San Francisco business owner arrested for doing the government’s job

A slippery slope. The people who small shops in Frisco are the ones trying to survive in the purposely created environment there. Most working long hours to achieve the American dream. The Progs do what they do and turned the outside into a third world village. So, what do we do? Homeless people have been around a long time. Many reasons. No real dialogue except to spend massive amounts of resources with many middlemen getting their cut. It's the purposeful relenting of rules as to destroy areas that this is being done. It is not for concern of those not so fortunate. America must go down. And go down hard.

The problem is that nobody has a solution. Just move them on somewhere else. Make them leave this area. Well where should they go?

Perhaps California should take a page from Texas or Kentucky. Simply put the mental patients on a bus and ship them to Florida or Texas.

Just think. A bus load of mentally disturbed people dropped off in front of the Governors mansion in Florida.

Perhaps the Republicans will come up with a plan other than Democrats are awful.
The problem is that nobody has a solution. Just move them on somewhere else. Make them leave this area. Well where should they go?

Perhaps California should take a page from Texas or Kentucky. Simply put the mental patients on a bus and ship them to Florida or Texas.

Just think. A bus load of mentally disturbed people dropped off in front of the Governors mansion in Florida.

Perhaps the Republicans will come up with a plan other than Democrats are awful.
What is the democrat solution? Do nothing?
Notice how the language of the woke is used? ‘Unhoused’ instead of homeless..
Cheap Votes for the Left, Cheap Labor for the Right

They even tried "undocumented citizen" for the immigration criminals. It was one of the few terms invented by the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords that was rejected by their classmates on the Right.
What a guy

Reagan was governor of california 60 years ago and his ghost dominates their politics even today

You are babbling nonsense

Libs do not think, they emote

It was a dumb hollywood film titled “One flew of the cookoo’s nest” that grabbed lib emotions and has guided them ever since

It even controls the dear little snowflakes who are too young to have seen the movie
Newman Was a No-Good Old Boy

Even earlier, Cool Hand Luke glorified a lazy Mama's Boy drifter who never grew up.
The problem is that nobody has a solution. Just move them on somewhere else. Make them leave this area. Well where should they go?

Perhaps California should take a page from Texas or Kentucky. Simply put the mental patients on a bus and ship them to Florida or Texas.

Just think. A bus load of mentally disturbed people dropped off in front of the Governors mansion in Florida.

Perhaps the Republicans will come up with a plan other than Democrats are awful.
How much would it cost to take care of all of the homeless? Many reasons now. Many middlemen getting their cut for any indiscretions. The lawyers. Oh, the lawyers. Who likes to be homeless? Who has psyche issues? Who are down on their luck? Who find it tough to make it due to past issues? A lot of differences. Then the money spent with corrupted contractors. When someone ends up working at 75% of wages taxed the party will be over. China is laughing at us.
I used to go to SF on a regular basis. I haven't been in at least ten year and doubt I'll ever set foot in that shit hole again.

Until we admit to ourselves that homelessness isn't primarily an economic problem, but one of substance addiction and mental health issues, often both.

And, we realize the completely eliminating the concept of involuntary committal for people who are not able to care for themselves,

We will continue to have a homelessness issue and treating it like it's society's fault isn't going to make it any better.
Spare the Rod and the Child Thinks He Is (#StupidSpeak: "They Are") a God
You're picking and choosing the laws you want to support. I linked you to the law and you figure one person should overrule the law and a tax paying citizen's rights.
You linked me the law about laying on the sidewalk. I admitted I was wrong, thanked you and actually said the law seemed reasonable.

What I then went on to say is despite the woman seeming to break the law, it did not entitle the shopkeeper to break a different law and hose her down.
You linked me the law about laying on the sidewalk. I admitted I was wrong, thanked you and actually said the law seemed reasonable.

What I then went on to say is despite the woman seeming to break the law, it did not entitle the shopkeeper to break a different law and hose her down.
In so doing, you are excusing the original law breaker who is responsible for the incident in the first place. Choosing to support the original crime in opposition to the tax paying citizen whose rights were violated.
In so doing, you are excusing the original law breaker who is responsible for the incident in the first place. Choosing to support the original crime in opposition to the tax paying citizen whose rights were violated.
I didn't support the original crime after you clarified that it was indeed a crime.

I also don't support the shopkeeper breaking the law.

It's really not difficult to understand.
I didn't support the original crime after you clarified that it was indeed a crime.

I also don't support the shopkeeper breaking the law.

It's really not difficult to understand.
Then why are you so forgiving of the original law breaker? It would be a non issue if she hadn't broken the law to begin with.
How much would it cost to take care of all of the homeless? Many reasons now. Many middlemen getting their cut for any indiscretions. The lawyers. Oh, the lawyers. Who likes to be homeless? Who has psyche issues? Who are down on their luck? Who find it tough to make it due to past issues? A lot of differences. Then the money spent with corrupted contractors. When someone ends up working at 75% of wages taxed the party will be over. China is laughing at us.

China is laughing at us? China has nearly three million homeless including children. A country with total control doesn’t know what to do either. Their plan, well their plan is to try and reunite the homeless with family, somewhere.

China has thousands of social workers to try and deal with the problem. Social workers in America are derided and denounced by the Conservatives.

That’s my point. It is a problem. And the problem exists everywhere. And the Conservative answer is to denounce the Left as awful. The best solution I can find from the Right would be to load the homeless on Busses and send them to Conservative States. That’s how you deal with problems isn’t it? Dump it on someone else.

I’ve said this many times. Nobody has an answer. Nobody knows what to do. But blaming each other isn’t going to solve anything. Attacking the poor souls with a hose in the middle of Winter isn’t an answer.

I don’t know what to do. But I know what not to do. And acting cruel is not the answer. Cruelty rarely gets you to anything approaching a solution.
China is laughing at us? China has nearly three million homeless including children. A country with total control doesn’t know what to do either. Their plan, well their plan is to try and reunite the homeless with family, somewhere.

China has thousands of social workers to try and deal with the problem. Social workers in America are derided and denounced by the Conservatives.

That’s my point. It is a problem. And the problem exists everywhere. And the Conservative answer is to denounce the Left as awful. The best solution I can find from the Right would be to load the homeless on Busses and send them to Conservative States. That’s how you deal with problems isn’t it? Dump it on someone else.

I’ve said this many times. Nobody has an answer. Nobody knows what to do. But blaming each other isn’t going to solve anything. Attacking the poor souls with a hose in the middle of Winter isn’t an answer.

I don’t know what to do. But I know what not to do. And acting cruel is not the answer. Cruelty rarely gets you to anything approaching a solution.
These are grown adults, not children. Maybe quit mollycoddling them. I don't want the government in my life and many of these people say the same thing. Why are you trying to help someone who has told you they don't want your help?

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