Sam Nunberg wants to tear up Mueller subpoena.....REALLY!

Nunberg is trying to protect Roger Stone because” he’s like family to me.”

Doesn’t matter I’m sure Mueller knows more about Stone than Nunberg.
Conservatard won’t answer my question on the grounds he’d incriminate himself.
Answer what about the Trump Russia Hoax?
Comprehension problems I see.
Why did 11 members of Trump’s staff ILLEGALLY meet with Russians and then lie about it after getting caught?

run mfer run.

Why would it matter when Crooked H also met with Russians? Do your research while spinning.
Coward refuses to answer my question just like every other trumpidiot.
Ha ha ha
Conservatard just said Hillary was a member of Trump’s staff.

He needs a psychiatric work up.
Conservatard won’t answer my question on the grounds he’d incriminate himself.
Answer what about the Trump Russia Hoax?
Comprehension problems I see.
Why did 11 members of Trump’s staff ILLEGALLY meet with Russians and then lie about it after getting caught?

run mfer run.

Why would it matter when Crooked H also met with Russians? Do your research while spinning.
Coward refuses to answer my question just like every other trumpidiot.
Ha ha ha

Your redundancy at pointing out the mindless things never ends.
Conservatard just said Hillary was a member of Trump’s staff.

He needs a psychiatric work up.

yet another .....



delusional trumptards are so funny. hysterical for two years about pretend scandals but because the orange criminal is a racist misogynist wing nut you don't care.

how low you trumploons are

You are waiting for Godot.

Good luck with that.

no. I'm waiting for you to stop lying.

The Trump Tower meeting at the center of the Russia investigation, explained

Good read! Mueller will find out exactly what happened at that meeting....
Wow. The Secretary of State meeting with a world leader. Lmao.
You’re as clueless as any deplorable on this forum.

So uranium one collusion with Russia gets a pass when Crooked H colluded? But throwing out the same Trump Russia Hoax accusation still keeps going...

yeah, reality gets prioritized here on earth.

i take it that there's a different system on your home planet

enlighten me
CNN needs to cancel all it's programming and just interview Nunberg all night. Sam will be on The View tomorrow as i understand!
Who's Sam Nunberg?

A nobody who was mentored by Roger Stone! He was part of the Trump campaign, but was fired like Manafort and others in 2016! :102: :abgg2q.jpg: :9-21:

He looks unhinged on Fake News CNN, it's no wonder why he had to get fired. Look at the way he's losing it. Turns out he never endorsed Trump, but was latching onto Trump's campaign after his candidate lost. So it's making sense why he got let go.
“ fake news”
Hilarious you don’t realize how stupid you sound when you say that.

Again.. Why is Mueller wasting time and tax payer money hounding about this Trump Russia hoax.

He dislikes the color Orange...
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders blasted Nunberg on Monday and refuted any suggestion that the campaign colluded with Russia.
A nobody who was mentored by Roger Stone! He was part of the Trump campaign, but was fired like Manafort and others in 2016! :102: :abgg2q.jpg: :9-21:

He looks unhinged on Fake News CNN, it's no wonder why he had to get fired. Look at the way he's losing it. Turns out he never endorsed Trump, but was latching onto Trump's campaign after his candidate lost. So it's making sense why he got let go.
“ fake news”
Hilarious you don’t realize how stupid you sound when you say that.

Again.. Why is Mueller wasting time and tax payer money hounding about this Trump Russia hoax.
From Trump’s ass to your lips. After ALL the evidence that has gone down, the indictments and the 11 members of Trump’s team meeting with Russians and lying about it, for you to STILL call it a hoax shows you have more than a few screws loose.

Well, it will be a great reason for Trump to replace Mueller soon. Clocks tickin', snowflake.

Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock

Yes....that will doom the GOP in November....GO FOR IT!
He looks unhinged on Fake News CNN, it's no wonder why he had to get fired. Look at the way he's losing it. Turns out he never endorsed Trump, but was latching onto Trump's campaign after his candidate lost. So it's making sense why he got let go.
“ fake news”
Hilarious you don’t realize how stupid you sound when you say that.

Again.. Why is Mueller wasting time and tax payer money hounding about this Trump Russia hoax.
From Trump’s ass to your lips. After ALL the evidence that has gone down, the indictments and the 11 members of Trump’s team meeting with Russians and lying about it, for you to STILL call it a hoax shows you have more than a few screws loose.

Well, it will be a great reason for Trump to replace Mueller soon. Clocks tickin', snowflake.

Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock
A question every deplorable has run away from:
Why did 11 members of Trump’s team ILLEGALLY meet with Russians and then lie about it after getting caught?

Scatters DEPLORABLES faster than a well placed fart.

No! The smell reminds them of the WH sewer!
"I'm definitely the first person to ever do this, right?" Nunberg asked.

No. When Susan McDougal refused to testify to a grand jury during the Whitewater investigation, she spent 18 months in jail

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