San Fran City sues Trumper admin over sanctuary cities

I don't know how much federal aid that California based Universities get but Trump should double down and cut off federal aid to Berkley until they get control over the students.
You can not deprive a state university, or a school district of federal funds because a city in the state refuses to cooperate with the federal government on immigration or because the president just doesn't like what the university is doing.

However, if S.F. refuses to render the specific cooperation specified in federal law, then some funds related to law enforcement could be withheld from the city. What funds are questionable? If an entity, say a school district receives federal funds for a project but fails to do that project or meet the requirements of the project the federal government can be take action. What the federal government can't do is to take funds from a project which is completely unrelated to immigration or from a totally different goverment entity.

But they can withhold money form the schools police departments if they don't comply with federal law.
Why have a war on crime or poverty?

More deflection?
Just "bipolar-ism" from our (expensive) public sectors?

We have a general welfare clause and a commerce clause; what economic paradigm do You think we should be pursuing?

Maybe you should learn to read. The General Welfare referred to in Article 1, Section 8. Clause 1, AKA the taxing and spending clause is a spending category that is limited by the remainder of Section 8. The commerce clause is a limit on federal power, it limits federal influence to interstate commerce, foreign commerce and trade with the indian tribes, it gives the feds zero authority on intrastate commerce or the over all economy.
You can not deprive a state university, or a school district of federal funds because a city in the state refuses to cooperate with the federal government on immigration or because the president just doesn't like what the university is doing.

However, if S.F. refuses to render the specific cooperation specified in federal law, then some funds related to law enforcement could be withheld from the city. What funds are questionable? If an entity, say a school district receives federal funds for a project but fails to do that project or meet the requirements of the project the federal government can be take action. What the federal government can't do is to take funds from a project which is completely unrelated to immigration or from a totally different goverment entity.

But they can withhold money form the schools police departments if they don't comply with federal law.
Why have a war on crime or poverty?

More deflection?
Just "bipolar-ism" from our (expensive) public sectors?

We have a general welfare clause and a commerce clause; what economic paradigm do You think we should be pursuing?

Maybe you should learn to read. The General Welfare referred to in Article 1, Section 8. Clause 1, AKA the taxing and spending clause is a spending category that is limited by the remainder of Section 8. The commerce clause is a limit on federal power, it limits federal influence to interstate commerce, foreign commerce and trade with the indian tribes, it gives the feds zero authority on intrastate commerce or the over all economy.
Just national and socialist right wing propaganda.

I noticed to you didn't actually cite our supreme law of the land.

I will keep it simple for you, dear.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises,

to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States;​

but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

That is the social Power delegated to our federal Congress, for the Union.

All you have, is specific Examples, of what they meant, by common Defense and general Welfare.

it is termed and styled, the federal Doctrine.
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The US already has the strictest vetting process for immigrants in the world.

That means NOTHING when pertaining to people who can't be vetted. Syrian refugees have nothing to vet. And who would you ask for information ? Bashar Assad ? The ISIS "Trojan Horse" disguised as Syrian refugees is a simple manuever. About a year ago ISIS took over the Syrian passport office in Aleppo. They can create their own phony passports from thousands of blank books in stock. When Jim Comey said Syrian refugees could not be vetted, he was merely saying what we all already knew. Ho hum. yawn ****
The US already has the strictest vetting process for immigrants in the world.

That means NOTHING when pertaining to people who can't be vetted. Syrian refugees have nothing to vet. And who would you ask for information ? Bashar Assad ? The ISIS "Trojan Horse" disguised as Syrian refugees is a simple manuever. About a year ago ISIS took over the Syrian passport office in Aleppo. They can create their own phony passports from thousands of blank books in stock. When Jim Comey said Syrian refugees could not be vetted, he was merely saying what we all already knew. Ho hum. yawn ****
Passports are not required or even used in the vetting process of refugees. To pass the vetting process, the applicant must pass both biometric checks and a background investigations. For refugees, the lack of data needed to qualify the applicant works against the applicant; that is the refugee is considered unqualified until proven otherwise. This is a major difference between refugee processing and normal visa and immigrant processing.

The biometric checks are the processing of fingerprints, photos, and retinal scans against databases with over a billion records. The retinal scans are used to track the movement of the applicant in and out refugee camps. The results are biometric checks are integrated into the biographical investigation.

The biographical investigation consist of validating information collected mostly from the applicant in a series of interviews with the applicant, family members including children, past employers, and references. With each round of interviews discrepancies are resolved or the application is denied.

Since the number of applicants always exceed the number applying, most applicants are not accepted during the 18 to 24 months of the vetting process. Since the US vetting process takes longer than most other countries, many applicants withdraw their application in favor of another destination.

Fact Sheet: Fiscal Year 2016 Refugee Admissions
Refugee Processing and Security Screening
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The US already has the strictest vetting process for immigrants in the world.

That means NOTHING when pertaining to people who can't be vetted. Syrian refugees have nothing to vet. And who would you ask for information ? Bashar Assad ? The ISIS "Trojan Horse" disguised as Syrian refugees is a simple manuever. About a year ago ISIS took over the Syrian passport office in Aleppo. They can create their own phony passports from thousands of blank books in stock. When Jim Comey said Syrian refugees could not be vetted, he was merely saying what we all already knew. Ho hum. yawn ****
a market friendly visa could collect market friendly metrics; ostensibly, for the sake of capitalism and not socialism.
The US already has the strictest vetting process for immigrants in the world.

That means NOTHING when pertaining to people who can't be vetted. Syrian refugees have nothing to vet. And who would you ask for information ? Bashar Assad ? The ISIS "Trojan Horse" disguised as Syrian refugees is a simple manuever. About a year ago ISIS took over the Syrian passport office in Aleppo. They can create their own phony passports from thousands of blank books in stock. When Jim Comey said Syrian refugees could not be vetted, he was merely saying what we all already knew. Ho hum. yawn ****
Passports are not required or even used in the vetting process of refugees. To pass the vetting process, the applicant must pass both biometric checks and a background investigations. For refugees, the lack of data needed to qualify the applicant works against the applicant; that is the refugee is considered unqualified until proven otherwise. This is a major difference between refugee processing and normal visa and immigrant processing.

The biometric checks are the processing of fingerprints, photos, and retinal scans against databases with over a billion records. The retinal scans are used to track the movement of the applicant in and out refugee camps. The results are biometric checks are integrated into the biographical investigation.

The biographical investigation consist of validating information collected mostly from the applicant in a series of interviews with the applicant, family members including children, past employers, and references. With each round of interviews discrepancies are resolved or the application is denied.

Since the number of applicants always exceed the number applying, most applicants are not accepted during the 18 to 24 months of the vetting process. Since the US vetting process takes longer than most other countries, many applicants withdraw their application in favor of another destination.

Fact Sheet: Fiscal Year 2016 Refugee Admissions
Refugee Processing and Security Screening
Sounds like it would be easier to just crawl over the freakin' wall
Passports are not required or even used in the vetting process of refugees. To pass the vetting process, the applicant must pass both biometric checks and a background investigations. For refugees, the lack of data needed to qualify the applicant works against the applicant; that is the refugee is considered unqualified until proven otherwise. This is a major difference between refugee processing and normal visa and immigrant processing.

The biometric checks are the processing of fingerprints, photos, and retinal scans against databases with over a billion records. The retinal scans are used to track the movement of the applicant in and out refugee camps. The results are biometric checks are integrated into the biographical investigation.

The biographical investigation consist of validating information collected mostly from the applicant in a series of interviews with the applicant, family members including children, past employers, and references. With each round of interviews discrepancies are resolved or the application is denied.

Since the number of applicants always exceed the number applying, most applicants are not accepted during the 18 to 24 months of the vetting process. Since the US vetting process takes longer than most other countries, many applicants withdraw their application in favor of another destination.

Fact Sheet: Fiscal Year 2016 Refugee Admissions
Refugee Processing and Security Screening
When Jim Comey said Syrian refugees could not be vetted, he was merely saying what we all already knew. Ho hum. yawn ****

There is no such thing as vetting of Syrian refugees.

For that matter, all Muslims who follow the Koran (the definition of being a Muslim) are committed to killing all non-Muslims, so by the law that Trump is basing his ban on, NO MUSLIMS, from anywhere should be admitted. Ever read the Koran ? Cover to cover mass genocide. Try verses 8:12, 9:5, and 9:123 for starters..

Now learn something about US law >>
  1. U.S. CodeTitle 8Chapter 12Subchapter IIPart II › § 1182
Scroll to Part 3 >>
(3)Security and related grounds

(A)In general Any alien who a consular officer or the Attorney General knows, or has reasonable ground to believe, seeks to enter the United States to engage solely, principally, or incidentally in—
any activity (I) to violate any law of the United States relating to espionage or sabotage or (II) to violate or evade any law prohibiting the export from the United States of goods, technology, or sensitive information,
any other unlawful activity, or
any activity a purpose of which is the opposition to, or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the United States by force, violence, or other unlawful means,
is inadmissible.
(B)Terrorist activities
(i)In generalAny alien who—
has engaged in a terrorist activity;
a consular officer, the Attorney General, or the Secretary of Homeland Security knows, or has reasonable ground to believe, is engaged in or is likely to engage after entry in any terrorist activity (as defined in clause (iv));
has, under circumstances indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily harm, incited terrorist activity;
(IV)is a representative (as defined in clause (v)) of—
a terrorist organization (as defined in clause (vi)); or
a political, social, or other group that endorses or espouses terrorist activity;
is a member of a terrorist organization described in subclause (I) or (II) of clause (vi);
is a member of a terrorist organization described in clause (vi)(III), unless the alien can demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that the alien did not know, and should not reasonably have known, that the organization was a terrorist organization;
endorses or espouses terrorist activity or persuades others to endorse or espouse terrorist activity or support a terrorist organization;
Passports are not required or even used in the vetting process of refugees. To pass the vetting process, the applicant must pass both biometric checks and a background investigations. For refugees, the lack of data needed to qualify the applicant works against the applicant; that is the refugee is considered unqualified until proven otherwise. This is a major difference between refugee processing and normal visa and immigrant processing.

The biometric checks are the processing of fingerprints, photos, and retinal scans against databases with over a billion records. The retinal scans are used to track the movement of the applicant in and out refugee camps. The results are biometric checks are integrated into the biographical investigation.

The biographical investigation consist of validating information collected mostly from the applicant in a series of interviews with the applicant, family members including children, past employers, and references. With each round of interviews discrepancies are resolved or the application is denied.

Since the number of applicants always exceed the number applying, most applicants are not accepted during the 18 to 24 month vetting process. Since the US vetting process takes longer than most other countries, many applicants withdraw their application in favor of another destination.

Fact Sheet: Fiscal Year 2016 Refugee Admissions
Refugee Processing and Security Screening
When Jim Comey said Syrian refugees could not be vetted, he was merely saying what we all already knew. Ho hum. yawn ****

There is no such thing as vetting of Syrian refugees.

For that matter, all Muslims who follow the Koran (the definition of being a Muslim) are committed to killing all non-Muslims, so by the law that Trump is basing his ban on, NO MUSLIMS, from anywhere should be admitted. Ever read the Koran ? Cover to cover mass genocide. Try verses 8:12, 9:5, and 9:123 for starters..

Now learn something about US law >>
  1. U.S. CodeTitle 8Chapter 12Subchapter IIPart II › § 1182
Scroll to Part 3 >>
(3)Security and related grounds

(A)In general Any alien who a consular officer or the Attorney General knows, or has reasonable ground to believe, seeks to enter the United States to engage solely, principally, or incidentally in—
any activity (I) to violate any law of the United States relating to espionage or sabotage or (II) to violate or evade any law prohibiting the export from the United States of goods, technology, or sensitive information,
any other unlawful activity, or
any activity a purpose of which is the opposition to, or the control or overthrow of, the Government of the United States by force, violence, or other unlawful means,
is inadmissible.
(B)Terrorist activities
(i)In generalAny alien who—
has engaged in a terrorist activity;
a consular officer, the Attorney General, or the Secretary of Homeland Security knows, or has reasonable ground to believe, is engaged in or is likely to engage after entry in any terrorist activity (as defined in clause (iv));
has, under circumstances indicating an intention to cause death or serious bodily harm, incited terrorist activity;
(IV)is a representative (as defined in clause (v)) of—
a terrorist organization (as defined in clause (vi)); or
a political, social, or other group that endorses or espouses terrorist activity;
is a member of a terrorist organization described in subclause (I) or (II) of clause (vi);
is a member of a terrorist organization described in clause (vi)(III), unless the alien can demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that the alien did not know, and should not reasonably have known, that the organization was a terrorist organization;
endorses or espouses terrorist activity or persuades others to endorse or espouse terrorist activity or support a terrorist organization;
You are distorting a point Comey was making about a flaw in the vetting process. He was reiterating that the system in place was actually much better than it had been in years past. Comey said he could not guarantee that there would never be a problem and no terrorist could ever slip through the cracks. The only way that can be achieved is to seal the boarders and let no one in.

What you ignore is terrorism is not a significant risk to Americans in the US. Before we destroy the foundation this country is built on, we might want to wait till the threat is at least as great as dying from lighting bolts.

The vetting process certainly does not depend on biometric databases. In fact the 18 to 24 month period is primarily interviews with the applicant, family, employers, and neighbors checking and cross checking the accuracy of statements and documents. The existence of databases to check identity and background is rarely complete information for refugees. When we brought in Cuban Refugees there was little available from Cuba. We depended on interviews. The same has been true for refugees from all over the world for over 35 years.
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City Of San Francisco Sues Trump Administration | Hoodline

The strategy, I think, is to drag this out and protect immigrants until Trump is impeached, leaves office, or dies normally, which ever comes first.
Clearly sounds like "aiding and abetting" federal criminals and thus all who do this can simply be arrested by the feds and the feds can put in temporary federal authorities and force local law enforcement to obey the law.
It takes a special kind of stupid to sue in order to avoid the law.
The "Law" in Nazi Germany said it's OK to gas Jews. It takes a special kid of stupid to blindly abide by all laws without ever asking questions. This is another reason why Libs are always calling you guys fascists. You have those tendencies

Last time I checked, progressives and fascists were hand in hand, praising each other.

It doesn't surprise me, "libs" are calling everyone else every name that they used to be.

So, is he equating the gassing of Jews with a temporary travel ban?

Not sure I understand your question. Who's he?


"The "Law" in Nazi Germany said it's OK to gas Jews"
God Bless Texas! Abbott is doing the right thing. Next it needs to be done at the Federal level.

In "sanctuary" fight, Abbott cuts off funding to Travis County

In "sanctuary" fight, Abbott cuts off funding to Travis County

Gov. Greg Abbott has followed through on his threat to cut off state funding for Travis County over its new "sanctuary" policy.

The old saying "On every life a little rain must fall" seems appropriate. However, Travis County is facing a full blown Texas downpour.

When they can't hire officers/deputies, service their cruisers, or buy new equipment they will change their tune.

Of the Texans I know, which are many, most of them won't put up with this shit. They also have a VERY strong dislike of Austin because it is sickeningly liberal. I had a friend tell me he wished aliens would dig Austin up and transport "the whole damned mess" to California.

Next to DC, Austin is the most inhospitable cities I've ever been in.

Try Santa Barbara. Most pretentious place I've ever been.
So where's Jake these days?
You are distorting a point Comey was making about a flaw in the vetting process. He was reiterating that the system in place was actually much better than it had been in years past. Comey said he could not guarantee that there would never be a problem and no terrorist could ever slip through the cracks. The only way that can be achieved is to seal the boarders and let no one in.

What you ignore is terrorism is not a significant risk to Americans in the US. Before we destroy the foundation this country is built on, we might want to wait till the threat is at least as great as dying from lighting bolts.

The vetting process certainly does not depend on biometric databases. In fact the 18 to 24 month period is primarily interviews with the applicant, family, employers, and neighbors checking and cross checking the accuracy of statements and documents. The existence of databases to check identity and background is rarely complete information for refugees. When we brought in Cuban Refugees there was little available from Cuba. We depended on interviews. The same has been true for refugees from all over the world for over 35 years.
There IS NO vetting process for people (Syrian refugees) who cannot be vetted, simply because they have nothing to vet. No records. nothing. Worse yet, FALSE records are easily obtainable for ISIS trojan horse killers.

What is not now "the same" is the danger posed by allowing refugees from Muslim countries (especially Syria). America faces the worst danger in American history. The danger of ISIS infiltration (the ISIS trojan horse), and the possibilities of more mass shootings, contagious biological attacks which can spread themselves, and NUCLEAR bomb detonation in multiple US cities (the long-standing al Qaeda goal)

In addition to all these threats, making it all worse is numbskull liberals like you who, for whatever reason, downplay this danger, tending to leave us vulnerable (Example the fool Judge Robart in Seattle who ruled against the Trump 7 countries ban, and stated MISinformation in the courtroom.

Fact check: No arrests from 7 nations in travel ban? Judge in Seattle was wrong

As for sealing the borders, that is exactly what Trump has been doing (before the numbskull Seattle judge blocked him, temporarily), and that is exactly what needs to be done. No Muslim (from anywhere) should ever be allowed to immigrate into the US. It is suicide to allow this lunacy.
Just last October, an Iraqi refugee living in Texas pleaded guilty to attempting to provide support to the Islamic State group, accused of taking tactical training and wanting to blow himself up in an act of martyrdom.

Why did we waste the Peoples' tax monies actually Invading that nation-State?

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