Sam Drafted!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
By St Louis!

Great coverage of him kissing his bf thanks NFL Network!
Congratulations to him getting drafted, but I don't want to see him kissing another guy. Come on now Michael.
Congratulations to him getting drafted, but I don't want to see him kissing another guy. Come on now Michael.

Why? What's wrong with two humans showing love for each other? I've never found love disgusting.
Congratulations to him getting drafted, but I don't want to see him kissing another guy. Come on now Michael.

Why? What's wrong with two humans showing love for each other? I've never found love disgusting.

I don't have anything against gays, but whenever I see man getting intimate with another man , I find it disgusting, and that's not because I've been conditioned by a homophobic society, It's because that's the natural reaction straight people have to seeing that. It's not politically correct to say, but homosexuality is an abnormality. Now do I believe that makes them bad people or that they should given less rights? No I don't.
Congratulations to him getting drafted, but I don't want to see him kissing another guy. Come on now Michael.

Why? What's wrong with two humans showing love for each other? I've never found love disgusting.
Howey, you do realize that when people call it "fudge packing" that it's really not fudge.

You faggots are dog nasty. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

I don't suppose mentioning that they may orally pleasure each other as an option to anal intercorse would soften your posture?

I'm happy for him. But you need to quit stirring the pot. Geez, you think you'll get people to consider gay rights when you attempt to rub something like this in their face? Sam was drafted in the 7th round. It won't matter if he's gay on the field. If he doesn't materialize into what the Rams want him to be, his career in the NFL will be short.

What a maroon.
Congratulations to him getting drafted, but I don't want to see him kissing another guy. Come on now Michael.

Why? What's wrong with two humans showing love for each other? I've never found love disgusting.

You're just another selfish queer. I know wiping feces off your penis might seem normal to you but it's not normal at all.

You make a lot of assumptions about gays. Most wrong.
Congratulations to him getting drafted, but I don't want to see him kissing another guy. Come on now Michael.

Why? What's wrong with two humans showing love for each other? I've never found love disgusting.

Hey, instead of having Blake Bortles as your avatar, put Sam there instead. If you don't want to, that's fine too, I'll just call you a bigot instead. How's that?
Congratulations to him getting drafted, but I don't want to see him kissing another guy. Come on now Michael.

Why? What's wrong with two humans showing love for each other? I've never found love disgusting.

You're just another selfish queer. I know wiping feces off your penis might seem normal to you but it's not normal at all.

If it makes you feel better, haveing anal sex with a female results in the same feces covered penis.

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