Sam Drafted!

This player doesn't have the build or talent to play in the NFL, he likely will never even see a game. But the media can't help but trip over themselves to flaunt his sexuality in everyone's face. It is the ONLY reason anyone knows who this guy is.

A great day for the Queer agenda, pretty sure the rest of America nearly vomited if they witnessed "the kiss". I'm glad I didn't see it.
This player doesn't have the build or talent to play in the NFL, he likely will never even see a game. But the media can't help but trip over themselves to flaunt his sexuality in everyone's face. It is the ONLY reason anyone knows who this guy is.

A great day for the Queer agenda, pretty sure the rest of America nearly vomited if they witnessed "the kiss". I'm glad I didn't see it.

What kiss? I watched a video of him kissing his boyfriend. I didn't vomit. I bet you watch lesbian porn and jack off to it. What is the difference when it is two men?
He just had to go all FAG on national TV didn't he.

This player doesn't have the build or talent to play in the NFL, he likely will never even see a game. But the media can't help but trip over themselves to flaunt his sexuality in everyone's face. It is the ONLY reason anyone knows who this guy is.

A great day for the Queer agenda, pretty sure the rest of America nearly vomited if they witnessed "the kiss". I'm glad I didn't see it.

What kiss? I watched a video of him kissing his boyfriend. I didn't vomit. I bet you watch lesbian porn and jack off to it. What is the difference when it is two men?

The difference is you jack off to it?
This player doesn't have the build or talent to play in the NFL, he likely will never even see a game. But the media can't help but trip over themselves to flaunt his sexuality in everyone's face. It is the ONLY reason anyone knows who this guy is.

A great day for the Queer agenda, pretty sure the rest of America nearly vomited if they witnessed "the kiss". I'm glad I didn't see it.

What kiss? I watched a video of him kissing his boyfriend. I didn't vomit. I bet you watch lesbian porn and jack off to it. What is the difference when it is two men?

Really Noomi ? Did you really just ask that ?
I'm happy for him. But you need to quit stirring the pot. Geez, you think you'll get people to consider gay rights when you attempt to rub something like this in their face? Sam was drafted in the 7th round. It won't matter if he's gay on the field. If he doesn't materialize into what the Rams want him to be, his career in the NFL will be short.

What a maroon.

I think it has more to do with the fact that he's broken the line, not that he's an exceptional player.

Jackie Robinson had some very impressive career highlights, but what everyone remembers him for was being the first black player in the major leagues.
ok folks, on the count of three lets all have an orgasm over this

OH SHIT who cares about some so so football player

Maybe you should quit trying so hard to stir the pot, then — you know, given that you care so much.

What pot-stirrers like you are doing is creating a caustic, simmering cauldron underground.

Most mainstream Americans don't hate gays.

Most mainstream Americans don't care what gays do in their bedrooms, as long as it stays in their bedrooms.

Most mainstream Americans could care less if half the NFL, the NBA, MLB and/ or the NHL came out tomorrow to say they've gone gay.

But most mainstream Americans are getting really sick of cute little good-goody far-left liberals telling them the the First Amendment doesn't apply as equally to them as it does to the Far Left.

And you won't like what happens if mainstream America goes extremist, because it won't be pretty for the LGBT crowd. Trust that.

Stop stirring the pot, if you really love your fellow Americans, sport.

Us heteros have been shoving it down their throats for a long long time. No wonder they're finally fighting back.

Sadly, that's the only way to effect change.

That's because "us heteros" are still the majority sexual orientation with which Americans identify, and we are the ones who continue to make children who one day just might grow up to be proud LGBTs who fight and/ or die for their country in war(s).

Most of the majority do not hate homosexuals. But we are sick and tired of their telling us what we can and cannot say.

Or where we should not buy a chicken sammich!!!

It's a shame that so many good players will be punished to satisfy the gaping ass of the gay agenda. I personally will never see any of them play so I can't even say who is good and who is bad. It is just a shame that we have yet another denial of reality, denial of talent or lack of talent.

Since it’s undeniable that the biggest problem that modern sporting events suffer is an unforgivable lack of men who suck penises, it was heralded as a cultural breakthrough when the St. Louis Rams drafted the openly homosexual defensive end Michael Sam in the seventh round on Saturday. Cyd Ziegler of spat forth the following homily:

It means that no child will ever grow up in a world where there is no such thing as a gay pro football player. That’s pretty powerful.

If you say so, Cyd. Some may find it to be pretty trivial.....

The Week That Perished - Taki's Magazine

What? A gay man was drafted to the NFL? Well, good for him...i hope he scores alot of home runs.

I will now go back to staring at Howeys signature gif thingie.

(and yes that home run thing was a joke to show how little this should matter)
So three faggots are sharing a jacuzzi and Howey sees sperm floating. So Howey asks sallow and rightwinger...."Hey, which one of you farted?"
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All I can do is laugh. I heard a bunch of people on the radio this morning saying how they voted yes to gay marriage but "the kiss" totally disgusted them. HAHAHA Uh yea, while these people were so busy being "PC" and proving they weren't "bigots" I guess they never thought beyond a simple "yes" vote.
This player doesn't have the build or talent to play in the NFL, he likely will never even see a game. But the media can't help but trip over themselves to flaunt his sexuality in everyone's face. It is the ONLY reason anyone knows who this guy is.

A great day for the Queer agenda, pretty sure the rest of America nearly vomited if they witnessed "the kiss". I'm glad I didn't see it.

What kiss? I watched a video of him kissing his boyfriend. I didn't vomit. I bet you watch lesbian porn and jack off to it. What is the difference when it is two men?

vaginas and breasts, vs dicks and hairy butts.

That was no trick question.
Dolphins safety tweeted "Horrible" in response to the display the faggot and his little fucking lover carried out on TV.

He said....."Horrible."

So, in response to this dastardly statement, the gay community all up in arms over such "intolerance" of faggot exhibitionism, they suspended him and fined him.

They forced him to apologize and they will be literally re-educating him.

Dolphins fine, suspend Don Jones from offseason program | ProFootballTalk

The Dolphins announced that cornerback Don Jones has been fined by the team and excused from offseason workouts “until such time that he undergoes and completes educational training for his recent comments made on social media during the NFL Draft.”

Specifically, Jones posted disapproving comments on Twitter after the Rams drafted defensive end Michael Sam — and after ESPN showed an on-air kiss between Sam and another man who wasn’t his twin brother. Jones said “omg” after the kiss was televised, and later called the moment “horrible.”

“I want to apologize to Michael Sam for the inappropriate comments that I made last night on social media,” Jones said in a statement released by the team. “I take full responsibility for them and I regret that these tweets took away from his draft moment. I remember last year when I was drafted in the seventh round and all of the emotions and happiness I felt when I received the call that gave me an opportunity to play for an NFL team and I wish him all the best in his NFL career. I sincerely apologize to Mr. Ross, my teammates, coaches, staff and fans for these tweets. I am committed to represent the values of the Miami Dolphins organization and appreciate the opportunity I have been given to do so going forward.”


Liberals are such intolerant pieces of steaming shit.
The Saint Louis Rams selected Michael Sam, the first openly gay player during the draft.

So in other words, Michael Sam is a DE (Defensive End) on the field,

and off the field he's a WR (Wide Receiver).

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