Same Sex marriage is now legal in Great Britain.


Life is Good
Jul 27, 2009
the road less traveled
Well, technically just England and Wales right now. Scotland later this year.

Hats off to the Brits!

BBC News - Same-sex marriage now legal as first couples wed

The first same-sex weddings have taken place after gay marriage became legal in England and Wales at midnight.

Politicians from the main parties have hailed the change in the law.
David Cameron said the move sent a message that people were now equal "whether gay or straight", but some religious groups remain opposed.

Scotland passed a similar law in February; the first same-sex marriages are expected there in October. Northern Ireland has no plans to follow suit.

In an article for the Pink News website, the prime minister wrote: "This weekend is an important moment for our country.

"It says we are a country that will continue to honour its proud traditions of respect, tolerance and equal worth."

All of America - just around the corner.
Yes, I think it's the right thing to do all around. Marriage is about a lifelong dedication to a union with another person, a mate, a partner in life. I've known gays who were together longer than the average hetero couple. It's all about making a commitment to someone else. It doesn't demean marriage if the two people are same sex. What demeans marriage is how the two involved behave, not what their sex is.
I am actually surprised that the cesspool England has turned into this had not happened already...

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