Same bullshit, different decade: What members of the gay rights movement could learn from history

Uhmmm King was the exception not the rule.

No, he is the rule. :p
Your problem is you are a homophobe. Let it go.

The problem is, you can't counter my argument, RKM, you just want to call me names. Thats how people like you go about trying to silence people. You're problem is you are intolerant. Let it go.
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But didn't the anti segregationists also use the bible?

Yeah, and they were wrong. See my above answer to Carbine (points up)^^

Slow down and read what I typed. You were berating bfgrn for using the bible, but both the segregationists and ANTI segregationists used the same bible. We've "driven the segregationists out of the public square" though. Good or bad?

Come on, TK...are you selectively ignoring me?
But didn't the anti segregationists also use the bible?

Yeah, and they were wrong. See my above answer to Carbine (points up)^^

Slow down and read what I typed. You were berating bfgrn for using the bible, but both the segregationists and ANTI segregationists used the same bible. We've "driven the segregationists out of the public square" though. Good or bad?

Come on, TK...are you selectively ignoring me?
Why do you think suppressing opinions is a good thing?
How long have you been married? And what were your reasons for marriage?

And how does this have anything to do with gay marriage? Hmm?

I'm not married. I've seen the destructive effects one that goes bad has on a family. I've witnessed two divorces that quite literally tore my family apart. I know enough about marriage to stay out of it, which makes it quite ironic to me, that people like you would be fighting for gays to get into it.

You don't get married to achieve status among your peers. Marriage involves true, genuine love and die hard commitment. I know, because I've seen what happens when a married heterosexual couple stays true to those things, they stay married until one or both of them dies. are presenting yourself as some kind of expert on what traditional marriage is...and you've never been married.....oooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
But didn't the anti segregationists also use the bible?

Yeah, and they were wrong. See my above answer to Carbine (points up)^^

Slow down and read what I typed. You were berating bfgrn for using the bible, but both the segregationists and ANTI segregationists used the same bible. We've "driven the segregationists out of the public square" though. Good or bad?

Come on, TK...are you selectively ignoring me?

No. I don't discriminate. (Ha! Gotta write that one down!)

You don't seem to understand something, we have beliefs, one of them being the obvious objection to gay marriage. Now, bellboy is (or was) attempting to alienate certain religious beliefs and because they offend him, and a gay way of life by resorting to abusing the Bible as a weapon to effect that end. We both use the same Bible, right? So why are people like bellboy there the one using it as a weapon? And yes, he's using it to drive people of faith who object to gay marriage out of the public square.

Segregationists twisted the Bible. It was a good and productive thing that they were laid low. But people like us in this day and age use existing scripture, which clearly defines the law of marriage in Christianity as between a man and a woman. Those are clearly two different things, Seawytch.

Rabbi was telling an off-color joke. Bfgrn acted like "why aren't you offended by him desecrating the Bible? That must be an indictment against your beliefs!" Well I'm just not offended. That's the problem with people like him, and in some cases people of the LGBT community, they get offended at everything. What Rabbi did paled in comparison to what bellboy has done. A general rule of thumb when witnessing to anyone is that you NEVER EVER weaponize the Bible.
Last edited: are presenting yourself as some kind of expert on what traditional marriage is...and you've never been married

But yet people like you pretend to be established Christian theologians, without ever being theologians. So, tell me, what good does spouting Bible verses at people in defense of gay marriage do when all of the verses you quote are out of context?

You lied to me bodecea, you said my lack of experience in marriage didn't disqualify me from discussing the subject, yet here you are saying the exact opposite.

Who are you to dictate the definition of marriage anyway?
Last edited: are presenting yourself as some kind of expert on what traditional marriage is...and you've never been married

But yet people like you pretend to be established Christian theologians, without ever being theologians. So, tell me, what does spouting Bible verses at people in defense of gay marriage when all of the verses you quote are out of context.

You lied to me bodecea, you said my lack of experience in marriage didn't disqualify me from discussing the subject, yet here you are saying the exact opposite.

Who are you to dictate the definition of marriage anyway?
She's never been married. are presenting yourself as some kind of expert on what traditional marriage is...and you've never been married

But yet people like you pretend to be established Christian theologians, without ever being theologians. So, tell me, what does spouting Bible verses at people in defense of gay marriage when all of the verses you quote are out of context.

You lied to me bodecea, you said my lack of experience in marriage didn't disqualify me from discussing the subject, yet here you are saying the exact opposite.

Who are you to dictate the definition of marriage anyway?
She's never been married.

Well then, that changes things. are presenting yourself as some kind of expert on what traditional marriage is...and you've never been married

But yet people like you pretend to be established Christian theologians, without ever being theologians. So, tell me, what does spouting Bible verses at people in defense of gay marriage when all of the verses you quote are out of context.

You lied to me bodecea, you said my lack of experience in marriage didn't disqualify me from discussing the subject, yet here you are saying the exact opposite.

Who are you to dictate the definition of marriage anyway?
She's never been married.

Well then, that changes things.
I mean, I've got a certificate signed by the Grand Poo-Bah saying I'm married to my kitty cat Darlene. It's like the same thing. are presenting yourself as some kind of expert on what traditional marriage is...and you've never been married

But yet people like you pretend to be established Christian theologians, without ever being theologians. So, tell me, what does spouting Bible verses at people in defense of gay marriage when all of the verses you quote are out of context.

You lied to me bodecea, you said my lack of experience in marriage didn't disqualify me from discussing the subject, yet here you are saying the exact opposite.

Who are you to dictate the definition of marriage anyway?
She's never been married.

Well then, that changes things.
I mean, I've got a certificate signed by the Grand Poo-Bah saying I'm married to my kitty cat Darlene. It's like the same thing.


Segregationists twisted the Bible. It was a good and productive thing that they were laid low. But people like us in this day and age use existing scripture, which clearly defines the law of marriage in Christianity as between a man and a woman. Those are clearly two different things, Seawytch.


So again, where in the Bible do you find the command that Christian businessmen must not do business with gays?
Somehow you think that by asking me these questions, you'll get me to slip up and endorse the thinking segregationists employed when using the Bible to justify it. Well, guess again.

You ARE endorsing're just replacing race with sexual orientation.

What he's really saying is that the Bible is open to interpretation BUT he believes that only certain humans are qualified to declare what is the correct interpretation.
But didn't the anti segregationists also use the bible?

Yeah, and they were wrong. See my above answer to Carbine (points up)^^

Slow down and read what I typed. You were berating bfgrn for using the bible, but both the segregationists and ANTI segregationists used the same bible. We've "driven the segregationists out of the public square" though. Good or bad?

Come on, TK...are you selectively ignoring me?
Why do you think suppressing opinions is a good thing?

Your attempts to suppress certain opinions of what the Bible says and means must mean that you think it's a good thing.
Irony... you starting a hate and fear thread and posting this pic.

Irony, you focus on the man who made the quote and not the quote itself.

Yes, indeed. Lets judge everyone on their appearances.

Let's focus on the Jesus quote you posted that says there is no difference between a man and a woman.

Btw, I'm quite happy to take your repeated bouts of stunned silence as the affirmation of the irrefutable quality of many of my points.
But didn't the anti segregationists also use the bible?

Yeah, and they were wrong. See my above answer to Carbine (points up)^^

Slow down and read what I typed. You were berating bfgrn for using the bible, but both the segregationists and ANTI segregationists used the same bible. We've "driven the segregationists out of the public square" though. Good or bad?

Come on, TK...are you selectively ignoring me?

No. I don't discriminate. (Ha! Gotta write that one down!)

You don't seem to understand something, we have beliefs, one of them being the obvious objection to gay marriage. Now, bellboy is (or was) attempting to alienate certain religious beliefs and because they offend him, and a gay way of life by resorting to abusing the Bible as a weapon to effect that end. We both use the same Bible, right? So why are people like bellboy there the one using it as a weapon? And yes, he's using it to drive people of faith who object to gay marriage out of the public square.

Why is he using it as a weapon but the people using it to discriminate are not? Bfgrn is a Christian and he's citing the same bible you and the people that want to use it to deny services to gays are using. How is that you see one using it as a "weapon" and one is not? Seems like cognitive dissonance.

Segregationists twisted the Bible. It was a good and productive thing that they were laid low. But people like us in this day and age use existing scripture, which clearly defines the law of marriage in Christianity as between a man and a woman. Those are clearly two different things, Seawytch.

YOU think they twist it, but they didn't. They believed they were as right as YOU think YOU are. I think you both twist the bible. What you think is clear, others do no. What you think is twisted, others do not. YOU see them as two different things. Those discriminated against see no light between the two. Justifying bigotry is justifying bigotry.

Rabbi was telling an off-color joke. Bfgrn acted like "why aren't you offended by him desecrating the Bible? That must be an indictment against your beliefs!" Well I'm just not offended. That's the problem with people like him, and in some cases people of the LGBT community, they get offended at everything. What Rabbi did paled in comparison to what bellboy has done. A general rule of thumb when witnessing to anyone is that you NEVER EVER weaponize the Bible.

And yet that is what Christians denying service to gays are doing. are presenting yourself as some kind of expert on what traditional marriage is...and you've never been married

But yet people like you pretend to be established Christian theologians, without ever being theologians. So, tell me, what does spouting Bible verses at people in defense of gay marriage when all of the verses you quote are out of context.

You lied to me bodecea, you said my lack of experience in marriage didn't disqualify me from discussing the subject, yet here you are saying the exact opposite.

Who are you to dictate the definition of marriage anyway?
She's never been married.

Well then, that changes things.

Rabbi is lying (sin). Bod is legally married. Rabbi's closing his eyes and pretending her marriage license doesn't exist does not equate to it not actually existing.
You have compared the LGBT community to the NAZIs; a party based on bigotry who placed homosexuals in concentration camps, and ISIS; an ultra-conservative religious group who murders homosexuals.

Well, what do you have that proves to the contrary, bellboy?

What do you have that proves the LGBT community deserves to be compared to the NAZI's and ISIS? They are not mass murderers, they don't harm anyone. They are civil, law abiding and many of them are highly successful in the arts, theater, and business community.

My God man, you are off the deep end...

I know conservatism is based on fear, now you right wing turds are afraid of gays? are presenting yourself as some kind of expert on what traditional marriage is...and you've never been married

But yet people like you pretend to be established Christian theologians, without ever being theologians. So, tell me, what does spouting Bible verses at people in defense of gay marriage when all of the verses you quote are out of context.

You lied to me bodecea, you said my lack of experience in marriage didn't disqualify me from discussing the subject, yet here you are saying the exact opposite.

Who are you to dictate the definition of marriage anyway?
She's never been married.

Well then, that changes things.

Rabbi is lying (sin). Bod is legally married. Rabbi's closing his eyes and pretending her marriage license doesn't exist does not equate to it not actually existing.
Hey, I have a marriage certificate from the Grand Poo-Bah for me and Fluffy. If that isnt valid, I dont know what is!

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