world health organization. Grow up.
These are the scum that Joe McCarthy talked about in the early 1950's!

The Social Memo ^ believes that the United States is "ready for socialism" and Bernie Sanders is "speaking to America's soul." In an article published today, titled "America is ready for socialism! Massive majorities back Bernie Sanders on the issues — and disdain Donald Trump," Salon made the case that most Americans want socialist policies in place. "Sanders speaks to America's soul — and our values," the article's author, Paul Rosenberg, claims. Rosenberg also writes for Al Jazeera. It continues, "Sanders is right to think that Scandanavian socialism would be popular here in the U.S., if only people knew more about it. And...

BTW, I hope all you THINKING people spotted the TIE IN between Socialism. and Al Jazeera the propaganda arm of ISIS!

Didn't we fight against Socialism in WW II

Uh, no. The allies fought against Fascism. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, in other words "socialists" were on our side.

You see what I mean? These right wingers are so fucking ignorant. They should be slapped hard at least once a day until the stupid is knocked out of their tiny minds. Or, they could go to school. But that's hard work.

You keep bringing up st petersburg and yet, I cannot find anything remotely related to support your ludicrous claims. Oh lord, Ayn rand is your source? Socialism mixed with democracy results in the most evil? Based on what, one semi-autobiographical piece of writing by ayn rand and complete ignorance of the revolutionary period in the soviet union?

When groups can vote on the life or death of others - that is evil. That you are ignorant of history and economics is well understood by all here.
State Capitalism and Dictatorship
No, I will not claim forced collectivism is capitalist, no one is supporting stalin. I have no knowledge of history or marx? Wow, such an in depth analysis, great job, 10/10.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state

You truly are an idiot.

The hallmark of capitalism is the free market and unrestrained competition.
Yes, but we need to look at how capital accumulation occurs, along with the system of wage labor.
State capitalism is usually described by left-wing economists as an economic system in which commercial (i.e. for-profit) economic activity is undertaken by the state, with management and organization of the means of production in a capitalist manner, including the system of capital accumulation, wage labor, and centralized management.[1] This designation applies to economies regardless of the political aims of the state, even if the state is nominally socialist.[2] State capitalism is characterized by the dominance of state-owned business enterprises in the economy. Examples of state capitalism include corporatized government agencies (agencies organized along corporate and business management practices) and states that own controlling shares of publicly listed corporations (acting as a shareholder). The term "State capitalism" is almost never used by any group or state said to be engaged in it or advocating for it; rather it is usually used as criticism of states that named themselves socialist;[2] for instance, many communist and Marxist tendencies argue that the Soviet Union did not establish socialism, but rather established state capitalism.[2][3]
State Capitalism and Dictatorship
No, I will not claim forced collectivism is capitalist, no one is supporting stalin. I have no knowledge of history or marx? Wow, such an in depth analysis, great job, 10/10.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state

You truly are an idiot.

The hallmark of capitalism is the free market and unrestrained competition.
So is flooding the market with cheap goods until your competitors fold and then raising prices because you have no more competition a "good thing"? That was the Chinese model. It's also called "unrestrained competition". What you want.
You keep bringing up st petersburg and yet, I cannot find anything remotely related to support your ludicrous claims. Oh lord, Ayn rand is your source? Socialism mixed with democracy results in the most evil? Based on what, one semi-autobiographical piece of writing by ayn rand and complete ignorance of the revolutionary period in the soviet union?

When groups can vote on the life or death of others - that is evil. That you are ignorant of history and economics is well understood by all here.
You have yet to back this up, and I'm literally, desperately, searching for where your getting your revisionist history on the revolutionary period.
State Capitalism and Dictatorship
No, I will not claim forced collectivism is capitalist, no one is supporting stalin. I have no knowledge of history or marx? Wow, such an in depth analysis, great job, 10/10.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state

You truly are an idiot.

The hallmark of capitalism is the free market and unrestrained competition.
Capitalism cannot function without a state regulating the capitalists, this is proven in all instances, unless you're ok with child labor, 60 hour work weeks, pitiful wages, environmental destruction..
"Means of production" is me. Socialism is slavery.

Socialism is simply the re-invigoration of Feudalism. It is placing all capital in the hands of a ruling elite to distribute as they see fit. All capital, including human capital, is the exclusive property of the state, to be disposed of as the state sees fit.
You keep bringing up st petersburg and yet, I cannot find anything remotely related to support your ludicrous claims. Oh lord, Ayn rand is your source? Socialism mixed with democracy results in the most evil? Based on what, one semi-autobiographical piece of writing by ayn rand and complete ignorance of the revolutionary period in the soviet union?
"Means of production" is me. Socialism is slavery.
No, it's really not, don't know where you would get that idea.
I get it from your posts.
Please, back that up, considering the means of production is a complex.
The social relationship between individuals in the circulation, production, and use of a commodity is one side of its status. Is it being used to funfill the need of others, or is it being created to fulfill ones own need in exchange?

Another side of it is how does a commodity fulfill human use? A factory produces things for use but itself does not fulfill a human use. A jacket only fulfills a single human's use.
Word salad notwithstanding, socialism claims the individual as state property. Fuck that shit.
Actually it's the other way round. There are only two types of government systems. Collectivist and individualist. Fascist, Socialist, Communist, are all the same house. They are merely painted slightly different colors. Individualist government in its extreme form is anarchy in other words no government.

Your claim that nazis are right wingers and socialists are left wingers but as any thinking person can tell you that is simply not true. That is a propaganda construct created by the Fabian Socialists to try and distance themselves from the wanton murder of the political systems they helped devise.

For someone who claims to be a "political junky" you sure don't know much about political systems.
Fascism and socialism/communism are not at all related, it's pathetic to try to relate them, considering hitler invaded the soviet union and broke with the "socialist" message after acquiring power.

Of course they are related. They all view individuals as disposable to be used for whatever purpose the state wants. They all oppose private property rights, sound money, the free market, and freedom in general.
You're really falling in line with the "great man" theory, where you view the actions under stalin/hitler as representative of the entirety of what socialism/communism/etc actually represent, while continually ignoring the centuries of works and critiques from all sides in relation to them, along with modern socialist movements.

The "works and critiques" are irrelevant. Socialists all endorse the same thing: giving government control over your means of survival.
No socialist wants this, you may be referring to communists calling for a vanguard party and utilization of the state to protect the revolution, which I personally have trouble agreeing with, but to each his own, considering the history of the USSR/china/etc is extremely vivid and interesting when looking at it without following the "great man" bullshit. Have you not heard of libertarian socialists? Anarchists?

Bullshit. They all want it. They all endorse government run healthcare. The all endorse the progressive income tax. The all endorse massive government regulations. The all endorse the EPA, DOE, SEC, DOT, . . . . . . yada, yada, yada.

Then they claim the are opposed to government control.

the difference between the USSR and America is that the former put into practice the ideas that you endorse. It controls the means of production, just as you believe government should.

Socialists are all delusional.
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"Means of production" is me. Socialism is slavery.

Socialism is simply the re-invigoration of Feudalism. It is placing all capital in the hands of a ruling elite to distribute as they see fit. All capital, including human capital, is the exclusive property of the state, to be disposed of as the state sees fit.
Socialism, as discussed by almost all socialists/people who don't spew baseless bullshit, refers to democratic control of the means of production. You're describing state capitalism.
"Means of production" is me. Socialism is slavery.

Socialism is simply the re-invigoration of Feudalism. It is placing all capital in the hands of a ruling elite to distribute as they see fit. All capital, including human capital, is the exclusive property of the state, to be disposed of as the state sees fit.
Socialism, as discussed by almost all socialists/people who don't spew baseless bullshit, refers to democratic control of the means of production. You're describing state capitalism.
You're describing the dictatorship of the majority.
Fascism and socialism/communism are not at all related, it's pathetic to try to relate them, considering hitler invaded the soviet union and broke with the "socialist" message after acquiring power.

Of course they are related. They all view individuals as disposable to be used for whatever purpose the state wants. They all oppose private property rights, sound money, the free market, and freedom in general.
You're really falling in line with the "great man" theory, where you view the actions under stalin/hitler as representative of the entirety of what socialism/communism/etc actually represent, while continually ignoring the centuries of works and critiques from all sides in relation to them, along with modern socialist movements.

The "works and critiques" are irrelevant. Socialists all endorse the same thing: giving government control over your means of survival.
No socialist wants this, you may be referring to communists calling for a vanguard party and utilization of the state to protect the revolution, which I personally have trouble agreeing with, but to each his own, considering the history of the USSR/china/etc is extremely vivid and interesting when looking at it without following the "great man" bullshit. Have you not heard of libertarian socialists? Anarchists?

Bullshit. They all want it. They all endorse government run healthcare. The all endorse the progressive income tax. The all endorse massive government regulations. The all endorse the EPA, DOE, SEC, DOT, . . . . . . yada, yada, yada.

Then they claim the are opposed to government control.

Socialists are all delusional.
Government run healthcare seems to work quite well if you don't label every solitary source as "propaganda" to fit your idiotic worldview. The progressive income tax is common sense, and it works, sorry. Regulations are needed to control the capitalists, as shown throughout history. They are opposed to government control? Yes, I personally am when it comes to many thing, but there is a difference between an authoritarian dictatorship like the soviet union and america, you fucking idiot.
"Means of production" is me. Socialism is slavery.
No, it's really not, don't know where you would get that idea.
I get it from your posts.
Please, back that up, considering the means of production is a complex.
The social relationship between individuals in the circulation, production, and use of a commodity is one side of its status. Is it being used to funfill the need of others, or is it being created to fulfill ones own need in exchange?

Another side of it is how does a commodity fulfill human use? A factory produces things for use but itself does not fulfill a human use. A jacket only fulfills a single human's use.

You're spewing Marxist propaganda.
Yes, yes, we know everything you disagree with and don't understand is propaganda, just like the world health organization. Grow up.

I understand exactly what you're saying. It's not particularly intelligent or difficult to understand. It's just total and complete bullshit.

There's no distinction between producing something "for use" and producing it for a profit.
"Means of production" is me. Socialism is slavery.

Socialism is simply the re-invigoration of Feudalism. It is placing all capital in the hands of a ruling elite to distribute as they see fit. All capital, including human capital, is the exclusive property of the state, to be disposed of as the state sees fit.
Socialism, as discussed by almost all socialists/people who don't spew baseless bullshit, refers to democratic control of the means of production. You're describing state capitalism.
You're describing the dictatorship off the majority.
Better then a dictatorship of the minority.
Of course they are related. They all view individuals as disposable to be used for whatever purpose the state wants. They all oppose private property rights, sound money, the free market, and freedom in general.
You're really falling in line with the "great man" theory, where you view the actions under stalin/hitler as representative of the entirety of what socialism/communism/etc actually represent, while continually ignoring the centuries of works and critiques from all sides in relation to them, along with modern socialist movements.

The "works and critiques" are irrelevant. Socialists all endorse the same thing: giving government control over your means of survival.
No socialist wants this, you may be referring to communists calling for a vanguard party and utilization of the state to protect the revolution, which I personally have trouble agreeing with, but to each his own, considering the history of the USSR/china/etc is extremely vivid and interesting when looking at it without following the "great man" bullshit. Have you not heard of libertarian socialists? Anarchists?

Bullshit. They all want it. They all endorse government run healthcare. The all endorse the progressive income tax. The all endorse massive government regulations. The all endorse the EPA, DOE, SEC, DOT, . . . . . . yada, yada, yada.

Then they claim the are opposed to government control.

Socialists are all delusional.
Government run healthcare seems to work quite well if you don't label every solitary source as "propaganda" to fit your idiotic worldview. The progressive income tax is common sense, and it works, sorry. Regulations are needed to control the capitalists, as shown throughout history. They are opposed to government control? Yes, I personally am when it comes to many thing, but there is a difference between an authoritarian dictatorship like the soviet union and america, you fucking idiot.

In other words you endorse government controlling the means of my survival.

Thanks for admitting it.
"Means of production" is me. Socialism is slavery.

Socialism is simply the re-invigoration of Feudalism. It is placing all capital in the hands of a ruling elite to distribute as they see fit. All capital, including human capital, is the exclusive property of the state, to be disposed of as the state sees fit.
Socialism, as discussed by almost all socialists/people who don't spew baseless bullshit, refers to democratic control of the means of production. You're describing state capitalism.
You're describing the dictatorship off the majority.
Better then a dictatorship of the minority.
It's it? Bullying is bullying.
No, it's really not, don't know where you would get that idea.
I get it from your posts.
Please, back that up, considering the means of production is a complex.
The social relationship between individuals in the circulation, production, and use of a commodity is one side of its status. Is it being used to funfill the need of others, or is it being created to fulfill ones own need in exchange?

Another side of it is how does a commodity fulfill human use? A factory produces things for use but itself does not fulfill a human use. A jacket only fulfills a single human's use.

You're spewing Marxist propaganda.
Yes, yes, we know everything you disagree with and don't understand is propaganda, just like the world health organization. Grow up.

I understand exactly what you're saying. It's not particularly intelligent or difficult to understand. It's just total and complete bullshit.

There's no distinction between producing something "for use" and producing it for a profit.
Yes, yes, we know you cannot back up that the WHO is a marxist organization since you disagree with it, no need to keep crying about it. Woah, where did we start talking about commodities in a capitalist system?
"Means of production" is me. Socialism is slavery.

Socialism is simply the re-invigoration of Feudalism. It is placing all capital in the hands of a ruling elite to distribute as they see fit. All capital, including human capital, is the exclusive property of the state, to be disposed of as the state sees fit.
Socialism, as discussed by almost all socialists/people who don't spew baseless bullshit, refers to democratic control of the means of production. You're describing state capitalism.
You're describing the dictatorship off the majority.
Better then a dictatorship of the minority.

That's debatable.

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