Sam Nunberg wants to tear up Mueller subpoena.....REALLY!

...and he's stating that he's going to disregard a subpoena from the grand jury. He's saying his reason for this is that he doesn't think he should have to spend his time to go through his emails to provide the information that's been requested and he's assuming that he's a target of the investigation.

This is the interview I can find on the Internet -- Nunberg on subpoena: 'Screw that' - CNN Video -- but the one I'm currently hearing is with Jake Tapper. It's not yet on the web.

I don't know a thing about Sam, but I know he's playing a very high risk game.
can you imagine if Hillary said screw the subpoena...
Well, maybe, but that's really not the topic here.

I think it is pertinent....

of course it is. :)
Well, since you both think it's pertinent read this:
All that Jillian did is blend the two together.
No, l'il sam will not. He will be informed that once the grand jury is concluded, he will be released from a series of contempt imprisonments to be arrested for obstruction of justice charges.

Sam will sing like a canary.
No, l'il sam will not. He will be informed that once the grand jury is concluded, he will be released from a series of contempt imprisonments to be arrested for obstruction of justice charges.

Sam will sing like a canary.
Sam/ Papadopoulos/Flynn / Gates are all singing like birds and trump knows it.
That’s why he’s been even more erratic than usual lately.
He’s sweating bullets.
No, l'il sam will not. He will be informed that once the grand jury is concluded, he will be released from a series of contempt imprisonments to be arrested for obstruction of justice charges.

Sam will sing like a canary.
Sam/ Papadopoulos/Flynn / Gates are all singing like birds and trump knows it.
That’s why he’s been even more erratic than usual lately.
He’s sweating bullets.
False, liar!
No, l'il sam will not. He will be informed that once the grand jury is concluded, he will be released from a series of contempt imprisonments to be arrested for obstruction of justice charges.

Sam will sing like a canary.
Sam/ Papadopoulos/Flynn / Gates are all singing like birds and trump knows it.
That’s why he’s been even more erratic than usual lately.
He’s sweating bullets.
False, liar!

See how Mueller takes being slapped in the face on cable news. Ex Marines don't play games. Luckily...he had no bone spurs.
Hey Nunberg, just bleach bit your server & hammer crush your phones. They don’t investigate that, just ask Hillary Clinton.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.
I'm new here so I'm TRYING to behave. But that was one of the MOST fucking bizarre pieces of political theatre I've ever HEARD.

I was driving around including going through a carwash where I knew I would lose my Sirius signal and would have GOTTEN OUT OF LINE to hear the rest of "Little Katy's" interview but was I wedged firmly between 2 cars and couldn't. What a bizarre interview from what I did hear!! Either complete ARROGANCE or sheer nervous TERROR from the "top Trump aide". I couldn't see him so I couldn't gauge which!

Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.
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'What The F*ck?' Former Trump Aide Sam Nunberg's Mueller Meltdown Leaves Friends Petrified
Source: The Daily Beast

03.05.18 5:57 PM ET
Sam Nunberg, an early political adviser to Donald Trump, had a very public meltdown on Monday afternoon, repeatedly daring special counsel Robert Mueller to greenlight his arrest and insinuating that his old boss, the president, did indeed do “something” wrong during the campaign.
“You know [Trump] knew about it,” Nunberg said at one point during an interview with CNN, of the infamous Trump Tower meeting between campaign associates and Russian officials. “He was talking about it a week before...I don't know why he went around trying to hide it."

Rarely, if ever, has a political operative acted so brazenly when facing the very real prospect of being tossed in jail. Nunberg seemed not to care about how the chips would fall. But several of his friends told The Daily Beast they were concerned that he was putting himself in severe legal jeopardy by going on multiple live cable-news programs Monday afternoon.
They also said that they were worried Nunberg had been drinking prior to dialing in to MSNBC and CNN. Starting Monday morning, Nunberg began calling several close associates that he was flatly refusing, at this time, to cooperate with Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Three Nunberg friends said they walked away from those conversations fearful that he was “drinking again” and was about to embark on a personal tailspin. They didn’t know it would play out on daytime TV.

Read more: https://www.thedaily...rified?ref=home

Sam I hope you understand that Treason can lead to death by hanging.
Who's Sam Nunberg?

A nobody who was mentored by Roger Stone! He was part of the Trump campaign, but was fired like Manafort and others in 2016! :102: :abgg2q.jpg: :9-21:

He looks unhinged on Fake News CNN, it's no wonder why he had to get fired. Look at the way he's losing it. Turns out he never endorsed Trump, but was latching onto Trump's campaign after his candidate lost. So it's making sense why he got let go.
“ fake news”
Hilarious you don’t realize how stupid you sound when you say that.

These russian butt kissers are going to be screaming fake news as their treasonous leaders get sent off to Leavenworth. Damn russian conservatives are stupid. Rot in hell you all!!!
View attachment 180604
“ fake news”
Hilarious you don’t realize how stupid you sound when you say that.

Again.. Why is Mueller wasting time and tax payer money hounding about this Trump Russia hoax.
From Trump’s ass to your lips. After ALL the evidence that has gone down, the indictments and the 11 members of Trump’s team meeting with Russians and lying about it, for you to STILL call it a hoax shows you have more than a few screws loose.

Well, it will be a great reason for Trump to replace Mueller soon. Clocks tickin', snowflake.

Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock




She was the sectary of state and that is part of her job. lol. You're a stupid fuck and probably run to your daddy putin. idiot.
What will be nice is the sentencing of the Trump criminals, all of them, then criminal libel laws will be tightened, and the agitpropbots and propaganda fools and fake alt right media venues can be arrested and tried.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.
I'm new here so I'm TRYING to behave. But that was one of the MOST fucking bizarre pieces of political theatre I've ever HEARD.

I was driving around including going through a carwash where I knew I would lose my Sirius signal and would have GOTTEN OUT OF LINE to hear the rest of "Little Katy's" interview but was I wedged firmly between 2 cars and couldn't. What a bizarre interview from what I did hear!! Either complete ARROGANCE or sheer nervous TERROR from the "top Trump aide". I couldn't see him so I couldn't gauge which!

Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.

And he only hires the "best people."
If Trump and friends are Putin puppets then they should be lined up against a wall and shot. War then should be declared on Russia.

This should not be allowed to stand for one more second!

I have been saying for months that this country is in the greatest peril of all time. Putin is attacking Democratic institutions from within. He has installed his man in the oval office.
If Trump and friends are Putin puppets then they should be lined up against a wall and shot. War then should be declared on Russia.

This should not be allowed to stand for one more second!

I have been saying for months that this country is in the greatest peril of all time. Putin is attacking Democratic institutions from within. He has installed his man in the oval office.

I agree! It was reported earlier this evening that Putin may have directed/influenced Trump against Romney and for Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. After all, Tillerson and Putin are old friends. Weird times...

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