San Antonio city council passes resolution declaring Chinese virus to be hate speech

Oh, come on! Stop whining! What total imbeciles thought up "the Chinese virus" and the "Kung Flu virus"? What possible motive would they have except to incite bigotry against people of Asian background? Not that any attack on anyone of Chinese ancestry can ever be considered acceptable, but there also have been acts against Thais, Cambodians, Koreans, etc., who aren't even Chinese, by people who have to be total assholes. It reminds me of the monkeys who attacked Sikhs, whose religion is totally different than Islam, after 9/11.

The level of ignorance in this country is staggering, and we must protect our protect our people, of all kinds, from the violent and ignorant.
How does calling it Kung Flu equate to condoning attacks on Asian people?

My God, you people are retarded.

You know damn well that one or more of putin's cheap little poodles will go and attack someone, verbally, physically, or both. Again, why would anyone say these things in the first place? It's a public admission that their parents were failures.
Well, number one we say it as a joke. Like when I talk to a friend or family member I might ask, “Do you know anyone who has the Kung flu?” So far no one I ask has gone and attacked any Asian people. I personally know Chinese people, from Wuhan in fact, and so far I haven’t had an urge to attack them.
Oh, come on! Stop whining! What total imbeciles thought up "the Chinese virus" and the "Kung Flu virus"?

The leftist New York Times?

How about CNN?

(CNN)A new Chinese coronavirus, a cousin of the SARS virus, has infected hundreds since the outbreak began in Wuhan, China,

The level of ignorance in this country is staggering.

Your level of weakness is staggering.
What kind of a scumbag would use terms like these in the first place? It takes somebody who lives in a sewer to do this.
Progressive scum live in a sewer. The virus came from China, it's the China virus.
Oh, come on! Stop whining! What total imbeciles thought up "the Chinese virus" and the "Kung Flu virus"?

The leftist New York Times?

How about CNN?

(CNN)A new Chinese coronavirus, a cousin of the SARS virus, has infected hundreds since the outbreak began in Wuhan, China,

The level of ignorance in this country is staggering.

Your level of weakness is staggering.

And? All they wrote was that the virus was thought to have originated in China. Then the orange whore started thinking up names for it to further his political agenda, and the imbeciles who worship him parroted it all over the internet. A lot of these imbeciles are so ignorant that they will even go bother Asians who are not Chinese. This trash don't even know that a Japanese, a Korean, a Thai, etc. have nothing to do with China. Ignorance abounds among the whore's supporters.
Oh, come on! Stop whining! What total imbeciles thought up "the Chinese virus" and the "Kung Flu virus"?

The leftist New York Times?

How about CNN?

(CNN)A new Chinese coronavirus, a cousin of the SARS virus, has infected hundreds since the outbreak began in Wuhan, China,

The level of ignorance in this country is staggering.

Your level of weakness is staggering.

And? All they wrote was that the virus was thought to have originated in China. Then the orange whore started thinking up names for it to further his political agenda, and the imbeciles who worship him parroted it all over the internet. A lot of these imbeciles are so ignorant that they will even go bother Asians who are not Chinese. This trash don't even know that a Japanese, a Korean, a Thai, etc. have nothing to do with China. Ignorance abounds among the whore's supporters.
Oh, come on! Stop whining! What total imbeciles thought up "the Chinese virus" and the "Kung Flu virus"?

The leftist New York Times?

How about CNN?

(CNN)A new Chinese coronavirus, a cousin of the SARS virus, has infected hundreds since the outbreak began in Wuhan, China,

The level of ignorance in this country is staggering.

Your level of weakness is staggering.


And they think just like you and you called them imbeciles, so it sounds like you nailed it.
What kind of a scumbag would use terms like these in the first place? It takes somebody who lives in a sewer to do this
The same way Swine flu came from pigs and Hong Kong flu came from Hong Kong and swept through Asia the Chinese flu has it's origin in Wuhan China.

Hopefully the attendants at the mental institution you reside in will severely limit your access to a keyboard.

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