Same Dems Now Calling For 'PEACE' and 'Unity' Are The Same Ones Who Engaged In Attacks, Assaults, Threats on Republicans & 4 Years Of Coup Attempts


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Violent Democrat rhetoric inspired an attempted assassination attempt by a mentally unstable 'snowflake' conditioned to hate Conservatives / Republicans to the point of murderous intent. The shooter turned out to be a Bernie Sanders volunteer.


JUNE 2018:
"California Rep. Maxine Waters called for threats and attacks on Trump team members. She said, "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere."

JUNE 2018:
Due to unruly, violent Democrat followers, one evidently following Maxine Waters' orders to publicly harass Republicans and Trump administration members, White House Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders and her group had to leave a Virginia restaurant because of their work for Trump.

Maxine Waters' 'army' strikes again: 'White House top aide Stephen Miller was verbally assaulted at two restaurants, in Washington, D.C.'

Yet again...more lack of civility and hate-driven confrontation: 'Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was met with shouting protesters at a Washington restaurant, part of a social media pop up assault.'

'Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife were shouted out of a restaurant by anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters'

JULY 2018:
Cory Booker calls on uncivil, violent 'snowflakes' to publicly harass Republicans: 'Democratic Sen. Cory Booker in July urged liberal advocates to “Get up in the face of some congresspeople."

2018: Hillary Clinton again declares there can be no civility with Republicans / Conservatives, urges confrontation /harassment:
'Hillary Rodham Clinton said Democrats shouldn’t be civil to Republicans until they win back control of Washington. She said, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”

* 2016 FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton becomes the 1st US Presidential Nominee ever proven to have hired thugs to beat and bloody American citizens during a Presidential campaign. Her team was caught / proven to have paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies to discourage voter support for Trump.

2018: Former Obama US AG promotes violence against Republicans / Conservatives
"Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder junked former first lady Michelle Obama’s call for civility when he told supporters, “Michelle always says, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. No. When they go low, we kick them,” he said, adding, “That’s what this Democratic Party’s about. We’re proud as hell to be Democrats. We’re willing to fight for the ideals of the Democratic Party.”

"The wife of Republican Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner said that she received a graphic text message with a video of a beheading after he voted to confirm Kavanaugh."

Violent Mob Violently Protests Kavanaugh USSC Justice
"When Kavanaugh arrived at the Supreme Court to take his seat, a mob pounded on the doors of the Supreme Court. They yelled, “No justice, no peace.”

Violent Threats Made Against Republicans During Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings
"During the Kavanaugh hearings Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins received a potentially deadly mailing of Ricin at her home. “Today’s incident is the latest in a series of threats against Senator Collins, her loved ones, and her staff,” said spokeswoman Annie Clark."

The campaign manager for Nevada GOP gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt was physically assaulted by an organization funded by George Soros
“Politics is a little bit aggressive these days, but this is just insane. I’ve never seen anything like it,” said a bruised Kristin Davison.'

2 Minnesota state GOP candidates were physically accosted by their political foes

The Laramie, Wyo. Republican office was set on fire in a case of arson

...and 4 years of undermining, sedition, obstruction, conspiracy, FISA Court abuses, illegal spying, illegal collusion with foreign enemies. failed attempted coups, and the 1st ever, admitted, politically partisan Impeachment in US history based on absolutely ZERO crime, evidence, and witnesses....

.....but it is suddenly time to put all of this behind us and rally behind a proven corrupt / criminal Democrat proven to be compromised by Chinese Government who just 'won' a Presidential election marred by the worst display of election fraud in US history, an election shaded in doubt by many based on such facts as how the company that owns / runs the election machines used in this election was paid $400 million by the Chinese Communist government back in October 2020, prior to the election....? is suddenly time to put all of this behind us and rally behind, and comply with mandates given by the Democrats who reportedly have a 'Revenge list', a 'Revenge Committee', and Democrats who have voiced a desire to 'go after' / 'punish' President Trump, anyone who served on his administration, and any Conservatives who supported or still supports President Trump - going as far as suggesting mandating mandatory 're-education camps / training' for Conservatives and those who reject Liberal ideology and beliefs...?

Good luck with that, Democrats.

Violent Democrat rhetoric inspired an attempted assassination attempt by a mentally unstable 'snowflake' conditioned to hate Conservatives / Republicans to the point of murderous intent. The shooter turned out to be a Bernie Sanders volunteer.


JUNE 2018:
"California Rep. Maxine Waters called for threats and attacks on Trump team members. She said, "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere."

JUNE 2018:
Due to unruly, violent Democrat followers, one evidently following Maxine Waters' orders to publicly harass Republicans and Trump administration members, White House Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders and her group had to leave a Virginia restaurant because of their work for Trump.

Maxine Waters' 'army' strikes again: 'White House top aide Stephen Miller was verbally assaulted at two restaurants, in Washington, D.C.'

Yet again...more lack of civility and hate-driven confrontation: 'Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was met with shouting protesters at a Washington restaurant, part of a social media pop up assault.'

'Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife were shouted out of a restaurant by anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters'

JULY 2018:
Cory Booker calls on uncivil, violent 'snowflakes' to publicly harass Republicans: 'Democratic Sen. Cory Booker in July urged liberal advocates to “Get up in the face of some congresspeople."

2018: Hillary Clinton again declares there can be no civility with Republicans / Conservatives, urges confrontation /harassment:
'Hillary Rodham Clinton said Democrats shouldn’t be civil to Republicans until they win back control of Washington. She said, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”

* 2016 FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton becomes the 1st US Presidential Nominee ever proven to have hired thugs to beat and bloody American citizens during a Presidential campaign. Her team was caught / proven to have paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies to discourage voter support for Trump.

2018: Former Obama US AG promotes violence against Republicans / Conservatives
"Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder junked former first lady Michelle Obama’s call for civility when he told supporters, “Michelle always says, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. No. When they go low, we kick them,” he said, adding, “That’s what this Democratic Party’s about. We’re proud as hell to be Democrats. We’re willing to fight for the ideals of the Democratic Party.”

"The wife of Republican Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner said that she received a graphic text message with a video of a beheading after he voted to confirm Kavanaugh."

Violent Mob Violently Protests Kavanaugh USSC Justice
"When Kavanaugh arrived at the Supreme Court to take his seat, a mob pounded on the doors of the Supreme Court. They yelled, “No justice, no peace.”

Violent Threats Made Against Republicans During Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings
"During the Kavanaugh hearings Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins received a potentially deadly mailing of Ricin at her home. “Today’s incident is the latest in a series of threats against Senator Collins, her loved ones, and her staff,” said spokeswoman Annie Clark."

The campaign manager for Nevada GOP gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt was physically assaulted by an organization funded by George Soros
“Politics is a little bit aggressive these days, but this is just insane. I’ve never seen anything like it,” said a bruised Kristin Davison.'

2 Minnesota state GOP candidates were physically accosted by their political foes

The Laramie, Wyo. Republican office was set on fire in a case of arson

...and 4 years of undermining, sedition, obstruction, conspiracy, FISA Court abuses, illegal spying, illegal collusion with foreign enemies. failed attempted coups, and the 1st ever, admitted, politically partisan Impeachment in US history based on absolutely ZERO crime, evidence, and witnesses....

.....but it is suddenly time to put all of this behind us and rally behind a proven corrupt / criminal Democrat proven to be compromised by Chinese Government who just 'won' a Presidential election marred by the worst display of election fraud in US history, an election shaded in doubt by many based on such facts as how the company that owns / runs the election machines used in this election was paid $400 million by the Chinese Communist government back in October 2020, prior to the election....? is suddenly time to put all of this behind us and rally behind, and comply with mandates given by the Democrats who reportedly have a 'Revenge list', a 'Revenge Committee', and Democrats who have voiced a desire to 'go after' / 'punish' President Trump, anyone who served on his administration, and any Conservatives who supported or still supports President Trump - going as far as suggesting mandating mandatory 're-education camps / training' for Conservatives and those who reject Liberal ideology and beliefs...?

Good luck with that, Democrats.

It started on the right. It was grown and fomented there. And now you're crying because the other side is fed up with it and using your tactics against you. Not fun, huh?
And I wouldn't waste my time with re-education camps for conservatives. There's just no fixing that level of stupid or ignorance.
It makes perfect sense. They hate all religion EXCEPT Islam, don't they?

That violent totalitarian ideology calls itself the religion of peace, after all.

It because they are cowardly faggots and they know Muslims may just fucking kill them if they roast Islam.

The state is God for liberals. The Dim leaders are their prophets.
There are two types of Patriots........

1). Paper Tiger Patriots
2). Real Men who make real plans to deal with real threats to their rights and freedoms

If all you do is play victim on forums and have not actively joined a local militia, you are the Paper Tiger Type
Fuck the GOP and the their Russian NAZI bosses....

Considering all the evidence proves the Russian Collusion ploy was a failed Obama attempt to use Russian Intel Service propaganda to overthrow the US government by removing the newly elected President AND existing official evidence presented by both US govt agencies and through testimony under oath from official US govt agency employees proves the Bidens have been engaging in financial corruption and crime and that Biden is a compromised Chinese 'agent'....

Your comment is friggin' HILARIOUS!

Violent Democrat rhetoric inspired an attempted assassination attempt by a mentally unstable 'snowflake' conditioned to hate Conservatives / Republicans to the point of murderous intent. The shooter turned out to be a Bernie Sanders volunteer.


JUNE 2018:
"California Rep. Maxine Waters called for threats and attacks on Trump team members. She said, "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere."

JUNE 2018:
Due to unruly, violent Democrat followers, one evidently following Maxine Waters' orders to publicly harass Republicans and Trump administration members, White House Spokeswoman Sarah Sanders and her group had to leave a Virginia restaurant because of their work for Trump.

Maxine Waters' 'army' strikes again: 'White House top aide Stephen Miller was verbally assaulted at two restaurants, in Washington, D.C.'

Yet again...more lack of civility and hate-driven confrontation: 'Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was met with shouting protesters at a Washington restaurant, part of a social media pop up assault.'

'Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife were shouted out of a restaurant by anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters'

JULY 2018:
Cory Booker calls on uncivil, violent 'snowflakes' to publicly harass Republicans: 'Democratic Sen. Cory Booker in July urged liberal advocates to “Get up in the face of some congresspeople."

2018: Hillary Clinton again declares there can be no civility with Republicans / Conservatives, urges confrontation /harassment:
'Hillary Rodham Clinton said Democrats shouldn’t be civil to Republicans until they win back control of Washington. She said, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”

* 2016 FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton becomes the 1st US Presidential Nominee ever proven to have hired thugs to beat and bloody American citizens during a Presidential campaign. Her team was caught / proven to have paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies to discourage voter support for Trump.

2018: Former Obama US AG promotes violence against Republicans / Conservatives
"Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder junked former first lady Michelle Obama’s call for civility when he told supporters, “Michelle always says, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. No. When they go low, we kick them,” he said, adding, “That’s what this Democratic Party’s about. We’re proud as hell to be Democrats. We’re willing to fight for the ideals of the Democratic Party.”

"The wife of Republican Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner said that she received a graphic text message with a video of a beheading after he voted to confirm Kavanaugh."

Violent Mob Violently Protests Kavanaugh USSC Justice
"When Kavanaugh arrived at the Supreme Court to take his seat, a mob pounded on the doors of the Supreme Court. They yelled, “No justice, no peace.”

Violent Threats Made Against Republicans During Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings
"During the Kavanaugh hearings Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins received a potentially deadly mailing of Ricin at her home. “Today’s incident is the latest in a series of threats against Senator Collins, her loved ones, and her staff,” said spokeswoman Annie Clark."

The campaign manager for Nevada GOP gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt was physically assaulted by an organization funded by George Soros
“Politics is a little bit aggressive these days, but this is just insane. I’ve never seen anything like it,” said a bruised Kristin Davison.'

2 Minnesota state GOP candidates were physically accosted by their political foes

The Laramie, Wyo. Republican office was set on fire in a case of arson

...and 4 years of undermining, sedition, obstruction, conspiracy, FISA Court abuses, illegal spying, illegal collusion with foreign enemies. failed attempted coups, and the 1st ever, admitted, politically partisan Impeachment in US history based on absolutely ZERO crime, evidence, and witnesses....

.....but it is suddenly time to put all of this behind us and rally behind a proven corrupt / criminal Democrat proven to be compromised by Chinese Government who just 'won' a Presidential election marred by the worst display of election fraud in US history, an election shaded in doubt by many based on such facts as how the company that owns / runs the election machines used in this election was paid $400 million by the Chinese Communist government back in October 2020, prior to the election....? is suddenly time to put all of this behind us and rally behind, and comply with mandates given by the Democrats who reportedly have a 'Revenge list', a 'Revenge Committee', and Democrats who have voiced a desire to 'go after' / 'punish' President Trump, anyone who served on his administration, and any Conservatives who supported or still supports President Trump - going as far as suggesting mandating mandatory 're-education camps / training' for Conservatives and those who reject Liberal ideology and beliefs...?

Good luck with that, Democrats.

Another bullshit trash article from another biased and lying source:

  • Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks.

How is it easy, that the only people who you can find to back up your posts are liars and criminals? Not a single reputable source among them. Do you look for the sources that will make you look gullible or foolish, or are you just that dumb?

If all you do is play victim on forums and have not actively joined a local militia, you are the Paper Tiger Type

Sorry, this sounds too much like 'If you don't for me (Biden) you ain't black!'


A joke taken out of context, from an interview on a comedy show with a guy who calls himself "Charmalagne the God", to make Biden look bad??? Is that the best you can do? Of course it is. You're still selling lame and lying. It's all you ever have.

Easy, you're pathetic.
It makes perfect sense. They hate all religion EXCEPT Islam, don't they?

That violent totalitarian ideology calls itself the religion of peace, after all.
Liberal Peace and Love is very strange

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