Sam Drafted!

Congratulations to him getting drafted, but I don't want to see him kissing another guy. Come on now Michael.

Why? What's wrong with two humans showing love for each other? I've never found love disgusting.

I don't have anything against gays, but whenever I see man getting intimate with another man , I find it disgusting, and that's not because I've been conditioned by a homophobic society, It's because that's the natural reaction straight people have to seeing that. It's not politically correct to say, but homosexuality is an abnormality. Now do I believe that makes them bad people or that they should given less rights? No I don't.

How does that explain straight men finding two women kissing "hawt"?
Congratulations to him getting drafted, but I don't want to see him kissing another guy. Come on now Michael.

Why? What's wrong with two humans showing love for each other? I've never found love disgusting.
Howey, you do realize that when people call it "fudge packing" that it's really not fudge.

You faggots are dog nasty. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

When people call it fudge packing, it is hatred and ignorance. Is it fudge packing when a heterosexual couple have anal sex?
People need to boycott the NFL for this. The odds are very strong that Sam is a child molester like 99% of perverts are.
Got to laugh at the Rams being under so much pressure to make sure he makes the cut.

I mean......did the guy have to put on such a stereotypical display with his little boyfriend in his hot pink shirt while he cried like a 13 year old girl?

Kissing the frosting off his little boyfriends little lips.
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People need to boycott the NFL for this. The odds are very strong that Sam is a child molester like 99% of perverts are.
Well then we should boycott this message board for allowing a psychotic leech on society like you post. The odds are very good that you have murder children and hide them in your basement.
I pray for the day when that's the response of all Americans.

Maybe you should quit trying so hard to stir the pot, then — you know, given that you care so much.

What pot-stirrers like you are doing is creating a caustic, simmering cauldron underground.

Most mainstream Americans don't hate gays.

Most mainstream Americans don't care what gays do in their bedrooms, as long as it stays in their bedrooms.

Most mainstream Americans could care less if half the NFL, the NBA, MLB and/ or the NHL came out tomorrow to say they've gone gay.

But most mainstream Americans are getting really sick of cute little good-goody far-left liberals telling them the the First Amendment doesn't apply as equally to them as it does to the Far Left.

And you won't like what happens if mainstream America goes extremist, because it won't be pretty for the LGBT crowd. Trust that.

Stop stirring the pot, if you really love your fellow Americans, sport.

Us heteros have been shoving it down their throats for a long long time. No wonder they're finally fighting back.

Sadly, that's the only way to effect change.

Eww, well maybe you, not me. Yikes.
Let us be honest.

Prejudice against gay people is prejudice, period. Therefore it is a display of ignorance and it is uncool.

On the other hand, again being honest, there are some "gay jokes" that are still kind of funny.

And if gays don't like it, then their effort to "turn the tables" by referring to straight folks as "breeders" is kind of hypocritical. Not even mildly witty. Not particularly offensive, either. Just pretty damn lame. So disappointing to have the "wit" of gay folks shown to be so -- witless.
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Let us be honest.

Prejudice against gay people is prejudice, period. Therefore it is a display of ignorance and it is uncool.

On the other hand, again being honest, there are some "gay jokes" that are still kind of funny.

And if gays don't like it, then their effort to "turn the tables" by referring to straight folks as "breeders" is kind of hypocritical. Not even mildly witty. Not particularly offensive, either. Just pretty damn lame. So disappointing to have the "wit" of gay folks shown to be so -- witless.

And they use that term a lot. I see it all over the internet.
Sam was selected in the seventh and final round and admitted it was a frustrating wait. He said teams that passed on him chickened out and he should have been drafted sooner.

"From last season alone, I should've been in the first three rounds. SEC Defensive Player of the Year, All-American," Sam said. He stopped short of directly saying his stock dropped in the draft because he came out.|maing11|dl9|sec1_lnk3&pLid=474980

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After Posting Negative Tweets about Michael Sam, NFL Player Fined, Excused from Team

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What ever happened to FREE SPEECH? With this regime being GAY trumps everything but being muslim...Wonder if some Imam said something about killing Sam because he's gay, and it against the "KORAN", what would happen?

Miami Dolphins safety Don Jones was fined an undisclosed amount Sunday and will undergo educational training after sending a negative tweet about Michael Sam, the first openly gay player to be selected in the NFL draft. Shortly after the St. Louis Rams took Sam in the seventh round Saturday, Jones tweeted “OMG” and “Horrible.” The tweets were taken down a short time later. Jones apologized for his comments Sunday and described them as inappropriate. The Dolphins said Jones has been excused from all team activities until he completes training related to his comments....

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