Same game, new target.


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2017
New York
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians
You are mentally ill if you correlate Wops who are great people with Islamic pieces of shit. Italian girls = great sex.
Hi. I'm a friend of DOTR. My name is Anthony (Tony Two Guns to my friends). I have to say I agree with your comments that we didn do nuthin wrong and the government is always persecuting us Italians. Thanks.
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

You will have to fill me in on the part where Italians insisted that their wants and needs must be catered to like the muslim refugees......have you a link? What really confuses me (and I am sure it does others) is when did leftardism and islam become kindred souls because leftards are "pro-queer" and "pro-feminism" and anti-religion while islam is anti-queer and women are treated like subservient slaves and even have their genitalia mutilated but most importantly, their religion is everything to's a cult of fanatics that I would say is akin to a cancer that once it takes hold in the body spreads and is just as deadly.

I gotta tell ya, that is one very strange merger of belief systems.
Last edited:
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

Looks like you're putting Italians in the same category as muslims. You're disgracing your people. Muslims are 7th century retrogrades that cause death and destruction where ever they go. You might say most of them are peaceful, maybe they are, but it's those terrorists among them that we need to beware of. An Italian journalist, Oriana Falacci's "The Rage and the Pride" is a pretty good read to learn something about muslims instead of just posting out of some misguided compassion for them.
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

Looks like you're putting Italians in the same category as muslims. You're disgracing your people. Muslims are 7th century retrogrades that cause death and destruction where ever they go. You might say most of them are peaceful, maybe they are, but it's those terrorists among them that we need to beware of. An Italian journalist, Oriana Falacci's "The Rage and the Pride" is a pretty good read to learn something about muslims instead of just posting out of some misguided compassion for them.
Looks like I'm putting humans in the same category as other humans.
You are mentally ill if you correlate Wops who are great people with Islamic pieces of shit. Italian girls = great sex.
Here's the point, you clearly missed it. Some Italians that immigrated probably were violent and probably were criminals. The MAJORITY were not. Just like some Muslims are radicalized and are violent while the MAJORITY are not.
There will be violence found wherever there are humans found, it is human nature.
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

You will have to fill me in on the part where Italians insisted that their wants and needs must be catered to like the muslim refugees......have you a link? What really confuses me (and I am sure it does others) is when did leftardism and islam become kindred souls because leftards are "pro-queer" and "pro-feminism" and anti-religion while islam is anti-queer and women are treated like subservient slaves and even have their genitalia mutilated but most importantly, their religion is everything to's a cult of fanatics that I would say is akin to a cancer that once it takes hold in the body spreads and is just as deadly.

I gotta tell ya, that is one very strange merger of belief systems.
How do Muslim immigrants demand to be catered to?
You are mentally ill if you correlate Wops who are great people with Islamic pieces of shit. Italian girls = great sex.
If Italians are so great why include the racial slur?

Just affirming you're consistent in your discrimination?
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

You will have to fill me in on the part where Italians insisted that their wants and needs must be catered to like the muslim refugees......have you a link? What really confuses me (and I am sure it does others) is when did leftardism and islam become kindred souls because leftards are "pro-queer" and "pro-feminism" and anti-religion while islam is anti-queer and women are treated like subservient slaves and even have their genitalia mutilated but most importantly, their religion is everything to's a cult of fanatics that I would say is akin to a cancer that once it takes hold in the body spreads and is just as deadly.

I gotta tell ya, that is one very strange merger of belief systems.
How do Muslim immigrants demand to be catered to?

Oh, I don't about where I was living a year and a half ago where muslims in Irving, Texas wanted on ordinance passed that would allow voluntary tribunal Sharia courts that would be law binding and pitched a hissyfit when it was barely struck down. Restaurants like Subway that have stopped putting bacon on the menu in certain venues to appease the muslim. Have you seen their behavior in Europe? What a clusterfuck that has become.....most of which are military aged males with low I.Qs....I wonder what's up with that???
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

You will have to fill me in on the part where Italians insisted that their wants and needs must be catered to like the muslim refugees......have you a link? What really confuses me (and I am sure it does others) is when did leftardism and islam become kindred souls because leftards are "pro-queer" and "pro-feminism" and anti-religion while islam is anti-queer and women are treated like subservient slaves and even have their genitalia mutilated but most importantly, their religion is everything to's a cult of fanatics that I would say is akin to a cancer that once it takes hold in the body spreads and is just as deadly.

I gotta tell ya, that is one very strange merger of belief systems.
How do Muslim immigrants demand to be catered to?

Oh, I don't about where I was living a year and a half ago where muslims in Irving, Texas wanted on ordinance passed that would allow voluntary tribunal Sharia courts that would be law binding and pitched a hissyfit when it was barely struck down. Restaurants like Subway that have stopped putting bacon on the menu in certain venues to appease the muslim. Have you seen their behavior in Europe? What a clusterfuck that has become.....most of which are military aged males with low I.Qs....I wonder what's up with that???
I'd like a link on the sharia law thing

And where I'm from we still serve bacon.....
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

You will have to fill me in on the part where Italians insisted that their wants and needs must be catered to like the muslim refugees......have you a link? What really confuses me (and I am sure it does others) is when did leftardism and islam become kindred souls because leftards are "pro-queer" and "pro-feminism" and anti-religion while islam is anti-queer and women are treated like subservient slaves and even have their genitalia mutilated but most importantly, their religion is everything to's a cult of fanatics that I would say is akin to a cancer that once it takes hold in the body spreads and is just as deadly.

I gotta tell ya, that is one very strange merger of belief systems.
How do Muslim immigrants demand to be catered to?

Oh, I don't about where I was living a year and a half ago where muslims in Irving, Texas wanted on ordinance passed that would allow voluntary tribunal Sharia courts that would be law binding and pitched a hissyfit when it was barely struck down. Restaurants like Subway that have stopped putting bacon on the menu in certain venues to appease the muslim. Have you seen their behavior in Europe? What a clusterfuck that has become.....most of which are military aged males with low I.Qs....I wonder what's up with that???
I'd like a link on the sharia law thing

And where I'm from we still serve bacon.....

Muslims are ANGRY at Texas Mayor After She Stops "Sharia Court"... Here Is Her EPIC Response! - The Political Insider
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

You will have to fill me in on the part where Italians insisted that their wants and needs must be catered to like the muslim refugees......have you a link? What really confuses me (and I am sure it does others) is when did leftardism and islam become kindred souls because leftards are "pro-queer" and "pro-feminism" and anti-religion while islam is anti-queer and women are treated like subservient slaves and even have their genitalia mutilated but most importantly, their religion is everything to's a cult of fanatics that I would say is akin to a cancer that once it takes hold in the body spreads and is just as deadly.

I gotta tell ya, that is one very strange merger of belief systems.
How do Muslim immigrants demand to be catered to?

Oh, I don't about where I was living a year and a half ago where muslims in Irving, Texas wanted on ordinance passed that would allow voluntary tribunal Sharia courts that would be law binding and pitched a hissyfit when it was barely struck down. Restaurants like Subway that have stopped putting bacon on the menu in certain venues to appease the muslim. Have you seen their behavior in Europe? What a clusterfuck that has become.....most of which are military aged males with low I.Qs....I wonder what's up with that???
I'd like a link on the sharia law thing

And where I'm from we still serve bacon.....

BTW, I happened to catch the newscast about this while I was having a beer at my favorite neighborhood bar because I do not own a TV.....
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

Looks like you're putting Italians in the same category as muslims. You're disgracing your people. Muslims are 7th century retrogrades that cause death and destruction where ever they go. You might say most of them are peaceful, maybe they are, but it's those terrorists among them that we need to beware of. An Italian journalist, Oriana Falacci's "The Rage and the Pride" is a pretty good read to learn something about muslims instead of just posting out of some misguided compassion for them.
Looks like I'm putting humans in the same category as other humans.

There's your mistake. Some humans have turned into monsters. Maybe you think they still have value as human beings, need to be understood, all lives have value add naseum etc. I don't. One of the first duties of our government is to protect us from those that do us harm. Bringing all these 3rd worlders here without knowing anything about them or testing for diseases and such, is gross stupidity and actually, is criminal on government's part.
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

Looks like you're putting Italians in the same category as muslims. You're disgracing your people. Muslims are 7th century retrogrades that cause death and destruction where ever they go. You might say most of them are peaceful, maybe they are, but it's those terrorists among them that we need to beware of. An Italian journalist, Oriana Falacci's "The Rage and the Pride" is a pretty good read to learn something about muslims instead of just posting out of some misguided compassion for them.
Looks like I'm putting humans in the same category as other humans.

There's your mistake. Some humans have turned into monsters. Maybe you think they still have value as human beings, need to be understood, all lives have value add naseum etc. I don't. One of the first duties of our government is to protect us from those that do us harm. Bringing all these 3rd worlders here without knowing anything about them or testing for diseases and such, is gross stupidity and actually, is criminal on government's part.
No, our mistake was allowing Hillary Clinton to run, because elsewise we would not have a bigoted mouthpiece in the WH who is trying to stop carefully vetted immigration from war torn nations and who, as the 2nd largest emitter of green house gases, has walked away from a world wide agreement to cut back because we didn't want to spend money on it.
It's not just short sighted and ignorant decisions on both fronts, it's bad press for our nation. I used to be able to read posts from you folks and console myself that at least at the levels of government, you are drowned out by reason.
No more.
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

Yeah, right here. :fu:

Italians are Catholics, not Jihadists. They just want to make a better life for themselves, not kill anyone that doesn't worship Allah.

Catholic: Oh, you don't believe in God, aye? Well, you're going to hell.

Muslim: Oh, you don't believe in Allah? Convert or I kill you!

Self owning OP.
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

Yeah, right here. :fu:

Italians are Catholics, not Jihadists. They just want to make a better life for themselves, not kill anyone that doesn't worship Allah.

Catholic: Oh, you don't believe in God, aye? Well, you're going to hell.

Muslim: Oh, you don't believe in Allah? Convert or I kill you!

Self owning OP.
Italians were just trying to make better lives. But were labeled dangerous criminals for no good reason.
All Muslims do not believe non believer should die. Or my college roommate would have killed my sinning ass many years ago.

Like I responded to someone earlier, I'm sure some Italians immigrants were dangerous criminals, MOST were not.
Just like some Muslims are radicalized, MOST are not.

Your comparison of the MAJORITY of Italians to the minority of Muslims highlights the exact problem in our country.
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

Yeah, right here. :fu:

Italians are Catholics, not Jihadists. They just want to make a better life for themselves, not kill anyone that doesn't worship Allah.

Catholic: Oh, you don't believe in God, aye? Well, you're going to hell.

Muslim: Oh, you don't believe in Allah? Convert or I kill you!

Self owning OP.
Italians were just trying to make better lives. But were labeled dangerous criminals for no good reason.
All Muslims do not believe non believer should die. Or my college roommate would have killed my sinning ass many years ago.

Like I responded to someone earlier, I'm sure some Italians immigrants were dangerous criminals, MOST were not.
Just like some Muslims are radicalized, MOST are not.

Your comparison of the MAJORITY of Italians to the minority of Muslims highlights the exact problem in our country.

The majority of Muslims are a lot worse than the majority of Italians.


Please go kick yourself now.
The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subjectdefftionwhims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians
You still can't figure out the definition of legal and not illegal can you?

The current administrations stance and rhetoric on Muslim refugees has "triggered" a deep anger in me.
That is because I have seen it before. I have heard it before. I find this same rhetoric and discrimination in my own heritage,as many of you may also.
As a descendant of Sicilian immigrants, I found this opinion piece deeply touching.

  • "Twelve years ago, I began researching a family murder that happened in Southern Italy in the 19th century. It took a decade to find the details of the crime, but the facts I uncovered about the daily life of my ancestors and the racism they faced — even from their own countrymen — were more shocking than the killing. In today’s climate of refugee bans and xenophobia, the facts have taken on a new urgency and are even more disturbing to me, as they should be to anyone whose family traces its roots to Southern Italy.

    Women like my great-great grandmother Vita Gallitelli came to America for more than simply a better job. Subject to the whims of their padroni — the men who owned the feudal land upon which they toiled — Italian women were commonly the victims of institutionalized, systematic rape. There was a practice known as “prima notte” that allowed the landowner to sleep with the virgin bride of his worker, which extended into the 20th century.

    The husbands couldn’t protest, since they would be barred from working the farm and their families left to starve.
  • From 1906 to 1915, the year Vita died, Basilicata lost nearly 40 percent of its population to emigration. The Italian landowners — the same ones who raped and starved my relatives and maybe yours — were devastated by American emigration, left with too few hands to work their land.

    The Italian government, initially happy to see its poorest and most troublesome people leave the country, realized that the best and strongest were now leaving as well, looking for a better life and higher wages.
The United States government used the theories of Cesare Lombroso, a 19th-century Northern Italian doctor, to stop more of his suffering, starving countrymen and women from immigrating.

Lombroso, a traitor to his own people, was convinced that there was such a thing as a “natural born criminal.” He measured the heads and body parts of thousands of fellow Italians — particularly Southerners — and came up with a description that matched the description of most of the immigrants coming over at the time: short, dark, hairy, big noses and ears.

He compared them to lower primates and said they were more likely to commit violent crimes when they arrived in the United States than immigrants from Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, England and every other European country.

Lombroso — and a growing sea of American nativists — branded the Southern Italians savages and rapists, blaming them for the crime that was on the rise in the United States.

The United States Immigration Commission concluded in the infamous 1911 Dillingham report: “Certain kinds of criminality are inherent in the Italian race. In the popular mind, crimes of personal violence, robbery, blackmail and extortion are peculiar to the people of Italy.”

The Immigration Act of 1924 barred most Italians from coming into the country — causing immigration from Italy to fall 90 percent. Even though the vast majority of those coming to America were good, honest working people and not criminals."

Opinion | When America Barred Italians

Yeah, right here. :fu:

Italians are Catholics, not Jihadists. They just want to make a better life for themselves, not kill anyone that doesn't worship Allah.

Catholic: Oh, you don't believe in God, aye? Well, you're going to hell.

Muslim: Oh, you don't believe in Allah? Convert or I kill you!

Self owning OP.
Italians were just trying to make better lives. But were labeled dangerous criminals for no good reason.
All Muslims do not believe non believer should die. Or my college roommate would have killed my sinning ass many years ago.

Like I responded to someone earlier, I'm sure some Italians immigrants were dangerous criminals, MOST were not.
Just like some Muslims are radicalized, MOST are not.

Your comparison of the MAJORITY of Italians to the minority of Muslims highlights the exact problem in our country.

The majority of Muslims are a lot worse than the majority of Italians.


Please go kick yourself now.
And that's based on your unsubstantiated opinion or have you met the entire population of Italians and Muslims?

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