San Diego County officials shut down home Bible study

oddly enough isnt this what christians did to other sects...

Often, yes. Many will abuse the laws to try to "punish" the others. But the sad fact is that it's still legal, thus why abusing the law often goes unpunished itself. Still though, I would rather someone get more of the facts involved, everything posted still has a religious slant to it.
Can either of you give an example where 'christians' have done this to other people in violation of the Constitution? Just curious as to what you are referring too.
my neighbors are free will baptist....i can hear their sermons clearly at my house...they must live a block away....not live but hold services...the preacher walks on the back of the pews etc...they also having parking problems....and they do not pay taxes on the land they own in the churches name..they are all for paying fair shares as long as it is you paying....and as for bible meetings in one homes....if this is weekly...then its more than a tupperware party and last time i played poker....their were maybe 15 of us..and we all parked in my drive....(long drive) if they are causing noise, leaving trash, taking up others parking then they are simply being bad neighbors which by the way i have found christians to be bad neighbors more often than not

Christians are bad neighbors? :lol: What a comment to make, no bias there...:lol:
I guess you had to be here. San Diegans have an inferiority complex over their conservative neighbors to the north, Orange County, and seem to want to overcompensate with a lot of over the top lefty sabre rattling.

Oh, geez.................@@ :cuckoo:
I don't think we get the whole story from this small news article. There are so many other issues to keep in mind. My home does not have the parking for 10 to 15 other people. How many more cars is that? We are all tolerant for the occasional Tupperware party or Birthday Party but not for someone to have that many cars every week. My neighbors would not be happy with the incovience every week. No matter what kind of meeting it is.

I am also wondering about tax exempt status on their home. If you are holding weekly religious meetings on your property does that make it a place of worship? Are you one day not going to be paying taxes on that property?

If the husband is a pastor then save all your neighbors the hassle and meet at his church. I
where in the heck is the ACLU now? Why aren't they defending these people's first amendment rights?

this is utter bull crap imo.
They are not into protecting the rights of Christians, never have been.

Sorry, that is 100% nonsense. Many of the cases filed by the ACLU regarding religion in government were brought on behalf of christians.
I don't think we get the whole story from this small news article. There are so many other issues to keep in mind. My home does not have the parking for 10 to 15 other people. How many more cars is that? We are all tolerant for the occasional Tupperware party or Birthday Party but not for someone to have that many cars every week. My neighbors would not be happy with the incovience every week. No matter what kind of meeting it is.

I am also wondering about tax exempt status on their home. If you are holding weekly religious meetings on your property does that make it a place of worship? Are you one day not going to be paying taxes on that property?

If the husband is a pastor then save all your neighbors the hassle and meet at his church. I

It's different when you meet in someone's home. If they like the way it feels in a more intimate setting why shouldn't they be allowed to do it. Oh noes there are a bunch of cars on the street. BFD. This isn't about cars or they wouldn't have been questioned about the nature of what they were doing inside.
I don't think we get the whole story from this small news article. There are so many other issues to keep in mind. My home does not have the parking for 10 to 15 other people. How many more cars is that? We are all tolerant for the occasional Tupperware party or Birthday Party but not for someone to have that many cars every week. My neighbors would not be happy with the incovience every week. No matter what kind of meeting it is.

I am also wondering about tax exempt status on their home. If you are holding weekly religious meetings on your property does that make it a place of worship? Are you one day not going to be paying taxes on that property?

If the husband is a pastor then save all your neighbors the hassle and meet at his church. I

that's what I think too.

In spite of the hand wringing from the drama queens, this article simply didn't provide enough information, and merely reported one side.

If somebody was clogging up the public street by my house with 15 cars once a week, I might get a little pissed too and call the county. If it was every now and then, I wouldn't care. But clogging up the public street once a week?
I don't think we get the whole story from this small news article. There are so many other issues to keep in mind. My home does not have the parking for 10 to 15 other people. How many more cars is that? We are all tolerant for the occasional Tupperware party or Birthday Party but not for someone to have that many cars every week. My neighbors would not be happy with the incovience every week. No matter what kind of meeting it is.

I am also wondering about tax exempt status on their home. If you are holding weekly religious meetings on your property does that make it a place of worship? Are you one day not going to be paying taxes on that property?

If the husband is a pastor then save all your neighbors the hassle and meet at his church. I

that's what I think too.

In spite of the hand wringing from the drama queens, this article simply didn't provide enough information, and merely reported one side.

If somebody was clogging up the public street by my house with 15 cars once a week, I might get a little pissed too and call the county. If it was every now and then, I wouldn't care. But clogging up the public street once a week?

How come you lefty drones can jump to conclusions about a kid getting tasered by cops but you suddenly put your skeptical hats on when it's not your ox being gored?

The neighbors did not complain, after a long time.
Where, oh where, is the ACLU in all this?

Oh, that's right. They're busy protecting the right of child molesters to congregate and spread their philosophy of "special love".......

This is exactly what I've been talking about for more than a year. The left is moving towards declaring the bible as "hate speech" and shutting down freedom of speech for the express purpose of shutting down churches, keeping Christians out of politics and positions of power.
Where, oh where, is the ACLU in all this?

Oh, that's right. They're busy protecting the right of child molesters to congregate and spread their philosophy of "special love".......

This is exactly what I've been talking about for more than a year. The left is moving towards declaring the bible as "hate speech" and shutting down freedom of speech for the express purpose of shutting down churches, keeping Christians out of politics and positions of power.

Bwaaahaaa! Talk about a slippery slope!
I read the article through more than one cource. I also sent the San Diego County Code Enforcement an email asking them for some details. I told them that I do want to know for sure that the story is true, and that if it is I would hope they would back off and leave Constitutional rights of people alone.

I also signed a petirion to the county to recend the case.

I have not gotten a response from the county yet.
Um ... even in the article it points out that it isn't about the "bible study" but about city regulations.

Broyles also said this case has broader implications.

"If the county thinks they can shut down groups of 10 or 15 Christians meeting in a home, what about people who meet regularly at home for poker night? What about people who meet for Tupperware parties? What about people who are meeting to watch baseball games on a regular basis and support the Chargers?" Broyles asked.

Except I don't think he's saying he's worried that the county will start going after Tupperware parties. I think he's saying how come the county ISN'T going after any of these other things, but only the Bible study? Look at the questions these people were asked. The county wasn't trying to establish any "parking or environmental concerns". It was investigating what they were doing while they were gathered together.
the hell you say..

sounds like it was about bible study to me.. if they had a beer party every week with 15 participants not a damn word would have been said.. go peddle that shit somewhere else.

Permits don't cost that much, and you can get them free if you know the right channels. Also, yes, I would have called the cops on a beer party in a heart beat, especially if they were too loud. Try again. It's still more about regulations of assembly, the religious part was just hyped by the media to make it controversial so fools would buy it.

As usual you are dead wrong! dead wrong! how many times can you cite that the city issued permits for beer parties.. show me that then I might believe you..

Absolutely. One of my best friends routinely has hundreds of people at his house for parties. I've never heard of the city demanding any kind of permit for such a thing (although I don't live in San Diego, so maybe they make you get permits for birthday parties and such. But I doubt it).
It's bullshit no matter how you dice it to tell anyone they cannot have a few people over to their home for Bible study. Screamers about personal rights to orgies would be throwing a fit if their rights were violated in such a manner as this.

Also a good point. I can tell you right now that there are at least two private BDSM clubs in San Diego who hold weekly play parties in people's houses (call 'em orgies if you want to) because they don't like the more official clubs. I'll bet you a dollar the government isn't hauling THEM in for questioning.
It's bullshit no matter how you dice it to tell anyone they cannot have a few people over to their home for Bible study. Screamers about personal rights to orgies would be throwing a fit if their rights were violated in such a manner as this.

Also a good point. I can tell you right now that there are at least two private BDSM clubs in San Diego who hold weekly play parties in people's houses (call 'em orgies if you want to) because they don't like the more official clubs. I'll bet you a dollar the government isn't hauling THEM in for questioning.

How do you know this?
*shrug* the issue is that he seems to be clogging up the street each week, which the county has the right to regulate. They seem to be going about it in a poor manner, but this isn't about what hes allowed to do in his home, its about not being a nuisance to the community.

so then dear genius,, why all the questions about religion doyathink? go peddle that shit somewhere else.

The questions about religion were to try to find a statute on the books to prevent an ongoing nuisance. Next?

They have to look that hard and ask about whether the people are praying to find a statute to cover "clogging up the street"? Bullshit. The average street cop knows what law that violates, so I sincerely doubt the county has to look that hard.
show me how many times they cite demands for permits for beer or bunco parties,, then I'll believe it was not about religion..

Show me examples of beer or bunco parties that went on weekly and clogged up the neighborhood with cars.

you obviously don't live in a college town....any given weekend in slo over by poly and you will find this

And how about football season, where guys have all their buddies over every Sunday to watch the game on the big screen TV? One of my neighbors does this.

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