same sex marriage

[ame=]YouTube - No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature By The Guess Who[/ame] is this the new poster song for gays must be a new mother nature.
YouTube - No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature By The Guess Who
is this the new poster song for gays must be a new mother nature.

Welcome to the new Millennium. Try...


...and she's a hermaphrodite.
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YouTube - No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature By The Guess Who
is this the new poster song for gays must be a new mother nature.

Welcome to the new Millennium. Try...

[ame=]YouTube - Lady GaGa - Love Game (Official Music Video - HQ)[/ame]

...and she's a hermaphrodite.

ou mean heshe's a hermaphrodite.
YouTube - No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature By The Guess Who
is this the new poster song for gays must be a new mother nature.

Welcome to the new Millennium. Try...

[ame=]YouTube - Lady GaGa - Love Game (Official Music Video - HQ)[/ame]

...and she's a hermaphrodite.

ou mean heshe's a hermaphrodite.

As she prefers the female gender role, she's a She.
Hermaphrodites tend to be one gender or another, as far as DNA goes, but they also tend to have their parents choose for them, depending on which sex organ is the most prominently developed..

It is impossible for a person to be two genders, even if they have two types of sex organs, lol
But that aside- if a person is legally allowed to change their gender from a "plumbing" standpoint, and have a heterosexual marriage- that transgender person is still the same sex that they were before..

How do you determine sex, if not by anatomy?

If a man turned into a woman, to be able to marry another man- it wont matter that he has a vagina all of a sudden- he still has a Y chromosome and is marrying a man who also has a Y chromosome..

What about women who have a Y chromosome and don't know it?

I saw that House episode, too- where the girl was immune to testosterone, and was found to be genetically a male, with undecended testicles. I am not an MD, and looking that condition up on the internet brought nothing up besides that House episode and some discussion board messages, so I can only say this: If someone had such a thing, then they are still technically a male, lol..

I am only speaking about genetics here- the birth certificate is what most registrars use to approve marriage licenses. The birth certificates of people who are hermaphrodites are often wrong, and even females that have an unusually large clitoris (as a result of a birth defect, or genetic disposition, etc) because the male organs have not descended yet, or the penis is too small to be "obvious".
In the past, blood testing was not always even available for gender.. and may not have been widely utilized..

Oh and for the person who asked about the adam's apple- there is a surgery that transsexuals can get to make their adam's apples smaller, or hidden, although I do not know what is this surgery entails. (Google "adam's apple" "plastic surgery" if you don't believe me) They offer this so that people who have large adam's apples can look more feminine.. The female neck is a very sensual and attractive part of a woman's body, to men, primarily because it does not have that adam's apple..

My whole point to all this is that since someone can get a gender change, and change their gender legally, then it should really be noted by the homophobes that anyone willing to go that far to marry someone they love can LEGALLY do it.

I just dont agree that a person should have to be subjected to undergoing gender alteration surgery, as well as all the damned testosterone or estrogen treatments, just to friggin marry someone they love! I think that is just AWFUL that some people have to either live in misery or do that, to be able to have a wedding and a contract.
But that aside- if a person is legally allowed to change their gender from a "plumbing" standpoint, and have a heterosexual marriage- that transgender person is still the same sex that they were before..

How do you determine sex, if not by anatomy?

If a man turned into a woman, to be able to marry another man- it wont matter that he has a vagina all of a sudden- he still has a Y chromosome and is marrying a man who also has a Y chromosome..

What about women who have a Y chromosome and don't know it?

I saw that House episode, too- where the girl was immune to testosterone, and was found to be genetically a male, with undecended testicles. I am not an MD, and looking that condition up on the internet brought nothing up besides that House episode and some discussion board messages, so I can only say this: If someone had such a thing, then they are still technically a male, lol..

I am only speaking about genetics here- the birth certificate is what most registrars use to approve marriage licenses. The birth certificates of people who are hermaphrodites are often wrong, and even females that have an unusually large clitoris (as a result of a birth defect, or genetic disposition, etc) because the male organs have not descended yet, or the penis is too small to be "obvious".
In the past, blood testing was not always even available for gender.. and may not have been widely utilized..

Oh and for the person who asked about the adam's apple- there is a surgery that transsexuals can get to make their adam's apples smaller, or hidden, although I do not know what is this surgery entails. (Google "adam's apple" "plastic surgery" if you don't believe me) They offer this so that people who have large adam's apples can look more feminine.. The female neck is a very sensual and attractive part of a woman's body, to men, primarily because it does not have that adam's apple..

My whole point to all this is that since someone can get a gender change, and change their gender legally, then it should really be noted by the homophobes that anyone willing to go that far to marry someone they love can LEGALLY do it.

I just dont agree that a person should have to be subjected to undergoing gender alteration surgery, as well as all the damned testosterone or estrogen treatments, just to friggin marry someone they love! I think that is just AWFUL that some people have to either live in misery or do that, to be able to have a wedding and a contract.

that house he can call em, can't he.
LOL... Like I said, I found nothing on the internet about that condition, but that does not mean it does not exist.. and anyways it is entirely beside the point.
LOL... Like I said, I found nothing on the internet about that condition, but that does not mean it does not exist.. and anyways it is entirely beside the point.

You seem to suffer from a severe case of LoG

Know what I'd like to see happen to you Sucking Idiot? time you go out to a bar, I hope some post op comes up to you, gets you all hot and bothered, takes you to bed, and after she bones your brains out, she tells you that she used to be a he.

I'd laugh all week if that happened!

By the way, for another example of a person being both sexes? Remember that African runner chick who may lose her gold medal as she's actually a dude? At first the governing body of runners had thought she'd been taking testosterone, as hers was 3 times higher than all the other women.

They later found out that genetically, she is both male and female. Matter of fact, if you look at her, she's got more angles than curves, and her shoulders are wider than her hips.

In women, hips are wider than the shoulders.
How do you determine sex, if not by anatomy?

What about women who have a Y chromosome and don't know it?

Women who have a Y chromosome? Okay, SOMEONE was asleep in biology class.

Yes, it appears you were

Let me google that for you

You're referencing people with a genetic birth defect that makes them biologically male as "females with Y chromosomes"? I take it back. You weren't asleep in biology class. You were asleep in READING class.

The next time you condescendingly Google something to prove your case, dipshit, try getting someone to read it to YOU first.
But that aside- if a person is legally allowed to change their gender from a "plumbing" standpoint, and have a heterosexual marriage- that transgender person is still the same sex that they were before..

How do you determine sex, if not by anatomy?

If a man turned into a woman, to be able to marry another man- it wont matter that he has a vagina all of a sudden- he still has a Y chromosome and is marrying a man who also has a Y chromosome..

What about women who have a Y chromosome and don't know it?

I saw that House episode, too- where the girl was immune to testosterone, and was found to be genetically a male, with undecended testicles. I am not an MD, and looking that condition up on the internet brought nothing up besides that House episode and some discussion board messages, so I can only say this: If someone had such a thing, then they are still technically a male, lol..

I am only speaking about genetics here- the birth certificate is what most registrars use to approve marriage licenses. The birth certificates of people who are hermaphrodites are often wrong, and even females that have an unusually large clitoris (as a result of a birth defect, or genetic disposition, etc) because the male organs have not descended yet, or the penis is too small to be "obvious".
In the past, blood testing was not always even available for gender.. and may not have been widely utilized..

Oh and for the person who asked about the adam's apple- there is a surgery that transsexuals can get to make their adam's apples smaller, or hidden, although I do not know what is this surgery entails. (Google "adam's apple" "plastic surgery" if you don't believe me) They offer this so that people who have large adam's apples can look more feminine.. The female neck is a very sensual and attractive part of a woman's body, to men, primarily because it does not have that adam's apple..

My whole point to all this is that since someone can get a gender change, and change their gender legally, then it should really be noted by the homophobes that anyone willing to go that far to marry someone they love can LEGALLY do it.

I just dont agree that a person should have to be subjected to undergoing gender alteration surgery, as well as all the damned testosterone or estrogen treatments, just to friggin marry someone they love! I think that is just AWFUL that some people have to either live in misery or do that, to be able to have a wedding and a contract.

If you want to look it up, it's called XY intersex, and it used to be called male pseudohermaphroditism. And why doesn't it surprise me to find out that Setarcos the dumbass is getting his "biological knowledge" from a television show?
Women who have a Y chromosome? Okay, SOMEONE was asleep in biology class.

Yes, it appears you were

Let me google that for you

You're referencing people with a genetic birth defect that makes them biologically male as "females with Y chromosomes"? I take it back. You weren't asleep in biology class. You were asleep in READING class.

The next time you condescendingly Google something to prove your case, dipshit, try getting someone to read it to YOU first.
So now you're upset because I proved females can have a y chromosome?

Wait... there's more...

xxy males - Google Search

That's right,. men with two x chromosomes

wait.. and even a girl with two x chromosomes- and a y

SpringerLink - Journal Article
Abstract A 47,XXY karyotype was found in a 6-year-old girl. The patient had female external genitalia, clitoromegaly, remnants of the ductus mesonephricus, uterus, and gonads in the labia majora which were determined to be testes by histology. Cytogenetic and DNA analyses suggest that the Y chromosome had a normal structure and that both X chromosomes were of maternal origin. The unusual clinical findings in the patient are discussed.

So far as I know, the only impossibility would be having no x chromosome (since it contains information not present on the y)

You're referencing people with a genetic birth defect that makes them biologically male as "females with Y chromosomes"? I take it back. You weren't asleep in biology class. You were asleep in READING class.

The next time you condescendingly Google something to prove your case, dipshit, try getting someone to read it to YOU first.
So now you're upset because I proved females can have a y chromosome?

Wait... there's more...

xxy males - Google Search

That's right,. men with two x chromosomes

wait.. and even a girl with two x chromosomes- and a y

SpringerLink - Journal Article
Abstract A 47,XXY karyotype was found in a 6-year-old girl. The patient had female external genitalia, clitoromegaly, remnants of the ductus mesonephricus, uterus, and gonads in the labia majora which were determined to be testes by histology. Cytogenetic and DNA analyses suggest that the Y chromosome had a normal structure and that both X chromosomes were of maternal origin. The unusual clinical findings in the patient are discussed.

So far as I know, the only impossibility would be having no x chromosome (since it contains information not present on the y)

No, I'm laughing at your ignorant ass because you don't know the difference between a woman and a hermaphrodite, and you don't know enough to READ your own fucking Googles before you proudly proclaim that they prove you right, when they in fact prove you full of shit.

It doesn't matter whether someone LOOKS like a female or not. Sex is determined by genetics, and if you are genetically an XY, then you are genetically a man. If you appear to have external female genitalia, then you are a hermaphrodite, not a woman.

". . . were determined to be testes by histology". Oh, look! Male sex organs! Gee, wonder what THAT means!

I'm laughing at your ignorant ass because you don't know the difference between a woman and a hermaphrodite

one having both male and female sexual characteristics and organs; at birth an unambiguous assignment of male or female cannot be made

We weren't discussing hermaphrodites; we were discussing males and females with karyotypes that you might not expect
and you don't know enough to READ your own fucking Googles before you proudly proclaim that they prove you right, when they in fact prove you full of shit.

It doesn't matter whether someone LOOKS like a female or not. Sex is determined by genetics, and if you are genetically an XY, then you are genetically a man. If you appear to have external female genitalia, then you are a hermaphrodite, not a woman.

Actually, male-female designation has historical and is still primarily determined by physical sexual characteristics. If it were just DNA, there'd be no 'hermaphrodites', only men and women with congenital defects.
". . . were determined to be testes by histology". Oh, look! Male sex organs! Gee, wonder what THAT means!

Did you read the rest of the linked information?

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