Same bullshit, different decade: What members of the gay rights movement could learn from history

You have compared the LGBT community to the NAZIs; a party based on bigotry who placed homosexuals in concentration camps, and ISIS; an ultra-conservative religious group who murders homosexuals.

Well, what do you have that proves to the contrary, bellboy?

What do you have that proves the LGBT community deserves to be compared to the NAZI's and ISIS? They are not mass murderers, they don't harm anyone. They are civil, law abiding and many of them are highly successful in the arts, theater, and business community.

My God man, you are off the deep end...

I know conservatism is based on fear, now you right wing turds are afraid of gays?
They dont harm anyone? I think Brandon Eich and the Oregon bakers might disagree.
You have compared the LGBT community to the NAZIs; a party based on bigotry who placed homosexuals in concentration camps, and ISIS; an ultra-conservative religious group who murders homosexuals.

Well, what do you have that proves to the contrary, bellboy?

What do you have that proves the LGBT community deserves to be compared to the NAZI's and ISIS? They are not mass murderers, they don't harm anyone. They are civil, law abiding and many of them are highly successful in the arts, theater, and business community.

My God man, you are off the deep end...

I know conservatism is based on fear, now you right wing turds are afraid of gays?
They dont harm anyone? I think Brandon Eich and the Oregon bakers might disagree.

The Oregon bakers broke the law. They brought the harm down on themselves.
Yea, and here is another of your congregation.

You know, for the seventh time by my count, you keep making my point for me. So, if you are such a Christian as you claim, tolerant and accepting of all, why are you attacking your fellow Christians?

“You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. ... Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.”

Romans 14:10,13

So, pick up your blocks and go home.

I am tolerant, but that doesn't mean I will ever accept bigotry. Why don't you take the Apostle Paul's advice and stop try to legislate stumbling blocks and obstacles in the way of fellow Americans?

Our government recognizing same sex marriage as equal under the law requires no sacrifice or change of lifestyle on your part...NONE. As a matter of fact, it is a positive and helps create a more stable society.

Your definition of bigotry is anyone who doesn't accept your ideals. You seem to think government can force tolerance and quell bigotry.

And if the courts rule in favor of homosexuals, you'll soon hear demands that churches marry gays. You know what? That's an intrusion on my faith, and thusly on my beliefs. You will be asking us to sacrifice our beliefs for a "more stable society."

No, that is YOUR definition because you are trying to justify your bigotry against gays.

Allowing gays the same marriage rights as you and I enjoy takes nothing away from you. It asks nothing of your church and no change of your lifestyle. So the only reason you are left with to deny other Americans rights your enjoy is bigotry.

If I had a dollar for every time you called me a bigot in this thread...

I don't want to deny anyone anything (that has to be the billionth time I've had to make that clear). I think same sex marriage is wrong. But I've also supported it as far as the law goes. You don't know me, bellboy. Not one damn thing.

So, you call me a bigot, yet here you are, just as intolerant and bigoted of my faith. I am a Christian first and foremost. That does not automatically make me a bigot. What part of that doesn't get through that thick head of yours?

You spew your hatred and talking points, but you fail to make your case.

You are a LIAR...

You say you don't want to deny homosexuals the right to marry, except everything you say paints a different picture.

Your reply to my post is a prime example. I gave you an opportunity to state that you don't want to deny homosexuals the right to marry under the law, instead, you went off on a typical right wing fear filled slippery slope rant....

Post #800

I am tolerant, but that doesn't mean I will ever accept bigotry. Why don't you take the Apostle Paul's advice and stop try to legislate stumbling blocks and obstacles in the way of fellow Americans?

Our government recognizing same sex marriage as equal under the law requires no sacrifice or change of lifestyle on your part...NONE. As a matter of fact, it is a positive and helps create a more stable society.

Your definition of bigotry is anyone who doesn't accept your ideals. You seem to think government can force tolerance and quell bigotry.

And if the courts rule in favor of homosexuals, you'll soon hear demands that churches marry gays. You know what? That's an intrusion on my faith, and thusly on my beliefs. You will be asking us to sacrifice our beliefs for a "more stable society."
You know, for the seventh time by my count, you keep making my point for me. So, if you are such a Christian as you claim, tolerant and accepting of all, why are you attacking your fellow Christians?

“You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. ... Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.”

Romans 14:10,13

So, pick up your blocks and go home.

I am tolerant, but that doesn't mean I will ever accept bigotry. Why don't you take the Apostle Paul's advice and stop try to legislate stumbling blocks and obstacles in the way of fellow Americans?

Our government recognizing same sex marriage as equal under the law requires no sacrifice or change of lifestyle on your part...NONE. As a matter of fact, it is a positive and helps create a more stable society.

Your definition of bigotry is anyone who doesn't accept your ideals. You seem to think government can force tolerance and quell bigotry.

And if the courts rule in favor of homosexuals, you'll soon hear demands that churches marry gays. You know what? That's an intrusion on my faith, and thusly on my beliefs. You will be asking us to sacrifice our beliefs for a "more stable society."

No, that is YOUR definition because you are trying to justify your bigotry against gays.

Allowing gays the same marriage rights as you and I enjoy takes nothing away from you. It asks nothing of your church and no change of your lifestyle. So the only reason you are left with to deny other Americans rights your enjoy is bigotry.

If I had a dollar for every time you called me a bigot in this thread...

I don't want to deny anyone anything (that has to be the billionth time I've had to make that clear). I think same sex marriage is wrong. But I've also supported it as far as the law goes. You don't know me, bellboy. Not one damn thing.

So, you call me a bigot, yet here you are, just as intolerant and bigoted of my faith. I am a Christian first and foremost. That does not automatically make me a bigot. What part of that doesn't get through that thick head of yours?

You spew your hatred and talking points, but you fail to make your case.

You are a LIAR...

You say you don't want to deny homosexuals the right to marry, except everything you say paints a different picture.

Your reply to my post is a prime example. I gave you an opportunity to state that you don't want to deny homosexuals the right to marry under the law, instead, you went off on a typical right wing fear filled slippery slope rant....

Post #800

I am tolerant, but that doesn't mean I will ever accept bigotry. Why don't you take the Apostle Paul's advice and stop try to legislate stumbling blocks and obstacles in the way of fellow Americans?

Our government recognizing same sex marriage as equal under the law requires no sacrifice or change of lifestyle on your part...NONE. As a matter of fact, it is a positive and helps create a more stable society.

Your definition of bigotry is anyone who doesn't accept your ideals. You seem to think government can force tolerance and quell bigotry.

And if the courts rule in favor of homosexuals, you'll soon hear demands that churches marry gays. You know what? That's an intrusion on my faith, and thusly on my beliefs. You will be asking us to sacrifice our beliefs for a "more stable society."
Homosexuals have the same right to marry as anyone else. There has never been an application for a marriage license that asks for sexual orientation.
Yea, and here is another of your congregation.

You know, for the seventh time by my count, you keep making my point for me. So, if you are such a Christian as you claim, tolerant and accepting of all, why are you attacking your fellow Christians?

“You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. ... Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.”

Romans 14:10,13

So, pick up your blocks and go home.

I am tolerant, but that doesn't mean I will ever accept bigotry. Why don't you take the Apostle Paul's advice and stop try to legislate stumbling blocks and obstacles in the way of fellow Americans?

Our government recognizing same sex marriage as equal under the law requires no sacrifice or change of lifestyle on your part...NONE. As a matter of fact, it is a positive and helps create a more stable society.

Your definition of bigotry is anyone who doesn't accept your ideals. You seem to think government can force tolerance and quell bigotry.

The government can "force" tolerance. Sometimes, that's what it takes.


And if the courts rule in favor of homosexuals, you'll soon hear demands that churches marry gays. You know what? That's an intrusion on my faith, and thusly on my beliefs. You will be asking us to sacrifice our beliefs for a "more stable society."

If so, where were all the demands that churches be forced to marry interracial couples?

Since that never happened, why do you think it would happen for gay marriage?
You need to calm down, so your anger doesn't continue to cause you embarrassment.

I am far from embarrassed, bellboy. I am winning this argument, much to your denials and protests. When you start insulting my intelligence instead of my arguments, you have none of your own and are pretty much done.

Whatever "consequences" God has for ALL us sinners, it will be administered by God and God alone. You are not God, and you have no right to dole out "consequences"...

Gee, I wonder why? Is it because you are doing the same exact thing?

"God punishes bigots, he punishes the intolerant." How in the heck do you know WHAT he punishes? Please... share with us your all seeing insight into the mind of the God.

You accuse me of doling out consequences, but act as if you can call God down from heaven to punish me for my "bigotry" and "exclusivity."

Are you really that dense?
Down from heaven?Just where exactly "up" there is Heaven located? I'm wondering because we've pretty much been been "up" there and, well, no Heaven. We did, however, find a number of thingdçvk millhttp://
Yea, and here is another of your congregation.

You know, for the seventh time by my count, you keep making my point for me. So, if you are such a Christian as you claim, tolerant and accepting of all, why are you attacking your fellow Christians?

“You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. ... Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.”

Romans 14:10,13

So, pick up your blocks and go home.

I am tolerant, but that doesn't mean I will ever accept bigotry. Why don't you take the Apostle Paul's advice and stop try to legislate stumbling blocks and obstacles in the way of fellow Americans?

Our government recognizing same sex marriage as equal under the law requires no sacrifice or change of lifestyle on your part...NONE. As a matter of fact, it is a positive and helps create a more stable society.

Your definition of bigotry is anyone who doesn't accept your ideals. You seem to think government can force tolerance and quell bigotry.

The government can "force" tolerance. Sometimes, that's what it takes.


And if the courts rule in favor of homosexuals, you'll soon hear demands that churches marry gays. You know what? That's an intrusion on my faith, and thusly on my beliefs. You will be asking us to sacrifice our beliefs for a "more stable society."

If so, where were all the demands that churches be forced to marry interracial couples?

Since that never happened, why do you think it would happen for gay marriage?
Yup, government forcing people. ITs' what liberals are into. Stalin forced lots of people. So did Hitler.
You need to calm down, so your anger doesn't continue to cause you embarrassment.

I am far from embarrassed, bellboy. I am winning this argument, much to your denials and protests. When you start insulting my intelligence instead of my arguments, you have none of your own and are pretty much done.

Whatever "consequences" God has for ALL us sinners, it will be administered by God and God alone. You are not God, and you have no right to dole out "consequences"...

Gee, I wonder why? Is it because you are doing the same exact thing?

"God punishes bigots, he punishes the intolerant." How in the heck do you know WHAT he punishes? Please... share with us your all seeing insight into the mind of the God.

You accuse me of doling out consequences, but act as if you can call God down from heaven to punish me for my "bigotry" and "exclusivity."

Are you really that dense?
Down from heaven?Just where exactly "up" there is Heaven located? I'm wondering because we've pretty much been been "up" there and, well, no Heaven. We did, however, find a number of thingdçvk mill
Wow, you come up with that all on your own, s0nny?
You have compared the LGBT community to the NAZIs; a party based on bigotry who placed homosexuals in concentration camps, and ISIS; an ultra-conservative religious group who murders homosexuals.

Well, what do you have that proves to the contrary, bellboy?

What do you have that proves the LGBT community deserves to be compared to the NAZI's and ISIS? They are not mass murderers, they don't harm anyone. They are civil, law abiding and many of them are highly successful in the arts, theater, and business community.

My God man, you are off the deep end...

I know conservatism is based on fear, now you right wing turds are afraid of gays?
They dont harm anyone? I think Brandon Eich and the Oregon bakers might disagree.
So...these guys, like Josh Duggar get a pass from the law because......................
I am tolerant, but that doesn't mean I will ever accept bigotry. Why don't you take the Apostle Paul's advice and stop try to legislate stumbling blocks and obstacles in the way of fellow Americans?

Our government recognizing same sex marriage as equal under the law requires no sacrifice or change of lifestyle on your part...NONE. As a matter of fact, it is a positive and helps create a more stable society.

Your definition of bigotry is anyone who doesn't accept your ideals. You seem to think government can force tolerance and quell bigotry.

And if the courts rule in favor of homosexuals, you'll soon hear demands that churches marry gays. You know what? That's an intrusion on my faith, and thusly on my beliefs. You will be asking us to sacrifice our beliefs for a "more stable society."

No, that is YOUR definition because you are trying to justify your bigotry against gays.

Allowing gays the same marriage rights as you and I enjoy takes nothing away from you. It asks nothing of your church and no change of your lifestyle. So the only reason you are left with to deny other Americans rights your enjoy is bigotry.

If I had a dollar for every time you called me a bigot in this thread...

I don't want to deny anyone anything (that has to be the billionth time I've had to make that clear). I think same sex marriage is wrong. But I've also supported it as far as the law goes. You don't know me, bellboy. Not one damn thing.

So, you call me a bigot, yet here you are, just as intolerant and bigoted of my faith. I am a Christian first and foremost. That does not automatically make me a bigot. What part of that doesn't get through that thick head of yours?

You spew your hatred and talking points, but you fail to make your case.

You are a LIAR...

You say you don't want to deny homosexuals the right to marry, except everything you say paints a different picture.

Your reply to my post is a prime example. I gave you an opportunity to state that you don't want to deny homosexuals the right to marry under the law, instead, you went off on a typical right wing fear filled slippery slope rant....

Post #800

I am tolerant, but that doesn't mean I will ever accept bigotry. Why don't you take the Apostle Paul's advice and stop try to legislate stumbling blocks and obstacles in the way of fellow Americans?

Our government recognizing same sex marriage as equal under the law requires no sacrifice or change of lifestyle on your part...NONE. As a matter of fact, it is a positive and helps create a more stable society.

Your definition of bigotry is anyone who doesn't accept your ideals. You seem to think government can force tolerance and quell bigotry.

And if the courts rule in favor of homosexuals, you'll soon hear demands that churches marry gays. You know what? That's an intrusion on my faith, and thusly on my beliefs. You will be asking us to sacrifice our beliefs for a "more stable society."
Homosexuals have the same right to marry as anyone else. There has never been an application for a marriage license that asks for sexual orientation.
That's's not discrimination based on sexual orientation, it's discrimination based on gender.
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church. For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”

Ephesians 5:22-31

And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Matthew 19:4-6

These are THE BIBLICAL DEFINITIONS of marriage. One man. One woman. Any other interpretations are rendered invalid. Anyone who has sufficient reading comprehension should understand this reality. While it may not hold weight in today's society, it holds weight for those who try to use the Bible to justify a way of marriage that is against what the Bible teaches; in other words, you, bellboy.

I have some bad news for you. America is not a theocracy. Our laws are not bound to your dogmatic beliefs.

Above all, God gave us a free will. We can all live our lives as we see fit, not how you see fit.

If you oppose gay marriage, don't marry a man. But don't try to legislate laws that deny that right to others. It's that simple.
You are spot on. However, I would add that, while every person has the right to live by whatever set of beliefs they choose, they are also bound by those choices. If it turns out that the Biblical accounts are true, then a great deal rides on how we choose to live our lives. How would you fare if the God of the Bible turns out to be real? It doesn't matter if that God is a fairy tale, but if not? I guess the question is, how sure are you?

Speaking for myself, I do not believe the Bible or any scripture is the uttered word of God. On the other hand, I think the information contained therein is valuable and meant for mankind simply because it was put together and edited the way it was and has endured in its current form for so long. At the end of the day, as someone who touched death in 2012, I no longer believe in God, I know God is there.

Religion is a human creation, not something God demands. God's demand is a very simple one, yet it seems to be very difficult for man to achieve despite of, or maybe because of, its simplicity. That one simple thing that God asks of us is this: To treat your fellow man(and woman) the way you would like to be treated.

How hard could that be, right?

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You need to calm down, so your anger doesn't continue to cause you embarrassment.

I am far from embarrassed, bellboy. I am winning this argument, much to your denials and protests. When you start insulting my intelligence instead of my arguments, you have none of your own and are pretty much done.

Whatever "consequences" God has for ALL us sinners, it will be administered by God and God alone. You are not God, and you have no right to dole out "consequences"...

Gee, I wonder why? Is it because you are doing the same exact thing?

"God punishes bigots, he punishes the intolerant." How in the heck do you know WHAT he punishes? Please... share with us your all seeing insight into the mind of the God.

You accuse me of doling out consequences, but act as if you can call God down from heaven to punish me for my "bigotry" and "exclusivity."

Are you really that dense?
Down from heaven?Just where exactly "up" there is Heaven located? I'm wondering because we've pretty much been been "up" there and, well, no Heaven. We did, however, find a number of thingdçvk mill
Wow, you come up with that all on your own, s0nny?
What are you talking about? And do you call all 55 year olds "Sonny"?

Your post was nothing but an ad hominem attack in lieu of a lucid argument and a sure sign that your position, like your mind, is a weak one.
You say you don't want to deny homosexuals the right to marry, except everything you say paints a different picture.

The fact you don't seem to grasp is this:

I HAVE NO POWER TO STOP THEM FROM MARRYING. Thusly, why fight it? If you can't beat em, join em.

And them marrying has nothing to do with my argument regarding tolerance. None.

You whine about tolerance, and somehow equate tolerance with accepting gay marriage, and when I don't believe in gay marriage but support it? Thats called setting my biases aside to ensure people are treated equally.

You are too dense to see that.
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You need to calm down, so your anger doesn't continue to cause you embarrassment.

I am far from embarrassed, bellboy. I am winning this argument, much to your denials and protests. When you start insulting my intelligence instead of my arguments, you have none of your own and are pretty much done.

Whatever "consequences" God has for ALL us sinners, it will be administered by God and God alone. You are not God, and you have no right to dole out "consequences"...

Gee, I wonder why? Is it because you are doing the same exact thing?

"God punishes bigots, he punishes the intolerant." How in the heck do you know WHAT he punishes? Please... share with us your all seeing insight into the mind of the God.

You accuse me of doling out consequences, but act as if you can call God down from heaven to punish me for my "bigotry" and "exclusivity."

Are you really that dense?
Down from heaven?Just where exactly "up" there is Heaven located? I'm wondering because we've pretty much been been "up" there and, well, no Heaven. We did, however, find a number of thingdçvk mill
Wow, you come up with that all on your own, s0nny?
What are you talking about? And do you call all 55 year olds "Sonny"?

Your post was nothing but an ad hominem attack in lieu of a lucid argument and a sure sign that your position, like your mind, is a weak one.
I call out the fact that you think you'r ebeing clever by saying we've had some space exploration and since we know more or less what is "up there" then there can't be a Heaven. Like no one ever thought that one up before. It is among the most cliched pieces of shit around and does nothing to refute what Templar said.
And if you're really 55 you must be retarded.
I am tolerant, but that doesn't mean I will ever accept bigotry. Why don't you take the Apostle Paul's advice and stop try to legislate stumbling blocks and obstacles in the way of fellow Americans?

Our government recognizing same sex marriage as equal under the law requires no sacrifice or change of lifestyle on your part...NONE. As a matter of fact, it is a positive and helps create a more stable society.

Your definition of bigotry is anyone who doesn't accept your ideals. You seem to think government can force tolerance and quell bigotry.

And if the courts rule in favor of homosexuals, you'll soon hear demands that churches marry gays. You know what? That's an intrusion on my faith, and thusly on my beliefs. You will be asking us to sacrifice our beliefs for a "more stable society."

No, that is YOUR definition because you are trying to justify your bigotry against gays.

Allowing gays the same marriage rights as you and I enjoy takes nothing away from you. It asks nothing of your church and no change of your lifestyle. So the only reason you are left with to deny other Americans rights your enjoy is bigotry.

If I had a dollar for every time you called me a bigot in this thread...

I don't want to deny anyone anything (that has to be the billionth time I've had to make that clear). I think same sex marriage is wrong. But I've also supported it as far as the law goes. You don't know me, bellboy. Not one damn thing.

So, you call me a bigot, yet here you are, just as intolerant and bigoted of my faith. I am a Christian first and foremost. That does not automatically make me a bigot. What part of that doesn't get through that thick head of yours?

You spew your hatred and talking points, but you fail to make your case.

You are a LIAR...

You say you don't want to deny homosexuals the right to marry, except everything you say paints a different picture.

Your reply to my post is a prime example. I gave you an opportunity to state that you don't want to deny homosexuals the right to marry under the law, instead, you went off on a typical right wing fear filled slippery slope rant....

Post #800

I am tolerant, but that doesn't mean I will ever accept bigotry. Why don't you take the Apostle Paul's advice and stop try to legislate stumbling blocks and obstacles in the way of fellow Americans?

Our government recognizing same sex marriage as equal under the law requires no sacrifice or change of lifestyle on your part...NONE. As a matter of fact, it is a positive and helps create a more stable society.

Your definition of bigotry is anyone who doesn't accept your ideals. You seem to think government can force tolerance and quell bigotry.

And if the courts rule in favor of homosexuals, you'll soon hear demands that churches marry gays. You know what? That's an intrusion on my faith, and thusly on my beliefs. You will be asking us to sacrifice our beliefs for a "more stable society."
Homosexuals have the same right to marry as anyone else. There has never been an application for a marriage license that asks for sexual orientation.

Okay, so how many agree with Rabbi that if same sex marriage were the ONLY legal marriage, opposite sex couples would have no complaint?

Sign in here.
You need to calm down, so your anger doesn't continue to cause you embarrassment.

I am far from embarrassed, bellboy. I am winning this argument, much to your denials and protests. When you start insulting my intelligence instead of my arguments, you have none of your own and are pretty much done.

Whatever "consequences" God has for ALL us sinners, it will be administered by God and God alone. You are not God, and you have no right to dole out "consequences"...

Gee, I wonder why? Is it because you are doing the same exact thing?

"God punishes bigots, he punishes the intolerant." How in the heck do you know WHAT he punishes? Please... share with us your all seeing insight into the mind of the God.

You accuse me of doling out consequences, but act as if you can call God down from heaven to punish me for my "bigotry" and "exclusivity."

Are you really that dense?
Down from heaven?Just where exactly "up" there is Heaven located? I'm wondering because we've pretty much been been "up" there and, well, no Heaven. We did, however, find a number of thingdçvk mill
Wow, you come up with that all on your own, s0nny?
What are you talking about? And do you call all 55 year olds "Sonny"?

Your post was nothing but an ad hominem attack in lieu of a lucid argument and a sure sign that your position, like your mind, is a weak one.
I call out the fact that you think you'r ebeing clever by saying we've had some space exploration and since we know more or less what is "up there" then there can't be a Heaven. Like no one ever thought that one up before. It is among the most cliched pieces of shit around and does nothing to refute what Templar said.
And if you're really 55 you must be retarded.
I never said there was no Heaven and I happen to very much believe in Heaven. Unlike you, however, I feel no need to resort to insulting those who disagree with me using the same tongue with which I supposedly praise God.
You ridicule those who point out the flaws in your belief to avoid revealing your lack of knowledge and the improbability of your defense. So, feel free to call me whatever you like, because you are simply showing the world what a sad and hypocritical man you really are. I'm pretty sure God already knew this about you. I'll pray for you and that you will learn to practice what you preach.
You say you don't want to deny homosexuals the right to marry, except everything you say paints a different picture.

The fact you don't seem to grasp is this:

I HAVE NO POWER TO STOP THEM FROM MARRYING. Thusly, why fight it? If you can't beat em, join em.

And them marrying has nothing to do with my argument regarding tolerance. None.

You whine about tolerance, and somehow equate tolerance with accepting gay marriage, and when I don't believe in gay marriage but support it... thats called setting my biases aside to ensure people are treated equally.

You are too dense to see that.

You can do whatever you want in your church. If your pastor wants to spew discrimination against gays and preach God the avenger who doles out punishment and retribution, go for it man.

That is not the God I learned about. I learned we are our brother's keeper, that we are all sinners and God the father 's love for us is way beyond the deepest love us human will ever feel. I learned about a God of forgiveness and tolerance.

America is not a theocracy man, there are no religious tests anyone has to pass to gain equal rights under the law. Even atheists have the same rights as you holy rollers.

You keep trying to equate my disdain for discrimination and bigotry with intolerance. It is absurd.

Matthew 25:34-40
The Final Judgment

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

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