Sam Nunberg wants to tear up Mueller subpoena.....REALLY!

Rachel Maddow just reported that Nunberg is now saying he will probably comply with the subpoena.

He got his day in the sun. Could this have been a Trump deception? Naw....he was drunk. He sobered up and figured out he was being stupid.
Nunberg re Mueller

"What’s he going to do? He’s so tough -- let’s see what they do. I’m not going to spend 40 hours going over emails. I have a life."



Fox News avoided the top story of the day like a plague. They wouldn’t touch it. Hannity had his typical dog and pony show and so is Ingraham at the moment.
Excoriating the Oscars was their TOP story of the night.
They focused on the “ hypocrite left” and and their usual anti Hilllary dementia.

Not on word about Nunberg.
No wonder when the DEPLORABLES come here to the forum they consistently ask for links because their news deprived.
What an embarrassing piece of shit Fox News is.
Mueller Subpoenas Former Trump Aide Sam Nunberg, Who Says He’ll Ignore It

Nunberg was also asked to turn over emails, texts and other communications with 10 campaign associates, including Trump, former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and outgoing White House communications director Hope Hicks starting in November 2015 and running through the present, according to a subpoena dated Feb. 27

The subpoena also seeks his communications with several former Trump aides, including onetime strategist Steve Bannon and former Oval Office operations director Keith Schiller, as well as former campaign advisers Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Carter Page and Roger Stone. Mueller is also seeking Nunberg’s emails with longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

Nunberg said he expects one line of questioning before the grand jury to be related to Stone, who Nunberg worked with closely over the years.

""They want me in there for a grand jury for testimony about Roger Stone."

Nunberg said in a separate interview with MSNBC that he thinks Mueller may have assembled some damaging evidence against Trump. "I think that he may have done something during the election," Nunberg said.

SHOCKER! :eusa_clap:
Rachel Maddow just reported that Nunberg is now saying he will probably comply with the subpoena.

He got his day in the sun. Could this have been a Trump deception? Naw....he was drunk. He sobered up and figured out he was being stupid.
He insisted he wasn’t drunk despite Erin Burnett smelling alcohol on his breath.
Actually that was Burnett smelling her own breath.
Time to turn another witness.
how would that happen if the subpoena is ignored? LOL

If the subpoena is ignored he goes to jail.

Nunberg could refuse to comply and bring a motion to quash the subpoena. He could refuse to comply and force Mueller into court asking for a contempt citation. Either ways would allow Nunberg to challenge the legality of the subpoena itself.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.

Best way to handle a bully is to stand up to him.

The Grand Inquisitor relies on fear to promote his witch hunt. Bravo for Nunburg telling the thug to go fuck himself.

Manafort is standing up to the little creep as well.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler - Torquemada is a punk, a two bit thug. His plea deal with Flynn is falling apart because it was gotten under duress. Sessions is FINALLY investigating the corrupt Clinton/Russia/FBI conspiracy to fix the last election. Torquemada may not have been engaged in that, but his acts since starting the Witch Trials very well could land him in prison.

Fuck Torquemada, no one should bow to the kunt.
Rachel Maddow just reported that Nunberg is now saying he will probably comply with the subpoena.

He got his day in the sun. Could this have been a Trump deception? Naw....he was drunk. He sobered up and figured out he was being stupid.
He insisted he wasn’t drunk despite Erin Burnett smelling alcohol on his breath.
Actually that was Burnett smelling her own breath.
Lame. But it’s what we expect from you.
Nunberg could refuse to comply and bring a motion to quash the subpoena. He could refuse to comply and force Mueller into court asking for a contempt citation. Either ways would allow Nunberg to challenge the legality of the subpoena itself.
Ha, man, part of me hopes he does. It would be nice to get some inside information, finally. Man, he is going to make it so much worse for himself.
"They want me in there for a grand jury for testimony about Roger Stone."


Longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone reportedly told Congress under oath that comedian Randy Credico was his connection to Assange. Credico says that backchannel never existed.

Credico joked that if he had gotten a damning document from Assange, he would have given it to the president’s first son.

“I would give it straight to Donald Trump Jr. and say, look what I got!” he said.

WikiLeaks actually did in fact reach out to Trump Jr. during the election. Their main account DM’d with him about U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails and urged him to reject the election results, according to The Atlantic.

That’s not to say Credico didn’t try to talk to Assange. According to Credico, he first spoke with the WikiLeaks founder on Aug. 25, 2016, when he appeared on his radio show. Stone’s Podesta claim came a few days before that.

A few weeks before the 2016 election, he went to the Ecuadorian embassy with a letter for Assange from his radio station, WBAI, asking if he wanted a show there. Credico said he went into the building where the embassy is located. After going into its entryway, he knocked on a door to the left (the embassy, he said, was behind that door).

“Somebody puts their hand out like the Thing in the Addams family, grabbed the letter and closed the door,” he said. “I didn’t even see the face. I just gave them a letter.”

Credico also criticized Stone for giving his name to House investigators without being subpoenaed first.

“He was worried about being thrown in jail” Credico said.

Alleged Trump-Assange Backchannel:
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.

Best way to handle a bully is to stand up to him.

The Grand Inquisitor relies on fear to promote his witch hunt. Bravo for Nunburg telling the thug to go fuck himself.

Manafort is standing up to the little creep as well.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler - Torquemada is a punk, a two bit thug. His plea deal with Flynn is falling apart because it was gotten under duress. Sessions is FINALLY investigating the corrupt Clinton/Russia/FBI conspiracy to fix the last election. Torquemada may not have been engaged in that, but his acts since starting the Witch Trials very well could land him in prison.

Fuck Torquemada, no one should bow to the kunt.
Look at this asshole pretend he knows what Bob Mueller is doing.
His plea deal with Flynn is falling apart?

You call Mueller a punk.
Let’s compare a real punk with a real hero.
Time to turn another witness.
how would that happen if the subpoena is ignored? LOL

If the subpoena is ignored he goes to jail.

Nunberg could refuse to comply and bring a motion to quash the subpoena. He could refuse to comply and force Mueller into court asking for a contempt citation. Either ways would allow Nunberg to challenge the legality of the subpoena itself.

and after about 15 minutes he'd either comply or go to jail.
Putin controlling Trump-so funny
Muslims controlling Obama-racist naturally

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